
In an earlier freeCodeCamp tutorial, I explained how to create auto-updating data visualizations in Python.

在较早的freeCodeCamp教程中,我解释了如何在Python中创建自动更新数据可视化 。

Some readers reached out to ask if there was any way to make the visualizations interactive. Fortunately, an easy solution is already available!

一些读者伸出手来询问是否有任何方法可以使可视化交互。 幸运的是,已经有一个简单的解决方案!

In this tutorial, I will teach you how you can create interactive data visualization in Python. These visualizations are excellent candidates for embedding on your blog or website.

在本教程中,我将教你如何在Python中创建交互式数据可视化。 这些可视化是嵌入到您的博客或网站中的绝佳选择。

我们将使用的特定数据可视化 (The Specific Data Visualization We Will Be Working With)

Instead of building an entire data visualization from scratch in this article, we will be working with the visualization that we created in my last tutorial.


The visualization uses pandas, matplotlib, and Python to present various data points from the 5 largest publicly-traded banks in the United States.

可视化使用pandas , matplotlib和Python来显示来自美国5家最大的公开交易银行的各种数据点。

Here is a static image of the visualization we created:


The actual code for the visualization is included below. We covered this in the last tutorial, but please note that you will need to generate your own IEX Cloud API key and include it in the IEX_API_Key variable in order for the script to work.

可视化的实际代码如下。 我们在上一教程中介绍了此方法,但请注意,您需要生成自己的IEX Cloud API密钥,并将其包含在IEX_API_Key变量中,脚本才能起作用。

#Import dependencies

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#Import and clean data

IEX_API_Key = ''

tickers = [

#Create an empty string called `ticker_string` that we'll add tickers and commas to
ticker_string = ''

#Loop through every element of `tickers` and add them and a comma to ticker_string
for ticker in tickers:
    ticker_string += ticker
    ticker_string += ','
#Drop the last comma from `ticker_string`
ticker_string = ticker_string[:-1]

#Create the endpoint and years strings
endpoints = 'chart'
years = '5'

#Interpolate the endpoint strings into the HTTP_request string
HTTP_request = f'https://cloud.iexapis.com/stable/stock/market/batch?symbols={ticker_string}&types={endpoints}&range={years}y&cache=true&token={IEX_API_Key}'

#Send the HTTP request to the IEX Cloud API and store the response in a pandas DataFrame
bank_data = pd.read_json(HTTP_request)

#Create an empty list that we will append pandas Series of stock price data into
series_list = []

#Loop through each of our tickers and parse a pandas Series of their closing prices over the last 5 years
for ticker in tickers:

#Add in a column of dates

#Copy the 'tickers' list from earlier in the script, and add a new element called 'Date'. 
#These elements will be the column names of our pandas DataFrame later on.
column_names = tickers.copy()

#Concatenate the pandas Series togehter into a single DataFrame
bank_data = pd.concat(series_list, axis=1)

#Name the columns of the DataFrame and set the 'Date' column as the index
bank_data.columns = column_names
bank_data.set_index('Date', inplace = True)

#Create the Python figure

#Set the size of the matplotlib canvas
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (18,8))

#Create subplots in Python

#Subplot 1

#Generate the boxplot

#Add titles to the chart and axes
plt.title('Boxplot of Bank Stock Prices (5Y Lookback)')
plt.ylabel('Stock Prices')

#Add labels to each individual boxplot on the canvas
ticks = range(1, len(bank_data.columns)+1)
labels = list(bank_data.columns)

#Subplot 2

#Create the x-axis data
dates = bank_data.index.to_series()
dates = [pd.to_datetime(d) for d in dates]

#Create the y-axis data
WFC_stock_prices =  bank_data['WFC']

#Generate the scatterplot
plt.scatter(dates, WFC_stock_prices)

#Add titles to the chart and axes
plt.title("Wells Fargo Stock Price (5Y Lookback)")
plt.ylabel("Stock Price")

#Subplot 3

#Create the x-axis data
dates = bank_data.index.to_series()
dates = [pd.to_datetime(d) for d in dates]

#Create the y-axis data
BAC_stock_prices =  bank_data['BAC']

#Generate the scatterplot
plt.scatter(dates, BAC_stock_prices)

#Add titles to the chart and axes
plt.title("Bank of America Stock Price (5Y Lookback)")
plt.ylabel("Stock Price")

#Subplot 4

#Generate the histogram
plt.hist(bank_data.transpose(), bins = 50)

#Add a legend to the histogram

#Add titles to the chart and axes
plt.title("A Histogram of Daily Closing Stock Prices for the 5 Largest Banks in the US (5Y Lookback)")
plt.xlabel("Stock Prices")


#Save the figure to our local machine


Now that we have an understanding of the specific visualization we'll be working with, let's talk about what it means for a visualization to be interactive.


可视化是交互式的意味着什么? (What Does It Mean for a Visualization to be Interactive?)

There are two types of data visualizations that are useful to embed on your website.


The first type is a static visualization. This is basically an image - think .png or .jpg files.

第一种是静态可视化。 这基本上是一个图像-考虑.png.jpg文件。

The second type is a dynamic visualization. These visualizations change in response to user behavior, usually by panning or zooming. Dynamic visualizations are not stored in .png or .jpg files but usually in svg or iframe tags.

第二种是动态可视化。 这些可视化通常是通过平移或缩放来响应用户行为而更改的。 动态可视化文件不存储在.png.jpg文件中,而是通常存储在svgiframe标签中。

This tutorial is about creating dynamic data visualizations. Specifically, the visualization we want to create will have the following characteristics:

本教程是关于创建动态数据可视化的。 具体来说,我们要创建的可视化将具有以下特征:

  1. You will click a button in the bottom left to enable dynamic mode.

  2. Once dynamic mode is enabled, you can zoom and pan the visualization with your mouse.

  3. You can also crop and zoom to a specific section of the visualization.


In the next section of this tutorial, you will learn how to install and import the mpld3 library, which is the Python dependency that we'll use to create our interactive charts.


如何导入mpld3库 (How to Import the mpld3 Library)

To use the mpld3 library in our Python application, there are two steps that we need to complete first:


  1. Install the mpld3 library on the machine we're working on.


  2. Import the mpld3 library into our Python script.


First, let's install mpld3 on our local machine.


The easiest way to do this is using the pip package manager for Python3. If you already have pip installed on your machine, you can do this by running the following statement from your command line:

最简单的方法是使用适用于Python3的pip包管理器。 如果您已经在计算机上安装了pip ,则可以通过从命令行运行以下语句来执行此操作:

pip3 install mpld3

Now that mpld3 is installed on our machine, we can import it into our Python script with the following statement:


import mpld3

For readability's sake, it is considered a best practice to include this import along with the rest of your imports at the top of your script. This means that your import section will now look like this:

出于可读性考虑,将此导入与其余导入一起包括在脚本顶部被认为是最佳实践。 这意味着您的导入部分现在将如下所示:

#Import dependencies

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpld3

如何将静态matplotlib可视化转换为交互式数据可视化 (How To Transform a Static matplotlib Visualizations into an Interactive Data Visualization)

The mpld3 library's main functionality is to take an existing matplotlib visualization and transform it into some HTML code that you can embed on your website.


The tool we use for this is mpld3's fig_to_html file, which accepts a matplotlib figure object as its sole argument and returns HTML.

我们用于此目的的工具是mpld3fig_to_html文件,该文件接受matplotlib figure对象作为其唯一参数并返回HTML。

To use the fig_to_html method for our purpose, simply add the following code to the end of our Python script:


html_str = mpld3.fig_to_html(fig)
Html_file= open("index.html","w")

This code generates the HTML and saves it under the filename index.html in your current working directory. Here's what this looks like when rendered to a webpage:

此代码生成HTML并将其保存在当前工作目录中的文件名index.html下。 呈现到网页时的外观如下:

When you hover over this visualization, three icons will appear in the bottom left. The left icon returns the visualization to its default appearance. The middle icon enables dynamic mode. The right icon allows you to crop and zoom to a specific spot in the visualization.

将鼠标悬停在此可视化上时,三个图标将出现在左下方。 左侧的图标将可视化效果恢复为其默认外观。 中间的图标启用动态模式。 右边的图标允许您裁剪和缩放到可视化中的特定位置。

使用pandas和mpld3的常见错误 (A Common Error With Working With pandas and mpld3)

When creating the interactive visualization in this tutorial, you may come across the following error generated by mpld3:


TypeError: array([ 1.]) is not JSON serializable

Fortunately, there is a well-documented solution to this error on GitHub.


You need to edit the _display.py file found in Lib\site-packages\mpld3 and replace the NumpyEncoder class by this one:

您需要编辑在Lib \ site-packages \ mpld3中找到的_display.py文件,并将NumpyEncoder类替换为此:

class NumpyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    """ Special json encoder for numpy types """

    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, (numpy.int_, numpy.intc, numpy.intp, numpy.int8,
            numpy.int16, numpy.int32, numpy.int64, numpy.uint8,
            numpy.uint16,numpy.uint32, numpy.uint64)):
            return int(obj)
        elif isinstance(obj, (numpy.float_, numpy.float16, numpy.float32, 
            return float(obj)
        try: # Added by ceprio 2018-04-25
            iterable = iter(obj)
        except TypeError:
            return list(iterable)
         # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

Once this replacement is made, then your code should function properly and your index.html file should generate successfully.


最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

In this tutorial, you learned how to create interactive data visualizations in Python using the matplotlib and mpld3 libraries. Here is a specific summary of what we covered:

在本教程中,您学习了如何使用matplotlib和mpld3库在Python中创建交互式数据可视化。 以下是我们涵盖内容的具体摘要:

  1. The definition of a dynamic data visualization

  2. How to install and import the mpld3 library for Python


  3. How to use the mpld3 library to transform a matplotlib visualization into a dynamic visualization that you can embed on your website


  4. How to fix a common error that users of the mpld3 library experience


This tutorial was written by Nick McCullum, who teaches Python and JavaScript development on his website.

本教程由Nick McCullum编写,他在他的网站上教授Python和JavaScript开发。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-embed-interactive-python-visualizations-on-your-website-with-python-and-matplotlib/
