[TOEFL] English Writing 托福英语写作

1. General Information 基本信息

The Writing section has two essay questions and takes 50 minutes to complete. 托福写作有两篇作文,50分钟写完。

Question 1 is the Integrated Writing question. For this question, you will read a passage and listen to a short lecture before writing your response. You will have 20 minutes to write your response. 第一题是综合写作题。在写作之前你需要读一段文章,听一段课堂内容。你有20分钟来进行写作。

Question 2 is the Independent Writing question. For this question, you will give your opinion on an issue. You will have 30 minutes to write your response. 第二题是独立写作题,这道题要求你针对一个问题表达自己的想法。有30分钟时间来写作。

The Writing section is scored on a scale from 0-30. 写作打分从0到30分不等。

2. Question Types 题型解析

2.1 Integrated Writing Question 1 第一题 综合写作

[TOEFL] English Writing 托福英语写作_第1张图片
Reading passage tips

You will read a passage about an academic topic for about 3 minutes. Look for the main idea of the passage,and take notes about key points that relate to that main idea. You don't need to memorize the passage because it will reappear on your screen when it is time to write.综合写作中你会有3分钟时间来读课堂上的话题,注意找文章的中心思想,再看文中的重点和中心思想之间的关系。不要背这些内容,等下写作开始的时候会出现在屏幕上的。

Then you will hear a short lecture related to the topic. The speaker will talk about the same topic from a different perspective, for about 2 minutes.You will then be asked to summarize the points in the lecture and explain how they relate to points in the reading passage. As you listen, you can take notes on your scratch paper. You will only hear the listening passage once.之后你会听一段和话题有关的上课内容。说话人会从另外一个角度阐释中心思想,音频大概2分钟。你需要把听到的上课内容总结一下,解释他们和阅读材料里面的内容之间的关系。听的时候可以在草稿纸上做笔记,因为听力内容只放一遍。

20 minutes to type your response at the computer.

typically an effective response has between 150 and 225 words.

[TOEFL] English Writing 托福英语写作_第2张图片

2.2 Independent Writing Question 2 第二题独立写作题

In the Independent Writing task, you are presented with a question that asks you to give your opinion on an issue. 独立写作题一般直接问一个问题让你回答你的想法。常见问题有:

Do you agree or disagree? Which would you prefer? Do you support or oppose this idea?

-30 minutes to type 有30分钟时间输入电脑

-no maximum length but usually at least 300 words 长度但是最好大于300个词

-opinion on an issue 对问题要有具体的想法

Regardless of the question, you will be expected to use specific reasons and examples

to support your answer. 不管什么题型,你都应该给出具体的原因和例子来支持你的观点。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

A teacher's ability to relate well with students is more important than excellent knowledge of the subject being taught.

2. Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone.

Which do you prefer?

3. It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood.

Do you support or oppose this plan?

3. Managing your time 答题时间管理

Q1: For the 20-minute Integrated task, spend most of your time summarizing relevant lecture content—that is, lecture content that addresses points made in the reading. Referencing the reading is important, but the main task is to summarize the lecture in relation to the reading. Save time organizing your response by simply following the order of the lecture’s points. 20分钟的综合写作大部分的时间应该花在总结课堂内容上——总结课堂内容如何体现阅读材料中的点。虽然你会提到阅读材料的内容,但是主要注意力是课堂内容和阅读材料的关系。跟着课堂内容的顺序写来节约时间。

Q2: For the 30-minute Independent task, first think about what you want to say. Decide what major points you will make and jot them down in a logical order. As you write, stay focused on giving appropriate reasons, examples, and details. 30分钟独立写作一定要从打腹稿写提纲开始。写出逻辑提纲,然后写作的时候注重例子和细节是否符合论点。

Try to finish writing your essay by the time the clock has counted down to 4 or 5 minutes. Use the remaining time to check your work and make final changes. 主题写作大概15分钟,写完要剩下4,5分钟来检查文章,修改文章。

4. Scoring criteria 得分标准

[TOEFL] English Writing 托福英语写作_第3张图片

第一题:1.accurate development 表达的准确度

-How well you select important information from the lecture. 是否能从课堂中选取重要信息

-How well you present it in relation to relevant information from the reading. 是否能把课堂信息和阅读材料关联起来

第二题:1. development

-How well you address the topic 是否切题

-How well your details, examples and reasons support your ideas 给的例子和细节是否可以支持观点

2.organization 语言组织能力

This basically means the reader can read your essay from beginning to end without becoming confused. 最基本的就是文章从头读到尾可以通顺连贯不会让人摸不着头脑

-Write in paragraphs 写作要分段

-Use transitions 运用过渡逻辑词

-Avoid redundancy 不要啰嗦(反复用不同的词语表达同一个意思)

-Support the topic(For Q2)对第二题而言还要切题

3.language use 语言使用

-Sentence structure 句子结构

-Word choice 遣词造句

-Vocabulary 词汇丰富度

-Use of grammar 语法

your use of grammar should be strong and consistent, though it doesn't have to be perfect to get a top score. 语法要一致 不用完美但是也不要乱七八糟

Independent WRITING Rubrics 独立写作评分标准

6 Skill-Building Tips

1-4 is for Q1, 5-8 for Q2

1. Practice paraphrasing, which is expressing the same idea in different ways. 

You can practice paraphrasing just about anything — a news article, a television ad, an email from a friend, a poem, basically anything you read or hear.

2. Build your vocabulary

Practice using synonyms when you write.

3. Practice identifying main points

Listen to recorded lectures and write down the main points.

You can practice this by listening to recorded lectures and writing down what the main points are. This is a great activity to do with a study partner because you can compare notes.

4. Read two articles on the same topic and write a summary of each.

Explain ways they are similar and ways they are different.

5. Read opinion essays and write about them

Find essays in news magazines or websites that express opinions.  Read them and write about why you agree or disagree.

Time yourself and plan, write and revise in 30 minutes.

when you practice writing, time yourself so that you could get used to planning and writing and revising your essay in 30 minutes.

7. Learn how to find and correct grammar mistakes.

when you practice, you may find that you're making the same kinds of grammar mistakes over and over. So, learn how to correct them. Then, when you write your essay, leave a few minutes to go back and make those corrections.

8. Make an outline, then list specific examples for each outline 打提纲,然后针对每个点写下例子 and Don't memorize 不要死记硬背

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