1.航天技术 space technology
2.优势科技力力量 outstanding scientists,engineers and technicians
3.国家最高科学技术奖 national top science and technology award
4.加快高新技术产业化进程 step up commercialization of high and innovative technologies
5.实施科教兴国战略 implement the strategy of rejuvenating china through science and technology
6.基因芯片 genetic chip
7.生命科学 life science
8.尖端技术 cutting-edge technology
9.论证 peer review
10.一支高水平的科研队伍 a contingent of top-notch researchers
11.高新技术产业开发区 high-tech industrial zones//??high and
12.国家科学技术进步奖 national award for science and technology progress
13.应用型科研机构 application-based research institutions
14.改革试点 pilot reform
15.社会力量设立的科学技术奖 non-state funds for science and technology
16.国家创新体系建设 develope a national innovation system
17.提高经济效益 increase economic returns
18.学习、消化、吸收外国科学技术成就 learning,adaptation and assimilation foreign scientific and technological achievements
19.版权税 royalties
20.侵权行为 infringing act
21.利用国际风险资金开办企业 invest in a start-up bussiness with international venture capital
22.基因工程和细胞工程 genetic and cell engineering
23.抗病转基因小麦 transgenic wheat of disease resistance
24.科技中介服务机构 science and technology service agents
25.省、部科学技术奖 ministerial and provincial science and technology awards
26.生物工程 bioengineering
27.知识创新工程 knowledge innovation project
28.办好国家高新技术产业开发区 ensure successful operation of national innovative and high technology industrial development zone
29.倾斜政策 policy in favor of
30.专利使用费 patent royalties
31.《高技术研究发展计划纲要》high-tech r&d program outline
32.重大侵权者的刑事判决 criminal conviction for major copyright infringers
33.提高科技含量 increase science and technology content
34.人类基因组计划 the human genome project
35.加强知识产权的保护和管理 tighten up the management and protection of intellectual property rights