MFS02 S22 transl

S02 S22

Oh, good job. 

Oh, yes, such a beautiful day. Let’s have brunch somewhere outside. Where I can wear my new sunglasses, huh? Ew, gross! What happened to you? 真是个好天气,我们去外面吃早午餐吧。在那我可以戴上我的新墨镜。 哎呀, 好恶心! 你怎么啦?

I don’t feel good. I’m hot. Now I’m cold. 我感觉不太好。我很热。现在又很冷

Oh, no.

And we have that concert tonight. 我们今晚还有演唱会呢。

I know, but, honey. That’s the furthest thing from my mind, okay? Why me? We had amazing seats for Lady GAGA, and he gets sick. I’ve been looking forward to that concert for months. It’s the one gay cliche I allow myself. 我知道,但是亲爱的。我现在没工夫想这些好吗?为什么是我?我有Lady GAGA演唱会的好位置而他却生病了。我期待那场演唱会好几个月了,允许我表现的像个基佬。

brunch 早午饭

That’s the furthest thing from my mind我现在没工夫考虑这些事。


No more fighting! No more fighting for the rest of your lives, you are not allowed to yell at each other.别再吵了。 你们余下的人生也别再吵了,你们不许互相嚷嚷。

But you allowed to yell at us? 但你可以冲我们嚷嚷?

Yes, Alex, I am. Because I feed you and I clothe you and I pay the mortgage. 是的,埃里克斯,我可以。因为我给你吃给你穿还付房贷

Pretty sure old dad deserves a shout-out right about  now.  非常确定老爸此刻也有咆哮的权利。


sorry. Should’ve we taken the temperature of the room first. what’s up? 不好意思。应该先搞清状况的。怎么回事?

Luke and Manny barged into our room while we were changing, the little pervs! 卢克和曼尼这两个小色魔在我们换衣服时闯进我们房间

Can I just say, in Europe this would be no big deal. 我能说这在欧洲根本不算什么嘛。

Yeah, you can see my in my underwear whenever you want. 是啊,任何时候只要你想你都能看我的内衣。

Here, I’ll make it even. 来,这样我们就扯平了

Oh, hey, Luke, Luke, Luke! 


Luke, keep your pants on, okay?! And, girls, stop getting so hysterical over everything! Come on! now, grow up a little! I need things to start changing around here, or I will change tings, okay? There will be no more TV and no more internet. And no whatever else I can think of else. May I have a word with you, Phil. 卢克,穿好你的裤子好吗?!还有姑娘们,别每件事都这么歇斯底里!拜托,成熟点。我希望你们有点变化,否则我就采取手段,懂了吗!不许看电视也不许上网,我会禁止你们做任何我可以想到的。我能和你说几句吗,菲尔。

I’d rather not. 我宁可不要

What was that? 那是什么


Phil, you sold me out behind my back. 菲尔,你在我背后出卖我

No! It’s just that sometimes you can get a little intense, and I feel like I need to swoop in to let the kids know they’re still loved. 没有!只是有时候你有点尖锐,我想我需要趁机让孩子们知道他们我们还是爱他们的

I could kick you. 我可以踢飞你

Honey, these are just the parts that we’re playing. Am I wrong, or has it been working? i feel like it’s been working. 亲爱的,这些不过是我们扮演的角色。我错了吗,它难道不起作用吗?我感觉它是有用的。

I’m tired of being the bad cop. You need to discipline them sometime and let me swoop in with all the love. 我受够了当坏人。你有时应该管教下他们,我趁机让他们感受下爱

Shouldn’t we just stick with the stuff we’re good at? 我们难到不该坚持各自的擅长的吗

Oh, my god! This bathroom is disgusting! The girls told me they would clean it days ago. I can’t yell at them about it one more time, Phil. You handle it.天啊,这洗手间真让人作呕!姑娘们几天前就跟我说要清理到。我不能再朝她们吼了。菲尔, 你来处理。

I would, but I promised Luke and Manny I’d take them go-karting for their good report cards. 我会的,但是我答应卢克和曼尼要带他们去开卡丁车作为期末成绩优异的奖励。

What was good about Luke’s report card? He didn’t lose it. 卢克的成绩单哪里好了? 他没有不及格啊。

Let me take them. Yes, let me take them. You stay here. Hound the girls about cleaning up this mess, and I will take luke to do something fun.让我带他们去。是的,让我去。你呆在家,敦促姑娘们清理洗手间,而我将带着卢克去玩。

But, I want to go go-karting. 但是我想去开卡丁车

Yeah, I don’t know what to tell you. This is happening. 是啊,我不知道该对你说什么,但是木已成舟

mortgage 房贷

Shout-right 大喊大叫

take the temperature 感受到温度,量温度-搞清楚状况

Barge into 闯入;撞上;插嘴;打岔


make it even扯平了

hysterical 歇斯底里的;情绪狂暴不可抑止的;极其可笑的

I’d rather not.我宁愿不要

sell me out出卖我

Swipe in 乘虚而入;趁虚而入


Stick with坚持

Report cards 成绩单

Hound逼迫 敦促

Boys. Hey, guys, guess who’s taking you go-karting today. Me. 男孩们。嘿,伙计们,猜猜今天谁会带你们去开卡丁车,我。

Why? Are we in trouble?为什么?我们做错了什么吗?

No! You’re not in trouble. Today’s just all about having fun! And you know what? Go-karting’s just the beginning.没有!你们没惹麻烦。今天就是好好玩。 告诉你们,卡丁车只是个开始。

What else are we doing?我们还要做什么?

What ever you want. 你们想做什么就做的吗。

I want to bring dad. 我想带爸爸去

Well, tough. You can’t. He’s doing something else. 哦,很不幸,你不能带上老爸。他今天还有别的事要做。

Goodbye. We will be back in a few hours.再见。我们几个小时后再回来。

Oh, whoa! Where you guys doing? 哇,你们要去做什么呢?

I am taking Alex to the movies, and then I’m going to the mall. 我要带艾丽克斯看电影,然后我要去逛商场

How fun! That sounds like fun, doesn’t it, Phil? 真好玩,听起来很有趣是不是,菲尔

I’m not much of a shopper, but it would  depend on—  我又不是购物狂,但这取决于

Girls… how about you clean your bathroom before you go, huh? It’d really help your mom out. 姑娘们,你们走之前把你们的洗手间打扫下如何?这会帮你们老妈一个大忙。

Oh, no. it’s not about what mom wants. You mom is cool, very cool with whatever. It’s about what dad wants.哦不,这不是妈妈想要的。你妈不在乎,他什么都不在乎,老爸在乎。

Dad want to go go-karting. I would really like it if you would clean your bathroom. 爸爸想去开卡丁车。

But my movie. 我非常喜望你们能打扫下洗手间。

Why do we have to do it now? 我们为什么现在去打扫

Because Claire says so. 因为克莱尔说的

Because I say so. And because I’m your dad. And I’m older than you, and I call the shots around here. Right? 因为这是我说的。也因为我事你爸爸。还因为我比你大,更因为这是我的命令。

Yes, you do.

This is so unfair. 这太不公平

Come on , guys let’s go have some fun. 行了,小伙子们我们去玩吧

Ow! You’re hurting me. 你弄疼我了

Oh, you’re fine. 你没事的

Have fun. 玩得开心点

Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s go. 走走走

So, how does this usually start?  所以呢,通常先从什么开始?

Help sb out帮助某人解决难题,帮助某人摆脱困境,帮助某人完成工作

Call the shots操纵;发号施令;作决定

Good morning, Mr. Pritchett.  早上好,普利切特先生

How are you doing, Sport? ( I didn’t know who that was. I never do. At least once a month, I found a total stranger sitting in my kitchen. Gloria collects every kind of stray looking for work, money, you named it. She’s got a big heart. It’s the one thing I’d like to change about her.)  hey, a dog. That’s new. 伙计,你好。(我不知道他是谁。我从不知道,大概每月至少一次,我会发现一个陌生的人坐在我的厨房里。他非常有爱心。但这是我唯一想改变她的地方。)嘿, 一只狗。这倒是新鲜。

That was Mr. Pritchett.  那是普利切特先生

Oh, jay, there you are. Come. I want to introduce you to Guillermo. 杰,你在这。过来, 我想介绍你认识吉耶尔莫

Just met him . Rally hit it off. Honey, keep it under a hundred bucks. You don’t even have to tell me. I’m going golfing. 刚见过。一见如故。亲爱的,预算在100元以下尼都不用和我打招呼。我去打高尔夫了。

No. He’s a very nice man that works at the grocery store and needs a little bits of business advice.不。他是个很好的人,在杂货店工作,需要点商业建议。

Oh, why didn’t you say so?  i thought he was just some out who lived behind the dry cleaner’s. Oh, that’s the guy we bought corrective shoes for last month. Jay, he knows how successful you are, and all he wants is an hour of your—half-hour. 10minutes. I promise him!你怎么不早说呢?我以为他只是个住在干洗店后面点懒汉呢。那是上个月我们帮他买选矫正鞋的家伙。杰, 他知道事业有成,他只想让你给他一个小时,半小时。10分钟。我答应过他的。

Honey, I love you. But why do you drag me into these things? You’ve got to learn to say no to people. 

Fine. Ask me if you can go golfing now. 亲爱的,我爱你。可你为什么把我拖进这摊事里呢?你该学会拒绝别人。


Other people. 是拒绝其他人。

All I want is, when I go to bed at night to be laying nest to a man that is generous and giving. And that man doesn’t necessarily need to be you. 我想要的,不过是当我晚上上床后躺在身边的是个男人慷慨乐施的男人,那个男人真的未必一定得是你。

Okay, let’s do this. 好吧,我们去吧。

Okay. Guillermo! 

stray 流浪汉

you named it 应有尽有吧。。。

Hit it off一见如故;合得来;投缘

Corrective shoes矫正鞋

Do you want me to move the waste basket closer to you? 你想让我把垃圾桶挪的离你近点吗?

Oh, no. it’s fine where it is. 不用,它在那挺好。

Really? ‘Cause the bed kind of looks like a Rose Parade float. 真的? 因为床已经像个玫瑰游行彩车了

thank you for taking care of me.谢谢你照顾我

Well, what else would I be doing? (Um, seeing lady gaga, that’s what.) so, uh, cam, you knows I hate to bring this up. But what are we gonna do about that concert? 不然我该做什么呢? (该去看lady gaga。)卡,我真不想提这事,但是演唱会我们该怎么办呢?

What do u mean? 你什么意思

You know, we were both looking forward to going. You were looking forward to going. I was really looking forward to going. And I just—I hate to see those tickets go to waste. 你知道的,我们都很期待去看演唱会。你期待,我也期待,我只是—我不想让票浪费了;

I know. I know. 我知道我知道

But what are our options? We could both go to the concert. That’s not gonna happen. Uh, well, we could sell the tickets online. But there’s that craigslist killer. 但是我们还有什么办法呢?我们可以一起去演唱会。那是不可能的了。或者我们在网上卖了门票。 不过craigslist上有砍价的。

oh, what to do? Mitchell, are you hinting me that you want to go to that concert without me? 我们该怎么做?米切尔,你在暗示我你想撇下我去演唱会吗?

No! No! Not in a million years! But that’s very sweet of you to offer. 没有没有!绝无可能。但是你的建议真的很贴心

I didn’t offer. 我没提建议

Oh, really? ‘Cause that just seems like something that you would say. “You go, I’ll be fine. You spent all the money on the tickets. And I’m just gonna lie in bed anyways.” That’s classic cam.

哦,真的吗?因为很像你说的话。“你去吧我会没事的。你把钱都花在门票上了。反正我是要躺在床上的。” 经典的卡的作风

I’m just so weak. 我只是太虚弱了

Okay, good. You know what? it’s settled. We’re just gonna put this whole “you insisting I go to the concert without you” thing behind us.  好的,你知道吗?就这么办,我们把“你坚持让我独自去演唱会”的事忘了。

You know what? 你知道吗


Can I  put one of my little pudding cups? 能给我一个小布丁吗

Yes, you can. Yes. You eat the pudding, and I’ll eat the tickets. 是的,当然。 你吃布丁,我去吞了门票

Waste basket废纸篓;垃圾桶

rose parade float玫瑰游行彩车

 I hate to bring this up.我真不想提这茬,有件事我不知道该不该说


Hint 暗示;

Not in a million years!决不可能

insisting 坚持

Thank for your dining, Mr. Pritchett. But after you hearing my presentation, you will be thanking me. 感谢你们的盛情款待。但是在你们听过我的陈述后,你们会感谢我的。

Well , you’ve got confidence. I admire that.  好的,你有自信,我承认。

He admires that, Guillermo. You’re doing great. Keep going. 他承认了,你做的好。继续

Are you aware that last year, Americans spent $40 billion on dog training? 你发现去年美国人花了400亿美元在训狗上吗?

Well, that’s not true. 没那回事

I was surprised as you are. 我和你一样吃惊

No, you were surprised because it’s not true. 不,你吃吃惊是因为那并非事实。

Shh! Go on, Guillermo. 嘘! 继续

What is this multibillion-dollar industry missing? 数十亿美元的企业中缺少了什么

multibillion dollars.

I have devised a revolutionary to communicate— 我设计了一种沟通革命

listen, I hate to interrupt your big pitch, but your dog is chewing my pillow. 听着,我讨厌打断你的高谈阔论,但是你的狗在啃我的枕头

This is fantastic. 那真是太妙了

It’s not fantastic for my pillow. 对我的枕头来说不太妙

It’s a perfect opportunity for me to demonstrate the good doggie had doggie training system. 这对我来说是个绝佳的机会去示范好狗狗坏狗狗训练系统。

We’re in! 我们入伙。

Wait, slow down. What are we gonna do about the pillow situation?  不, 等一下。你怎么解决我枕头的问题?

Watch, and be amazed. Stella here is being a bad doggie.  Stella, let go. Bad dog, bad dog. And what does a bad dog get? A bad-doggie treat.看着,惊讶吧。斯黛拉现在是只坏狗狗。斯黛拉,松开。 坏狗狗,坏狗狗!那么一只坏狗狗会怎样呢?

Wait for a minute. You give her a treat for doing something bad? 等一下,当她做坏事时你奖励她

Ah, a bad-doggie treat. When she is good, she gets the good-doggie treat. 啊,坏狗狗奖励。当她做的好时,她的到好狗狗奖励。

Brilliant! We’re going to be rich! 好极了!我们会发财的。

What is the difference between a bad-doggie treat and the good-doggie treat? 坏狗狗奖励和好狗狗奖励之间有什么区别吗?

Bacon. The bad-doggie treat is very bland. 是培根。坏狗狗奖励很寡淡

But she seems like she likes it. 但是她看上去很喜欢。

Wait till you see the good-doggie treat. Stella, sit. Now a good-doggie treat. Okay, she’s still full from the bad-doggie treat. But there you have it— the good doggie bad doggie training system. 等着看好狗狗训练。斯黛拉,坐下。 现在是好狗狗训练。好吧,她吃坏狗狗奖励吃饱了。但是这是你拥有的好狗狗坏狗狗训练系统。

Welcome to the ground floor. 欢迎来到商业先机。

Actually, she’s peeing on the ground floor. 他竟然在地上尿尿。

Quick, quick, give her a bad-doggie treat! 快快, 给他个坏狗狗奖励。





Devised 发明 设计

Big pitch 高谈阔论



Ground floor底层;一楼 ;商业上指取得先机


Hey, it’s me. Is this a bad time? 是我。不是时候吗?

No. I’m just in the car.  不,我只是在车上。

Okay, I’m having a moral dilemma. We have tickets for lady gaga tonight, but cam’s sick. I’ll take them.  是这样, 我面临道德上两难的境地。我有两张今晚的lady gaga 演唱会门票,但是卡生病了。我去。

Wait, you don’t even like concert. 等等, 你根本不喜欢演唱会。

Yes, I do. I’m fun now. 是的,我喜欢。 我现在是享乐派。

Claire, they said we have to be at least 13 to ride the fast ones. 克莱尔,他们说我们必须至少满13岁才能开卡丁车。

They’re 13. It’s fine. 他们是13岁。没关系。

This is very confusing. At movie theater. She says I’m 11. 这真难搞懂。在电影院。他说我11岁。

Can we get back to me?能接着和我聊吗

What? 什么

Does It make me a horrible person that I kind of want to go without him? 如果我有点想自己去演唱会会让我变成一个很讨厌的人吗

Well, how sick is he?  他病的如何

I don’t know. He’s sick. You know, they’re not gonna make a lifetime movie about him. 我不知道。他病了。你知道的,还没到要给他拍纪录片的程度

Well, what’s he like when you’re sick? 那你生病时他怎么做

Cam, I think I can walk to the kitchen. He’s okay. 卡, 我想我能走去厨房。 他挺好

You should know what I learned today? You can’t wait around for somebody to give you something you want. Sometimes you just have to take it. 你该去。你知道我今天学到什么了?你不能空等别人给你想要的。有时候你必须自己去争取

Oh, I’m gonna feel so guilty, though. 尽管我会感到很内疚

You’ll resent him if you stay. okay, how about this— you stay home and take care of him—soup, foot rubs, you blow his nose.如果你留下你会生他的气。 好的,这样行不行-你呆在家照顾他—喂汤、足底按摩,你给他洗鼻涕。


He’s so lucky to have you. And the tonight, right before the concert, you say, “cam, I love you, but I really want to go.” He’ll say fine. You drop Lily off at our house, and it’s great. 他真幸运有你,而今晚,在演唱会之前, 你说,“卡,我爱你,但是我真想去。他将说好吧。你把莉莉带到我们家,多好。

Drivers, start your engines. 车手们,发动殷勤。

I’ll putting you on speaker. 我用免提和你说

What are you doing?  你在做什么

Making my kids love me! 让我的孩子爱你

Drivers, ready. Three, two, two, one! 车手们,准备。3、2、1!

You’re going down, Delgado! Like this! 你要完了,德尔加多! 像这样!

Moral dilemma 道德困境(两难挣扎)

Wait around(长时间地)干等,空等

resent 对..感到愤怒

blew nose 洗鼻涕

We’re finished cleaning the bathroom. We’re leaving. 我们打扫完卫生间了。我们准备出去。

See? That didn’t take too long. 瞧,花不了多少时间。

Thank you, girls. Now, go and have a good time, all right? 谢谢,姑娘们。现在,去好好玩吧。

See? You don’t need all the conflict. note to Claire—if you want intense family drama, rent “Spy kids.” They save their parents’ lives. You think they would’ve done that If they got yelled at all the time? 瞧?你不需要冲突。提醒克莱尔—如果你想强烈的家庭戏剧性,租“非常小特工‘。他们挽救父母的生命.如果他们总是被父母嚷嚷,你觉得他们还会这么做吗?

Sweet and sour chicken! Girls, get back—got to fix that step. Girls. 糖醋鸡? 姑娘们回来-得把楼梯修好。

Did he just yell? 他在喊吗

Drive! 开车

I’m trying! 我正在开

You girls get back here right now! 姑娘们给我马上回来

Pretend you don’t hear him. 假装你听不见他

I know you can hear me! 我知道你们能听见我

Oh, my god. He’s heading straight for the car!  哦天啊。他直接朝我们的车冲来

Stop the car! 挺车

We’re sorry, dad! We couldn’t hear you!  对不起爸爸。我们听不到你

No more lies! You poked the bear, girls! You poked him! 不许再撒谎 你们惹到我了 你们惹到了他 

Conflict 冲突

In closing, the only real question is, after you invest in good doggie bad doggie, how will we spend all our money? 最后,真正的问题是,在你投资好狗狗坏狗狗时,我们该如何花光所有钱

In handbags! No, vacation! I know! A home gym!  花在包包上。不,度假。我知道了。家庭健身房。

All right, Guillermo, your ambition is infectious. Clearly my wife need to be inoculated, but I’m gonna be blunt.  好了,你的野心很有感染力。显然我的妻子需要接种疫苗,但是我想坦白说。

No, no, you’re not going to 不,不,你不是想要。。。

Yes, I am. Now, you wanted my honest business advice, right? 是的,你想要的真实的商业建议,对吗

Very much, 非常想

Here it is. your idea is not good. 听着,你的主意不好

No, what jay means is that when— 不 杰的意思是

No, what I mean is it stinks. Now, that’s nothing against you. You’ve got charm. You’ve got ambition, and that’s great. What you need is a better idea. 不,我的意思是很糟。我不是针对你这个人。你很有魅力, 有野心,那很好。你需要的是一个更好的主意

But I don’t have a better idea. 但是我没有更好的主意

Any idea would be  a better idea. 任何主意都是好主意

Your honestly is refreshing. gracias. 你的坦诚醍醐灌顶

You made him cry. 你弄哭他了

He’s not crying. You’re not crying, are you? 他没有哭 你没在哭对吧

No. A little. It’s just five years of my life are for nothing. 不 有点 只是花了这五年我一无所获

Five? Five years. 5?5年

Why don’t you stay for lunch? And we can all brainstorm your next idea. 为什么你不留下吃个午饭?我们可以一起头脑风暴想你的下一个主意

Rally? Thank you, Gloria. I go put Stella in the car.  I don’t want her ruining any more of your beautiful things. Gracias. Bad dog. 真的?谢谢 我要把思黛拉放进车 我不想让她毁了你的漂亮东西 

Why were you so tough with him? He’s very sensitive. 你干嘛那么严厉对他 他非常敏感

Did you think that was a good idea? 你认为那是个好主意吗

Of course not, but I’m nice, and I put on the sugar jacket. Sugar coating is not gonna help him. He need to hear what I said to him, even if it hurt a little bit. He’s gonna thank me one day. 当然不,但是我人好,而且我会委婉的说 委婉不能帮到他 她需要听我告诉他 的  即便那会伤到他 他有一天会感谢我

Now I have to apologize. 现在我得道歉

Accepted. 我接受

Not to you. 不是对你

In closing 最后

ambition 雄心;抱负;野心


blunt坦白 直率

What are you gonna get, Luke? 我们吃什么

I want a cheeseburger. 我想要一个芝士汉堡

Yeah! 好!

And I can’t decide between french fires or onion rings. 但是我不知道该选炸薯条还是洋葱圈

Get them both. 两个都要

How about you, Manny? 你呢,曼尼

Um, do you have a skinless grilled chicken breast? 你们这里有去皮烤鸡胸肉吗

what. Are you going to the ball, cinderella? 什么,你是要去参加舞会吗,辛德瑞拉

I know Claire was trying to be fun, but that crossed the line. 我知道克莱尔是想变得有意思,但是过分了

Anything else? Who wants a milkshake? Milkshake?  Milkshake? Three milkshakes. 还有其他想要的吗?谁想要奶昔? 奶昔? 奶昔? 三个奶昔。

I didn’t  want a milkshake. But after what she said to Manny. I didn’t want to risk it.  Mom, I don’t feel good. Did you finish your milkshake? 我不想要奶昔。但是在她对曼尼说完那番话之后,我选择息事宁人。 妈妈,我感觉不太对。你喝完了奶昔了吗

I think that was the problem. Look who’s a doctor now. 完觉得那就是问题。 看看现在谁都成医生了。

Maybe it was the pie.  也许是派的问题

Okay, he’s fine. Hey, who likes the roller coasters? 好啦,他没事的,嘿谁想玩过山车

I need a bag. 我需要一个袋子

No. No, you’re not gonna be sick, Luke. We’re having fun. 不用。不,不你不会生病的,卢克。我们还要去玩

Okay. No, I really need a bag.  好吧。不,我真的需要一个袋子

Take the lid off the cup. 把被子盖拿掉

french fires 炸薯条

onion rings洋葱圈


grill 烤

Roller coaster过山车;云霄飞车


I’m starving. 我饿了

Me too. Say something.  我也是,说点什么

Um, dad? We haven’t had lunch yet. 爸爸?我们还没吃午饭。 

Neither have half the kids in Africa, stop yapping and get back to work. 一般非洲儿童也没吃饭,别叫唤了,继续做事

Why is he taping our laptops shut. 他为什么封上我们的笔记本

Because he’s out of his mind. 因为他疯了

I’m not out of my mind. You took advantage, and you lost your computer privileges. 我没疯。 你们占了便宜,就没有了用电脑的权利

Oh, come on, dad. We said we’re sorry. Plus I can’t get the stupid drain unclogged, anyway. 别这样爸爸,我们说过对不起了。另外我咋么也疏通不了这愚蠢的下水道

Stick that hanger down there. 把那钩子伸下去


Well, it’s either that or you cut off your hair. ‘Cause that’s what caused the problem—thoughts? Good, because after you finish this room, you’re gonna clean my bathroom, too. And you know how gross I can be. 那也行,或者你减掉你的头发。因为那是问题的根源——考虑下?很好,因为你们搞定这个房间后,还要去打扫我的卫生间。见识下我有多恶心。

Dad! No! 爸爸! 别这样!

Oh, my gosh! Ew! Gross! All right. 哦,天啊,恶心。

Aah! Settle down. It’s hair.  冷静点,头发而已。

I’m not cut out for this. 这个不适合我做

Tape sth shut 把..封上

Out of one’s mind精神不正常




Stick down放下

Hanger 衣架,这里是指钩子

Settle down=calm down

Cut out for适合于;适合做某事;准备

I spent all day nursing cam.  我花了一整天照料卡

Ohh, hey, could you do the right one now? 你能按右脚吗

You mean the one we started with? Sure.( I made soup. I made tea. Finally, it was the moment of truth, cam, you know, I was thinking that… cam, you can say no, but I was think ing about maybe going to that concert. Thank you. You’re the best. I love you. 你是说我们一开始按的那只? 是的(我煮汤、我泡茶,终于关键时刻到了。卡,你知道我在想… 卡,你可以说不到,但是我考虑或许该去演唱会。谢谢你, 你真好,我爱你。

moment of truth 紧要关头;决定性时刻

Hey, you’re back. What happened with your friend? 你回来了。你和你朋友怎么样了

He’s fine. You were right. He did appreciate your honesty. How about that? He’s gonna make big changes to his life. 他很好,你是对的。他很欣赏你的坦诚。你觉得怎么样? 他打算给他的人生做个重大改变。

Good. 好

He’s going back to school. That means he has to go back to live with his sister, so that means that he had to get rid of the dog. But he’s so much more realistic now. 他要重回校园。那意味着他要和他的姐姐住在一起,也就意味着他要弃养这只小狗。但是他现在更实际了。

See that? 看吧

Mm. And there’s a lesson in there for you, too. ‘Cause sometimes things go better when you just say no. no, no, no. what did you do? 这同样也给你上了一课。因为有些事你最好拒绝。 不不不, 你做了什么。

He was going to take her to the pound. But that’s his business.  他正要把她送去收容所。但是那是她的事情

Ay, but look at her little face! 但看看他的小脸蛋

No. You don’t even want a dog. 

I know. I have a problem.  你根本不想养狗。我知道,我有问题

Crap. that’s Manny. if he sees the dog, it’s all over.  糟了,是曼尼。如果他看见狗狗就完了。

I go lock the door. 我把门锁上

Oh, and that’s the solution? Manny sleeps in the backyard till the dog dies of old age? 那就解决方法?曼尼在后院睡觉直到狗狗老死?

Hey, guys, I’m home. Boy, I think Claire’s working through some stuff, because— you got me a dog because of my perfect report card? 嘿伙计们, 我回来了。 哎,我想克莱尔在解决一些事情—-你给我一只狗,因为我期末成绩特别好吗?


Sorry, papi, no.

The dog lives somewhere else. Which is where she’s going right now. 狗狗住在其他地方。他正要去

Text me the address. 把地址发短信给我。


Can I at least take a moment with her to tell her goodbye. 我能至少和她告个别吗

Tell her goodbye? You just met her. 和她说再见? 你才见她

Get rid of扔掉;丢弃;摆脱;甩掉;赶走

I’m so sorry. Luke, honey, come back. I said I was sorry. 我非常抱歉。 卢克亲爱的 回来 我说了我很抱歉

I’m 12. I need limits! 我才12岁 我需要被限制

What happened?  发什么了什么事

Oh, I made them drive too fast and eat like vikings, and then Luke threw up all over the car. I got to clean that up. 我让他们开太快车了还吃的像维京人一样,然后卢克吐的满车都是。 我得去清理一下

No, you don’t, girls! Grab your buckets and meet me by the car! 不,你别去。姑娘们。带上你的水桶到汽车那见我。

They don’t have to do that. They do if I say so. I’m sorry. I swear I just told you to grab your buckets.他们没必要做这么做。 我说了他们就得做。我发誓我刚才说了让你们带上你们的水桶。

We haven’t eaten all day. We’re hungry. Well, you won’t be in a minute. Honey, you haven’t fed them all day?我们一整天没吃东西了。我们很饿。 你们马上就不饿了。亲爱的,你一天没给他们吃的?

They’re monsters. Claire— deceitful, manipulative monsters— and they need to be broken. 他们是恶魔。克莱尔—奸诈又摆弄人心的骗子—他们需要被改造

He’s crazy. 他疯了

You know what?! Mon’s the crazy one! She ran over my hand. 你们知道吗》!妈妈才是疯子 她碾压我的手

We were having fun! Girls, go to the kitchen. Get something to eat. Phil, honey, this isn’t working.  Listen to me, you are not a good bad cop, and I am a very bad good cop. We need things to go back to the way they were. I don’t like being you. 当时我们玩的正开心!姑娘们,去厨房吃点东西。菲尔,亲爱的,这样没用,听我说,米不擅长做坏人,我也做不好好人,我们需要回到原来的方式。我不想当你。

Nobody does.没人想


Yeah. I feel really shaky.我感觉做发抖

pound 收容所

Work through修通;工作;疏通;修通或扩通;工作修通

vikings 维京人



ran over碾压

Going somewhere? 去哪

Cam! You’re up. Didn’t count on that, did you? Are you dropping lily off at your sister’s, or is she taking my ticket? 卡,你起来了。没料到,对吗? 你是想顺道把莉莉放在你姐姐家还是说她拿了我那张门票

Okay, first of all, how are you standing? You drank enough of that cough syrup to put down a grizzly.好吧。首先,你怎么站着?你喝的咳嗽糖浆足够放倒一只灰熊了

I’ll tell you what’s grisly. That is your behavior. Well, it’s just a good thing I’m finding out now. Instead of when I’m old and sick and really need you. Better start saving for some sort of home-healthcare plan. ‘Cause I’d hate for my broken hip and subsequent pneumonia to interfere with your evening plans. 我告诉你什么最可怕。你的行为。我现在发现算是件好事,而不是当我又老又病真正需要你的时候。最好还是开始做家庭医疗保险计划。因为我臀骨骨折和继发性肺炎会妨碍你晚上的计划。

Okay, cam, no. you’re right. I have no defense. I am terrible. And the thing is , I knew I was terrible, and I was going anyway. I think maybe I tried to justify it by saying we’re two different people. And you’re more of a caregiver, and I have… other strengths. And that’s what makes us such a good couple, you know? But …no, no. it’s a cop-out. And I’ve been very selfish. And I need to do better , and I will. I swear on lily’s diaper bag. 哦卡 不 你是对的 我没什么好辩解的 我很坏 问题在于 我知道我很讨厌 但是我无论如何还是去。 我想kennel因为我疲于辩解说我们是不同的。 你是更能看护他人,而我有其他优势。因而我们称为特别好的一对,你懂吗?但是 不不  这是借口 我已经很自私了 我得改 为将以莉莉的尿布包发誓

Cough Syrup咳嗽糖浆


count on期望;预计;指望;依靠;依赖

Drop off 中途放下(某人)


instead of代替;作为…的替换

Pneumonia 肺炎


Subsequent pneumonia 继发性肺炎

interfere with 干预,阻挠,妨碍

 And the thing is问题在于



diaper bag尿布包;尿布袋

Ah, no place to go but up, huh? Don’t look at me like that. We all got problems. This ain’t gonna work, sweetie. That look ain’t gonna work on me. Come on. Let’s go. 除了上去别无选择?别这样看着我。我们都有问题。这没用

I know it’s old-fashioned, but I like a strong  man, a man that can say no when I can’t. 我知道这很老派,但是我喜欢强势的男人 一个可以在我无法拒绝的时候说不的人

Not a word. 什么也别说

But instead, I have jay. 但取而代之的是我有杰

I’m strong. But look at this face. 我很强势 但是看看这小脸蛋

Maybe we are the way we are because of the people we’re with. Or maybe we just pick the people we need. However it works, when you find each other, you should never let go. 可能我们的行事作风源于我们在一起的人 也可能我们指带选择那些我们需要的人 无论如何他有用 当你找到彼此 你不能让他离开

Do you two need sometime alone? 我要给你们时间独处吗

no place to go but up 除了上去别无选择(书名)

I must’ve dozed off. 我一定打瞌睡了

Yeah, you were out for quite a while. 是啊你睡了有一会了

What have you  been up to? 你在忙什么

I’ve just been sitting here ,watching you. 就这样坐着 看着你

well, I’m gonna go to bed  行吧 我要去睡觉了

Thanks for staying home with me. 谢谢你在家陪我

You know, in sickness and in health, right? 你知道的 无论疾病还是健康,对吗

You’re still blinking, sweetie.  你的荧光棒还在闪 亲爱的

This is fun. I’m gonna tell you the funny thing about why this is—this is s on. 很搞笑 我要告诉你个有趣的事 为什么它在发光

Doze off(尤指在白天)打瞌睡,打盹儿

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