JAKE欧美娱乐快讯 | 2020.11.12
一直以来,明星们的身材被放到镁光灯下放大是常态了。然而,过去一般都是女明星的身材被拿来作文章。可是这次却出人意料地是男艺人,这充分说明了其实男明星们的身材也会被拿来作文章。并且这位因《泰坦尼克号》而闻名于世的演员并非是唯一一个因身材问题而被诟病的男性公众人物,不信你可以问问本·阿弗莱克,克里斯·普拉特,詹姆斯·柯登,哦!还有Jason Momoa.
一名就职于Loma Linda大学行为医学中心的名叫梅丽莎 J·佩雷奥的医学专家就曾指出,对于身形问题的苦恼其实发生在任何人身上,无论种族、性别亦或是性取向。如果因为身形问题遭到旁人无端耻笑,这将会对受害者的心理和精神层面产生一定的不良影响。
编译: JAKE
信息来源: People
On Tuesday, paparazzi photos of Leonardo DiCaprio were published in major outlets including BuzzFeed, People, Daily Mail, Page Six and more. He’s seen walking on the beach with friend Emile Hirsch in Malibu, Calif., both of them shirtless.
DiCaprio, who is 46, was described by multiple publications as having a “dad bod,” defined by Urban Dictionary as a male body type that is best described as "softly round," and commenters called him “pudgy,” “flabby,” and said that while he’s “still handsome” it might be time to “invest in some bigger shorts.”
Celebrities being subjected to body-shaming is all too common. However, typically, it’s female stars who face the brunt of internet trolling online, as actresses’ figures have been scrutinized, criticized and mocked for decades.
But the response to DiCaprio’s beach body demonstrates that body-shaming is definitely a reality for male celebrities as well. And the Titanic actor is hardly the only famous dude to get treated in such a negative way — just ask Ben Affleck, Chris Pratt, James Corden, and, yes, even Jason Momoa.