啥是幻影坦克? 幻影坦克就是, 一张黑白图片, 在黑色背景下和白色背景下能够显示出不同的图像.
首先, 我可以明确的告诉你, 它的原理就是控制像素的颜色和Alpha通道(不透明度), 来使显示的图像在不同背景下显示不同的颜色.
最基本的, 就是, 一张半透明的黑色薄膜, 如果在黑色的纸上, 你什么也看不出来, 但如果在白色纸上, 你可以看见, 它是灰色.
本文中, Alpha 统一拟定为 0 ~ 1 的浮点数, 像素亮度统一为 0 ~ 1 即像素’白的程度’, 例如纯白为1, 纯黑则0.
本项目已经在 github.com/SlimeNull/Null.PhantomTank 开源. 你可以直接 clone 下来以查看源码.
幻影坦克合成库, NullLib.PhantomTank 已经发布到 nuget.org, 你可以直接在 VS 的 nuget 包管理器中直接安装本库
设: 这个图像的背景亮度为 b c bc bc, 这个像素的亮度为 p c pc pc, 不透明度为 p a pa pa, 则最终显示的颜色 o c oc oc 就是:
o c = p c ∗ p a + b c ∗ ( 1 − p a ) oc = pc * pa + bc * (1 - pa) oc=pc∗pa+bc∗(1−pa)
理解起来也简单, 还拿刚刚的例子来讲, 例如一个纯黑的半透明薄膜, 那他肯定:
而当一个像素为白色背景时, 能够显示出一个特定的颜色 x x x, 当黑色背景时, 显示出 y y y, 也可得出一个公式,
设: 颜色 x x x 的亮度为 x c xc xc, 颜色 y y y 的亮度为 y c yc yc, 这个像素的亮度为 z x zx zx, 不透明度为 z a za za, 则满足:
{ x c = z a × z c + ( 1 − z a ) y c = z a × z c \begin{cases} xc = za \times zc + (1 - za) \\ yc = za \times zc \end{cases} {xc=za×zc+(1−za)yc=za×zc
稍微处理一下, 可得到下面的公式:
{ x c = y c + 1 × ( 1 − z a ) y c = x c − 1 × ( 1 − z a ) z a = − [ ( x c − y c ) ÷ 1 ] + 1 ↓ { x c = y c + 1 − z a y c = x c + z a − 1 z a = y c − x c + 1 \begin{cases} xc = yc + 1 \times (1 - za) \\ yc = xc - 1 \times (1 - za) \\ za = -[(xc - yc) \div 1] + 1 \\ \end{cases} \\ \downarrow \\ \begin{cases} xc = yc + 1 - za \\ yc = xc + za - 1 \\ za = yc - xc + 1 \\ \end{cases} ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧xc=yc+1×(1−za)yc=xc−1×(1−za)za=−[(xc−yc)÷1]+1↓⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧xc=yc+1−zayc=xc+za−1za=yc−xc+1
由于 x c xc xc, y c yc yc, z c zc zc, z a za za 都是小于等于1, 大于等于0的值, 所以:
{ 1 ≥ x c ≥ 0 1 ≥ y c ≥ 0 1 ≥ z a ≥ 0 ↓ { 1 ≥ y c + 1 − z a ≥ 0 1 ≥ x c + z a − 1 ≥ 0 1 ≥ y c − x c + 1 ≥ 0 ↓ { 0 ≥ y c − z a ≥ − 1 2 ≥ y c + z a ≥ 1 0 ≥ y c − x c ≥ − 1 ↓ { z a ≥ y c x c + z a ≥ 1 x c ≥ y c 最终得到的不等式, 则是我们的 x 和 y 需要满足的条件. 只有 x 和 y 像素满足这些条件, za 和 zc 才有值 \begin{cases} 1 \geq xc \geq 0 \\ 1 \geq yc \geq 0 \\ 1 \geq za \geq 0 \\ \end{cases} \\ \downarrow \\ \begin{cases} 1 \geq yc + 1 - za \geq 0 \\ 1 \geq xc + za - 1 \geq 0 \\ 1 \geq yc - xc + 1 \geq 0 \\ \end{cases} \\ \downarrow \\ \begin{cases} 0 \geq yc - za \geq -1 \\ 2 \geq yc + za \geq 1 \\ 0 \geq yc - xc \geq -1 \\ \end{cases} \\ \downarrow \\ \begin{cases} za \geq yc \\ xc + za \geq 1 \\ xc \geq yc \end{cases} \\ \\ _\text{最终得到的不等式, 则是我们的 x 和 y 需要满足的条件.} \\\\ _\text{只有 x 和 y 像素满足这些条件, za 和 zc 才有值} ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧1≥xc≥01≥yc≥01≥za≥0↓⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧1≥yc+1−za≥01≥xc+za−1≥01≥yc−xc+1≥0↓⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧0≥yc−za≥−12≥yc+za≥10≥yc−xc≥−1↓⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧za≥ycxc+za≥1xc≥yc最终得到的不等式, 则是我们的 x 和 y 需要满足的条件.只有 x 和 y 像素满足这些条件, za 和 zc 才有值
{ z c = y c ÷ z a z a = y c − x c + 1 \begin{cases} zc = yc \div za \\ za = yc - xc + 1 \end{cases} {zc=yc÷zaza=yc−xc+1
而 ARGB 通道的值是 0 ~ 255, 所以需要进行转换一下:
{ z c = y c ÷ ( z a ÷ 255 ) = y c × 255 ÷ z a z a = y c − x c + 255 \begin{cases} zc = yc \div (za \div 255) = yc \times 255 \div za \\ za = yc - xc + 255 \end{cases} {zc=yc÷(za÷255)=yc×255÷zaza=yc−xc+255
而刚刚我们需要满足的条件, 其中只有一个是我们真正需要进行处理的, 即:
x c ≥ y c xc \geq yc xc≥yc
关于 x c ≥ y c xc \geq yc xc≥yc 的条件, 很简单, x c xc xc 与 y c yc yc 的值是在 0 0 0 到 255 255 255 之内的, 那我们只需要将其压制到 128 128 128 到 255 255 255 之间, 将 y c yc yc 压制到 0 0 0 到 127 127 127 之间, 即可解决. 然后就可以直接用我们得出的公式来运算了.
Color CalcPixel(Color x, Color y)
xc = (x.R + x.G + x.B) / 3,
yc = (y.R + y.G + z.B) / 3; // 获取亮度
xc = (xc / 255f) * 127 + 128;
yc = (yc / 255f) * 127; // 压制颜色
za = yc - xc + 255,
zc = za == 0 ? 0 : yc * 255 / za; // 运算结果颜色
return Color.FromArgb(ya, yc, yc, yc);
我们还可以加点功能, 就是 x 与 y 的颜色占用比例, 例如, 刚刚的就是 1:1, 如果是 10 : 245, 则 x 占用 245 ~ 255, y 占用 0 ~ 245.
// src1ColorRatio 为 x 的占用比例, 值域是0~1
Color CalcPixel(Color src1, Color src2, float src1ColorRatio = 0.5f)
float src2ColorRatio = 1 - src1ColorRatio; // 运算出 y 的占用比例
xc = (int)((src1.R + src1.G + src1.B) * src1ColorRatio / 3 + src2ColorRatio * 255 + 1),
yc = (int)((src2.R + src2.G + src2.B) * src2ColorRatio / 3);
int za = yc - xc + 255,
zc = za == 0 ? 0 : (yc * 255 / za);
return Color.FromArgb(za, zc, zc, zc);
- System.Drawing 程序集或 System.Drawing.Common 包.
LockBitmap 源码:
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Null.PhantomTank.Library
public class LockBitmap : IDisposable
Bitmap source = null;
IntPtr Iptr = IntPtr.Zero;
BitmapData bitmapData = null;
public byte[] Pixels { get; set; }
public int Depth { get; private set; }
public int Width { get; private set; }
public int Height { get; private set; }
public bool IsLocked { get; private set; }
private Func<int, Color> colorGetter;
private Action<int, Color> colorSetter;
public LockBitmap(Bitmap source)
this.source = source;
/// Lock bitmap data
public void LockBits()
// Get width and height of bitmap
Width = source.Width;
Height = source.Height;
// get total locked pixels count
//int PixelCount = Width * Height;
// Create rectangle to lock
System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);
// get source bitmap pixel format size
Depth = System.Drawing.Bitmap.GetPixelFormatSize(source.PixelFormat);
// Check if bpp (Bits Per Pixel) is 8, 24, or 32
if (Depth == 8)
colorGetter = (offset) => Color.FromArgb(Pixels[offset], Pixels[offset], Pixels[offset]);
colorSetter = (offset, color) =>
Pixels[offset] = color.B;
else if (Depth == 24)
colorGetter = (offset) => Color.FromArgb(Pixels[offset + 2], Pixels[offset + 1], Pixels[offset]);
colorSetter = (offset, color) =>
Pixels[offset] = color.B;
Pixels[offset + 1] = color.G;
Pixels[offset + 2] = color.R;
else if (Depth == 32)
colorGetter = (offset) => Color.FromArgb(Pixels[offset + 3], Pixels[offset + 2], Pixels[offset + 1], Pixels[offset]);
colorSetter = (offset, color) =>
Pixels[offset] = color.B;
Pixels[offset + 1] = color.G;
Pixels[offset + 2] = color.R;
Pixels[offset + 3] = color.A;
throw new ArgumentException("Only 8, 24 and 32 bpp images are supported.");
// Lock bitmap and return bitmap data
bitmapData = source.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite,
// create byte array to copy pixel values
int step = Depth / 8;
Pixels = new byte[bitmapData.Stride * Height];
Iptr = bitmapData.Scan0;
IsLocked = true;
// Copy data from pointer to array
Marshal.Copy(Iptr, Pixels, 0, Pixels.Length);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// Unlock bitmap data
public void UnlockBits()
// Copy data from byte array to pointer
Marshal.Copy(Pixels, 0, Iptr, Pixels.Length);
// Unlock bitmap data
IsLocked = false;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// Get the color of the specified pixel
public Color GetPixel(int x, int y)
Color clr = Color.Empty;
// Get color components count
int cCount = Depth / 8;
// Get start index of the specified pixel
//int i = ((y * Width) + x) * cCount;
int i = y * bitmapData.Stride + x * cCount;
if (i > Pixels.Length - cCount)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
// Get color by array index
clr = colorGetter.Invoke(i);
return clr;
/// Set the color of the specified pixel
public void SetPixel(int x, int y, Color color)
// Get color components count
int cCount = Depth / 8;
// Get start index of the specified pixel
//int i = ((y * Width) + x) * cCount;
int i = y * bitmapData.Stride + x * cCount;
// Set color by array index and color object
colorSetter.Invoke(i, color);
public bool IsValidCoordinate(int x, int y)
return x >= 0 && x < this.Width && y > 0 && y < this.Height;
#region IDisposable Support
private bool disposedValue = false; // 要检测冗余调用
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!disposedValue)
if (disposing)
// TODO: 释放托管状态(托管对象)。
// TODO: 释放未托管的资源(未托管的对象)并在以下内容中替代终结器。
// TODO: 将大型字段设置为 null。
disposedValue = true;
// TODO: 仅当以上 Dispose(bool disposing) 拥有用于释放未托管资源的代码时才替代终结器。
// ~LockBitmap() {
// // 请勿更改此代码。将清理代码放入以上 Dispose(bool disposing) 中。
// Dispose(false);
// }
// 添加此代码以正确实现可处置模式。
void IDisposable.Dispose()
// 请勿更改此代码。将清理代码放入以上 Dispose(bool disposing) 中。
// TODO: 如果在以上内容中替代了终结器,则取消注释以下行。
// GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Null.PhantomTank.Library;
namespace Null.PhantomTank
public static class PhantomTank
/// 像素运算方式 变量 : 源色: Xc Yc, 输出: Za Zc
/// 其中: c表示Color, 即颜色亮度, a代表Alpha通道, 即不透明度
/// 备注: 值全部为0~1的比值
/// Expr: | Xc = Za * Zc + 1 - Za
/// | Yc = Za * Zc
/// Calc: | Xc = Yc + 1 - Za
/// | Yc = Xc + Za - 1
/// | Za = Yc - Xc + 1
/// Need: | 1 >= Yc + 1 - Za >= 0, 0 >= Yc - Za >= -1; Then: | Za >= Yc
/// | 1 >= Xc + Za - 1 >= 0, 2 >= Xc + Za >= 1; Then: | Xc + Za >= 1
/// | 1 >= Yc - Xc + 1 >= 0, 0 >= Yc - Xc >= -1; Then: | Xc >= Yc
/// Root: | Zc = Yc / Za
/// | Za = Yc - Xc + 1
/// Basic Root: | Zc = Yc / (Za / 255) = Yc * 255 / Za
/// | Za = Yc - Xc + 255
private static Color CalcPixel(Color src1, Color src2, float src1ColorRatio = 0.5f)
float src2ColorRatio = 1 - src1ColorRatio;
xc = (int)((src1.R + src1.G + src1.B) * src1ColorRatio / 3 + src2ColorRatio * 255),
yc = (int)((src2.R + src2.G + src2.B) * src2ColorRatio / 3);
za = yc - xc + 255,
zc = za == 0 ? 0 : (yc * 255 / za);
return Color.FromArgb(za, zc, zc, zc);
private static float ConvertRatio(float ratio)
return ratio / (ratio + 1);
public const float DefaultRatio = 1;
public static Bitmap ResizeBitmap(Bitmap src, Color bgColor, ResizeMode resize, int newWidth, int newHeight)
Size srcSize = src.Size;
int srcWidth = srcSize.Width,
srcHeight = srcSize.Height;
Bitmap result = new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight, src.PixelFormat);
Graphics rstG = Graphics.FromImage(result);
Size destSize;
Rectangle srcRect, destRect;
case ResizeMode.NoResize:
destRect = new Rectangle((newWidth - srcWidth) / 2, (newHeight - srcHeight) / 2, srcWidth, srcHeight);
rstG.DrawImageUnscaled(src, destRect);
case ResizeMode.Stretch:
srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, srcWidth, srcHeight);
destRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
rstG.DrawImage(src, destRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
case ResizeMode.Uniform:
srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, srcWidth, srcHeight);
destSize = new Size(newWidth, srcHeight * newWidth / srcWidth);
if (destSize.Height > newHeight)
destSize = new Size(srcWidth * newHeight / srcHeight, newHeight);
destRect = new Rectangle(new Point((newWidth - destSize.Width) / 2, (newHeight - destSize.Height) / 2), destSize);
rstG.DrawImage(src, destRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
case ResizeMode.UniformToFill:
srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, srcWidth, srcHeight);
destSize = new Size(newWidth, srcHeight * newWidth / srcWidth);
if (destSize.Height < newHeight)
destSize = new Size(srcWidth * newHeight / srcHeight, newHeight);
destRect = new Rectangle(new Point((newWidth - destSize.Width) / 2, (newHeight - destSize.Height) / 2), destSize);
rstG.DrawImage(src, destRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
return result;
/// 最基本的合成方法, 请保证图片尺寸是一致的
/// 在白底下可以看到的图片
/// 在黑底下可以看到的图片
/// 合并后的黑白图像
public static Bitmap BasicCombineBitmap(Bitmap src1, Bitmap src2, float colorRatio)
if (src1 == null || src2 == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
if (src1.Size != src2.Size)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
Size srcSize = src1.Size;
int width = srcSize.Width, height = srcSize.Height;
Bitmap result = new Bitmap(width, height, src1.PixelFormat);
result.SetResolution(src1.HorizontalResolution, src1.VerticalResolution);
LockBitmap lbmp1 = new LockBitmap(src1);
LockBitmap lbmp2 = new LockBitmap(src2);
LockBitmap lrst = new LockBitmap(result);
float whiteRatio = ConvertRatio(colorRatio);
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
srcPixel1 = lbmp1.GetPixel(j, i),
srcPixel2 = lbmp2.GetPixel(j, i),
outPixel = CalcPixel(srcPixel1, srcPixel2, whiteRatio);
lrst.SetPixel(j, i, outPixel);
return result;
/// 转换图片
/// 源图
/// 坦克类型
/// 转换结果
public static Bitmap ConvertBitmap(Bitmap src, TankType tankType)
Size srcSize = src.Size;
srcWidth = srcSize.Width,
srcHeight = srcSize.Height;
Bitmap result = new Bitmap(srcWidth, srcHeight, src.PixelFormat);
result.SetResolution(src.HorizontalResolution, src.VerticalResolution);
LockBitmap lsrc = new LockBitmap(src);
LockBitmap lrst = new LockBitmap(result);
Func<int, Color> pixelCalcFunc;
switch (tankType)
case TankType.AppearOnBlack:
pixelCalcFunc = (srcPixel) => Color.FromArgb(srcPixel, 255, 255, 255);
case TankType.AppearOnWhite:
pixelCalcFunc = (srcPixel) => Color.FromArgb(255 - srcPixel, 0, 0, 0);
throw new InvalidOperationException("Not supported.");
for (int i = 0; i < srcHeight; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < srcWidth; j++)
Color pixel = lsrc.GetPixel(j, i);
int light = (pixel.R + pixel.G + pixel.B) / 3;
lrst.SetPixel(j, i, pixelCalcFunc.Invoke(light));
return result;
public static Bitmap ConvertImage(Image src, TankType tankType)
Bitmap newSrc = new Bitmap(src);
Bitmap result = ConvertBitmap(newSrc, tankType);
return result;
public static Bitmap CombineBitmap(Bitmap src1, Bitmap src2, Color bgColor1, Color bgColor2, ResizeMode resize, float colorRatio)
src1Size = src1.Size,
src2Size = src2.Size;
int src1Width = src1Size.Width,
src1Height = src1Size.Height,
src2Width = src2Size.Width,
src2Height = src2Size.Height;
maxWidth = src1Width > src2Width ? src1Width : src2Width,
maxHeight = src1Height > src2Height ? src1Height : src2Height;
newSrc1 = new Bitmap(maxWidth, maxHeight, src1.PixelFormat),
newSrc2 = new Bitmap(maxWidth, maxHeight, src2.PixelFormat);
srcG1 = Graphics.FromImage(newSrc1),
srcG2 = Graphics.FromImage(newSrc2);
// 这里进行的是对图片的重新调整尺寸操作
case ResizeMode.NoResize:
srcG1.DrawImageUnscaled(src1, (maxWidth - src1Width) / 2, (maxHeight - src1Height) / 2);
srcG2.DrawImageUnscaled(src2, (maxWidth - src2Width) / 2, (maxHeight - src2Height) / 2);
case ResizeMode.Stretch:
srcG1.DrawImage(src1, new Rectangle(0, 0, maxWidth, maxHeight), new Rectangle(0, 0, src1Width, src1Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
srcG2.DrawImage(src2, new Rectangle(0, 0, maxWidth, maxHeight), new Rectangle(0, 0, src2Width, src2Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
case ResizeMode.Uniform:
scaleSize1 = new Size(maxWidth, (int)(src1Height * ((float)maxWidth / src1Width))),
scaleSize2 = new Size(maxWidth, (int)(src2Height * ((float)maxWidth / src2Width)));
if (scaleSize1.Height > maxHeight)
scaleSize1 = new Size((int)(src1Width * ((float)maxHeight / src1Height)), maxHeight);
if (scaleSize2.Height > maxHeight)
scaleSize2 = new Size((int)(src2Width * ((float)maxHeight / src2Height)), maxHeight);
srcG1.DrawImage(src1, new Rectangle(new Point((maxWidth - scaleSize1.Width) / 2, (maxHeight - scaleSize1.Height) / 2), scaleSize1), new Rectangle(0, 0, src1Width, src1Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
srcG2.DrawImage(src2, new Rectangle(new Point((maxWidth - scaleSize2.Width) / 2, (maxHeight - scaleSize2.Height) / 2), scaleSize2), new Rectangle(0, 0, src2Width, src2Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
case ResizeMode.UniformToFill:
scaleFillSize1 = new Size(maxWidth, (int)(src1Height * ((float)maxWidth / src1Width))),
scaleFillSize2 = new Size(maxWidth, (int)(src2Height * ((float)maxWidth / src2Width)));
if (scaleFillSize1.Height < maxHeight)
scaleFillSize1 = new Size((int)(src1Width * ((float)maxHeight / src1Height)), maxHeight);
if (scaleFillSize2.Height < maxHeight)
scaleFillSize2 = new Size((int)(src2Width * ((float)maxHeight / src2Height)), maxHeight);
srcG1.DrawImage(src1, new Rectangle(new Point((maxWidth - scaleFillSize1.Width) / 2, (maxHeight - scaleFillSize1.Height) / 2), scaleFillSize1), new Rectangle(0, 0, src1Width, src1Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
srcG2.DrawImage(src2, new Rectangle(new Point((maxWidth - scaleFillSize2.Width) / 2, (maxHeight - scaleFillSize2.Height) / 2), scaleFillSize2), new Rectangle(0, 0, src2Width, src2Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
Bitmap result = BasicCombineBitmap(newSrc1, newSrc2, colorRatio); // 调用最终合成方法
return result;
public static Bitmap CombineBitmap(Bitmap src1, Bitmap src2, Color bgColor1, Color bgColor2, ResizeMode resize)
return CombineBitmap(src1, src2, Color.White, Color.Black, resize, DefaultRatio);
public static Bitmap CombineBitmap(Bitmap src1, Bitmap src2, Color bgColor1, Color bgColor2, float colorRatio)
return CombineBitmap(src1, src2, Color.White, Color.Black, ResizeMode.NoResize, DefaultRatio);
public static Bitmap CombineBitmap(Bitmap src1, Bitmap src2, ResizeMode resize, float colorRatio)
return CombineBitmap(src1, src2, Color.White, Color.Black, resize, colorRatio);
public static Bitmap CombineBitmap(Bitmap src1, Bitmap src2, ResizeMode resize)
return CombineBitmap(src1, src2, Color.White, Color.Black, resize, 0);
public static Bitmap CombineBitmap(Bitmap src1, Bitmap src2, float colorRatio)
return CombineBitmap(src1, src2, Color.White, Color.Black, ResizeMode.NoResize, colorRatio);
public static Bitmap CombineBitmap(Bitmap src1, Bitmap src2)
return CombineBitmap(src1, src2, Color.White, Color.Black, ResizeMode.NoResize, DefaultRatio);
public static Bitmap CombineImage(Image src1, Image src2, Color bgColor1, Color bgColor2, ResizeMode resize, float colorRatio)
newSrc1 = new Bitmap(src1),
newSrc2 = new Bitmap(src2);
Bitmap result = CombineBitmap(newSrc1, newSrc2, bgColor1, bgColor2, resize, colorRatio);
return result;
public static Bitmap CombineImage(Image src1, Image src2, Color bgColor1, Color bgColor2, ResizeMode resize)
return CombineImage(src1, src2, Color.White, Color.Black, resize, DefaultRatio);
public static Bitmap CombineImage(Image src1, Image src2, Color bgColor1, Color bgColor2, float colorRatio)
return CombineImage(src1, src2, Color.White, Color.Black, ResizeMode.NoResize, colorRatio);
public static Bitmap CombineImage(Image src1, Image src2, ResizeMode resize, float colorRatio)
return CombineImage(src1, src2, Color.White, Color.Black, resize, colorRatio);
public static Bitmap CombineImage(Image src1, Image src2, ResizeMode resize)
return CombineImage(src1, src2, Color.White, Color.Black, resize, DefaultRatio);
public static Bitmap CombineImage(Image src1, Image src2, float colorRatio)
return CombineImage(src1, src2, Color.White, Color.Black, ResizeMode.NoResize, colorRatio);
public static Bitmap CombineImage(Image src1, Image src2)
return CombineImage(src1, src2, Color.White, Color.Black, ResizeMode.NoResize, DefaultRatio);
public enum ResizeMode
public enum TankType