MFS02 E21 transl

S02 E21

Happy mother’s day…oh! 母亲节快乐!

What are you wearing? 你穿的是什么啊?

You don’t remember the shirt? You made it for me for mother’s day in kindergarten. It’s adorable.你不记得这件汗衫了? 你在幼儿园的时候给我做的, 多可爱。

It’s perverted. It looks you were felt up by the creep around the corner. Ew! Why him? 很变态啊。 它让你看上去就像在角落里会对女人动手动脚的跟踪狂。

‘Cause he’s got, like freakishly tiny hands. 因为他有双异常的小手。

Thank you! 谢谢。

I cannot believe you kept that shirt. Of course I kept it. I’m your mother. I keep everything you make me. 我真不敢相信你留着这件汗衫。 当然留着,我是你妈妈,我会留着你们给我做的每一件东西。

Please take that off. 麻烦你摘下来吧。

Oh, when I’m dead. Today is my special day, and I gonna enjoy me some coffee.  哦,除非我死的那天。今天是我的特殊日子,我要好好享用点咖啡。

You know that’s a pencil holder, right?  你知道那是那时笔筒对吧。

Oh, I do now. 我现在知道了

Go first. 你先。

No, you can go first. 不,你先

Manny, go first. 曼尼,你先。

No, jay, you go first.不,杰,你先吧。

Ah, somebody give me a present! Oh, jay, a diamond necklace! Thank you. 快给我礼物啊。 杰,钻石项链!太谢谢了。

You deserve it. Go ahead, kid. 你因得的。你了,孩子。

Happy mother’s day, mom. 母亲节快乐。

A necklace made of Froot Loops. I love it. 用Froot Loops水果麦圈做的项链。

I know that they’s not exactly diamonds, mom. 我知道它们不是真的钻石,妈妈。

No, they’re beautiful. 不, 他们很漂亮。

You know what? I got a confession to make. Those aren’t real diamonds. No. Here, give them back. I’ll get you some real ones later.


Dang it. Now I got to come clean. these aren’t real Froot Loops. They’re generic.该死。现在我也得坦白了。这些不是真的Froot Loops水果麦圈。它们没有商标。

Now I have no presents again. 现在我又一件礼物也没有了。



Generic产品,尤指药物) 无厂家商标的;无商标的 

Come clean坦白;说出真相;全盘托出;和盘托出

Good morning. 早上好

Hey. What’s this? 这是什么

Well, I know you’ve had some late nights with lily, and this is just my way of saying “Thank you” and “I love u.”我知道你有几天陪莉莉到很晚,这是我表达感谢和爱意方式

Oh, thank you. 哦,谢谢

And this is just the beginning. Yeah, ‘cause  today is your day. 这还只是开始,因为今天是属于你的日子


All day. 一整天

Today. Today is my day. 今天。今天是属于我的日子。

Something’s happening. it’s mother’s day, mitchell. 感觉有些不对劲…


You’re bringing me breakfast in  bed on mother’s day. 你在母亲节为我把早餐送到床上

Okay, no, no. this is not a mother’s day breakfast. This is breakfast that happens to be on—

You think of me as Lily’s mother. I’m your wife! I’m a woman!  你认为我是莉莉的母亲。你的妻子! 我是个女人!


Honestly, I’m a little offended that he accused me of that. I’m actually very sensitive to that issue. Like I would ever treat my parter as a woman. 老实说, 我有点反感他对我那样指责我。我确实对这个问题非常敏感。

Somebody got new curtains. 有人换来新窗帘。

Well, Mrs.Pritchett loves to shop. Oh, we’re never gonna be done by 6:00. Better call home. The wife’s not gonna like this. 唉,普里切特夫人喜欢购物。 哦, 我们6:00做不完了,最好大哥电话回家。太太会不高兴的

Sometimes I think he just wants to be mad at me. 有时觉得他就是想对我发发脾气。

I can’t eat. 我吃不下

Okay, you know what? If you can’t accept the nice gesture. Then just forget it. Okay, stretch the balloons. She is in a mad. 好吧,你知道吗?如果你不接受我的好意,那就算了。 行,气球放一边。她在生气呢。

Be mad at sb对…愤怒

Gesture姿态,表示 nice gesture好意

Forfet it算了吧 ; 忘了吧 ; 忘了它


I asked Claire what she want for mother’s day.  我问克莱尔母亲节想要什么。

And she said,”Take a hike.”  It’s not like that. She’s just bananas for walking around in nature. um, so, she and gloria are taking the kids up the canyon. Um, and jay and I are, uh, throwing on the aprons and preparing a mother day feast. It’s gonna be fun. 他说,“一边凉快去”。其实不是啦。他只是痴迷于漫步大自然。因而他和葛罗莉亚就待着孩子去了峡谷。然后杰 和我系上围裙准备母亲节大餐。这将很有趣。

I know you want to leave me, but I refuse to 我知道你想离开我,但是我拒绝。

We’re not doing that. 我们不干这事。

Take a hike 哪儿凉快  哪儿歇着去; 


Walk around 转转;四处走动;出来转转;走动


Throw on aprons 穿上围裙;Throw on穿上


You know there are coyotes in these woods? Did you pack a weapon? 你知道这些树林里有狼吗?你带武器了吗?

I have a walking stick. 我有根拐杖

Does it becoming a sword? I guess it could become a running stick. All right, you’re gonna outrun a coyote? 它能变成剑吗? 我猜它能当助跑棍。别担心,你会跑得比狼快。

The fastest mammal in the world?世界上跑得最快的哺乳动物吗是狼吧

And how are you gonna fend them off with a popsicle stick? 你怎么靠一根冰棒抵挡他们的攻击。

I’m not sure that’s true. 我不认为那是真的。

It’s a spear, and it smells like lemon-lime, a flavor coyotes hate. 这是一根长矛,而且闻起来是柠檬味,一种狼讨厌的味道。

Where are you getting your information? 你都从哪知道这些信息的。

How much father? 还有多远啊?

Well, I’d like to go  far enough that we can’t see our car in the parking lot. 啊,我想走到我们看不见停车场的车那么远。

I’m getting dust in my mouth. 我的嘴里进了灰尘

you have to appreciate nature. 你们该感恩大自然


Soon, this will be the mall. 不久后,这里就变成商场了

I’ll come then. 等到那时候我会来的

I’m hungry. 我饿了

I saw we eat what we kill. 我看见什么就杀了给我们吃

Oh, then I guess we’ll be eating the mood. 接着我猜我们会被情绪吃掉。

I don’t get you at all. 我完全搞懂你,我和你没法沟通

I know.


Sword 剑



Fend off挡开,避开(问题或人);挡住,抵挡(攻击)

Popsicle冰棍;棒冰;雪糕(popsicle 是一种棒冰的牌子,因为非常出名就代指冰棍)


Lemon-lime柠檬味 lime酸橙

Parking lot停车场 parking lots—lot (一小块)土地

is that the party over there? 那里是在举办派对吗?

I don’t know. I’m a woman, remember? I have a terrible sense of direction. 我怎么知道。我是个女人,不记得了吗? 我的方向感极差。

May I remember you that my big crime was making you fluffy pancakes, okay? I’m getting a little sick of you dwelling on this. It happens to be mother’s day, not martyr’s day. 让我提醒你我的重罪是给你做松饼,好吗?你总是想着这事让我想吐。它发生在母亲节又不是殉道日。

Mitchell, I’m sorry. It’s just a sensitive issue for me. 米切尔,对不起。只是它对我来说是个敏感的问题。

There’s nothing gays hate more than when people treat us like women. 没有什么比当人们把我们当成女人更让基佬讨厌的了。

We’re not. We don’t want to go to your baby shower. We don’t have a time of the month. We don’t love pink. 我们不是女人,我们不想去你的婴儿洗礼。我们没有行经。我们也不爱粉红色。

Well, you love pink. 你喜欢粉红啊。

No, pink loves me. 不,是粉红色喜欢我。

 fluffy 松软的。

Get sick得病;想吐

Dwelling on总在想着(事)

martyr殉道者;烈士;折磨;martyr’s day折磨日;烈士日

baby shower婴儿洗礼,是一个送礼或者意识派对,叫法因为文化有点差异,主要为庆祝分娩、预产期的孩子或是女性从女人变成母亲。

a time of the month=menstruation=period

Hey, guys! 嘿,伙计们。

Hey! so… 嘿,那么

That’s Jen, husband Rick, baby Diego. I don’t get it either. 那是珍,她丈夫里克,宝宝迭戈,我也不是很熟悉。 

Hey, Jen. Let me help you with that.你好,珍。让我来帮你拿吧。

Rick, how you doing? 里克,你好吗?

We should do play group on weekends more often. It’s nice to have the husbands around to help, right? 我们周末应该多办些派对。有丈夫在周围帮忙就是好,对吧。

Oh, yeah, because that makes all the sense in the world—you as the husband. 哦,看那全世界理所当然觉得你你才是老公。

Stop it. That’s not what she meant.  别这样, 他不是那个意思

Look at us. I could snap you like a twig. 你看看咱们。我可以把你像小树枝一样这段。

Oh, every once in a while you say that thing about the twig, and. I need you to know that it bothers me. 你要知道,你每隔一阵子提起小树枝我就很烦。


Okay, everybody. Happen mother’s day. I know I speak for all the guys when I say thank you for everything you do while we’re off having affairs. I’m kidding. I’ll pay for that later. Uh, let’s get the moms and kids together for a picture! 好啦各位。母亲节快乐。我知道我是代表所有男同胞感谢你们在我下班后搞外遇时所做的一切。我开玩笑的, 待机就会为此付出代价。 让我们为妈妈们和孩子们一起照张相吧。

No, let’s go . Let’s get out of here. Leave the stroller and run. 不好,我们快走。快离开这里。婴儿车就放着吧,赶紧走。

Cam, stop. No one’s going to ask you to— 卡,等一下。没人会让你去—

I don’t know. You guys just go ahead. 我不知道,你们快去。

You’re an honorary mom!  你是荣誉妈妈。

Oh, I don’t know. 哦, 我真不知道。

Uh, okay, all right. Unhand me. 呃, 行吧,放开我的手。

Get over there. 去那。

Okay, tighten up, tighten up. Up here, ladies. 好的, 凑近点姑娘们。谢谢,女士们。非常感谢,完美。

Beautiful. One more, gals. Oh, thanks, ladies. Thanks so much. Perfect.

Great , okay.

Cam, get on up here. 

Make sense(行为方式)有道理,合乎情理;可以理解;讲得通

once in a while偶尔;间或



Speak 代表…讲话;为…辩护


Stroller 婴儿车


Yeah, that was definitely poison oak. I think this rash is spreading. 是的,那绝对是毒栎。我觉得皮疹溃散了

Manny, that’s not a rash. It’s red because you scratch it. 曼尼,那不是皮疹。它发红是因为你挠它。

I just don’t want my throat to close. 我只是不想堵住喉咙

Wouldn’t be the worst thing. 也不见得是坏事

I’m so bored, I’d rather be reading. 我真是太无聊了,我宁愿读书。

I’m so bored, I chewed the last bug that flew in my mouth just to feel something. 我无聊到嚼着刚飞进嘴里的小虫子来打发时间。

I’m so bored , I’m talking to  you.我无聊到要和你聊天。

Ugh! Okay! For the last 20 minutes, you people have done is whine! You would think on mother’s day, at least. You would have something nice to say— 咳!够了! 才20分钟,你们就抱怨! 你们至少想想今天是母亲节。该说些好听的


What? 怎么了

Thought I heard a coyote. Go ahead. 以为 我听到了狼的声音。你继续

God, Luke, you’re such an idiot.  天呐,卢克,你很是个大笨蛋。

At least I don’t look like an idiot.至少我看上去不像笨蛋

What does that mean. 你什么意思

Your hat. It’ s like you walked under a bird that poops ugly hats. 你的帽子啊,这帽子丑的像是你走在一只鸟下面拉出来的

Can we watch the language? 注意用词

There’s nothing else to watch. 没什么要注意的

Enough complaining! You can’t bitch all day because you’re not at the beach all day. Come on! 别再抱怨了,你不能因为你没有漫步沙滩就牢骚一整天。别烦了。

No, no, no. I’m giving myself a mother’s day present. Kids, your hike is over.  不, 不,不。我要给自己一个母亲节礼物,孩子们,你们的远足到此结束。


No! No, not happy. Bad. Sad. 不!没什么可开心的。又糟糕又悲伤。


Gloria and I are gonna go finish this beautiful hike together while you sit here and think about how selfish and thoughtless you’ve been. Come on. 当你们坐在这想自己有多自私多不顾他人感受的时候,我和葛罗莉亚将一起完成这趟美丽的远足。

If we’re thoughtless, how can we think? 如果我们不顾他人感受,那我们有什么可想的?

You just lost your water. Let’s go. 你刚失去了你的水,我们走。

Poison oak 栎叶漆,毒栎(原产于北美,接触后会引起皮炎)




What the hell are those? Onion goggles. No more tears when I cook. Welcome to the 21st century. You should get a pair. 这是什么鬼? 洋葱护目镜。 做饭的时候不会流眼泪。欢迎来到21世纪,你应该备一副。

I was gonna suggest the same thing. 我也有这么想。

Hey, jay, you know what we should put in this? We should add a da— 你好,杰,你知道我该在里面放什么吗? 我们应该加点—

No. It’s my mom’s recipe. What it says on the page goes in the pot. Nothing more, nothing less. Now how long do I stir the beef and sausages? Read it to me. 不,这是我母亲的食谱。 食谱里写什么锅里就放什么。不多不少。 牛肉和香肠我要搅拌多久?读给我听听。

You should stir the beef and sausages for five minutes. 牛肉和和香肠搅拌5分钟。

And how much longer do I have to listen to the Julia child impression. 我得听多久的茱莉亚查尔德印象厨房?

For as long as it’s still funny.听到它变得没意思位置

I think the timer just went off on that. 我想计时器已经显示没意思了

That was unnecessary. What’s this? What? Hey, Jay, maybe after this, we should make “the prefect mom.” All we need is “a tablespoon of love, 1 cup of warmth, add one heart, softened.” 没必要吧。这是什么? 嘿,杰,也许这之后,我们可以做“完美妈妈”了。我们要做的只是“一大勺爱, 一杯温暖,加上一颗慈爱的心。“

What the hell are you talking about? 你在说什么?

This recipe for the perfect mom,by Jay Francis Pritchett, age nine. 完美妈妈们的食谱,杰 弗朗西斯 普里切特写于9岁。

Geez, I forgot all about that. I didn’t know she had that in there. 天啊,我全忘记了。 我都不知道它在那。

What’s that, Francis? 怎么了,弗朗西斯?

Nothing. 没什么

How much longer on the meat? 肉还要搅拌多久?

I love the part about “serves one small boy.” That’s adorable.  “175 pounds of tenderness.” She must have loved that. Big woman?  Jay?我喜欢“给一个男孩做吃的”这部分。很可爱。“175磅的温柔。“她一定很爱这个。她很胖吗? 杰

And that’s when I saw it. 然后我看见

Are you cry? 你哭了吗

No. It’s the onions, damn it. Give me these. What are you lookin’ at? 不是,是洋葱,该死的。 给我,我看上去如何?

Nothing. Those really frame your face. 没什么,很衬你脸型

Julia Child impression 茱莉亚查尔德印象厨房  美国著名厨师、作家、节目主持人


Go off对…不再喜欢;失去对…的兴趣;

Tablespoon 大汤勺

warmth 温暖


Big woman 表示胖,如果使用会fat太粗鲁

Frame your face衬脸型

beautiful. Ay, thank you. 好美。谢谢。

Okay, don’t want you to judge me, but I have to say something. Sometimes, I want to punch my kids. 好吧,不是想要你评价我,但有些话不吐不快。有时候,我真想揍孩子们一顿。

You don’t mean that. 你不是认真的。

No, I do. I do.  不, 认真的,我认真的。

The last one they were horrible they way they were today. They happened be all lined up. And I couldn’t help but think. “If I hit just one of them, the rest would go down like dominos.” I know. That would rob me of the pleasure of hitting each one individually, but… 他们上次和今天一样可恶,他们全都站成一排,我不禁想“如果我揍了其中一个,其他的可能就多米诺骨一样都倒了。“ 我知道,这样会夺走挨个揍他们的乐趣

Oh, my god, you don’t talk about your children this way. 天呐,你别这么说你的孩子们

Oh, come on. You know Manny irritates you. 得了吧。你知道曼尼惹你生气。

No. Manny  is the best thing that ever happened to me. We have a special bond. 不,曼尼是最好的存在。我们有特殊的纽带

yes, bond, I know, but that’s not I what I’m talking about now. 是啊,纽带,我知道,但是那不是我现在在说的,

Claire, for a long time, it was only the two of us. I cannot say anything bad about that boy. 克莱尔,很长一段时间,都是我们相依为命。我并不能说那孩子任何坏话

Give me a break, gloria! Anybody who’s ever had a kid knows that they can irritate the freaking life out of you at some point. Am I right? Oh, okay. 让我歇歇吧,葛罗莉亚。任何人有孩子的人都知道,他们会在有些事上让你抓狂。我说的没错吧。哦,算了。

He’s persnickety. 他很挑剔


Manny. He’s persnickety. It drives me up the wall. 曼尼很挑剔。这点让我抓狂。

Okay, persnickety. Good start. 好的,挑剔!头起的不错。

He follows me around all the time. Sometimes I love it, but sometimes I need my own space. 他无时无刻都跟着我。有时候我喜欢这样, 有时候我需要点属于自己 的空间

This does not make you a bad mother to admit these things. 承认这些并不意味着你是个坏妈妈。

And the poetry, it’s not very good. ah. The first that I say that out loud. 还有诗歌,它们不怎么样。我第一次大声说出来。

It’s not very good. I love Manny, nut , you know, sometimes I—just be a boy! Go outside. Kick a ball. Steal something. It feels so good.  他是不怎么痒。我爱曼尼,你知道。有时候—做个男孩子吧。去外面转转,踢踢球,偷点东西。这感觉真好。

Maybe to you.或许对你是吧

No, Manny! Ay!

I was talking about  Manny that I know long time ago! Diablo! 我在说一个我以前认识很久的曼尼

dominos 多米诺骨牌 

Rob夺走;剥夺 rub sb of sth

irritate使  恼怒


Give me a break 饶了我吧;别开玩笑了;让我休息一会儿


Drive up the wall使发疯;使烦恼

You know, more people have died hiking than the entire civil war. 知道吗,远足死去的人比内战还多

Okay, what book did you read that in? 好吧,你从哪本书上看来的

Book? Wake up and smell the Internet, grandma. 书。醒醒吧,互联网时代了,奶奶。

You know mom’s just gonna want us to apologize.  你知道老妈是想让我们道歉

Well, we did kind of ruin her mother’s day.  这个嘛,完美的确有点毁了母亲节。

No, she ruined her mother’s day. She took us to the place she knew we wouldn’t like. And then we complain for like a second and we’re the bad guys? 不对,是他自己毁了她的母亲节。她明知我们不喜欢还带我们来这地方,我们抱怨了一下就成坏人了?

That’s a good point. 说的很对

You ever get the feeling she does this intentionally? 你感觉到没有她是故意的

Why would she do that? 她为什么这么做

So she can makes us feel guilty. 他想让我们感到内疚

Exactly. And the next time we’re choosing what to do. She gets her way again. And the next time and the next time. And eventually, it’s mother’s day everyday. 没错。下次我们想选想做的事情时她就会按她的方法来。下次和下下次,到头来,每天都是母亲节。

Wow, mom’s really smart. 哇,老妈真聪明

Well, not smart than me. I say we don’t apologize this time. Let her know we’re onto her little game.we could change the way this whole family operates. 没我聪明。要我说我们这次不要道歉,让她知道我们和她的小把戏对上了。我们要改变家里的运作方式。

Okay, so nobody says they’re sorry. 好吧,谁人去道歉。

Got it? Keep your mouths shut when she comes back. 懂了吗?当他回来时不上你的嘴巴

If she comes back. 如果她回来的话

Entire civil war内战

Onto her little game 和他对上了

Jay teared up in front of me. He’s never shown me that kind of vulnerability and it embarrassed him. I’d shamed the proud lion. Only thing to do…hug the proud lion. 杰在我面看热泪盈眶。他从未在我眼前展示过一点脆弱,这使他很尴尬。我让一只骄傲的狮子蒙羞了。只有一件事要做…拥抱这只狮子。

Oh, I could get bit. I could get scratched. But you know what’s inside every lion? 我可能会被咬。可能被挠伤。但是你知道每只狮子的内心是什么吗?

A pussycat cat. 一只小猫咪。

I need you to get away form me. 我要你离我远一点

Okay, I’m just gonna say this one time so we can move on. It’s okay. 好吧,我只说一次,我们以后不提了。这没什么。


You know what “it” is. it’s you crying. 你知道“这”代表什么。 它代表你哭了。

Which I didn’t. 我没哭

You teared up. 你热泪盈眶

It was the onions.  是洋葱

Okay, maybe I’m just putting myself in your place, but if I came across something from my childhood, and it reminded me of my mom, I might get a little misty, maybe even want talk about it. 好吧,可能我只是换位思考,但是如果我突然发现童年的东西,而且它让我记起我的母亲,我或许会有点泪眼迷梦,甚至想找人倾诉下。

Here. 给。

So proud. 太骄傲

Tear up 热泪盈眶


Come across偶然发现;偶然遇见;使产生…印象;给人以…的印象


They offered me a bouquet, Mitchell.  他们给了我一束鲜花,米切尔

Which you accepted. 你接受了。

Why can’t you ever take my side? They  think of me as a woman! 为什么你从不站在的我这边?他们把我看作一个女人。

Cam, no, come, on. We’re just new type of family, you know? They don’t have the right vocabulary for us yet. They need one of us to be the mom. 卡,不,别这样。我们正好是一个新的家庭类型,你知道的。他们还不知道如何对待我们。他们需要我们之中有个人是母亲。

So why does it have to be me? Do I wear a dress? That’s a nightshirt. 那为什么是我呢? 我穿裙子了?那是睡袍

It’s kind of satiny.丝绸版的睡袍

What are you saying? Come on , you know. 你什么意思?拜托,你知道的。

No. No, no, no. I don’t know. 不,我不不不。 哇不知道

All right, if I’m thinking about it, of the two of us, if I have to pick. I might say that you’re slightly … mom-er. 好吧,想象一下如果我要在我们两人间选。我也许会说你稍微

Excuse me. Can you throw that ball? 不好意思。您能把球扔给我们吗。

Can I throw a ball? You don’t think I can throw a ball? 我能不能扔球?你认为我不能扔一个球?


No, no, no. 

That’ s not what he said. 他没这个说

No, apparently, this gentleman doesn’t think I can throw a ball. 不,很明显,周围绅士不认为我能投球。

Oh, that’s not what he said. 他不是那么说的

You think I can’t throw a ball? Well, let ’s find out. 你认为我不能投球吗?行,等着瞧。

Oh, god. He looks old. 天啊,他看上去上了年纪

Oh, sorry!.

Cam, hands. 卡,手

There you go. 就是这样

Bouquet 花束

Think of as把…看作

Vocabulary 词汇,词汇量 

nightshirt 衬衫式长睡衣,睡袍

satiny,绸缎般的 光滑的


Manny, I didn’t mean any of it. Please forgive me! 曼尼, 我不是那个意思。请原谅我。

I don’t think I can, let’s just get in the van. Oh, sorry for the rhyme. I know how you hate my “poetry.”我不认为我能原谅你,我们快上车吧。哦,不好意思,我用了押韵。我知道你是多么讨厌我的“诗歌”。

Please, stop my suffering! Say something terrible about me so that we can be even like Steven.请别折磨我了。说点我的坏话那我们就扯平了

Why would I say something terrible to someone I love? 为什么我要说我爱的人的坏话?

I curse my tongue! 我诅咒我的舌头

I gonna intervene here. Manny, let’s talk about what really happened, okay. Your mom said you should go out and throw a ball around. That can’t be the first time you’ve heard that. 我得插一句。曼尼,让我们说说究竟发生了什么。你妈妈说你应该出去玩玩球。那不可能是你第一次听到了

No, but there was some hurtful stuff said about my poetry. 不是,但那些关于我的诗话那太伤人了

Which your mom regrets. 所以你妈妈很后悔

I do.

So? That’s what parents are for sometimes they criticize because it helps make you stronger. Kids these days get trophies just for showing up. What’s that gonna lead to?  A bunch of 30-year-olds living at home. Manny, your mom loves you very much. But she’s a human being. So she let off a little steam. honestly, it’s probably a great thing for your relationship. 所以。家长有时候会批评还爱是因为这能让你更坚强。现在的孩子得个奖就为了炫耀。会导致什么?一群人30多还住在家里。曼尼,你母亲非常爱你。但是她只是个人。所以她会稍微发泄点情绪。老实说,这对你们的关系或许是件好事。

I guess I can. 我觉得我可以

Stop. 停

He needs to know the real truth. Manny, Claire was feeling bad because she wants to hit her own children, so I tried to make her feel better by inventing terrible things about you.它需要知道真相。曼尼,克莱尔感觉很糟因为她想揍她自己的孩子,所以我捏造些你的坏话试图让她感觉好些

You mean, you don’t have  a problem with my poetry? 你是说,你对我的诗并没有什么意见?

No, the only problem that I have is that I never have enough of it. You’re the perfect kid in every way. Ay, mi amor.没有,唯一的问题就是我怎么都听不够。你在每一方面都是完美的孩子。

Wow. That’s healthy. 真是健康的关系

Good. You’re back.

Are we done? 我们和好了?

Unless you have something to say to the person who gave you life on her special day.  除非在这个他书的日子,你们有什么要对某人个赐予你生命的人说


I’m good.

My baby, Luke?


rhyme 押韵

curse 诅咒;咒骂;

intervene 介入


Showing up露露脸 炫耀

let off a little steam小小的发泄下情绪



What’s this?

Well, it’s a mother’s day card. And I know—stop it! Okay. Cam, that was gloria’s card from Manny. But I just wanted you to see what its definition for “mother” was on it. it’s warm, nurturing,  supportive. You know, maybe the world sees you as a mom— 这是母亲节卡片。我知道-停下!好吧,卡,这是曼尼送个葛罗莉亚的。但我只是想让你知道“母亲”的含义是什么,他表示温暖、养育和支持。你知道或许这个世界视你为母亲-

not just the world.不知这个世界

Fine, fine. Me too. But maybe this is what we’re seeing, and I don’t know why that’s such a bad thing. It certainly doesn’t make you less of a man, right? 好吧好吧,我也是。但或许这就是我们所看到的,我不知道为什么这事有这么不好。他又没有减少男人味,不是吗

Maybe you’re right. 或许你是对的


Come on. Let’s join the party. And cam, put down the scotch. You’re not fooling anyone. 来吧。我们去参加派对。还有,卡,放下威士忌,你骗不了人的。

It is so burnt. Oh, my god. 这酒真辣

Come on, people! Everybody to the table! 来吧。所有人到餐桌这来吧。

definition 解释;

It’s just hard, you know? Having your mother’s day ruined. I never thought it would be you, Lucas.

Don’t even think about it. 挺难接受的你知道吗?你的母亲节毁了。我从未想过会是你,卢卡斯。从未这么想过

But she’ sad. 

Sad he’s losing. She just hit you  with her best shot. We need to stay strong. 伤心代表快输了。她只是使出最拿手的煽情的招数试图打动你。你得坚持住。

But I feel—

Don’t feel. Just go splash water on your face and man up! 别感觉了。洗把脸振作起来

We’re your mother now.

Splash water on your face 往脸上泼点水

Man up拿出点男人的样子

How was your day with my dad? 

Awkward, actually. He, um,,, he cried a little.  事实上挺尴尬。他有点哭了

My dad?! 


No, I didn’t say he cried.

Why would you make jay sob like that? 你为什么要让杰抽泣呢

I didn’t make him sob. He teared up when I found this poem he wrote for his mom as a boy. 我没让他抽泣,他热泪盈眶是因为看到小时候写给妈妈的诗

What is “ohh”?

Phil saw dad cry.

Jay misses his mama.

Everybody, stop! 你们给我停下

Is anybody hungry? 没人肚子饿吗

What? You cried for your mommy? 你为你妈妈哭了

Oh, crap, I did not.

Yes, Phil just told us.

No, that’s not true. She’s a liar. 不,那不是真的。她说谎了。

What’s wrong with you. Look, I know you would all be so happy if you thought I had some big emotion moment about my mom, but I didn’t. 你怎么回事? 我知道如果我因为我母亲情绪波动大你们会很高兴,但我没有

So you don’t miss your mom? 所以你不想你母亲

Of course I do. She was a great lady. And she also left me a fantastic recipe for sauce which now is getting cold. So can we please eat? 当然想,他是个伟大的女性。 而且他还给我留下了非常棒的酱汁食谱,而酱汁快凉了。

Hear! Hear!  听着,听着

Just grab some wine. 我拿了些红酒

Oh, my gosh, smell that. It smells like grandma’s house. 哦,天啊,闻闻看。真像奶奶的房子。

Hey, you guys remember that? 你们记得吗

I remember the first time I cut spaghetti. 我记得第一次切意大利面

That’s what she did! No, you can ’t cut spaghetti. She taught me to twirl, 她是这么说的。不你不能切意大利面,她教我卷着吃

Oh, so she’s the one. 哦是她把你掰弯的

Yeah, she was tough.i remember I had this little league coach. And one time after a game. He was laying into me about something, I don’t remember. But mom comes charging out of the stands. she goes right up to the guy— I mean, face to face, nose to nose—and she says to him,”let me tell you something—nobody, and I mean nobody, yells at my little boy.” 是啊,她教的。我记得我有个联盟教练。有一次赛后,我记得因为什么他痛斥我。但是妈妈冲出看台。他径直走到教练那—我的意思是脸对脸,鼻对鼻-然后她对他说,“我告诉你,没人,我是说没有任何人,可以冲我孩子嚷嚷。“

Oh, my god! It’s happening again!

It’s okay, jay! Let it out.

You only get one mom. 

I’m sorry, mom. 

Me too.

A bottle of red, a bottle of—what?! 一瓶红酒,一瓶—怎么来?

Oh, yeah, and I’m the weak one.



league coach小联盟 就是指棒球比赛

Lay into痛斥

Charge out冲出来


Get off of me.

I’m sorry.

Oh, I think she’s calling you.

Don’t even try. I have that pottery class in the morning. 想都别想。明早我有陶艺课

Jay, let’s go to bed.

Be right up.

Son of a bitch.

pervert 性变态者

Feel up 对妇女动手动脚,就是猥琐


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