

英文 中文
Terrible Tudors, gorgeous Georgians 恐怖都铎华丽乔治
Slimy Stuarts, vile Victorians 卑劣斯图亚特邪恶维多利亚
Woeful wars, ferocious fights 悲惨战役凶残争斗
Dingy castles, daring knights 昏暗古堡英勇骑士
Horrors that defy description 恐怖难以言表
Cut-throat Celts, awful Egyptians 凶狠凯尔特可怕古埃及
Vicious Vikings, cruel crimes, punishment from ancient times 凶残维京冷血罪行远古的惩罚
Romans, rotten, rank, and ruthless 罗马人堕落恶心又冷血
Caveman, savage, fierce and toothless 穴居人野蛮残酷不长牙
Groovy Greeks, brainy sages 绝妙古希腊聪明大圣人
Mean and measly Middle Ages 卑鄙又卑微就是中世纪
Gory stories we do that 血腥故事无限多
And your host a talking rat 且听鼠君对你说
The past is no longer a mystery 历史不再是个谜
Welcome to 欢迎收看
In Saxon Britain, arguments between families 在撒克逊时期的英国家庭间的争执
could really get out of control, 真的会发展到失控的地步
like in EastEnders, only with lots more blood. 就像《东伦敦人》里那样而且更加血腥
I am bushed. 累死我了


Your dad killed my dad! 你爹杀了我爹
That's only because your dad killed my uncle! 那是因为你爹杀了我叔叔
Your uncle deserved it for stealing my grandma's horse! 你叔叔罪有因得他偷了我奶奶的马
That was because...because... 那是因为...因为...
You know, I can't remember that far back. 我想不起那么久以前的事了
This blood feud between our two families 我们两家间的仇恨
- has lasted so long, hasn't it? - It has, hasn't it? -竟然持续了那么久-是啊的确
Anyway, your dad killed my dad and I demand revenge! 我不管你爹杀了我爹我要报仇
I liked that arm! That was my favourite! 你把我最爱的一条手臂砍了
Right, I'm gonna show you, then. 好吧让你瞧瞧我的厉害
OK! 来啊
I'll get you for that. 我要你血债血偿
Not if I get you first! 我先让你血债血偿
You killed my husband! 你杀了我丈夫
I demand revenge! 我要报仇
Oi! Did you just kill my husband? 你是不是刚杀了我的丈夫
Yeah, because he killed my husband first. 是的因为他先杀了我丈夫
Yeah, but only because his dad killed his uncle. 是啊可那是因为他爹杀了他叔叔
Knock, knock. 敲门敲门
This blood feuding is getting out of hand. 这场仇恨已经无法控制了
Who are you? 你是谁
I'm the king of Anglo-Saxon England. 我是盎格鲁-撒克逊英格兰国王
Don't you recognise me from the coin? 你们没发现钱币上的头像就是我吗
Oh, my gosh! You're so much sweatier in person. 我的天啊本人看上去可真能出汗啊
Well, I've just run up a hill, haven't I? 我刚刚可是跑上山的
Right, look, to stop all this feuding, 言归正传为了停止这场宿怨
I've come up with a new law. 我出台了新的法律
OK? It's called Weregeld. 我称之为《赔偿法》
What it means is, if you commit a crime, 法律规定如果你犯了罪
you have to pay money to the victim or their family. 你就得为受害者或其家属支付赔偿金
OK? It's very, very simple. 明白吗非常非常简单
Small crimes cost less, 小罪赔小钱
big crimes cost more. 大罪赔大钱
All right, then. 那好吧
What are you doing? 你在干什么
This is...all the time...well, 100 shillings, 真是...好吧一百先令
so if you could pay that across. 请付钱给对方
Thanks very much. 非常感谢
Now get a load of this. 现在吃我一招
Right, so how much do I pay her family? 好了我要付给她家多少钱


Like, 200 shillings, or something? 两百先令还是怎么着
I don't think she's got any family left now, has she? 我想她没有其他家人了是吗
And this is getting ridiculous...OK, new law. 这真是越发荒谬...好吧新律法
You have to pay the king now, 你现在必须付钱给国王
because she hasn't got any family. 因为她没有家人了
So new law. Thank you. 所以根据新法谢谢
I'd complain, but I haven't got a leg to stand on. 吐一下槽我靠一只脚真的站不住
It's true! And 100% accurate. 鼠君认证以上属实
The Weregeld Law meant if you killed someone, 《赔偿法》规定如果你杀了人
you had to pay their family. 就必须为死者家属支付赔偿金
But you just hurt them a bit, 但如果只是弄伤了他们
well, you only had to pay for the bit you'd hurt. 只需支付伤害的部位即可
So, cut off a big toe, that's 20 shillings. 所以切掉大脚趾20先令
Cut off a nose, 60 shillings. 切掉鼻子60先令
Wonder how much it is if you cut off a tail? 切掉尾巴该付多少钱呢
Bet the three blind mice 那三只瞎老鼠肯定
were never paid by the farmer's wife. 没从农夫妻子那领过赔偿金
盎格鲁-撒克逊 捉鬼行动
Saxons really were a vicious bunch, 撒克逊人真的是一群恶毒的人
and they were very superstitious, too. 他们也很迷信
Welcome to Anglo-Saxon Ghost Hunt. 欢迎来到《盎格鲁-撒克逊捉鬼行动》
This week, I'm with Ethel Burger, of Norwich. 这周我会和来自诺威奇的埃塞尔·伯格
She's found something spooky in her hut. 一同探求她在小屋中发现的一些灵异现象
- Come on. - This way. -来吧-这边
Come on. Shh. 来吧小点声
Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. 别害怕别害怕
Right, where's that coming from? OK. 从哪儿来的声音是这里
Whose ashes are in this jar? 罐子里的骨灰是谁的
That's my husband. 我丈夫的
He was killed by the Vikings. 他被维京人杀死了
The Vikings. OK, OK. 维京人好的好的
You had him cremated, then? 你将他火葬了然后呢
- Yes, and he's haunting me. - OK. -是的可他阴魂不散-好的
Don't worry. That's why I'm here, all right? 别担心我就是为此而来的好吗
Don't worry! 别担心
He's talking to me, 他在和我说话
trying to talk to me, darling, OK? 他正试着和我说话亲爱的
He's trying to talk to me. 他正试着和我说话
Sorry, I can't quite hear. I can't quite hear. 抱歉我听不清听不清
What's that? What's that? 什么什么
- Let me out! - All right, OK. -放我出去-好的好的
As every Anglo-Saxon knows, 每个盎格鲁-撒克逊人都知道
what you should have done is put a hole in the side of the jar, 你需要在罐子边上开个小洞
because when dead spirits find themselves confined in jars, 因为当死灵发现自己被困在罐子里时
they get a bit... they get a bit cross. 他们会他们会有点愤怒
So, just put a hole in there. 所以就在那儿开个洞
That's probably why he's haunting you. 这可能就是他阴魂不散的原因
Shh! No, don't be afraid. No. 不别害怕别害怕
Where's that coming from? OK. Who's in there? 从哪儿来的声音好了谁在那儿
That's my uncle, Athelrick. 那是我的叔叔艾斯里克
He was killed by Vikings, too. 他也被维京人杀害了
- OK, here's an idea. - Right. -好了有个办法-好
Dead spirits like to have a bit of a natter, 死灵们喜欢闲聊
just like we do. 和我们一样
So what we'll do is, 所以我们要做的是
we're just gonna mix up the ashes, like that. 把骨灰混在一起像这样
So they can have a little natter now. 这样他们就可以闲聊了
OK, there, there! Problem is solved. 好了问题解决
The haunting has stopped. 不会再阴魂不散了
That's a great relief! Oh, phew. 松一大口气了
What you should have done to avoid all this bother, 当时你应该采取些措施来避免困扰
when they die, just chop their heads off. 在他们死后应该砍掉他们的头
Right! 是啊
It's a well-known Anglo-Saxon fact 盎格鲁-撒克逊人都知道这个道理
that if you chop their heads off when they die, 如果你把尸体的头砍掉
they won't haunt you. 鬼魂就不会纠缠你了
Is that true? 真的吗
Only one way to find out! 只有一种证明方式
Oh! Don't worry, don't worry. 别慌别紧张
It's a ghost. 只是鬼魂罢了
Don't worry it's a ghost. 别慌只是鬼魂罢了
It's only a g... 只是个...
It's not a ghost, it's an actual Viking. Run! 不是鬼是真的维京人快跑
Grub's up, it's "Ready Steady Feast"! 食物到欢迎收看《盛宴美食秀》
Today's guest is a Victorian gentleman 今天的嘉宾是位维多利亚绅士
with the most unusual diet in history. 他将带来史上最稀奇的食物
He's eaten stewed bluebottles, 他吃过炖苍蝇
squirrel pie, 松鼠派
mouse on toast. 烤老鼠
He's even eaten roast giraffe. 甚至吃过烤长颈鹿
What is he going to bring along today? 他今天还会带来什么呢
Please welcome Dr William Buckland. 掌声欢迎威廉·巴克兰博士
威廉·巴克兰博士 著名古怪食物美食家
Good day to you, madam, 日安女士
and may I say it's a deep honour for me 能被这样高端的娱乐节目请来
to be on your esteemed entertainment programme. 我真是倍感荣幸
I only hope I live up to your splendiferous introduction. 但愿今晚我的表现能不辜负您的谬赞
- Is that Victorian for hello? - Yes. -这是维多利亚式的"你好"吗-是
Great, hello back. 很好你也好
What ingredients have you brought for us to cook? 你都带了些什么烹饪食材呢
I didn't want to shock anyone, 我不想吓到大家
so I brought items that I would eat on an average evening. 所以只带了些晚饭常吃的东西
Here is my first item. 这是第一样
- A grey sock? - No, an elephant's trunk. -灰袜子吗-不是象鼻子
Delicious roasted. 烤得可好吃了
For my second item, I've brought along a sauce. 第二样我带了些酱汁
I'm sure your audience 我相信大家的
already have a bottle of this in their larders. 食橱里一定也常备这个
- Oh, smells a bit nutty. - Yes, it's bat's urine. -有果仁的味道-是的这是蝙蝠尿
My third item, 第三样

