俱乐部官员-你不知道的club central之DCP ?!!

Dear Toastmasters officers, do you know there are many useful things can be found in Club Central?

亲爱的各位头马官员小伙伴, 你们知道吗?Club Central 可以挖掘很多有用的东东呢~~

First of all, I just make a simple self-introduction. My name is Cleo. I am GEM Toastmasters Club’s President now.

首先,我先做个简单的自我介绍。我叫Cleo。我现在是GEM 头马俱乐部的主席。

I have been Sergeant at Arms(SAA), Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President of Education(VPE) & President of GEM Toastmasters Club.

我曾经担任GEM 头马俱乐部的事务官,财务官,秘书,教育副主席&主席。

Kindly see my club officers’ terms below. Thanks to this experience, I get familiar with club central.

可以查看下面我的官员任期记录。由于我的这些经历,我对club central 熟悉起来。

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Firstly, let’s get to know how to access to the Club Central.

第一步,让我们先了解怎样去到Club Central.

Log in our Toastmasters Accounts and when seeing the below page,  first click “Leadership Central”. Second,click “Club Central”.

登陆我们的头马账号,当看到下面这个页面时,先点击“ Leadership Central”, 再点击“Club Central”。

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Congratulations!You have successfully access to the “Club Central”. Just see the below photo for your reference.

恭喜恭喜!您已经成功进入了Club Central。下图给你参考一下^_^

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Today I will share with you what information I always check —“Distinguished Performance Report”

今天我先和大家分享一下我经常查询的信息- “Distinguished Performance Report”(杰出绩效报告,就这么翻吧)。

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This report could help to evaluate whether a Toastmasters Club is running smoothly/effectively/outstandingly?


Actually President and VPE will always keep an eye on this  report.


Do you wonder how the report consists of?


Let's start this exploration trip now!


We usually called this report(below picture)as “DCP”(Distinguished Club Performance).


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Do you feel confused? It does not matter. Let's make it pieces to explain.


I will explain from top to the bottom & from left to right.


Q1:Which date is this report counting to?


A1:The answer is 24 Mar 2020.


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Q2: Which district/division/region does GEM belong to? 

      GEM 属于哪个小区/中区/大区/区域呢?

A2:GEM belongs to Area N2,Division N, District 118,Region 14.

    GEM属于N2 小区,N中区,118大区,14区。

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Q3: How many members in the club when the last DCP report(1 Jul 2018- 30 Jun 2019)?

  上次的DCP报告结束(2018年7月1日-2019年6月30日)的时候,GEM 有多少个会员?

A3: The answer is 37. We can look at the figure at “Base”.


PS: DCP report is annual. And the DCP report this year is counted from 1 Jul 2019 to 30 Jun 2020.

      DCP 报告是年度的。今年的DCP报告计算的是2019年7月1日到2020年6月30日。

Q4: How many members are in the club till today(25 Mar 2020)?


A4: 35. Just look at the number at “To Date”.

    35个。直接看“To Date”的数字。

Q5:How to keep the club alive, not disappear?


A5: The basic requirement is 20 members in the club or the club has a net growth of new members.


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Q6: How many goals has GEM met till today?


A6: The answer is 8. Just see the figure at “ Goals Met”.

    8个。看“Goals Met” 那里的数字。

Q7: How many levels can different clubs achieve with this DCP report?

    这份DCP 报告可以让俱乐部达到的等级有多少个呢?

A7: 3 levels: Distinguished Club, Select Distinguished Club &  President’s Distinguished Club.

    3个等级,分别是优秀俱乐部,杰出俱乐部& 卓越俱乐部。

PS: Distinguished Club: met 5-6 goals;优秀俱乐部:达到5-6个目标;

      Select Distinguished Club: met 7-8 goals; 杰出俱乐部:达到7-8个目标;

      President’s Distinguished Club:met 9-10 goals; 卓越俱乐部:达到9-10个目标。 

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Q8: When did GEM Toastmasters Club establish?

    GEM 是什么时候创立的呢?

A8: 24 Sep 2009.


Q9: How many sections is in this report? What are they?

    这份报告有几个部分吗? 它们是什么呢?

A9:4 sections, they are Education, Membership, Training and Administration.


Q10: For education part, what goals are inside? What’s the maximum goal can education part achieve?

      对于教育这部分,有哪些目标在里面呢? 教育这部分最高可以达成几个目标呢?

A10: For old education system, 6 goals are inside(1 to 6) while for new education system(pathways), the same, 6 goals are inside. Education part can achieve maximum 6 goals.



Q11: Could you explain these goals in details?


A11:Absolutely. Like 1: CC, Goal: 2, means 2 members get CC award can help achieve goal 1.GEM still needs 2 CC to help achieve goal 1( Status: 2 CCs needed)

        当然可以。像1: CC,目标:2,就是说两个会员拿到CC 荣誉可以达到目标1。

        GEM 还需要2个CC 帮助达成目标1( 状态:需要2个CC)。

      P1: Level 1, Goal: 4, means 4 members get pathways level 1 award can help achieve goal P1.GEM still needs 3 level 1 to help achieve goal P1(status:3 Level 1s needed).

    P1: 1等级,目标:4,就是说4个会员拿到pathways的1等级可以帮助达成目标P1.

      GEM 还需要3个等级1帮助达到目标P1(状态:需要3个等级1)。

    Other goals are the same way to explain.


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Q12: For membership part, what goals are inside?


A12: All about recruiting new members. We can see 7: New members: 4, Status: 2 New Members needed.

      It means recruiting 4 new members could help achieve goal 7.

      GEM needs to recruit 2 more new members to achieve goal 7.




Q13: What's the maximum goal can membership part achieve?


A13: 2 goals: Goal 7 and 8.

      SInce DCP is annual report, we could set goal 7 as the first half year’s goal and goal 8 for the last half year.

      2个目标: 目标7和目标8。

      因为DCP 是年度的报告,我们可以把目标7作为前半年的会员招募的目标,目标8作为后半年的目标。     

Q14: For 3rd section- training part, what’s the goal inside?


A14:It's 2 club officers’ trainings. Officer team will renew half a year, at least 4 officers join the COT(Club Officer Training) each time will help achieve 1 goal, the only 1.


    Please pay attention: each time at least 4 officers join COT, total 2 times in a year will help score 1 goal.


Q15: For 4th part-administration, what goals are inside?


A15: 2 modules help achieve one goal.


1st is renew membership fee on time, which means before the end of Mar / Sep ( 2 vital renewal months), treasurer log in TI(Toastmasters International) to help members renew membership on time.


    Small tips: It will be recommended that treasurer has received all the members’ payment and log in TI to renew before 20th of Mar/ Sep to avoid big network    stuck due to worldwide clubs’ renewal at the same time


    2nd module is to update club officer list at “ Club Officer Assignment” in June & December after the club officer election is finished.

    第2个模块是在官员选举完成后,6月/12月,在Club Officer Assignment(俱乐部官员分配)” 更新新一任官员的信息。

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Q15:It's said that we can use this tool to make a strategy to win in area or division contest, it it true?


A15: Personally speaking, yes. We can use “ Division and Area Performance” function to help us(kindly see the below picture).


    We could join another club in another area/division, become a dual member and represent both of them to compete.


  If you join International Speech Contest & Table Topic Speech Contest (both of them are English contest) in a area which includes 3 Chinese Toastmaster Club, you will have high percentage to win.


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First we could use collapse icon (circle below)to just show the 11 divisions in district 118.


We can see this picture below.


There are 3 divisions in Guangzhou, they are Division E/G/N.

广州有3个中区,它们是E/G/N 中区。

GEM is in Division N, Let’s see the club situation in division N first.

GEM 在N中区,让我们先来看看N 中区的俱乐部情况。

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So we could see there are 3 areas in division N, GEM is in N2 area, and the other 4 clubs are Guangzhou Toastmaster Club, AACTP GZ Toastmasters Club, Huadu Expression and Talkshow Toastmasters Club.


These clubs are mainly Chinese clubs, so GEM members may have advantage in International Speech Contest and Table Topic Contest.


As a matter of fact, GEM contestants have won 1st Place in International Speech Contest, Table Topic Speech Contest and 2nd place in Chinese Speech Contest in N2 area speech contest. All the GEM contestants has qualifications to enter th contest of Division N.

实际上,GEM的参赛选手在N2小区演讲比赛,在国际演讲比赛和即兴演讲比赛拿了第一名,中文演讲比赛拿了第二名。GEM 所有的参赛选手都有资格参加N中区的演讲比赛了。

The method may apply to other areas and divisions.


Last but not least, Let's see the situation of Division E and Division G.


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The data show above can help to verify if a club is healthy, outstanding, do you know?


I believe you will find out the secret!


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