1、我们很高兴地宣布首届IPFS露营将在6月20日至27日举行,为分布式网络的创建者和建设者提供为期三天的活动与交流。 6月27日至20日,我们将在巴塞罗那令人惊叹的La Mola校园参加一个充满活力的项目,包括研讨会,讲座和深度潜水的IPFS。更多信息,包括注册,将很快在IPFS博客上提供!
2、IPFS Cluster版本0.9.0附带一个重要的新功能,支持OpenCensus!
IPFS Cluster版本0.9.0附带一个重要的新功能,支持OpenCensus!
4、介绍IPFS存储 - 为#ETHDenver2019期间创建的每个人提供本地IPFS。
5、使用dnslink-cloudflare更新Cloudflare中的dnslink TXT记录。
认识Kevin Wong
认识一下Kevin Wong!Kevin Wong在香港最大的区块链社区Bitwork工作,担任社区经理,为个人/公司提供各种潜在的区块链项目,教育,推广和解决方案。作为香港IPFS社区的组织者,他定期举办聚会/活动,向社区宣传IPFS和Filecoin,教育和激励会员帮助建立生态系统。此外,Kevin还参加了主办香港Proto.school和中国深圳分会的活动。 一定要在下周的IPFS每周电话会议上见到Kevin,周一,UTC时间下午5点。
Marvin Ammori的下一步法案:关于区块链的网络中立性审判 - 以及为什么互联网仍然很好,财富,2019年2月23日
深入了解IPFS(2/6):什么是行星际关联数据(IPLD)? Hackernoon,2019年2月23日
#BUIDLweek上的分布式Web + IPFS #ETHDenver,2019年2月21日
Ethereum Foundation Grants Program Wave 5,Ethereum Blog,2019年2月21日
使用IPFS制定项目,The Block Crypto,2019年2月19日
2019年2月19日,由Kyle Samani撰写的一篇关于Eth Denver提交的最酷提案的帖子
WHITEPAPER:IPLD作为DID文件和可验证索赔的一般模式,jonnycrunch,Anthony Ronning,Kim Duffy,Christian Lundkvist,2019年2月19日
什么是分散存储? Blockchain WTF,2019年2月19日
go-ipfs 0.4.19-rc1已发布,请阅读更多关于更改日志中功能的详细信息。
AirSecure - 基于Textile&IPFS构建的分散式双因素身份验证应用程序。
HyperSpace - HyperSpace,以前的Synereo,通过支持Blockchain的解决方案重新定义了内容发布和分发,这些解决方案有效地支持和分散的经济。
Anonymize.com - 宣布IPFS的DNS。
2019年3月14日:Data Jam!主题:由Qri主办的纽约交通数据。我们将破解(构建,存档,同步,播放,分析)有趣的开放数据集。
2019年3月27日至28日:C3加密会议不仅关注区块链公司和项目,还扩展到新技术的主题。 C3 Crypto Conference 2019也是柏林首个大型加密会议。
2019年5月17日至18日:Data Terra Nemo是一个关于分散协议和基于它们构建的软件的技术会议。
Welcome to the IPFS Weekly.

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identity. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Since that’s a pretty large scope, we track development across the ecosystem in this weekly dispatch.
Looking to get involved? Click on some of the links below, see what we’re up to on GitHub, or join us on IRC.
Want this update in your inbox? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter!
Here are some of the highlights since the last IPFS Weekly.
The latest
We’re excited to announce the inaugural IPFS Camp, a three-day hacker retreat for the creators and builders of the distributed web. Join us on June 27-20th at the amazing Campus La Mola in Barcelona for an action-packed program of workshops, talks and deep dives on everything IPFS. More information, including registration, will be available on the IPFS blog soon!
IPFS Cluster version 0.9.0 comes with one big new feature, OpenCensus support! Happy Measured Pinning!
Last week, the IPFS research team released a paper on Merkle-CRDTs, that is, CRDTs backed by Merkle-DAGs. The paper formalizes what the team calls a Merkle-Clock (a logical clock) and goes on to describe Merkle-CRDTs as CRDTs on Merkle-Clocks.
Introducing IPFS Stash — Local IPFS for everyone created during #ETHDenver2019.
Update dnslink TXT records in Cloudflare with dnslink-cloudflare.
Meet Kevin Wong
Kevin Wong works for Bitwork, the largest Blockchain Community in Hong Kong, as a Community Manager, helping out with all kinds of potential blockchain projects, education, promotion and solution to both individuals/ corporations. As the organizer of Hong Kong IPFS Community, he regularly hosts meetups/events to promote IPFS & Filecoin to our community, educate and motivate members to help with the ecosystem. In addition, Kevin also participated in hosting Proto.school Hong Kong and the Shenzhen, China Chapters. Be sure to meet Kevin at next week’s IPFS Weekly Call, Monday, 5pm UTC.
IPFS in the wild
Do you follow IPFS on Twitter? For the latest mentions of IPFS in the news, check our Twitter feed or see the latest articles on Awesome IPFS.
Marvin Ammori’s Next Act: A Net Neutrality Vet on Blockchain—and Why the Internet Is Still Great, Fortune, 23 Feb 2019
Understanding IPFS in Depth(2/6): What is InterPlanetary Linked Data(IPLD)? Hackernoon, 23 Feb 2019
VIDEO: The Distributed Web + IPFS at #BUIDLweek #ETHDenver, 21 Feb 2019
Ethereum Foundation Grants Program Wave 5, Ethereum Blog, 21 Feb 2019
Mapping out projects using IPFS, The Block Crypto, 19 Feb 2019
A thread covering some of the coolest submissions from Eth Denver by Kyle Samani, 19 Feb 2019
WHITEPAPER: IPLD as a general pattern for DID documents and Verifiable Claims, jonnycrunch, Anthony Ronning, Kim Duffy, Christian Lundkvist, 19 Feb 2019
VIDEO: What is Decentralized Storage? Blockchain WTF, 19 Feb 2019
Well-Known URI vs DNS-SD for routing distributed web service discovery around internet censorship, Ctrl blog, 13 Feb 2019
Updates and new releases
See the latest releases of IPFS tools and projects across the ecosystem.
go-ipfs 0.4.19-rc1 has been released, read more about the details on features in the changelog.
Questions from the community
Here are some questions folks are discussing in the IPFS ecosystem.
Is the concept of anonymous editing of text files, HTML, or markdown possible with IPFS?
I was trying out IPFS the other day and the file retrieval is very slow...
I don’t even know what this error means, my / directory is definitely not a file, /ipfs and /ipns are both certainly directories and not files, I have no idea what this is even in reference to. Any guesses?
Tools and projects we <3
Awesome IPFS is a community maintained and updated list of projects, tools, or pretty much any things related to IPFS that are totally awesome. To see more, or add yours to the list, visit Awesome IPFS on GitHub.
AirSecure – Decentralized two factor authentication app built on Textile & IPFS.
HyperSpace – HyperSpace, previously Synereo, redefines content publishing and distribution with Blockchain-enabled solutions that efficiently underlie and support a decentralized attention economy.
Anonymize.com – Announcing DNS for IPFS.
Coming up in the Community
Did you know IPFS has a community forum at discuss.ipfs.io? Sign up to participate in discussions about coding, tutorials, see announcements and learn about upcoming community events.
2 Mar 2019: On Global Diversity CFP Day 2019 there will be numerous workshops hosted around the globe encouraging and advising newbie speakers to put together your very first talk proposal and share your own individual perspective on any subject of interest to people in tech.
2 Mar 2019: NYC School of Data is a community driven conference with a focus on open data, civic technology and design conference.
5-7 Mar 2019: Ethereum Community Conference, or EthCC, is the second edition of a series of conferences and workshops that bring together and strengthen the international Ethereum community. EthCC 2019 will take place in Paris
14 Mar 2019: Data Jam! Topic: NYC Transportation Data hosted by Qri. We’ll hack on (build, archive, synch, play with, analyze) interesting open datasets.
27-28 Mar 2019: C3 Crypto Conference is not only focused on blockchain companies and projects but also extends to topics on new technology. C3 Crypto Conference 2019 is also Berlin’s first large-scale crypto conference.
17-18 May 2019: Data Terra Nemo is a technical conference about decentralized protocols and the software built on top of them.
Thanks for reading

That’s it for this week’s news on all things IPFS. If we missed something, reply to this email and let us know! That way we can feature you in next week’s edition.