论文修改建议 (LiY 20211108 细节问题)

  1. Therefore, the added unlabeled data and pseudo-label both are key issues to improve the learning performance.
    → \to data 怎么是 key issue 呢?key issue 通常是一个任务、技术,而不是数据、标签。
    Therefore, the quality of both added unlabeled data and assigned pseudo-labels is critical to the learning performance.

  2. In the regression domain, the co-training approach can still be effective in mining unlabeled data.
    → \to 我完全不懂你这里说的 still 是什么意思。是与 classification 相比?
    → \to 不是 domain, 是 task
    → \to 从这一句到本段末尾,有些啰里啰嗦的感觉,我也懒得去计较了
    Co-training is especially effective in dealing with the regression task.

  3. Despite the advantages of co-training in SSR, there are still some limitations in the current methods.
    For co-training, most methods assume that unlabeled instances with high-confidence are credible for the model.
    → \to in 有点奇怪
    → \to 下文中你只指出了一个缺点, 这里不如直接说出来
    Despite the advantages of co-training in SSR, popular methods still have a major drawback.
    That is, they assume that unlabeled instances with high-confidence are credible for the model.

  4. It is highly desirable to find a co-training algorithm that can reduce the impact of weak instances and labels.
    → \to 这是一个重要的结论,要把味道写出来
    → \to 下面的句子三选一
    Consequently, it is highly desirable to reduce the impact of weak instances and labels in the co-training process.
    Consequently, we need to reduce the impact of weak instances and labels in the co-training process.
    Consequently, it is highly desirable to reduce weak instances in the co-training process.

  5. 你确定 F1 score 的 1 用下标?我看到的好像都没这样弄。还有 Top-k

  6. in 3.1 这种没必要,在另外的小节才写成 in Section 3.1.

  7. g j g_j gj 可不可以换成 g ( j ) g^{(j)} g(j)? 这样和 v ( j ) v^{(j)} v(j) 比较匹配的感觉。同时, g j ( x i ) g_j(x_i) gj(xi) 就可以换成 g i ( j ) g^{(j)}_i gi(j) 了。你自己考虑。

  8. Eq. (5) can be regarded as a geometric projection problem as Figure 2 illustrates.
    → \to 前后相连,要写紧密些
    → \to 把式子里的句点改成逗号
    → \to 倒装一下
    which can be viewed as a geometric projection problem as illustrated in Figure 2.

  9. We now present the practical details of SPOR through Algorithm 1.
    → \to 按照我的死规定,Figure, Algorithm, Table 必须是主语。由于下一段已经这样写了,这一句要直接删除。

  10. Lines 5-6
    → \to 用两个横线,它会变成一个长的横线
    Lines 5–6
