
假如无法同行,那么祝你一马平川。If you can't go with me, I wish you a smooth journey.

真心的喜欢和极度的偏爱都应该被尊重。True love and extreme preference should be respected

夏风吹拂着城市的喧闹。The summer wind blows the noise of the city.

尽力把握现在,直到未来明朗。Try to grasp the present until the future is clear.

别想用冷暴力解决问题。Don't try to solve problems with cold violence.

我在假装没看见你,你在假装欣赏风景。I'm pretending not to see you. You're pretending to enjoy the scenery.

品质好坏全凭心情。Quality depends on mood.

心跳不停,有人和你共鸣。The heart is beating, someone resonates with you.

例如:思想有学问的体形自律多去争取别人抢不到的东西。For example: the body of the learned mind is more self-discipline to strive for things that others can't get.

为你哭泣,为你贫穷的人绝对是虚伪。Crying for you, poor people for you is absolutely hypocritical

爱情是成功的哑剧,说出来就是悲剧。Love is a pantomime of success, and speaking it out is a tragedy.

财务上是平等的,不妨多做点,但不要傻到当别人的提款机。Financial equality, might as well do more, but don't be stupid enough to be someone else's ATM.

不要浪费时间,去苦等一个不属于你的爱情。Don't waste time waiting for a love that doesn't belong to you.

相互包容才是长久之道,双向的交流才是有意义的。Mutual tolerance is the long-term way, and two-way communication is meaningful.

我不是来救你,我是来爱你I'm not here to save you. I'm here to love you

人生再平凡也是对自己的一种限制。No matter how ordinary life is, it is also a kind of restriction to oneself
