Part 4: 运用Jest测试Vue组件中的继承属性和自定义事件

Test Properties and Custom Events in Vue.js Components with Jest


There are different ways to test properties, events and custom events.

Properties are custom attributes passed from parent to child components. Custom events solve just the opposite, they send data out to the direct parent via an event. They both combined are the wires of interaction and communication in Vue.js components.

In Unit Testing, testing the in and outs (properties and custom events) means to test how a component behaves when it receives and sends out data in isolation. Let’s get our hands dirty!



When we are testing component properties, we can test how the component behave when we pass them certain properties. But before going on, an important note:

To pass properties to components, use propsData, and not props. The last one is to define properties, not to pass them data.

First create a Message.test.js file and add the following code:

describe('Message.test.js', () => {
  let cmp

  describe('Properties', () => {
    // @TODO

We group test cases within a describe expression, and they can be nested. So we can use this strategy to group the tests for properties and events separately.

Then we’ll create a helper factory function to create a message component, give some properties

const createCmp = propsData => mount(Message, { propsData })

Testing property existence


Two obvious things we can test is that a property exists, or it doesn’t. Remember that the Message.vue component has a message property, so let’s assert that it receives correctly that property. vue-test-utils comes with a hasProp(prop, value) function, which is very handy for this case:
很明显,我们是可以测试一个数据属性存在与否。Message.vue中有一个message属性,现在我们就可以断言以下是否直接收到了传递进来的属性值。vue-test-utils有一个api是hasProp(prop, value)函数,可以帮助我们方便进行检测并断言。

it('has a message property', () => {
  cmp = createCmp({ message: 'hey' })
  expect(cmp.hasProp('message', 'hey')).toBeTruthy()

The properties behave in a way that they will be received only if they’re declared in the component. Meaning that if we pass a property that is not defined, it won’t be received. So to check for the no existence of a property, use a non-existing property:

it('has no cat property', () => {
  cmp = createCmp({ cat: 'hey' })
  expect(cmp.hasProp('cat', 'hey')).toBeFalsy()

However, in this case that test will fail because Vue has non-props attributes which sets it to the root of the Message component, thus being recognized as a prop and then the test will return true. Changing it to toBeTruty will make it pass for this example:
然而,在这个用例中测试会失败,因为Vue有non-props attributes特性,这个特性会将props中没声明的属性设置在根组件中,所以检测如果将message断言为props并检测其值,那么案例就会被通过。所以这个用例中可以修改如下,将成功通过测试。

it('has no cat property', () => {
  cmp = createCmp({ cat: 'hey' });
  expect(cmp.hasProp('cat', 'hey')).toBeTruthy()

We can test the default value as well. Go to Message.vue and change the props as follows:

props: {
  message: String,
  author: {
    type: String,
    default: 'Paco'

Then the test could be:

it('Paco is the default author', () => {
  cmp = createCmp({ message: 'hey' })
  expect(cmp.hasProp('author', 'Paco')).toBeTruthy()

Asserting properties validation


Properties can have validation rules, ensuring that a property is required or it is of a determined type. Let’s write the message property as follows:

props: {
  message: {
    type: String,
    required: true,
    validator: message => message.length > 1

Going further, you could use custom constructors types or custom validation rules, as you can see in the docs. Don’t do this right now, I’m just showing it as an example:

class Message {}
props: {
  message: {
    type: Message, // It's compared using instance of

Whenever a validation rule is not fulfilled, Vue shows a console.error. For example, for createCmp({ message: 1 }), the next error will be shown:

[Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "message". Expected String, got Number.
(found in )

By the date of writing, vue-test-utils doesn’t have any utility to test this. We could use jest.spyOn to test it:

it('message is of type string', () => {
  let spy = jest.spyOn(console, 'error')

  cmp = createCmp({ message: 1 })

  expect(spy).toBeCalledWith(expect.stringContaining('[Vue warn]: Invalid prop'))

  spy.mockReset() // or mockRestore() to completely remove the mock
  // 或者用 mockRestore() 来完全移除mock数据

Here we’re spying on the console.error function, and checking that it shows a message containing a specific string. This is not an ideal way to check it, since we’re spying on global objects and relying on side effects.

Fortunately, there is an easier way to do it, which is by checking vm.options. Here’s where Vue stores the component options “expanded”. With expanded I mean: you can define your properties in a different ways: 幸运的是,我们还有一个更简单的方法 ——检测`vm.options对象实现测试目的。vm.$options`对象存储着组件的扩展选项。扩展选项的意思是你可以用一种另类的方式定义你的继承属性。

props: ['message']

// or

props: {
  message: String

// or

props: {
  message: {
    type: String

But they all will end up in the most expanded object form (like the last one). So if we check the cmp.vm.option.props.message, for the first case, they all will be in the { type: X } format (although for the first example it will be { type: null}) 以上是三种定义类型的表达方式,但是他们在大部分扩展对象中都会已最后一种格式表示。我们索引到`cmp.vm.option.props.message时,会发现他们都会被格式化为{ type: X }的形式,不过第一种的结果是{ type: null}`。

With this in mind, we could write a test suite to test that asserts that the message property has the expected validation rules:

describe('Message.test.js', () => {
//   ...
  describe('Properties', () => {
    // ...
    describe('Validation', () => {
      const message = createCmp().vm.$options.props.message

      it('message is of type string', () => {

      it('message is required', () => {

      it('message has at least length 2', () => {
        expect(message.validator && message.validator('a')).toBeFalsy()
        expect(message.validator && message.validator('aa')).toBeTruthy()

Custom Events


We can test at least two things in Custom Events:

  • Asserting that after an action an event gets triggered
    • 在一个action后断言事件被触发
  • Checking what an event listener calls when it gets triggered
    • 检测事件被触发时调用了什么方法

Which in the case of the MessageList.vue and Message.vue components example, that gets translated to:

  • Assert that Message components triggers a message-clicked when a message gets clicked

    • 对Message组件断言:如果一项message被点击,会触发message-clicked事件
  • Check in MessageList that when a message-clicked happens, a handleMessageClick function is called

    • 检测MessageList组件中,当一项message被点击,handleMessageClick方法会被调用

First, go to Message.vue and use emit to trigger that custom event: 首先我们在Message组件中用emit来触发一个自定义事件

And in MessageList.vue, handle the event using @message-clicked:

Now it’s time to write a unit test. Create a nested describe within the test/Message.spec.js file and prepare the barebones of the test case “Assert that Message components triggers a message-clicked when a message gets clicked” that we mentioned before:
现在已经万事俱备,可以写单元测试了。在test/Message.spec.js文件中创建一个嵌套describe语句,并为之前提到的Assert that Message components triggers a message-clicked when a message gets clicked这个测试用例准备准系统:

// ...
describe('Message.test.js', () => {
  // ...
  describe('Events', () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
      cmp = createCmp({ message: 'Cat' })

    it('calls handleClick when click on message', () => {
      // @TODO

Testing the Event Click calls a method handler


The first thing we can test is that when clicking a message, the handleClick function gets called. For that we can use a trigger of the wrapper component, and a jest spy using spyOn function:

it('calls handleClick when click on message', () => {
  const spy = spyOn(cmp.vm, 'handleClick')
  cmp.update() // Forces to re-render, applying changes on template

  const el = cmp.find('.message').trigger('click')

See the cmp.update()? When we change things that are used in the template, handleClick in this case, and we want the template to apply the changes, we need to use the update function.

Keep in mind that by using a spy the original method handleClick will be called. Probably you intentionally want that, but normally we want to avoid it and just check that on click the methods is indeed called. For that we can use a Jest Mock function:

it('calls handleClick when click on message', () => {
  cmp.vm.handleClick = jest.fn()

  const el = cmp.find('.message').trigger('click')

Here we’re totally replacing the handleClick method, accessible on the vm of the wrapper component returned by the mount function.

We can make it even easier by using setMethods helper that the official tools provide us:

it('calls handleClick when click on message', () => {
  const stub = jest.fn()
  cmp.setMethods({ handleClick: stub })

  const el = cmp.find('.message').trigger('click')

Using setMethods is the suggested way to do it, since is an abstraction that official tools give us in case the Vue internals change.

Testing the Custom Event message-clicked is emitted


We’ve tested that the click method calls it’s handler, but we haven’t tested that the handler emits the message-clicked event itself. We can call directly the handleClick method, and use a Jest Mock function in combination with the Vue vm on method: 我们已经测试了点击事件后处理方法被调用,但仍然没有测到`message-clicked`被处理方法分发后的状况。我们可以直接调用处理方法,然后用jest的Mock方法结合Vue中vm的on方法来测试。

it('triggers a message-clicked event when a handleClick method is called', () => {
  const stub = jest.fn()
  cmp.vm.$on('message-clicked', stub)


See that here we’re using toBeCalledWith so we can assert exactly which parameters we expect, making the test even more robust. Not that we’re not using cmp.update() here, since we’re making no changes that need to propagate to the template.

Testing the @message-clicked triggers an event


For custom events, we cannot use the trigger method, since it’s just for DOM events. But, we can emit the event ourselves, by getting the Message component and using its vm.emit method. So add the following test to MessageList.test.js: 对于自定义事件,我们不能用触发事件的方法进行测试,因为那是基于DOM的测试方法。但是,我们可以通过Message组件的`vm.emit`方法分发事件。代码更改如下:

it('Calls handleMessageClick when @message-click happens', () => {
  const stub = jest.fn()
  cmp.setMethods({ handleMessageClick: stub })

  const el = cmp.find(Message).vm.$emit('message-clicked', 'cat')

I’ll leave up to you to test what handleMessageClicked does.

你可能感兴趣的:(Part 4: 运用Jest测试Vue组件中的继承属性和自定义事件)