#21天写作二十天# #修炼专八作文的悲欢#



★ 常言道:“温故而知新”。那么趁写作计划进行到一半时候,开始对之前写的东西进行“翻新”吧!

    Contradictory perspectives arise when it comes to whether students should be urged to read the classics nowadays. Some take it as a necessity to embark on the literary quest for wisdom and adventure, rather than time-wasting rest and recreation. Others are strongly opposing stunt in reading through literary texts that might not be related to them when it is time for free reading. My personal perspectives is that, with too much toil and travail of reading the classics, the final results might not as desired desirous as we premierely thought.

    At no time will reading  read  be ignored, for it is the step stone for exploring human to make progress throughout history. Stringent requirements are made in current primary schools that pupils are compelled to read well-known classics and to write down record their thoughts. Groaning under tremendous pressure, students can hardly relief from mental angst if they were coerced to be emersed in a world of classics even after class. Sadly though, many Chinese students are deprived of their break from self-development, and they have no choice but to browse obscure books obviously not suitable for their current contemporary young ages. Therefore, it is recommended that some classics should be introduced to students that can be well digested during school class, then encourage them to choose whatever they take a liking to in terms of science fiction, skating graphic novel, detective mysterious, etc.

     Why should it matter that the literary value is not up to some elitist standard? Books-reading surely gravitated our wisdom towards right truth, while too much pressure that may block children’s dream about exploring new genres and authors to build a world in their own minds.


                                            The Classics: A Way in and a Way out 

    In a society where books become somehow formulaic both in their language and plots, an urgent call for reading the classics peals in our ears. Those reading the classics say that the classics foster wisdom and reveal timeless truths. Others on the other hand, advocate free reading, which encourages students to choose whatever excites them to read. In my opinion, young and inexperienced readers should be guided to read the classics for the following reasons.  

    Firstly, reading the classics is a voyage of discovery of both oneself and the world. Most classics picture entrepreneurial activities telling of wonders seen, dangers risked, coasts charted, hopes justified or dashed, souls saved or lost, and treasures found or missed. These are nothing but syncopation of our own fantasies and realities. youngsters--like human beings everywhere--face vital issues of their own age: What is true friendship? What should be done when ethics and self- interest conflict? How can we act in the face of fear and disaster In struggling to answer these delicate questions, they have the classics to draw on. Huckleberry Finn walks out of twain's novel to teach us the touching meaning of unbiased friendship. Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter enchants us with the scarlet passion and soul-searing power of love. Moreover, good literature offers the young a way to transcend the suffocation imposed by an avalanche of current events which seem so trivial and distracting. Sadly, we are living in an era where the ballast of news tampers our high sensitivity and storms our simple hearts. Thanks to the classics, we can be bathed in the moonlight of the subjective imagination rather than get drowned forever in the dazzling daylight of actuality and social iconography.

    So pick up one classic now and indulge yourselt into it until the world around you disappears. Lose yourself in a labyrinthine book whose rich yet detailed imagination offers us a life greater than our narrow souls can ever possess. Spin ourselves a fairytale web so that we can escape the worlds clamor for only one hour or two. let's all enjoy reading the classics!

In a society where books become somehow formulaic both in their language and plots, an urgent call for reading the classics peals in our ears. Those reading the classics say that the classics foster wisdom and reveal timeless truths. Others on the other hand, advocate free reading, which encourages students to choose whatever excites them to read. In my opinion, young and inexperienced readers should be guided to read the classics for the following reasons. 


“首先说明现在人们所读的书在语言和情节内容上出现千篇一律的问题,即 formulaic both in their language and plots,然后总结选段1的观点,即应该规定孩子要读的经典书目,因为经典作品描述的是人类永恒的真理和主题。其次,概括选段2的观点,即应该由孩子自己来选择喜欢的阅读题材。最后表达 自己的观点,即年轻一代在阅读方 面应该得到有关经典作品的指引。 ”

Firstly, reading the classics is a voyage of discovery of both oneself and the world. Most classics picture entrepreneurial activities telling of wonders seen, dangers risked, coasts charted, hopes justified or dashed, souls saved or lost, and treasures found or missed. These are nothing but syncopation of our own fantasies and realities. youngsters--like human beings everywhere--face vital issues of their own age: What is true friendship? What should be done when ethics and self- interest conflict? How can we act in the face of fear and disaster In struggling to answer these delicate questions, they have the classics to draw on. Huckleberry Finn walks out of twain's novel to teach us the touching meaning of unbiased friendship. Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter enchants us with the scarlet passion and soul-searing power of love. Moreover, good literature offers the young a way to transcend the suffocation imposed by an avalanche of current events which seem so trivial and distracting. Sadly, we are living in an era where the ballast of news tampers our high sensitivity and storms our simple hearts. Thanks to the classics, we can be bathed in the moonlight of the subjective imagination rather than get drowned forever in the dazzling daylight of actuality and social iconography.


 “主体部分从两方面阐述推荐经 典作品给年轻读者阅读的必要性。 首先,经典作品可以帮助年轻人了解自我和世界。支撑此论点时,作者使用了大量的文学作品为例说明 经典作品的主题包罗万象,但探讨的都是人类共同面临的问题。其 次,在了解自我和社会的基础之上阅读经典使年轻一代摆脱无趣且令人分神的世俗之事。在论述这一点时,首先指出当下社会阅读出现的问题,即 the ballast of news tampers our high sensitivity and storms our simple hearts,然后自然地引出经典作品有别于这些毫无意义的花边新 闻,可以将我们的精神提升到另一个高度。 ”

    So pick up one classic now and indulge yourselt into it until the world around you disappears. Lose yourself in a labyrinthine book whose rich yet detailed imagination offers us a life greater than our narrow souls can ever possess. Spin ourselves a fairytale web so that we can escape the worlds clamor for only one hour or two. let's all enjoy reading the classics!



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