1 概述
2 运行结果
3 Matlab代码实现
4 参考文献
Transporting decreased battery by 8 ; Coordinates = (2,2); New battery value: 8
Time 125.74 s: Identifying target
Time 125.75 s: Moving above target
Above target
Time 130.56 s: Descending to grab
Target within reach
Time 133.59 s: Grabbing target
Grabbed successfully
Time 133.60 s: Ascending to transport
At transport height
Time 136.93 s: Transporting target
Above drop zone
Time 141.12 s: Descending to deposit
Releasing grabber
Time 144.44 s: Dropping target
All targets deposited
Time 144.45 s: Landing
Time 146.77 s: Agent idle
Simulation complete
Time taken: 31.02 s
+- VISUALISATIONS -------------------------
| 1: Animate agents
| 2: Compare states
| 3: Compare inputs
| 0: Exit
| x: Exit and close all windows
| Select visualisation: 2
Generating state comparison...
+- AGENT STATE COMPARISON -----------------
| Select property to compare:
| Individual rigid-body states:
| x, y, z, phi, theta, psi,
| xdot, ydot, zdot, p, q, r,
| Grabber arm position:
| xG, yG, zG, xGdot, yGdot, zGdot
| Combined rigid-body states:
| position, attitude, velocity, ang rates,
| Gposition, Gvelocity
| Camera gimbal states:
| phiG, thetaG
| Other properties:
| battery, airspeed
| Selection: battery
| Comparing results for battery...
Returning to main menu...
+- VISUALISATIONS -------------------------
| 1: Animate agents
| 2: Compare states
| 3: Compare inputs
| 0: Exit
| x: Exit and close all windows
| Select visualisation: 1
Animating agents...
Transporting decreased battery by 8 ; Coordinates = (2,2); New battery value: 8
Time 125.74 s: Identifying target
Time 125.75 s: Moving above target
Above target
Time 130.56 s: Descending to grab
Target within reach
Time 133.59 s: Grabbing target
Grabbed successfully
Time 133.60 s: Ascending to transport
At transport height
Time 136.93 s: Transporting target
Above drop zone
Time 141.12 s: Descending to deposit
Releasing grabber
Time 144.44 s: Dropping target
All targets deposited
Time 144.45 s: Landing
Time 146.77 s: Agent idle
Simulation complete
Time taken: 31.02 s
+- VISUALISATIONS -------------------------
| 1: Animate agents
| 2: Compare states
| 3: Compare inputs
| 0: Exit
| x: Exit and close all windows
| Select visualisation: 2
Generating state comparison...
+- AGENT STATE COMPARISON -----------------
| Select property to compare:
| Individual rigid-body states:
| x, y, z, phi, theta, psi,
| xdot, ydot, zdot, p, q, r,
| Grabber arm position:
| xG, yG, zG, xGdot, yGdot, zGdot
| Combined rigid-body states:
| position, attitude, velocity, ang rates,
| Gposition, Gvelocity
| Camera gimbal states:
| phiG, thetaG
| Other properties:
| battery, airspeed
| Selection: battery
| Comparing results for battery...
Returning to main menu...
+- VISUALISATIONS -------------------------
| 1: Animate agents
| 2: Compare states
| 3: Compare inputs
| 0: Exit
| x: Exit and close all windows
| Select visualisation: 1
Animating agents...
% Monte Carlo simulation script based on RunSimSingle.
% Runs 1000 instances of the simulation recording run time and mission
% status.
close all
clearvars -except h GlobalTime Count Run Runs SaveFile
fprintf('Monte Carlo Simulation of UAV\n')
fprintf('Douglas H Fraser\n')
fprintf('March 2019\n')
SimTime = tic;
NumSims = 100;
fprintf('Running %d simulations...\n\n', NumSims)
results = ["Sim #","Time","Status","Battery Used","Remaining Objects","Initial Search Mode","Final Search Mode","Details"];
% Simulation Loop --------------------------------------------------
for simNum = 1:NumSims
close all
clearvars -except h GlobalTime row results simNum NumSims Count Run Runs SaveFile
% Initialize controller and environment for simulation.
DecisionsFile = 'ControllerV2/scenario3b_5x5_1'; % Initial state: 303
[States, Transitions] = LoadDecisions(DecisionsFile);
Environment = cEnvironment('Grid size',[5, 5]);
Agents.Quad = cQuadrotor('Quad',Environment,'Pose',[0 0 0 0 0 0]',...
'States', States, 'Transitions', Transitions);
% Targets
NumTargets = 3;
Shapes = {'Cube','Ball','Pyramid'};
for i = 1:NumTargets
Agents.Target(i) = cTarget(Shapes{i},Environment);
% Simulation properties
t = 0; % Initialise time (s)
tfin = 500; % End time (s)
dt = 0.002; % Solver increment (s)
tsamp = dt; % Sample increment (s)
tsamp = 0.05;
% Initialise blackbox
Data = cBlackBox;
% Initialise
Sim = cSimEngine(Data,Environment,Agents,t,tfin,dt,tsamp);
% Simulation loop
fprintf('Running instance #%d of %d\n',