
Model Params(M) FLOPs(G)
alexnet 61.10 0.71
densenet121 7.98 2.90
densenet161 28.68 7.85
densenet169 14.15 3.44
densenet201 20.01 4.39
googlenet 6.62 1.51
inception_v3 23.83 5.75
mnasnet0_5 2.22 0.12
mnasnet0_75 3.17 0.23
mnasnet1_0 4.38 0.34
mnasnet1_3 6.28 0.56
mobilenet_v2 3.50 0.33
mobilenet_v3_large 5.48 0.23
mobilenet_v3_small 2.54 0.06
resnet101 44.55 7.87
resnet152 60.19 11.60
resnet18 11.69 1.82
resnet34 21.80 3.68
resnet50 25.56 4.13
resnext101_32x8d 88.79 16.54
resnext50_32x4d 25.03 4.29
shufflenet_v2_x0_5 1.37 0.04
shufflenet_v2_x1_0 2.28 0.15
shufflenet_v2_x1_5 3.50 0.31
shufflenet_v2_x2_0 7.39 0.60
squeezenet1_0 1.25 0.82
squeezenet1_1 1.24 0.35
vgg11 132.86 7.61
vgg11_bn 132.87 7.64
vgg13 133.05 11.31
vgg13_bn 133.05 11.36
vgg16 138.36 15.47
vgg16_bn 138.37 15.52
vgg19 143.67 19.63
vgg19_bn 143.68 19.69
wide_resnet101_2 126.89 22.84
wide_resnet50_2 68.88 11.46
import torch
from torchvision import models

model_names = sorted(
    for name in models.__dict__
    if name.islower()
    and not name.startswith("__")  # and "inception" in name
    and callable(models.__dict__[name])

device = "cpu"

for name in model_names:
    model = models.__dict__[name]().to(device)
    dsize = (1, 3, 224, 224)
    size_ = (3, 224, 224)
    if "inception" in name:
        dsize = (1, 3, 299, 299)
        size_ = (3, 224, 224)

    # thop,功能单一,不推荐
    from thop.profile import profile
    inputs = torch.randn(dsize).to(device)
    total_ops, total_params = profile(model, (inputs,), verbose=False)
        "%s | %.2f | %.2f" % (name, total_params / (1000 ** 2), total_ops / (1000 ** 3))

    # 直接测量参数量,不能统计计算量。
    total_params = sum(param.numel() for param in model.parameters())
    print(total_params / (1000 ** 2))

    # torchstat,打印内容最详细,但没打印层名,且支持某些层的种类有限(https://github.com/Swall0w/torchstat/blob/master/detail.md)。对于包含这些层的网络,计算结果比实际偏低。测量的是GPU模型。
    from torchstat import stat
    stat(model.to(device), size_)
    # torchinfo。框架比较新,还在更新中,各层的名称比较明确,但打印信息不如torchstat全面。测量的是CPU模型。
    from torchinfo import summary
    summary(model, input_size=dsize)
