TGG-Chapter 27 海南流放


1.Precede[V-T If one event or period of time precedes another, it happens before it. ]

原文:The order for the banishment of Su Tungpo shortly preceded the depriving of all offices and ranks of the children of SK and the transfer of a large number of the highest officials to other places in southern China.

Eg: in our annual meeting, the program of executives precedes the other programs from branch office.

2.incense[N-UNCOUNT Incense is a substance that is burned for its sweet smell, often as part of a religious ceremony. (常指祭祀时用的) 香]


[ADJ Intense is used to describe something that is very great or extreme in strength or degree. 剧烈的; 极度的]


Eg:This proposal will incense conservation campaigners.


3.consolation 安慰

Eg:After losing her husband, Jiang Ge was the only consolation to her.


这一章不难。但是林语堂写的太散了…就是讲海南生活的方方面面吧!不想总结central question了。挑三个我觉得写的不错的句子总结下~

1. There was no telling how long his exile was going to be, and the chances were against him returning to China alive.

The chances are 高中学过,意思是“有…可能”,用在这里很简练,巧妙。说苏东坡活着回大陆基本无望

Eg:though we practiced our dance industriously every week, the chances were against us getting the first grade.

2. ST was either stubborn, or else he was truly in possession of himself.

Either…or 要么…要么

Eg:Having controlled my diet for almost one month, the willing of eating is ailing me now. I either eat much, or else go to bed as fast as I can.

3. ST was really stranded.

[V-T If you are stranded, you are prevented from leaving a place or a situation]

Eg: I am stranded in heavy work that can’t even take a breath in the interval of two missions.

你可能感兴趣的:(TGG-Chapter 27 海南流放)