ROS实验笔记之——基于stereo camera的视觉里程计的实现

在project中,需要实现基于stereo camera的isual odometry。其中,包括了feature detection,feature tracking,3D point generation以及基于PnP的位姿估计。而关于camera的model是给定的(后面会写一个博客关于camera model的标定,感觉这个是非常重要的)


基于stereo camera的视觉里程计的实现






feature detection

feature tracking

3D point generation

PnP based pose estimation





/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldw


sudo apt-get install libdw-dev



/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lxxx意思是编译过程找不到对应库文件。其中,-lxxx表示链接库文件。


apt-get install libxxx-dev



#include "estimator.h"
#include "eigen3/Eigen/Geometry"
#include "opencv2/core/eigen.hpp"

//“config/realsense_1/realsense_n3_unsync.yaml”文件中也包含一些参数可以用来tune vo的性能
//roslaunch stereo_vo stereo_vo_bag.launch

void drawImage(const cv::Mat& img, const vector& pts, string name) {
  auto draw = img.clone();
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++) {
    cv::circle(draw, pts[i], 2, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), -1, 8);
  cv::imshow(name, draw);

Estimator::Estimator() {
  ROS_INFO("Estimator init begins.");
  prev_frame.frame_time = ros::Time(0.0);
  prev_frame.w_t_c = Eigen::Vector3d(0, 0, 0);
  prev_frame.w_R_c = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
  fail_cnt = 0;
  init_finish = false;//还没初始化结束

void Estimator::reset() {
  ROS_ERROR("Lost, reset!");
  key_frame = prev_frame;
  fail_cnt = 0;
  init_finish = false;//重置了后,把初始化设置为0

void Estimator::setParameter() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    tic[i] = TIC[i];
    ric[i] = RIC[i];
    cout << " exitrinsic cam " << i << endl << ric[i] << endl << tic[i].transpose() << endl;

  prev_frame.frame_time = ros::Time(0.0);
  prev_frame.w_t_c = tic[0];
  prev_frame.w_R_c = ric[0];
  key_frame = prev_frame;


  // transform between left and right camera
  Matrix4d Tl, Tr;
  Tl.block(0, 0, 3, 3) = ric[0];
  Tl.block(0, 3, 3, 1) = tic[0];
  Tr.block(0, 0, 3, 3) = ric[1];
  Tr.block(0, 3, 3, 1) = tic[1];
  Tlr = Tl.inverse() * Tr;

void Estimator::readIntrinsicParameter(const vector& calib_file) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < calib_file.size(); i++) {
    ROS_INFO("reading paramerter of camera %s", calib_file[i].c_str());
    camodocal::CameraPtr camera =

bool Estimator::inputImage(ros::Time time_stamp, const cv::Mat& _img, const cv::Mat& _img1) {

  if(fail_cnt > 20){
  std::cout << "receive new image===========================" << std::endl;

  Estimator::frame cur_frame;
  //frame这个类中包含了:时间,左边的图片,左边图片的2D feature,当前帧的3D feature point, current camera pose (R与t) in the world frame 
  cur_frame.frame_time = time_stamp;
  cur_frame.img = _img;//当前帧的左图。右图只是用于估算3D feature points

  // cv::imshow("img", _img);
  // cv::waitKey(1);

  vector left_pts_2d, right_pts_2d;
  vector key_pts_3d; //关键帧的特征点
  //transform R|t from the keyframe to the current frame

  if (init_finish) {//判断是否初始化,也即,是否存在关键帧
    // To do: match features between the key frame and the current left image
    std::vectorflowed_cur_2d;//当前帧的2D feature
    // std::cout<<"这里错了"<undistorted_points;

    // cur_frame.w_t_c=key_frame.w_t_c+key_frame.w_R_c*(-(c_R_k.transpose()*c_t_k));
    cur_frame.w_t_c =  key_frame.w_R_c * (-(c_R_k.transpose() * c_t_k)) + key_frame.w_t_c;

  // To do: extract new features for the current frame.
  std::vector left_features, right_features;
  // trackFeatureLeftRight(_img,_img1,left_features,right_features);//获取左图与右图的特征
  trackFeatureLeftRight(_img, _img1, left_features, right_features);

  // To do: compute the camera pose of the current frame.

  // To do: undistort the 2d points of the current frame and generate the corresponding 3d points. 
  std::vectorundistorted_points_left, undistorted_points_right;

  // generate3dPoints(undistorted_points_left,undistorted_points_right,,cur_frame.uv);//目的是获取特征点的3D坐标
  cur_frame.uv = left_features;//超级无敌坑

  // if(init_finish && FLOW_BACK){
  //   std::vector flow_back_2d;
  //   std::vector new_3d_points;
  //   trackFeatureBetweenFrames(cur_frame, key_frame.img, new_3d_points, flow_back_2d);

  //   std::vector undistorted_points;
  //   undistorted_points = undistortedPts(flow_back_2d, m_camera[0]);
  //   Eigen::Matrix3d R_12;
  //   Eigen::Vector3d t_12;
  //   estimateTBetweenFrames(new_3d_points, undistorted_points, R_12, t_12);

  //   Eigen::Matrix3d rotation_add = R_12 * c_R_k.transpose();
  //   Eigen::AngleAxisd angleaxis_add(rotation_add);
  //   Eigen::AngleAxisd angleaxis_mean(0.5 * angleaxis_add.angle(), angleaxis_add.axis());
  //   Eigen::Matrix3d rotation_mean = angleaxis_mean.toRotationMatrix();
  //   Eigen::Vector3d translation_mean = 0.5 * (t_12 -(rotation_mean * c_t_k));

  //   cur_frame.w_t_c = key_frame.w_R_c * translation_mean + key_frame.w_t_c;
  //   cur_frame.w_R_c =  key_frame.w_R_c * rotation_mean;
  // }

  key_pts_3d =;//给予关键点
  // Change key frame,改变关键帧的条件
  if(c_t_k.norm() > TRANSLATION_THRESHOLD || acos(Quaterniond(c_R_k).w()) * 2.0 > ROTATION_THRESHOLD || key_pts_3d.size() < FEATURE_THRESHOLD || !init_finish){
    // cout << c_t_k.norm() << "," << acos(Quaterniond(c_R_k).w()) * 2.0 << "," << key_pts_3d.size()  << endl;
    key_frame = cur_frame;//将当前帧设置为关键帧(初始化的时候,将当前帧给到关键帧)
    // cout << c_t_k.norm() << "," << acos(Quaterniond(c_R_k).w()) * 2.0 << "," <<  << endl;
    // std::cout<<"赋值后关键帧的特征点:"<& uv) {
  //To do: extract the new 2d features of img and store them in uv.
  cv::goodFeaturesToTrack(img, uv, MAX_CNT, 0.03, MIN_DIST, cv::noArray(), 5);


//***********************Feature Tracking***************************//
//it finds features in the right camera image that associates with those in the left camera image.
//从左图与右图中做feature tracking
bool Estimator::trackFeatureLeftRight(const cv::Mat& _img, const cv::Mat& _img1,
                                         vector& left_pts, vector& right_pts) {

  // To do: track features left to right frame and obtain corresponding 2D points.
  vector left_features, right_features;
  // extractNewFeatures(_img,left_features);
   extractNewFeatures(_img , left_features);
  vector status;//输出状态向量(无符号char),如果在当前图像中能够光流得到标定的特征点位置改变,则设置status的对应位置为1,否则设置为0 
  vector error;//出误差的矢量; 向量的每个元素都设置为相应特征的误差,误差度量的类型可以在flags参数中设置; 如果未找到流,则未定义误差(使用status参数查找此类情况)。
  // cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(_img,_img1,left_features,right_features,status,error);//cv::Size(15, 15)是每个金字塔层的搜索窗口的大小。
  cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(_img, _img1, left_features, right_features, status, error);

  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < left_features.size(); i++){
    if (status[i] == 1){
     if (int(left_pts.size()) < MIN_CNT) return false; 

  return true;

//it finds features in the current left image corresponding to those in the keyframe.
//实现当前帧(左图)与关键帧之间的feature tracking (可以采用LK光流法)
bool Estimator::trackFeatureBetweenFrames(const Estimator::frame& keyframe, const cv::Mat& cur_img,
                                             vector& key_pts_3d,
                                             vector& cur_pts_2d) {
  std::cout<<"the number of feature point for the Keyframe is:"< key_pts_2d=keyframe.uv;//关键帧的2D feature points

  vector new_features;//输出场景的特征点(计算特征点在当前帧图像中的新的位置,然后输出)
  vector status;//输出状态向量(无符号char),如果在当前图像中能够光流得到标定的特征点位置改变,则设置status的对应位置为1,否则设置为0 
  vector error;//出误差的矢量; 向量的每个元素都设置为相应特征的误差,误差度量的类型可以在flags参数中设置; 如果未找到流,则未定义误差(使用status参数查找此类情况)。
  // cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(keyframe.img,cur_img,key_pts_2d,new_features,status,error,cv::Size(15, 15));//cv::Size(15, 15)是每个金字塔层的搜索窗口的大小。
  // std::cout<<"这里错了"<& left_pts,
                                 const vector& right_pts, 
                                 vector& cur_pts_3d,
                                 vector& cur_pts_2d) {

  Eigen::Matrix P1, P2;

  P1 << 1, 0, 0, 0,  0, 1, 0, 0,  0, 0, 1, 0;
  P2.block(0,0,3,3) = (Tlr.block(0,0,3,3).transpose());
  P2.block(0,3,3,1) = -P2.block(0,0,3,3) * Tlr.block(0,3,3,1);

  vector status;

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < left_pts.size(); ++i) {
    Vector2d pl(left_pts[i].x, left_pts[i].y);
    Vector2d pr(right_pts[i].x, right_pts[i].y);
    Vector3d pt3;
    triangulatePoint(P1, P2, pl, pr, pt3);

    if (pt3[2] > 0) {
      cur_pts_3d.push_back(cv::Point3f(pt3[0], pt3[1], pt3[2]));
    } else {

  reduceVector(cur_pts_2d, status);

//***********************PnP-based Relative Pose Estimation***************************//
//可以通过solvePnP or solvePnPRansac in OpenCV. Note that the relative transform is in the camera’s frame.
bool Estimator::estimateTBetweenFrames(vector& key_pts_3d,
                                          vector& cur_pts_2d, Matrix3d& R, Vector3d& t) {

  // To do: calculate relative pose between the key frame and the current frame using the matched 2d-3d points

    std::cout<<"the number of feature point for pose estimation is not enough"< distCoeffs = {0, 0, 0, 0};
  cv::Mat rotation;
  cv::Mat tvec;
//  useExtrinsicGuess       若果求解PnP使用迭代算法,初始值可以使用猜测的初始值(true),也可以使用解析求解的结果作为初始值(false)。
// iterationsCount         Ransac算法的迭代次数,这只是初始值,根据估计外点的概率,可以进一步缩小迭代次数;(此值函数内部是会不断改变的),所以一开始可以赋一个大的值。
// reprojectionErrr        Ransac筛选内点和外点的距离阈值,这个根据估计内点的概率和每个点的均方差(假设误差按照高斯分布)可以计算出此阈值。

//然后进行Mat与 Matrix3d R 和 Vector3d t的转换
Vector3d rotation_eigen;
cv2eigen(rotation, rotation_eigen);//将Mat转为Vector3d
double theta = rotation_eigen.norm();
Vector3d axis = rotation_eigen / theta;
R = AngleAxisd(theta, axis);
cv2eigen(tvec, t);
// cout << R << endl;
// cout << t << endl;

  return true;

bool Estimator::inBorder(const cv::Point2f& pt, const int& row, const int& col) {
  const int BORDER_SIZE = 1;
  int img_x = cvRound(pt.x);
  int img_y = cvRound(pt.y);
  return BORDER_SIZE <= img_x && img_x < col - BORDER_SIZE && BORDER_SIZE <= img_y &&
      img_y < row - BORDER_SIZE;

double Estimator::distance(cv::Point2f pt1, cv::Point2f pt2) {
  double dx = pt1.x - pt2.x;
  double dy = pt1.y - pt2.y;
  return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

void Estimator::reduceVector(vector& v, vector status) {
  int j = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < int(v.size()); i++)
    if (status[i]) v[j++] = v[i];

void Estimator::updateLatestStates(frame &latest_frame) {
  // To do: update the latest_time, latest_pointcloud, latest_P, latest_Q, latest_rel_P and latest_rel_Q.
  // latest_P and latest_Q should be the pose of the body (IMU) in the world frame.
  // latest_rel_P and latest_rel_Q should be the relative pose of the current body frame relative to the body frame of the key frame.
  // latest_pointcloud should be in the current camera frame.

  // latest_time=latest_frame.frame_time;
  Eigen::Matrix3d rotation_init;
  rotation_init << 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0;
  latest_Q =  latest_frame.w_R_c;
  latest_P =  rotation_init * latest_frame.w_t_c;
  latest_pointcloud =;//特征点的3D位置
  // estimateTBetweenFrames(,latest_frame.uv,c_R_k,c_t_k);
  // latest_rel_P=rotation_init * c_t_k;
  // latest_rel_Q=c_R_k;
  // cout << latest_P << endl;
  // cout << latest_Q.toRotationMatrix() << endl;

void Estimator::triangulatePoint(Eigen::Matrix& Pose0, Eigen::Matrix& Pose1,
                                 Eigen::Vector2d& point0, Eigen::Vector2d& point1,
                                 Eigen::Vector3d& point_3d) {
  Eigen::Matrix4d design_matrix = Eigen::Matrix4d::Zero();
  design_matrix.row(0) = point0[0] * Pose0.row(2) - Pose0.row(0);
  design_matrix.row(1) = point0[1] * Pose0.row(2) - Pose0.row(1);
  design_matrix.row(2) = point1[0] * Pose1.row(2) - Pose1.row(0);
  design_matrix.row(3) = point1[1] * Pose1.row(2) - Pose1.row(1);
  Eigen::Vector4d triangulated_point;
  triangulated_point = design_matrix.jacobiSvd(Eigen::ComputeFullV).matrixV().rightCols<1>();
  point_3d(0) = triangulated_point(0) / triangulated_point(3);
  point_3d(1) = triangulated_point(1) / triangulated_point(3);
  point_3d(2) = triangulated_point(2) / triangulated_point(3);

double Estimator::reprojectionError(Matrix3d &R, Vector3d &t, cv::Point3f &key_pts_3d, cv::Point2f &cur_pts_2d){
    Vector3d pt1(key_pts_3d.x, key_pts_3d.y, key_pts_3d.z);
    Vector3d pt2 = R * pt1 + t;
    pt2 = pt2 / pt2[2];
    return sqrt(pow(pt2[0] - cur_pts_2d.x, 2) + pow(pt2[1] - cur_pts_2d.y, 2));

vector Estimator::undistortedPts(vector& pts, camodocal::CameraPtr cam) {
  vector un_pts;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++) {
    Eigen::Vector2d a(pts[i].x, pts[i].y);
    Eigen::Vector3d b;
    cam->liftProjective(a, b);
    un_pts.push_back(cv::Point2f(b.x() / b.z(), b.y() / b.z()));
  return un_pts;




feature detection

	void cv::goodFeaturesToTrack(
		cv::InputArray image, // 输入图像(CV_8UC1 CV_32FC1)
		cv::OutputArray corners, // 输出角点vector
		int maxCorners, // 最大角点数目
		double qualityLevel, // 质量水平系数(小于1.0的正数,一般在0.01-0.1之间)
		double minDistance, // 最小距离,小于此距离的点忽略
		cv::InputArray mask = noArray(), // mask=0的点忽略
		int blockSize = 3, // 使用的邻域数
		bool useHarrisDetector = false, // false ='Shi Tomasi metric'
		double k = 0.04 // Harris角点检测时使用


feature tracking

void cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK 	( 	InputArray  	prevImg,
		InputArray  	nextImg,
		InputArray  	prevPts,
		InputOutputArray  	nextPts,
		OutputArray  	status,
		OutputArray  	err,
		Size  	winSize = Size(21, 21),
		int  	maxLevel = 3,
		TermCriteria  	criteria = TermCriteria(TermCriteria::COUNT+TermCriteria::EPS, 30, 0.01),
		int  	flags = 0,
		double  	minEigThreshold = 1e-4 


    prevImg :buildOpticalFlowPyramid构造的金字塔或第一个8位输入图像
    nextImg :与prevImg相同大小和相同类型的金字塔或第二个输入图像
    prevPts :需要找到流的2D点的矢量(vector of 2D points for which the flow needs to be found;);点坐标必须是单精度浮点数。
    nextPts :输出二维点的矢量(具有单精度浮点坐标),包含第二图像中输入特征的计算新位置;当传递OPTFLOW_USE_INITIAL_FLOW标志时,向量必须与输入中的大小相同。
    status :输出状态向量(无符号字符);如果找到相应特征的流,则向量的每个元素设置为1,否则设置为0。
    err :输出误差的矢量; 向量的每个元素都设置为相应特征的误差,误差度量的类型可以在flags参数中设置; 如果未找到流,则未定义误差(使用status参数查找此类情况)。
    winSize :每个金字塔层的搜索窗口的大小。
    maxLevel :基于0的最大金字塔等级数;如果设置为0,则不使用金字塔(单级),如果设置为1,则使用两个级别,依此类推;如果将金字塔传递给输入,那么算法将使用与金字塔一样多的级别,但不超过maxLevel。
    criteria :参数,指定迭代搜索算法的终止条件(在指定的最大迭代次数criteria.maxCount之后或当搜索窗口移动小于criteria.epsilon时)。
    flags :操作标志:
    minEigThreshold :算法计算光流方程的2x2正常矩阵的最小特征值,除以窗口中的像素数;如果此值小于minEigThreshold,则过滤掉相应的功能并且不处理其流程,因此它允许删除坏点并获得性能提升。


3D point generation

Given the matched feature pairs in the left and right image from the function trackFeaturesLeftRight, the 3D feature points are able to be computed. The function generate3dPoints is already provided, which computes the 3D position represented in the left camera frame for each undistorted pair of feature points.


PnP based pose estimation


/*  max 注释
*   函数功能:用ransac的方式求解PnP问题
*   参数:
*   [in]    _opoints                参考点在世界坐标系下的点集;float or double
*   [in]    _ipoints                参考点在相机像平面的坐标;float or double
*   [in]    _cameraMatrix           相机内参
*   [in]    _distCoeffs             相机畸变系数
*   [out]   _rvec                   旋转矩阵
*   [out]   _tvec                   平移向量
*   [in]    useExtrinsicGuess       若果求解PnP使用迭代算法,初始值可以使用猜测的初始值(true),也可以使用解析求解的结果作为初始值(false)。
*   [in]    iterationsCount         Ransac算法的迭代次数,这只是初始值,根据估计外点的概率,可以进一步缩小迭代次数;(此值函数内部是会不断改变的),所以一开始可以赋一个大的值。
*   [in]    reprojectionErrr        Ransac筛选内点和外点的距离阈值,这个根据估计内点的概率和每个点的均方差(假设误差按照高斯分布)可以计算出此阈值。
*   [in]    confidence              此值与计算采样(迭代)次数有关。此值代表从n个样本中取s个点,N次采样可以使s个点全为内点的概率。
*   [out]   _inliers                返回内点的序列。为矩阵形式
*   [in]    flags                   最小子集的计算模型;
*                                                 SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE(此方案,最小模型用的EPNP,内点选出之后用了一个迭代);
*                                                 SOLVE_P3P(P3P只用在最小模型上,内点选出之后用了一个EPNP)      
*                                                 SOLVE_AP3P(AP3P只用在最小模型上,内点选出之后用了一个EPNP)
*                                                 SOLVE_EPnP(最小模型上&内点选出之后都采用了EPNP)
*    返回值:
*         成功返回true,失败返回false;
bool solvePnPRansac(InputArray _opoints, InputArray _ipoints,
	InputArray _cameraMatrix, InputArray _distCoeffs,
	OutputArray _rvec, OutputArray _tvec, bool useExtrinsicGuess,
	int iterationsCount, float reprojectionError, double confidence,
	OutputArray _inliers, int flags)


