图像里面的插值算法非常多,常用的有最邻近(Nearest Neighbour),双线性(Bilinear),双三次(Bicubic)等,不太常用的有spline,sinc,lanczos以及一些更加复杂的自适应插值方法。
。比如一个高为height,宽为width的矩阵,我们会说它是一个2维矩阵(即维度是2),它的shape是[height, width]。同理,对于一个彩图,它的shape是[height, width, channels],它的维度是3。
输入说明:image的维度可以是2(灰度图)或者3(彩图),不能是其他维度。coords是我们将要在image中进行采样的位置,它的最后一个维度的长度必需是2,表示二维坐标(x, y),其他的维度可以任意。
import numpy as np
def __preprocess_sampler_input(image, coords):
Nearest Neighbour sampler
image: ndarray
source image, whose shape is [height, width, channel] or
[height, width]
coords: ndarray
coordinates to be interpolated, the length of last axis should be 2,
meaning 2D coordinate
image: ndarray
source image. if its original shape is [height, width], it will be
expanded with a new axis to have a shape of [height, width, 1]; if its
original shape is [height, width, channel], it will not be changed
coords: ndarray
reshape from the original [n1, n2, ..., 2] to [n, 2],
where n = n1 * n2 * ...
output_shape: list
the output shape of sampler function, same as coords expcept the last axis.
assert image.ndim == 2 or image.ndim == 3
# cache output_shape
output_shape = list(coords.shape)
if image.ndim == 2:
image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=-1)
output_shape[-1] = image.shape[-1]
coords = np.reshape(coords, (-1, coords.shape[-1]))
return image, coords, output_shape
最近邻插值是将距离 P x p , y p P_{x_p, y_p} Pxp,yp最近的已知点的像素值直接赋给 P x p , y p P_{x_p, y_p} Pxp,yp。比如在上图中,与 P x p , y p P_{x_p, y_p} Pxp,yp最近的点是 P x , y P_{x,y} Px,y,所以直接令 P x p , y p = P x , y P_{x_p, y_p} = P_{x,y} Pxp,yp=Px,y即可。那么怎么从 ( x p , y p ) (x_p, y_p) (xp,yp)得到 ( x , y ) (x,y) (x,y)呢,四舍五入就OK了,如果是用numpy的话可以用np.round
函数,如果是C/C++的话,可以用int(x ± 0.499999f)
的编程方式,使用向量化编程方式可以明显提升程序运行速度。我使用一张1920 x 1080的图片进行仿射变换,nearest_naive的运行时间是nearest的12倍(我的CPU是G4560,略烂,换个CPU可能比例关系就不太一样了)。
def nearest(image, coords):
Nearest Neighbour sampler
image: ndarray
source image, whose shape is [height, width, channel] or
[height, width]
coords: ndarray
coordinates to be interpolated, the length of last axis should be 2,
meaning 2D coordinate
output: ndarray
the interpolated image, same shape as coords except the last axis
image, coords, output_shape = __preprocess_sampler_input(image, coords)
height, width, channel = image.shape
coords = np.round(coords).astype(np.int32)
idx = (coords[:, 0] >= 0) & (coords[:, 0] < width) & \
(coords[:, 1] >= 0) & (coords[:, 1] < height)
output = np.zeros((coords.shape[0], channel), dtype=np.uint8)
output[idx] = image[coords[idx, 1], coords[idx, 0]]
# reshape back to the output_shape
output = np.reshape(output, output_shape)
return output
def nearest_naive(image, coords):
image, coords, output_shape = __preprocess_sampler_input(image, coords)
height, width, channel = image.shape
coords = np.round(coords).astype(np.int32)
output = np.zeros((coords.shape[0], channel), dtype=np.uint8)
for i, coord in enumerate(coords):
if 0 <= coord[0] < width and 0 <= coord[1] < height:
output[i] = image[coord[1], coord[0]]
# reshape back to the output_shape
output = np.reshape(output, output_shape)
return output
现在首先看图中正方形最上面的一条边,线性插值要求 P x p , y P_{x_p, y} Pxp,y处在 P x , y P x + 1 , y P_{x,y}P_{x+1,y} Px,yPx+1,y线段上,因此三条线段 P x , y P x p , y P_{x,y}P_{x_p, y} Px,yPxp,y, P x p , y P x + 1 , y P_{x_p, y}P_{x+1,y} Pxp,yPx+1,y与 P x , y P x + 1 , y P_{x,y}P_{x+1,y} Px,yPx+1,y的斜率应当相同,任取其中两条可以得到等式关系,下面我们取 P x , y P x p , y P_{x,y}P_{x_p, y} Px,yPxp,y和 P x , y P x + 1 , y P_{x,y}P_{x+1,y} Px,yPx+1,y,得:
P x p , y − P x , y x p − x = P x + 1 , y − P x , y ( x + 1 ) − x \frac {P_{x_p,y} - P_{x,y}} {x_p - x} = \frac {P_{x+1,y} - P_{x,y}} {(x+1) - x} xp−xPxp,y−Px,y=(x+1)−xPx+1,y−Px,y
P x p , y = P x , y + ( P x + 1 , y − P x , y ) ( x p − x ) (1) P_{x_p,y} = P_{x,y} + (P_{x+1,y} - P_{x,y}) (x_p - x) \tag{1} Pxp,y=Px,y+(Px+1,y−Px,y)(xp−x)(1)
P x p , y + 1 = P x , y + 1 + ( P x + 1 , y + 1 − P x , y + 1 ) ( x p − x ) (2) P_{x_p,y+1} = P_{x,y+1} + (P_{x+1,y+1} - P_{x,y+1}) (x_p - x) \tag{2} Pxp,y+1=Px,y+1+(Px+1,y+1−Px,y+1)(xp−x)(2)
现在来看纵向,与之前一样道理, P x p , y P x p , y p P_{x_p,y}P_{x_p,y_p} Pxp,yPxp,yp与 P x p , y P x p , y + 1 P_{x_p,y}P_{x_p,y+1} Pxp,yPxp,y+1斜率应当相同,所以继续按照之前的推导可得:
P x p , y p = P x p , y + ( P x p , y + 1 − P x p , y ) ( y p − y ) (3) P_{x_p,y_p} = P_{x_p,y} + (P_{x_p,y+1} - P_{x_p,y}) (y_p - y) \tag{3} Pxp,yp=Pxp,y+(Pxp,y+1−Pxp,y)(yp−y)(3)
到这里我们就可以求出 P x p , y p P_{x_p,y_p} Pxp,yp的值,推导也就到此结束,公式(1),(2),(3)合并起来就是双线性插值的整个流程。这就是非常原始,非常淳朴的概念法,完全跟着双线性的概念来推导。
def bilinear(image, coords):
Bilinear sampler
image: ndarray
source image, whose shape is [height, width, channel] or
[height, width]
coords: ndarray
coordinates to be interpolated, the length of last axis should be 2,
meaning 2D coordinate
output: ndarray
the interpolated image, same shape as coords except the last axis
image, coords, output_shape = __preprocess_sampler_input(image, coords)
height, width, channel = image.shape
# convert image dtype to float32, very important
image = np.float32(image)
# coordinates of four corners
tl = np.floor(coords).astype(np.int32)
tr = tl + np.array([[1, 0]])
bl = tl + np.array([[0, 1]])
br = tl + np.array([[1, 1]])
idx = (tl[:, 0] >= 0) & (tl[:, 1] >= 0) & \
(br[:, 0] < width) & (br[:, 1] < height)
x_offset = np.reshape(coords[:, 0] - tl[:, 0], (tl.shape[0], 1))
y_offset = np.reshape(coords[:, 1] - tl[:, 1], (tl.shape[0], 1))
# initialize variables for interpolation
pt_y0 = np.zeros((coords.shape[0], channel), dtype=np.float32)
pt_y1 = np.zeros((coords.shape[0], channel), dtype=np.float32)
output = np.zeros((coords.shape[0], channel), dtype=np.float32)
# linear interpolation of first direction
pt_y0[idx] = image[tl[idx, 1], tl[idx, 0]] + \
(image[tr[idx, 1], tr[idx, 0]] -
image[tl[idx, 1], tl[idx, 0]]) * x_offset[idx]
pt_y1[idx] = image[bl[idx, 1], bl[idx, 0]] + \
(image[br[idx, 1], br[idx, 0]] -
image[bl[idx, 1], bl[idx, 0]]) * x_offset[idx]
# linear interpolation of second direction
output[idx] = pt_y0[idx] + (pt_y1[idx] - pt_y0[idx]) * y_offset[idx]
# reshape back to the output_shape, clip value, and change dtype to uint8
output = np.reshape(output, output_shape)
output = np.round(np.clip(output, 0, 255)).astype(np.uint8)
return output
def bilinear_naive(image, coords):
image, coords, output_shape = __preprocess_sampler_input(image, coords)
height, width, channel = image.shape
# convert image dtype to float32, very important
image = np.float32(image)
output = np.zeros((coords.shape[0], channel), dtype=np.float32)
for i, coord in enumerate(coords):
tl = np.floor(coord).astype(np.int32)
tr = tl + np.array([1, 0])
bl = tl + np.array([0, 1])
br = tl + np.array([1, 1])
offset = coord - tl
if tl[0] >= 0 and tl[1] >= 0 and br[0] < width and br[1] < height:
pt_y0 = image[tl[1], tl[0]] + (
image[tr[1], tr[0]] - image[tl[1], tl[0]]) * offset[0]
pt_y1 = image[bl[1], bl[0]] + (
image[br[1], br[0]] - image[bl[1], bl[0]]) * offset[0]
output[i] = pt_y0 + (pt_y1 - pt_y0) * offset[1]
# reshape back to the output_shape, clip value, and change dtype to uint8
output = np.reshape(output, output_shape)
output = np.round(np.clip(output, 0, 255)).astype(np.uint8)
return output
权重法就是在上述概念法推导的基础上,将公式(1)和(2)代入公式(3),消去公式(3)中的 P x p , y P_{x_p,y} Pxp,y和 P x p , y + 1 P_{x_p,y+1} Pxp,y+1,然后进行化简得到的。因为最终的表达形式是四个标量数字与四个顶点的像素值求点积(dot product,相乘再求和),所以四个标量数字其实可以看作是一种权重,因此称之为权重法。
P x p , y p = P x , y + ( P x + 1 , y − P x , y ) ( x p − x ) + ( [ P x , y + 1 + ( P x + 1 , y + 1 − P x , y + 1 ) ( x p − x ) ] − [ P x , y + ( P x + 1 , y − P x , y ) ( x p − x ) ] ) ( y p − y ) P_{x_p,y_p} = P_{x,y} + (P_{x+1,y} - P_{x,y}) (x_p - x) + \\[2ex] ([P_{x,y+1} + (P_{x+1,y+1} - P_{x,y+1}) (x_p - x)] - [P_{x,y} + (P_{x+1,y} - P_{x,y}) (x_p - x)]) (y_p - y) Pxp,yp=Px,y+(Px+1,y−Px,y)(xp−x)+([Px,y+1+(Px+1,y+1−Px,y+1)(xp−x)]−[Px,y+(Px+1,y−Px,y)(xp−x)])(yp−y)
P x p , y p = P x , y + P x + 1 , y ( x p − x ) − P x , y ( x p − x ) + P x , y + 1 ( y p − y ) + P x + 1 , y + 1 ( x p − x ) ( y p − y ) − P x , y + 1 ( x p − x ) ( y p − y ) − P x , y ( y p − y ) − P x + 1 , y ( x p − x ) ( y p − y ) + P x , y ( x p − x ) ( y p − y ) P_{x_p,y_p} = P_{x,y} + P_{x+1,y} (x_p - x) - P_{x,y} (x_p - x) + \\[2ex] P_{x,y+1}(y_p - y) + P_{x+1,y+1} (x_p - x) (y_p - y) - P_{x,y+1} (x_p - x) (y_p - y) - \\[2ex] P_{x,y}(y_p - y) - P_{x+1,y} (x_p - x) (y_p - y) + P_{x,y} (x_p - x) (y_p - y) Pxp,yp=Px,y+Px+1,y(xp−x)−Px,y(xp−x)+Px,y+1(yp−y)+Px+1,y+1(xp−x)(yp−y)−Px,y+1(xp−x)(yp−y)−Px,y(yp−y)−Px+1,y(xp−x)(yp−y)+Px,y(xp−x)(yp−y)
以 P x , y P_{x,y} Px,y为基准合并同类项可得:
P x , y [ 1 − ( x p − x ) − ( y p − y ) + ( x p − x ) ( y p − y ) ] = ( x p − x − 1 ) ( y p − y − 1 ) P x , y P_{x,y} [1 - (x_p - x) - (y_p - y) + (x_p - x) (y_p - y)] = \\[2ex] (x_p-x-1) (y_p-y-1) P_{x,y} Px,y[1−(xp−x)−(yp−y)+(xp−x)(yp−y)]=(xp−x−1)(yp−y−1)Px,y
以 P x + 1 , y P_{x+1,y} Px+1,y为基准合并同类项可得:
P x + 1 , y [ ( x p − x ) − ( x p − x ) ( y p − y ) ] = − ( x p − x ) ( y p − y − 1 ) P x + 1 , y P_{x+1,y} [(x_p - x) - (x_p - x) (y_p - y)] = \\[2ex] -(x_p - x) (y_p - y - 1) P_{x+1,y} Px+1,y[(xp−x)−(xp−x)(yp−y)]=−(xp−x)(yp−y−1)Px+1,y
以 P x , y + 1 P_{x,y+1} Px,y+1为基准合并同类项可得:
P x , y + 1 [ ( y p − y ) − ( x p − x ) ( y p − y ) ] = − ( x p − x − 1 ) ( y p − y ) P x , y + 1 P_{x,y+1} [(y_p - y) - (x_p - x) (y_p - y)] = \\[2ex] -(x_p - x - 1) (y_p - y) P_{x,y+1} Px,y+1[(yp−y)−(xp−x)(yp−y)]=−(xp−x−1)(yp−y)Px,y+1
还剩下一个 P x + 1 , y + 1 P_{x+1,y+1} Px+1,y+1项,只有一项,也不用合并了,直接可以写下来:
( x p − x ) ( y p − y ) P x + 1 , y + 1 (x_p - x) (y_p - y) P_{x+1,y+1} (xp−x)(yp−y)Px+1,y+1
P x p , y p = ( x p − x − 1 ) ( y p − y − 1 ) P x , y − ( x p − x ) ( y p − y − 1 ) P x + 1 , y − ( x p − x − 1 ) ( y p − y ) P x , y + 1 + ( x p − x ) ( y p − y ) P x + 1 , y + 1 (4) \begin{aligned} P_{x_p,y_p} = & (x_p-x-1) (y_p-y-1) P_{x,y} \\ & -(x_p - x) (y_p - y - 1) P_{x+1,y} \\ & -(x_p - x - 1) (y_p - y) P_{x,y+1} \\ & +(x_p - x) (y_p - y) P_{x+1,y+1} \end{aligned} \tag{4} Pxp,yp=(xp−x−1)(yp−y−1)Px,y−(xp−x)(yp−y−1)Px+1,y−(xp−x−1)(yp−y)Px,y+1+(xp−x)(yp−y)Px+1,y+1(4)
x o f f s e t = x p − x y o f f s e t = y p − y (5) \begin{aligned} x_{offset} &= x_p - x \\[2ex] y_{offset} &= y_p - y \end{aligned} \tag{5} xoffsetyoffset=xp−x=yp−y(5)
W x , y = ( x o f f s e t − 1 ) ( y o f f s e t − 1 ) W x + 1 , y = − x o f f s e t ( y o f f s e t − 1 ) W x , y + 1 = − ( x o f f s e t − 1 ) y o f f s e t W x + 1 , y + 1 = x o f f s e t ∗ y o f f s e t (6) \begin{aligned} W_{x,y} &= (x_{offset} - 1) (y_{offset} - 1) \\[2ex] W_{x+1,y} &= -x_{offset} (y_{offset} - 1) \\[2ex] W_{x,y+1} &= -(x_{offset} - 1) y_{offset} \\[2ex] W_{x+1,y+1} &= x_{offset} * y_{offset} \end{aligned} \tag{6} Wx,yWx+1,yWx,y+1Wx+1,y+1=(xoffset−1)(yoffset−1)=−xoffset(yoffset−1)=−(xoffset−1)yoffset=xoffset∗yoffset(6)
P x p , y p = W x , y P x , y + W x + 1 , y P x + 1 , y + W x , y + 1 P x , y + 1 + W x + 1 , y + 1 P x + 1 , y + 1 (7) \begin{aligned} P_{x_p,y_p} = W_{x,y} P_{x,y} + W_{x+1,y} P_{x+1,y} + W_{x,y+1} P_{x,y+1} + W_{x+1,y+1} P_{x+1,y+1} \end{aligned} \tag{7} Pxp,yp=Wx,yPx,y+Wx+1,yPx+1,y+Wx,y+1Px,y+1+Wx+1,y+1Px+1,y+1(7)
P x p , y p = W x , y P x , y + W x + 1 , y P x + 1 , y + W x , y + 1 P x , y + 1 + W x + 1 , y + 1 P x + 1 , y + 1 W x , y + W x + 1 , y + W x , y + 1 + W x + 1 , y + 1 (8) \begin{aligned} P_{x_p,y_p} =\frac {W_{x,y} P_{x,y} + W_{x+1,y} P_{x+1,y} + W_{x,y+1} P_{x,y+1} + W_{x+1,y+1} P_{x+1,y+1}} {W_{x,y} + W_{x+1,y} + W_{x,y+1} + W_{x+1,y+1}} \end{aligned} \tag{8} Pxp,yp=Wx,y+Wx+1,y+Wx,y+1+Wx+1,y+1Wx,yPx,y+Wx+1,yPx+1,y+Wx,y+1Px,y+1+Wx+1,y+1Px+1,y+1(8)
def bilinear_weight_mode(image, coords):
Bilinear sampler
image: ndarray
source image, whose shape is [height, width, channel] or
[height, width]
coords: ndarray
coordinates to be interpolated, the length of last axis should be 2,
meaning 2D coordinate
output: ndarray
the interpolated image, same shape as coords except the last axis
image, coords, output_shape = __preprocess_sampler_input(image, coords)
height, width, channel = image.shape
# convert image dtype to float32, very important
image = np.float32(image)
# coordinates of four corners
tl = np.floor(coords).astype(np.int32)
tr = tl + np.array([[1, 0]])
bl = tl + np.array([[0, 1]])
br = tl + np.array([[1, 1]])
idx = (tl[:, 0] >= 0) & (tl[:, 1] >= 0) & \
(br[:, 0] < width) & (br[:, 1] < height)
x_offset = np.reshape(coords[:, 0] - tl[:, 0], (tl.shape[0], 1))
y_offset = np.reshape(coords[:, 1] - tl[:, 1], (tl.shape[0], 1))
# compute the weights of four corners
w_tl = (x_offset - 1) * (y_offset - 1)
w_tr = x_offset * (1 - y_offset)
w_bl = (1 - x_offset) * y_offset
w_br = x_offset * y_offset
# interpolate the output by weight method
output = np.zeros((coords.shape[0], channel), dtype=np.float32)
output[idx] = w_tl[idx] * image[tl[idx, 1], tl[idx, 0]] + \
w_tr[idx] * image[tr[idx, 1], tr[idx, 0]] + \
w_bl[idx] * image[bl[idx, 1], bl[idx, 0]] + \
w_br[idx] * image[br[idx, 1], br[idx, 0]]
# reshape back to the output_shape, clip value, and change dtype to uint8
output = np.reshape(output, output_shape)
output = np.round(np.clip(output, 0, 255)).astype(np.uint8)
return output
def bilinear_weight_mode_naive(image, coords):
image, coords, output_shape = __preprocess_sampler_input(image, coords)
height, width, channel = image.shape
# convert image dtype to float32, very important
image = np.float32(image)
output = np.zeros((coords.shape[0], channel), dtype=np.float32)
for i, coord in enumerate(coords):
tl = np.floor(coord).astype(np.int32)
corners = np.array([
tl + np.array([1, 0]),
tl + np.array([0, 1]),
tl + np.array([1, 1])])
offset = coord - tl
weights = np.array([
(offset[0] - 1) * (offset[1] - 1),
offset[0] * (1 - offset[1]),
(1 - offset[0]) * offset[1],
offset[0] * offset[1]])
total_weight = 0.0
pixel = np.zeros([channel])
for k in range(4):
# more conditions can be added in the following part if needed
if 0 <= corners[k, 0] < width and 0 <= corners[k, 1] < height:
pixel += weights[k] * image[corners[k, 1], corners[k, 0]]
total_weight += weights[k]
if total_weight != 0.0:
output[i] = pixel / total_weight
# reshape back to the output_shape, clip value, and change dtype to uint8
output = np.reshape(output, output_shape)
output = np.round(np.clip(output, 0, 255)).astype(np.uint8)
return output
可以使用如下代码测试上面的插值函数。下面代码总共分为两部分,第一部分是坐标变换coordinate transform
import cv2
import time
import numpy as np
# coordinate transform
T = np.array([[1.1, 0.1],
[-0.1, 1.1],
[0, 0]])
image = cv2.imread('1.jpg', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
height, width = image.shape[0:2]
coords = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, width), np.arange(0, height))
# shape = [height, width, 2] after transpose
coords = np.array(coords).transpose([1, 2, 0])
ones = np.ones([height, width, 1])
# homogeneous coordinates
coords = np.concatenate((coords, ones), axis=2)
# transformed coordinates
coords = coords @ T
# sampler
t0 = time.time()
img = bilinear(image, coords) # try different functions here
t_cost = time.time() - t0
测试图像如下,分辨率是1920 x 1080 (宽 x 高),各位可以随便找一个图像来测试。