Applied Linguistics and Language Teacher Education

Applied linguistics has a lot to offer language teachers. The field has produced a wealth

unwittingly and with the best of intentions, imposing practices of the applied linguistics

language and the role this knowledge might play in language teaching and learning to

theory of practice (van Lier, 1996); a theory of what language teachers need to know and

The purpose of this book is to provide teachers of applied linguistics with (a) state of the

perspective of how a wide variety of teachers of applied linguistics perceive and

& Snow, 2002), there has been little systematic research on the effect of applied

conversations, to ways of using language to signal membership in particular language

themselves to the field of applied linguistics rather than to language teaching, and (b)

while there has been much theoretical work on what teachers need to know about

linguistics instruction on language teachers' knowledge and practice (Bartels, 2002;

language teaching be more complex than theorized, it is also possible that we are,

pursuing their research questions and to make clear what they learned from engaging in

and language teachers' learning and use of KAL in pre-service or in-service programs.

art knowledge about and insights on applied linguistics and language teacher education,

integral role in teacher education programs around the world and applied linguists are

teacher education to investigate their theories of practice in a rigorous and thorough

of knowledge about language (KAL), from uses of a language's sound system to create

teach (eg Stern, 1983; Widdowson, 1990; BardoviHarlig & Hartford, 1997; Fillmore

1994), something I refer to as linguistics imperialism (Bartels, in press).

conception, course, lesson plan, or interaction with learners of teaching can be seen as a

manner. This book is meant as a beginning to such an endeavor. It presents 21 studies by

communities, among other issues. Courses on applied linguistics play a major and

what kind of learning experiences will help them develop this knowledge. Furthermore,

defend our status as an applied science and make contributions to research questions

helpful for the practice of language teaching (Bartels, 2003; Bolitho, 1987; Clarke,

Borg, 2003). Not only might the relationship between applied linguistics knowledge and

discourse community on language teachers during teacher education which are not

Therefore, if we want to (a) avoid a situation where applied linguists are colonizing

meaning, to factors that affect language learning, to knowledge of how people structure

of the research community, but also to make clear their own personal reasons for

(Gee, 1990) novice teachers, however well meaning, by requiring them to apprentice

shared by other disciplines, it is important for applied linguists working in language

applied linguists investigating their own theories about language teachers' knowledge

effort has been made to preserve project the individual voices of the researchers within

the book. The authors have been asked not only to situate their studies within the needs

investigate their own theories of practice. In order to accomplish the last goal, every

prominent in any discussion of language teacher education. However, any program

(b) the tools needed to research their own theories of practice, and (c) an insider

their research projects. Furthermore, the authors have been encouraged to use a personal

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