UNIT 1 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
AI, Artificial Intelligence 人工智能
The Turing Test 图灵测试:The test is based on whether a computer can fool a
human into believing it is another human.
benchmark 基准
The benefits and risks of AI
narrow AI 狭义人工智能(弱人工智能)
general AI (AGI or strong AI) 通用人工智能(强人工智能)
side effect 副作用
malevolence / competence恶意/能力
Unit 2 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 知识的表示与推理
Perception 感知
warehouse of knowledge 知识仓库
declarative and procedural forms 声明性和程序性形式
spectrum 范围
semantic net 语义网
contextual analysis 上下文分析
implicitly/explicitly 隐式/显示
retrieve 检索
related information and relevant information 相关信息和有关信息
knowledge extraction system 知识提取系统
closed-world assumption 封闭世界假设
open-world assumption 开放世界假设
derived from 来自
meta-reasoning 元推理
intelligent agent 智能代理/体
learning by imitation 模仿学习
supervised learning 监督学习
unsupervised learning 无监督学习
training set 训练集
learning by reinforcement 强化学习
trial and error 试错
rely heavily on 严重依赖于
data mining agent 数据挖掘代理
conservation of momentum 动量守恒
infrared spectral 红外光谱
UNIT 3 Reasoning with Uncertainty
knowledge representation and reasoning 知识表示与推理
truth value 真值
semantic explanation 语义解释
formal language 形式语言
a set of inference rules 一组推理规则
memory-control mechanism 内存控制机制
monotonic 单调
axiom 公理
theorem 定理
plausible reasoning 合情推理
non-monotonic logics 非单调逻辑
commonsense reasoning 常识推理
consistency 一致性
the relevant conclusion 相关推论
knowledge base 知识库
truth maintenance system 真值维护系统
Bayes' Theorem 贝叶斯定理
fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑
imprecision 不精确
a degree of membership 隶属度
general-purpose 多用途的
uncertainty reasoning 不确定性推理
probabilistic reasoning 概率推理
prepositional logic 命题逻辑
conditional probabilities 条件概率
strength of dependency 依赖强度
directed acyclic graph 有向无向图
Bayesian Network 贝叶斯网络
prior probability 先验概率
the posterior probability 后验概率
rule-based systems 规则库系统
UNIT 4 Search Method in Artificial Intelligent
uninformed search 无信息搜索
breadth-first search 广度优先搜索
heuristic rating启发式评级
search tree 搜索树
heuristic Search 启发式搜索
search space 搜寻空间
cost estimate function 成本估算函数
UNIT 5 Machine Learning
candidate solutions 候选解
potential solutions 期望解
non-deterministic 非确定的
Recombination 重组
Crossover 交叉
individuals 个人
Mutation 突变
fitness function 适应度函数
evolutionary algorithm 进化算法
population of individuals 群体
cost estimate function 成本估算函数
a traversal of the entire search space 整个搜索空间的遍历
depth-first and breadth- first search 深度优先和广度优先探索
k-means clustering k均值聚类
linear regression algorithm 线性回归算法
decision tree 决策树
UNIT 6 Artificial Neural Networks
Nonlinear activation function 非线性激活函数
Feedforward neural network 前馈神经网络
threshold value 阈值
the activities within a neuron 神经元内的活动
weighted sum 加权总和
hidden layers 隐藏层
nearest-neighbor approach 最近邻法
affine transformation 仿射变换
UNIT 7 Deep Learning
LSTM 长短期记忆网络Long Short-Term Memory
Multilayer perceptron 多层感知器
Convolutional neural networks, CNN 卷积神经网络
RNN 循环神经网络Recurrent Neural Network
Graph neural network 图神经网络
max pooling 最大池化
average pooling 平均池化
fully connected layer 全链接层
convolutional layer 卷积层
receptive field 感受野
Feedforward neural network 前馈神经网络
Deep Learning,Machine Learning and AI 深度学习,机器学习,人工智能
object detection 对象检测
UNIT 8 Reinforcement Learning
reinforcement learning 强化学习
Markov decision process 马尔可夫决策过程
AlphaGo Zero阿尔法元
Artificial General Intelligence/AGI 通用人工智能
Iteration 迭代
more prevalent and sophisticated 更加普遍和复杂
without being explicitly "taught" 没有明确地教导
deep reinforcement learning 深度强化学习
hidden patterns 隐藏的模式
Overestimate 高估
venture into 冒险进入
UNIT 9 Computer Vision
computer vision 计算机视觉
edge detection 边缘探测
temporal information 时间信息
SVM支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM)
lateral control 横向控制
steering-control system 转向控制系统
longitudinal control 纵向控制
optical flow 光流
binocular stereopsis 双目立体视觉
IMU Inertial Motion Unit 惯性运动单元
Kalman filtering 卡尔曼滤波
visual odometry 视觉里程计
accuracies on the order of centimete 厘米级精度
errors accumulating over time 错误随时间积累
UNIT 10 Natural Language Processing
NLP 自然语言处理Natural Language Processing
Backus-Naur Form/巴科斯范式
Chomsky ’s Linguistics 乔姆斯基语言学
CS Code Segment 代码段首址寄存器
sentiment analysis 情感分析
speech recognition 语音识别
syntactic analysis/syntax analysis/semantic analysis/pragmatic analysis
Syntax 句法
parse/parser/parse tree 解析/解析器/解析树
predicate logic 谓词逻辑
information extraction信息提取
information retrieval信息检索
statistical techniques 统计技术