【webots】urdf文件转换为webots文件 详细步骤

1. 使用urdf2webots进行转换


 python -m urdf2webots.importer --input=urdf所在目录 --box-collision --static-base --tool-slot=base_link --multi-file --rotation="1 0 0 -1.5708"



Robot name: urdfeasyv5
Root link: base_link
There are 25 links, 24 joints and 0 sensors


  • 目录有问题


  • 没有转换坐标轴

    如果urdf是正常生成(z轴向上),那就得用到 --rotation=“1 0 0 -1.5708”,不然在webots中会侧面向上。其他参数意义如下。


    The script accepts the following arguments:

    • -h, --help: Show the help message and exit.
    • –input=INFILE: Specifies the urdf file to convert.
    • –output=OUTFILE: If set, specifies the path and, if ending in “.proto”, name of the resulting PROTO file. The filename minus the .proto extension will be the robot name.
    • –normal: If set, the normals are exported if present in the URDF definition.
    • –box-collision: If set, the bounding objects are approximated using boxes.
    • –disable-mesh-optimization: If set, the duplicated vertices are not removed from the meshes (this can speed up a lot the conversion).
    • –multi-file: If set, the mesh files are exported as separated PROTO files.
    • –static-base: If set, the base link will have the option to be static (disable physics)
    • –tool-slot=LinkName: Specify the link that you want to add a tool slot to (exact link name from urdf).
    • –rotation=“0 1 0 0”: Set the rotation field of your PROTO file. If your URDF file uses the z-axis as ‘up’, use --rotation="1 0 0 -1.5708".
    • –init-pos=JointPositions: Set the initial positions of your robot joints. Example: --init-pos="[1.2, 0.5, -1.5]" would set the first 3 joints of your robot to the specified values, and leave the rest with their default value.

2. 处理proto文件




3. 将几个文件放入protos目录




4. 将导入的模型转为robot

选中webots页面左侧你的机器人并右键,点击Convert Root to Base Nodes。
