
来源The Evolution of Steven Jobs\' Clothing

This is Steve Jobs' wardrobe evolution since 1998, the year he returned to command Apple as interim CEO. You gotta admire a man who is loyal to his style no matter what. But my favorite Jobs is the old school Jobs.

上图是斯蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)自1998以来的衣着演变史。那年,他作为一名临时的CEO,回到了苹果公司,并开始领导该公司。对这样一位一贯坚守自己衣着风格的人,你会心生敬意,然而,我欣赏的还是过去的乔布斯。

After he returned to Apple, it was all Levi's, New Balances and black sweaters. One day I saw him wearing a suit—kind of—in a MacWorld Japan keynote, but that was it.

自从回到苹果公司后,他总是以李维斯牛仔裤(Levi's),纽巴伦跑鞋(New Balance)和黑色毛衣的形象示人。只有一次,他穿了西服。那是为在日本的苹果产品杂志"MacWorld"做主题演讲时,但他依然形象出众。

Back in the 70s and 80s his wardrobe used to be a mix of everything, from walking around the Apple campus barefoot in a t-shirt and shorts to old school three-piece suits to show his computers in fairs and keynotes. Check out the gallery for some of his favorite looks through those years.


Turtleneck with a hole, dreamy look, emo hipster. I love Woz's Jesuschrist hair. These was the very beginning.


Another photo of his very early years. You could see the black and jeans combo appearing there


Classic TV appearance. I don't know what's better, the corduroy jacket or that awesome hair and beard.


Presenting his newborn babies in his best pinstripe suit.


Young steve also wore three-piece suits, like IBM executives. And Diana Keaton (with whom he had a relation).


If they told me Steve Jobs was Spanish when looking at this photo, I would totally believe it. He looks exactly like one of my uncles back in the 70s.


A total classic. The brown lumberjack shirt. The mustache. Everything.


During his exile at Next, after being ousted by some sugar water salesman named John Sculley, he didn't change his style much.






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