





bool Ekf::update()
	if (!_filter_initialised) {
		_filter_initialised = initialiseFilter();

		if (!_filter_initialised) {
			return false;
	// Only run the filter if IMU data in the buffer has been updated
	if (_imu_updated) {
		// perform state and covariance prediction for the main filter
		// control fusion of observation data

		// run a separate filter for terrain estimation

	// the output observer always runs

	// check for NaN or inf on attitude states
	if (!ISFINITE(_state.quat_nominal(0)) || !ISFINITE(_output_new.quat_nominal(0))) {
		return false;
	// We don't have valid data to output until tilt and yaw alignment is complete
	return _control_status.flags.tilt_align && _control_status.flags.yaw_align;



bool Ekf::initialiseFilter()
	// Keep accumulating measurements until we have a minimum of 10 samples for the required sensors
	// Sum the IMU delta angle measurements
	imuSample imu_init = _imu_buffer.get_newest();
	_delVel_sum += imu_init.delta_vel;
	// Sum the magnetometer measurements
	if (_mag_buffer.pop_first_older_than(_imu_sample_delayed.time_us, &_mag_sample_delayed)) {
		if ((_mag_counter == 0) && (_mag_sample_delayed.time_us != 0)) {
			// initialise the counter when we start getting data from the buffer
			_mag_counter = 1;
		} else if ((_mag_counter != 0) && (_mag_sample_delayed.time_us != 0)) {
			// increment the sample count and apply a LPF to the measurement
			_mag_counter ++;

			// don't start using data until we can be certain all bad initial data has been flushed
			if (_mag_counter == (uint8_t)(_obs_buffer_length + 1)) {
				// initialise filter states
				_mag_filt_state = _mag_sample_delayed.mag;

			} else if (_mag_counter > (uint8_t)(_obs_buffer_length + 1)) {
				// noise filter the data
				_mag_filt_state = _mag_filt_state * 0.9f + _mag_sample_delayed.mag * 0.1f;


	// set the default height source from the adjustable parameter
	if (_hgt_counter == 0) {
		_primary_hgt_source = _params.vdist_sensor_type;


	// accumulate enough height measurements to be confident in the qulaity of the data
	if (_primary_hgt_source == VDIST_SENSOR_RANGE) {//使用超声波
		if (_range_buffer.pop_first_older_than(_imu_sample_delayed.time_us, &_range_sample_delayed)) {
			if ((_hgt_counter == 0) && (_range_sample_delayed.time_us != 0)) {
				// initialise the counter height fusion method when we start getting data from the buffer
				_control_status.flags.baro_hgt = false;
				_control_status.flags.gps_hgt = false;
				_control_status.flags.rng_hgt = true;//使能超声波标志位
				_control_status.flags.ev_hgt = false;
				_hgt_counter = 1;

			} else if ((_hgt_counter != 0) && (_range_sample_delayed.time_us != 0)) {
				// increment the sample count and apply a LPF to the measurement
				_hgt_counter ++;
				// don't start using data until we can be certain all bad initial data has been flushed
				if (_hgt_counter == (uint8_t)(_obs_buffer_length + 1)) {
					// initialise filter states
					_rng_filt_state = _range_sample_delayed.rng;

				} else if (_hgt_counter > (uint8_t)(_obs_buffer_length + 1)) {
					// noise filter the data
					_rng_filt_state = 0.9f * _rng_filt_state + 0.1f * _range_sample_delayed.rng;
	} else if (_primary_hgt_source == VDIST_SENSOR_BARO || _primary_hgt_source == VDIST_SENSOR_GPS) {//使用气压计或者GPS
		// if the user parameter specifies use of GPS for height we use baro height initially and switch to GPS
		// later when it passes checks.
		if (_baro_buffer.pop_first_older_than(_imu_sample_delayed.time_us, &_baro_sample_delayed)) {
			if ((_hgt_counter == 0) && (_baro_sample_delayed.time_us != 0)) {
				// initialise the counter and height fusion method when we start getting data from the buffer
				_control_status.flags.baro_hgt = true;//使用气压计
				_control_status.flags.gps_hgt = false;
				_control_status.flags.rng_hgt = false;
				_hgt_counter = 1;

			} else if ((_hgt_counter != 0) && (_baro_sample_delayed.time_us != 0)) {
				// increment the sample count and apply a LPF to the measurement
				_hgt_counter ++;

				// don't start using data until we can be certain all bad initial data has been flushed
				if (_hgt_counter == (uint8_t)(_obs_buffer_length + 1)) {
					// initialise filter states
					_baro_hgt_offset = _baro_sample_delayed.hgt;

				} else if (_hgt_counter > (uint8_t)(_obs_buffer_length + 1)) {
					// noise filter the data
					_baro_hgt_offset = 0.9f * _baro_hgt_offset + 0.1f * _baro_sample_delayed.hgt;
	} else if (_primary_hgt_source == VDIST_SENSOR_EV) {//使用视觉传感器
		_hgt_counter = _ev_counter;
	} else {
		return false;
	// check to see if we have enough measurements and return false if not
	bool hgt_count_fail = _hgt_counter <= 2 * _obs_buffer_length;
	bool mag_count_fail = _mag_counter <= 2 * _obs_buffer_length;
	bool ev_count_fail = ((_params.fusion_mode & MASK_USE_EVPOS) || (_params.fusion_mode & MASK_USE_EVYAW)) && (_ev_counter <= 2 * _obs_buffer_length);
		if (hgt_count_fail || mag_count_fail || ev_count_fail) {
		return false;
	} else {
		// reset variables that are shared with post alignment GPS checks重置与后校准GPS检查共享的变量
		_gps_drift_velD = 0.0f;
		_gps_alt_ref = 0.0f;
		// Zero all of the states

检测是否有足够的测量数据,如果没有则返回 false,复位状态

// get initial roll and pitch estimate from delta velocity vector, assuming vehicle is static
	float pitch = 0.0f;
	float roll = 0.0f;
	if (_delVel_sum.norm() > 0.001f) {
		pitch = asinf(_delVel_sum(0));
		roll = atan2f(-_delVel_sum(1), -_delVel_sum(2));
	} else {
		return false;
// calculate initial tilt alignment
		matrix::Euler<float> euler_init(roll, pitch, 0.0f);
		_state.quat_nominal = Quaternion(euler_init);
		_output_new.quat_nominal = _state.quat_nominal;
		_R_to_earth = quat_to_invrotmat(_state.quat_nominal);

根据上面得到的初始pitch 、roll计算初始倾斜角,并更新机体系到导航系的旋转矩阵。

	Vector3f mag_init = _mag_filt_state;
	// calculate the initial magnetic field and yaw alignment
	_control_status.flags.yaw_align = resetMagHeading(mag_init);


		// initialise the state covariance matrix


void Ekf::initialiseCovariance()
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < _k_num_states; i++) {//首先是协方差矩阵内容清零,以便赋值
		for (unsigned j = 0; j < _k_num_states; j++) {
			P[i][j] = 0.0f;
	// calculate average prediction time step in sec//计算平均预测时间 单位 秒
	float dt = 0.001f * (float)FILTER_UPDATE_PERIOD_MS;

	// define the initial angle uncertainty as variances for a rotation vector
	Vector3f rot_vec_var;
	rot_vec_var(2) = rot_vec_var(1) = rot_vec_var(0) = sq(_params.initial_tilt_err);


	// velocity
	P[4][4] = sq(fmaxf(_params.gps_vel_noise, 0.01f));
	P[5][5] = P[4][4];
	P[6][6] = sq(1.5f) * P[4][4];

	// position
	P[7][7] = sq(fmaxf(_params.gps_pos_noise, 0.01f));
	P[8][8] = P[7][7];
	if (_control_status.flags.rng_hgt) {//使用超声波 (这里不使用)
		P[9][9] = sq(fmaxf(_params.range_noise, 0.01f));
	} else if (_control_status.flags.gps_hgt) {//用GPS
		float lower_limit = fmaxf(_params.gps_pos_noise, 0.01f);
		float upper_limit = fmaxf(_params.pos_noaid_noise, lower_limit);
		P[9][9] = sq(1.5f * math::constrain(_gps_sample_delayed.vacc, lower_limit, upper_limit));
	} else {
		P[9][9] = sq(fmaxf(_params.baro_noise, 0.01f));

	// gyro bias
	P[10][10] = sq(_params.switch_on_gyro_bias * dt);
	P[11][11] = P[10][10];
	P[12][12] = P[10][10];

	// accel bias
	_prev_dvel_bias_var(0) = P[13][13] = sq(_params.switch_on_accel_bias * dt);
	_prev_dvel_bias_var(1) = P[14][14] = P[13][13];
	_prev_dvel_bias_var(2) = P[15][15] = P[13][13];
	// earth frame and body frame magnetic field
	// set to observation variance
	for (uint8_t index=16; index <= 21; index ++) {
		P[index][index] = sq(_params.mag_noise);

	// wind
	P[22][22] = 1.0f;
	P[23][23] = 1.0f;

initialiseQuatCovariances(rot_vec_var);这个函数可以到matlab模型里面可以找到 ,编译后会生成此函数,matlab路径:

Firmware-1.6.0rc1\src\lib\ecl\EKF\matlab\Inertial Nav EKF\QuatErrTransferEquations.m


	//	重置基本的融合超时计数器
		_time_last_hgt_fuse = _time_last_imu;
		_time_last_pos_fuse = _time_last_imu;
		_time_last_vel_fuse = _time_last_imu;
		_time_last_hagl_fuse = _time_last_imu;
		_time_last_of_fuse = _time_last_imu;
	// reset the output predictor state history to match the EKF initial values
		return true;
}//end bool Ekf::initialiseFilter();
void Ekf::alignOutputFilter()
	// calculate the quaternion delta between the output and EKF quaternions at the EKF fusion time horizon
	Quaternion quat_inv = _state.quat_nominal.inversed();
	Quaternion q_delta =  _output_sample_delayed.quat_nominal * quat_inv;

	// calculate the velocity and posiiton deltas between the output and EKF at the EKF fusion time horizon
	Vector3f vel_delta = _state.vel - _output_sample_delayed.vel;
	Vector3f pos_delta = _state.pos - _output_sample_delayed.pos;

	// loop through the output filter state history and add the deltas
	outputSample output_states = {};
	unsigned output_length = _output_buffer.get_length();

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < output_length; i++) {
		output_states = _output_buffer.get_from_index(i);
		output_states.quat_nominal *= q_delta;
		output_states.vel += vel_delta;
		output_states.pos += pos_delta;
		_output_buffer.push_to_index(i, output_states);

