render bsp map

Rendering Quake 3 Maps 

Morgan McGuire 
July 11, 2003 

Introduction [top]

This document describes how to render the basic geometry of a Quake 3 map using OpenGL. It describes how to texture and lightmap this geometry, but does not describe how to render shaders, effects, characters, or movers (elevators and doors).

This is intended as a sequel to Kekoa Proudfoot's Unofficial Quake 3 Map Specs document, which describes how to parse BSP files. It therefore uses the same notation.

This is an unofficial document. Quake 3 is a registered trademark of id Software, which does not sponsor, authorize, or endorse this document.

This document describes the Quake 3 BSP file format as the author understands it. While every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this document are accurate, the author does not guarantee that any portion of this document is actually correct. In addition, the author cannot be held responsible the consequences of the any use or misuse of the information contained in this document.

Overview [top]

The rendering process has five steps:

1. Determine the set of visible faces. 
2. Partition the visible faces into  transparent and  opaque lists. 
3. Clear the frame buffer and render the sky box 
4. Render the opaque list in front-to-back order. 
5. Render the transparent list in back-to-front order.

The first two steps do not involve any OpenGL calls. Step 3 renders a cube centered at the viewer with a pre-warped texture to create the illusion of a detailed 3D environment. The practice of creating and rendering sky boxes is discussed elsewhere and is not detailed further in this document. Steps 4 and 5 render the actual visible surfaces of the map. The opaque list contains triangles that will be rendered without alpha blending. It is sorted from front to back to take advantage of early-out depth tests on newer graphics hardware. The transparent list contains alpha blended surfaces which must be rendered from back to front to generate a correct image. A straightforward quicksort on the camera-space depth of first vertex of each surface is sufficient for these purposes. For the kinds of maps involved, splitting overlapping polygons for truly correct render order or using a radix sort for faster sorting will only increase the complexity of a renderer with improving the resulting image quality or frame rate.

The Visible Surface Determination section explains how to use the BSP tree and precomputed visibility data to find visible faces.

The remaining steps are straightforward and not discussed in detail, except for the actual face rendering. The vertex indexing scheme of Quake 3 files can be confusing because there are two levels of indirection. The Rendering Faces section explains how to generate triangle sets from the indices stored in a face.

Data Structures [top]

A Quake 3 map contains multiple models. The first of these is always a static mesh that is the map itself and the remainders are "movers" like doors and elevators. This document is restricted to model[0]; it does not address the movers.

Assume the in-memory data structures mimic those in the file structure, and that the overarching class is named Q3Map. There are a few cases where I used a Vector3 in this document instead of float[3] to make the code easier to read. Not all data from the file is used for rendering. For example, the brushs are used for collision detection but ignored during rendering. The subset of data used during rendering is (links are to Proudfoot's structure definitions):

Lump Index Lump Name Description
1 Textures Surface descriptions (assume these have been converted to OpenGL textures).
2 Planes Planes used by map geometry.
3 Nodes BSP tree nodes.
4 Leaves BSP tree leaves.
5 Leaffaces Lists of face indices, one list per leaf.
7 Models Descriptions of rigid world geometry in map (we only use model[0]).
10 Vertexes Vertices used to describe faces.
11 Meshverts Lists of offsets, one list per mesh.
13 Faces Surface geometry.
14 Lightmaps Packed lightmap data (assume these have been converted to an OpenGL texture)
16 Visdata Cluster-cluster visibility data.

There are additional data used during rendering that do not appear in the file. These are:

Camera camera

A camera description that contains viewer position and frustum parameters. The Camera class must have accessors for these parameters and a method, isVisible(float min[3], float max[3]). This method returns true if the world space bounding box with the specified corners has non-zero intersection with the camera's view frustum.

Set<int> alreadyVisible

Set of indices of faces that are already visible. This is used to prevent the same face from being rendered multiple times. A general set implementation is not necessary. Because the face indices are consecutive integers, a bit-set can provide an efficient implementation.

Array<int> visibleFace

Set of indices of faces that are visible; that is, the members of the alreadyVisible set. For efficiency this is maintained as a separate array instead of iterating through the set.

Array<Patch> patch

Patches are Faces that describe sets of biquadratic Bezier surfaces. Each Patch contains an array of Bezier instances, which are described later in this document.

These Beziers are tessellated into triangles during loading so they can be rendered as triangle strips. Your implementation must create this tessellation and add an index into the patch array for patch faces.

Coordinate System [top]

Quake 3 uses a coordinate system where the x-axis points East, the y-axis points South, and the z-axis points vertically downward. If you prefer a coordinate system where the y-axis points vertically upward and the z-axis points South, you can use the following function to convert from Quake 3 coordinates to your coordinate system.

void swizzle(Vector3& v) {

    float temp = v.y;

    v.y = v.z;

    v.z = -temp;


When swizzling data, you must convert the vertex positions, vertex normals, plane normals, and all bounding box min and max vectors. The Quake coordinate system is also scaled so that one meter is about 0.03 units. You may wish to change this scale factor. If you scale vertex positions remember to also scale plane distances, and min and max vectors appropriately.

Depending on the conventions of your rendering system, you may also want to invert Quake's lightmap texture coordinates to (1 - s, 1 - t) or (s, 1 - t). It is usually easy to tell when light map texture coordinates need to be inverted by looking at a rendering.

Visible Face Determination [top]

The input to the visible face determination step is the camera (and the map). The output is the visibleFace array, which contains the indices of all faces that are potentially visible to that camera. During the step, the alreadyVisible set is used to prevent a face index from being added to the visibleFace array more than once.

Two notes before we look at this process in more detail. First, the output is an array of potentially visible faces. A z-buffer test and frustum clipping (both typically provided by hardware) are still needed to generate the exactly visible set. Second, as Max McGuire says in his Quake 2 BSP File Format,

Many people incorrectly associate the BSP tree with the visibility algorithm used by Quake and similar engines. As described above, the visible surface determination is done using a precomputed PVS. The BSP tree is primarily used to divide the map into regions and to quickly determine which region the camera is in. As a result, it isn't that fundamental to any of the rendering algorithms used in Quake and any data structure giving a spatial subdivision (like an octree or a k-D tree) could be used instead. BSP trees are very simple however, and they are useful for some of the other non-rendering tasks in the Quake engine.

To determine the set of visible faces:

1.  Find visCluster, the index of the cluster containing the camera position. 
2.  Select all leaves visible from that cluster
3.  Iterate through all faces in those clusters.

Find the camera cluster (visCluster)

Recall that a Quake 3 map is divided into convex spaces called leaves. Adjacent leaves are joined into clusters. The map file contains precomputed visibility information at the cluster level, which is stored in the visData bit array.

The index of the cluster containing the camera is leaf[index].cluster, where index is the index of the leaf containing the camera. To find the index of the leaf containing the camera, walk the BSP tree.

The root node is index 0 in the nodeArray. Each node has a splitting plane associated with it. This plane divides space into two child subnodes. If the camera lies in front of the splitting plane, recurse into the front node. Otherwise recurse into the back node. We repeat this process until a BSP leaf is reached.

In the Node data structure, a leaf is denoted by a negative child node index. To convert the negative index into a legal leaf index, negate and subtract one.

The following function takes a camera position as input. It walks the BSP tree until a leaf is found and then returns the index of that leaf. Remember that this is return value is a leaf index, not a cluster index. The cluster index is stored in the leaf.

int Q3Map::findLeaf(const Vector3& camPos) const {


    int index = 0;

    while (index >= 0) {

        const Node&  node  = nodeArray[index];

        const Plane& plane = planeArray[node.plane];

        // Distance from point to a plane

        const double distance = - plane.distance;

        if (distance >= 0) {

            index = node.front;

        } else {

            index = node.back;



    return -index - 1;


Select visible leaves

To find all visible leaves, iterate through the entire leaf array and cull all leaves that are not in visible clusters or are outside the view frustum. The visible cluster test should be performed first because it is very efficient and more likely to fail.

The visData bit array contains precomputed visibility data between clusters. If the cluster with index a can potentially be seen by a viewer in the cluster with indexb, then bit (a + b * visData.sz_vecs * 8) of visData.vecs has value 1. Otherwise, that bit has value 0.

The following function uses bitwise operators to efficiently extract the relevant bit. The inputs are the index of the cluster containing the camera and the index of the cluster to be tested. The function returns true if the test cluster is potentially visible, otherwise it returns false. A call to the function typically looks like isClusterVisible(visCluster, leaf[L].cluster).

bool Q3Map::isClusterVisible(int visCluster, int testCluster) const {

    if ((visData.bitsets == NULL) || (visCluster < 0)) {

        return true;


    int i = (visCluster * visData.bytesPerCluster) + (testCluster >> 3);

    uint8 visSet = visData.bitsets[i];

    return (visSet & (1 << (testCluster & 7))) != 0;


In the function, the expression (testCluster >> 3) computes (testCluster / 8), i.e. the byte within visData that contains information about the given cluster. The expression (1 << (testCluster & 7)) creates a bit mask that selects bit (testCluster mod 8) within that byte.

The visData information only considers the position of the viewer and not the orientation. Orientation is handled by the frustum culling step. The leaf contains two corners of its bounding box, min and max. If camera.isVisible(leaf[L].min, leaf[L].max) returns false, the leaf should be dropped from consideration because it is outside the view frustum. Note that some of the faces in the leaf are also in adjacent leaves and may therefore still be visible-- the other leaves will take care of that when we iterate through them.

Iterate through faces

A leaf contains all faces that have non-zero intersection with the leaf volume. The faces in leaf with index L have indices leaf[L].firstFace through (leaf[L].firstFace + leaf[L].facesCount - 1).

Because a face may protrude out of the leaf, the same face may be in multiple leaves. Use the alreadyVisible set to avoid touching the same face twice. A simple code snippet for this is:

for (int i = 0; i < leaf[L].facesCount; ++i) {

    const int f = i + leaf[L].firstFace;

    if (! alreadyVisible.contains(f)) {






Rendering Faces [top]

There are four kinds of Faces in a Quake 3 map: polygons, patches, meshes, and billboards. Polygons and meshes are collections of triangles. A patch is a bezier-spline patch that must be tessellated into triangles for rendering. Billboards are polygons whose orientation changes to always face the viewer.

Polygons and meshes are rendered in the same manner. The position, texture coordinate, and lightmap coordinate are stored in the vertex array. Using OpenGL vertex arrays, these can be referenced with a single index by setting the active vertex pointer and tex coord pointers into the same array, offset by the memory location within a Vertex for each type of coordinate.

Patches are tessellated into triangles, either during loading or per-frame, and rendered as triangle strips. The tessellation process creates vertices that did not exist in the original mesh, so each patch contains its own vertex array instead of using the global one stored in the map file.

Although handling the shaders and effects that can be stored in Quake 3 maps is more complicated, simple alpha blending can be supported to render translucent surfaces correctly. When a texture contains an alpha channel, enable blending and select the glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) blending mode. Alpha blended faces should not be backfaced culled; they appear to have only one polygon for both sides (there is probably a two-sided polygon flag somewhere that is the correct place to obtain such information).

Render a mesh

Each face mesh, curFace of type Face describes a mesh containing (curFace.meshVertexesCount / 3) triangles. The indices into the vertex array for the vertices of these triangles are themselves indirected. The meshVertex array stores the indices of the vertices, in the correct order to create triangle lists. For a given face, these are meshVertex[curFace.firstMeshVertex] through meshVertex[curFace.firstMeshVertex + curFace.mushVertexesCount - 1]. The meshVertex values are also offet bycurFace.firstVertex.

This indexing scheme, although confusing, is arranged conveniently for using glDrawElements to render the triangle lists. The following code renders a mesh using this function.

const Face& curFace = face[visibleFace[f]];

static const stride = sizeof(Vertex); // BSP Vertex, not float[3]

const int offset    = face.firstVertex;

glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, stride, &(vertex[offset].position));


glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, stride, &(vertex[offset].textureCoord));


glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, stride, &(vertex[offset].lightmapCoord));

glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, curFace.meshVertexesCount,

   GL_UNSIGNED_INT, &meshVertex[curFace.firstMeshVertex]);

In the above code, the firstMeshVertex offset is applied directly to the vertex pointer since there is no other provision for offsetting the indices with glDrawElements.

Render a patch

Patches are surfaces defined by an array of Bezier curves. These curves are represented by the following data structure.

class Bezier {


    int                 level;

    Array<Vertex>       vertex;

    Array<uint32>       indexes;

    Array<int32>        trianglesPerRow;

    Array<uint32*>      rowIndexes;


    Vertex              controls[9];

    void tessellate(int level);

    void render();


The controls array contains the 9 control points for this curve. The Beziers form a grid within a patch, so adjacent Beziers will share three of these. The Bezier curves must be tessellated prior to rendering. The level of the tessellation is the number of edges into which each side of a 2D curve is subdivided. The total number of triangles in the tessellation is (2 * pow(level, 2)). The remainder of the private data is the tessellation, stored in a form we can pass directly to glMultiDrawElements. The pointers in the rowIndexes array point into the indexes array; they are not referring to separately allocated memory.

The tessellate method computes the private data for rendering from the control points (which must themselves be set up during loading of the containing patch). Any number between five and 10 is a reasonable subdivision level for most maps. The intent of subdivision is to provide smoother curves on faster machines by increasing the level at runtime. Another use for subdivision is to allocate more polygons to larger curves-- implementors are free to provide their own metric for choosing a good subdivision level.

The following is an implementation of the tessellate method with structure based on the tessellator in the Paul Baker's Octagon project.

void Bezier::tessellate(int L) {

    level = L;

    // The number of vertices along a side is 1 + num edges

    const int L1 = L + 1;

    vertex.resize(L1 * L1);

    // Compute the vertices

    int i;

    for (i = 0; i <= L; ++i) {

        double a = (double)i / L;

        double b = 1 - a;

        vertex[i] =

            controls[0] * (b * b) + 

            controls[3] * (2 * b * a) +

            controls[6] * (a * a);


    for (i = 1; i <= L; ++i) {

        double a = (double)i / L;

        double b = 1.0 - a;

        BSPVertex temp[3];

        int j;

        for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {

            int k = 3 * j;

            temp[j] =

                controls[k + 0] * (b * b) + 

                controls[k + 1] * (2 * b * a) +

                controls[k + 2] * (a * a);


        for(j = 0; j <= L; ++j) {

            double a = (double)j / L;

            double b = 1.0 - a;

            vertex[i * L1 + j]=

                temp[0] * (b * b) + 

                temp[1] * (2 * b * a) +

                temp[2] * (a * a);



    // Compute the indices

    int row;

    indexes.resize(L * (L + 1) * 2);

    for (row = 0; row < L; ++row) {

        for(int col = 0; col <= L; ++col)	{

            indexes[(row * (L + 1) + col) * 2 + 1] = row       * L1 + col;

            indexes[(row * (L + 1) + col) * 2]     = (row + 1) * L1 + col;





    for (row = 0; row < L; ++row) {

        trianglesPerRow[row] = 2 * L1;

        rowIndexes[row]      = &indexes[row * 2 * L1];




Once constructed, this data can be rendered directly with vertex arrays:

void Bezier::render() {

    glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT,sizeof(BSPVertex), &vertex[0].position);


    glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT,sizeof(BSPVertex), &vertex[0].textureCoord);


    glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(BSPVertex), &vertex[0].lightmapCoord);

    glMultiDrawElementsEXT(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, trianglesPerRow.getCArray(),

        GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (const void **)(rowIndexes.getCArray()), patch.level);



Copyright © 2003 Morgan McGuire. All rights reserved. [email protected]

Kris Taeleman answered a question while I was working on this document, and I used the following resources: 
Max McGuire's Quake 2 BSP File Format
Kekoa Proudfoot's Unofficial Quake 3 Map Specs
Ben "Digiben" Humphrey's Unofficial Quake 3 BSP Format
Nathan Ostgard's Quake 3 BSP Collision Detection
Leonardo Boselli's Apocalyx source code, 
Paul Baker's Octagon source code, 
The Aside Software Titan source code, 
The Q3Radient Manual

Keywords: quake 3 quake3 q3 arena quake3arena q3arena map bsp file render opengl spec specs format vertex order
