
fabric v2.2.0


  • 容量大于PreferredMaxBytes时出块
  • 交易数量大于MaxMessageCount时出块
  • 不满足上面条件,但有交易待出的话,超时BatchTimeout出块





// Ordered should be invoked sequentially as messages are ordered
// messageBatches length: 0, pending: false
//   - impossible, as we have just received a message
// messageBatches length: 0, pending: true
//   - no batch is cut and there are messages pending
// messageBatches length: 1, pending: false
//   - the message count reaches BatchSize.MaxMessageCount
// messageBatches length: 1, pending: true
//   - the current message will cause the pending batch size in bytes to exceed BatchSize.PreferredMaxBytes.
// messageBatches length: 2, pending: false
//   - the current message size in bytes exceeds BatchSize.PreferredMaxBytes, therefore isolated in its own batch.
// messageBatches length: 2, pending: true
//   - impossible
// Note that messageBatches can not be greater than 2.
// messageBatches的长度<=2
func (r *receiver) Ordered(msg *cb.Envelope) (messageBatches [][]*cb.Envelope, pending bool) {
    if len(r.pendingBatch) == 0 { // 判断当前批次是否为空,如果为空标记区块形成时间
        // We are beginning a new batch, mark the time
        r.PendingBatchStartTime = time.Now()
    // 获取order配置,主要是获取BatchTimeout,MaxMessageCount, AbsoluteMaxBytes等上述三个参数用于判定形成区块的规则
    ordererConfig, ok := r.sharedConfigFetcher.OrdererConfig()
    if !ok {
        logger.Panicf("Could not retrieve orderer config to query batch parameters, block cutting is not possible")

    batchSize := ordererConfig.BatchSize()
    // 获取当前消息大小
    messageSizeBytes := messageSizeBytes(msg)
    if messageSizeBytes > batchSize.PreferredMaxBytes { //当当前消息大于PreferredMaxBytes时,直接Cut形成区块Batch
        logger.Debugf("The current message, with %v bytes, is larger than the preferred batch size of %v bytes and will be isolated.", messageSizeBytes, batchSize.PreferredMaxBytes)

        // cut pending batch, if it has any messages
        // 该条件就是最多形成2个区块Batch的代码
        if len(r.pendingBatch) > 0 {
            messageBatch := r.Cut()
            messageBatches = append(messageBatches, messageBatch)

        // create new batch with single message
        // 创建一个新的Batch只有该消息(大于PreferredMaxBytes值)
        messageBatches = append(messageBatches, []*cb.Envelope{msg})

        // Record that this batch took no time to fill
        r.Metrics.BlockFillDuration.With("channel", r.ChannelID).Observe(0)

    // 当消息不大于PreferredMaxBytes时,判断消息该消息与之前的消息大小是否大于PreferredMaxBytes
    messageWillOverflowBatchSizeBytes := r.pendingBatchSizeBytes+messageSizeBytes > batchSize.PreferredMaxBytes
    // 如果大于2MB(默认)则形成区块
    if messageWillOverflowBatchSizeBytes {
        logger.Debugf("The current message, with %v bytes, will overflow the pending batch of %v bytes.", messageSizeBytes, r.pendingBatchSizeBytes)
        logger.Debugf("Pending batch would overflow if current message is added, cutting batch now.")
        messageBatch := r.Cut()
        r.PendingBatchStartTime = time.Now()
        messageBatches = append(messageBatches, messageBatch)

    logger.Debugf("Enqueuing message into batch")
    r.pendingBatch = append(r.pendingBatch, msg)
    r.pendingBatchSizeBytes += messageSizeBytes
    pending = true
    // 判断Batch消息是否大于MaxMessageCount,如果是则形成区块Batch
    if uint32(len(r.pendingBatch)) >= batchSize.MaxMessageCount {
        logger.Debugf("Batch size met, cutting batch")
        messageBatch := r.Cut()
        messageBatches = append(messageBatches, messageBatch)
        pending = false


// Cut returns the current batch and starts a new one
func (r *receiver) Cut() []*cb.Envelope {
    if r.pendingBatch != nil {
        r.Metrics.BlockFillDuration.With("channel", r.ChannelID).Observe(time.Since(r.PendingBatchStartTime).Seconds())
    r.PendingBatchStartTime = time.Time{}
    batch := r.pendingBatch
    r.pendingBatch = nil
    r.pendingBatchSizeBytes = 0
    return batch
  • Ordered为添加新的交易到缓冲区,返回messageBatches(即可以打包的block数组)和缓冲区状态pending
  • messageBatches的长度不会超过2
  • pending是留个超时是否打包来判断用的
  • Cut函数为取出缓冲区打成一个block返回



func (ch *chain) main() {
    // 创建打包超时定时器
    var timer <-chan time.Time
    var err error
    // 循环接收消息
    for {
        // 获取当前的配置序号
        seq := ch.support.Sequence()
        err = nil
        select {
        case msg := <-ch.sendChan:
            if msg.configMsg == nil {
                // NormalMsg
                if msg.configSeq < seq {
                    _, err = ch.support.ProcessNormalMsg(msg.normalMsg)
                    if err != nil {
                        logger.Warningf("Discarding bad normal message: %s", err)
                // 把交易分组,每组为一个batch
                batches, pending := ch.support.BlockCutter().Ordered(msg.normalMsg)

                for _, batch := range batches {
                    block := ch.support.CreateNextBlock(batch)
                    ch.support.WriteBlock(block, nil)

                switch {
                case timer != nil && !pending: // 如果计时开始但缓冲区没数据,把计时关掉
                    // Timer is already running but there are no messages pending, stop the timer
                    timer = nil
                case timer == nil && pending: // 如果计时没开始但缓冲区有数据,开始计时
                    // Timer is not already running and there are messages pending, so start it
                    timer = time.After(ch.support.SharedConfig().BatchTimeout())
                    logger.Debugf("Just began %s batch timer", ch.support.SharedConfig().BatchTimeout().String())
                    // Do nothing when:
                    // 1. Timer is already running and there are messages pending
                    // 2. Timer is not set and there are no messages pending

            ... ...
        // 打包BatchTimeout超时定时器触发
        case <-timer:
            //clear the timer
            timer = nil
            // 直接对缓存的message进行Cut打包
            batch := ch.support.BlockCutter().Cut()
            // 如果batch为空,说明无消息可打包,继续等待消息
            if len(batch) == 0 {
                logger.Warningf("Batch timer expired with no pending requests, this might indicate a bug")
            // 创建区块,写入账本
            logger.Debugf("Batch timer expired, creating block")
            block := ch.support.CreateNextBlock(batch)
            ch.support.WriteBlock(block, nil)
        // 接收到exit chan时退出主逻辑
        case <-ch.exitChan:



Fabric 1.4源码详解(一)Order BlockCutter
