博主是计算机视觉(Computer Vision,CV)领域的学生,所以我会以这个领域的论文为例分享一些东西。
今天先从写论文的套路开始吧!也是从论文里最重要的 Abstract 开始,它可是决定了读者会不会打开你的论文看的一大重要因素。
简单来说,Abstract 就把这几件事写明白了:
以(ICCV 2021)的 Self-supervised 3D Skeleton Action Representation Learning with Motion Consistency and Continuity 为例:
第 1~2 句话就是背景。
Recently, self-supervised learning (SSL) has been proved very effective and it can help boost the performance in learning representations from unlabeled data in the image domain. Yet, very little is explored about its usefulness in 3D skeleton-based action recognition understanding
第 3 句话就是现有方法的不足。
Directly applying existing SSL techniques for 3D skeleton learning, however, suffers from trivial solutions and imprecise representations.
这篇文章是把这两部分杂糅在一起写的,范围在第 4~6 句话。
To tackle these drawbacks, we consider perceiving the consistency and continuity of motion at different playback speeds are two critical issues.
To this end, we propose a novel SSL method to learn the 3D skeleton representation in an efficacious way.
Specifically, by constructing a positive clip (speed-changed) and a negative clip (motionbroken) of the sampled action sequence, we encourage the positive pairs closer while pushing the negative pairs to force the network to learn the intrinsic dynamic motion consistency information. Moreover, to enhance the learning features, skeleton interpolation is further exploited to model the continuity of human skeleton data.
大意是:为了解决提出的不足,他们针对骨架点数据的两个特性(consistency 和 continuity)设计了两个适合骨架点数据的自监督任务。Specifically 后面就是介绍两个自监督任务的方法。
这部分就是介绍他们的方法:先总写,说明他们干了什么(第 4~5 句话),再分写,具体怎么做(第 6~7 句话)。
这么做的好处和优势夹杂在“具体怎么做”里(force the network to learn the intrinsic dynamic motion consistency information 和 enhance the learning features)。
第 7~8 句话就是该方法的效果。
To validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, extensive experiments are conducted on Kinetics, NTU60, NTU120, and PKUMMD datasets with several alternative network architectures.
Experimental evaluations demonstrate the superiority of our approach and through which, we can gain significant performance improvement without using extra labeled data.