
You keep studying.你继续学习吧。

No matter how rough the sea, you keep studying.不管海面有多波涛汹涌,你都要坚持学习。

No matter how many people are telling you "you can't do it," you keep studying.


What if you can pull this off?


What if you can become the very person you dream of?


It starts as soon as your alarm clock goes off.


You have a decision to make and it takes discipline to do this, to really commit to having a productive day, to get up, to make every single minute of your day count.


And you got to do this every single day no matter what it takes, no matter what obstacles get in your way.你必须每天都这样做,不管付出什么代价,不管遇到什么障碍。

No matter what your friends say, no matter what your classmates say.


A constant fight that just doesn't stop, against a weakness, against procrastination and laziness. 这是一场持续不断的战斗,不会停止,与弱点,与拖延和懒惰作斗争。

It's a campaign of hard work and dedication.


It's waking up early and going to bed late and studying every second in between.


The fulfillment of your dreams lies within you and you alone, whether you pass your exams or fail your exams is yours.你梦想的实现在于你自己,而且只有你一个人,无论你考试及格还是不及格都是你的。

You need to be persistent about what it is that you want to achieve.你需要对你想要实现的目标坚持不懈。

You have got to make a declaration that this is what you stand for.你必须声明这就是你的主张。

You want it and you're going to give it everything you've got to achieve it.你想要它,你要尽你所能去实现它。

I didn't say it was going to be easy, if it was easy, everybody would be doing it.我没有说这会很容易,如果很容易,每个人都会这么做。

If you want the A grades and the 4.0 GPA, if you really want it.如果你想要最优和最高得分,如果你真的想要的话。

If you're not just saying but deep down you feel it within you.如果你没有停留在嘴上,而是在内心暗下决心感受成功。

There's gonna be a sacrifice, there's gonna be work, and you're going to have to make tough decisions.会有牺牲,会有工作,你将不得不做出艰难的决定。

And you're going to have to be patient.你要有耐心。

But if you can combine those three things, that's what makes great things happen.但是,如果你能把这三件事结合起来,那就是伟大的事情发生的原因。

That's what builds extraordinary lives.这就是造就非凡人生的东西。

Create the highest, grandest vision possible, because you become what you believe, no matter how crazy it might sound to the other people.创造尽可能最高、最宏伟的愿景,因为你会成为你所相信的人,不管这在别人听起来有多疯狂。

Think about it carefully, who do you want to be, what makes you happy?仔细想想,你想成为谁,什么让你快乐?

Keep pushing, because you believe in yourself and your vision.继续努力,因为你相信你自己和你的远见。

It needs to be clear to you.你需要明白这一点。

You need to know exactly what you want, you know what it tastes like and smells like.你需要确切地知道你想要什么,你知道它的味道和气味。

But you're never going to be able to do it, if you keep making the wrong decisions.但是如果你一直做错误的决定,你永远都做不到。

If you keep procrastinating and wasting time doing things that don't align you with your end goal.如果你一直拖延和浪费时间去做那些与你的最终目标不一致的事情。

You want to achieve exceptional grades from now on?


It's on you.全靠你了。

You can make it happen.你可以让它发生。

You've got the power to do that, you can change things for you, it doesn't matter what grades you got in the past, it doesn't matter.你有能力做到这一点,你可以为自己改变一些事情,不管你过去取得了什么成绩,这都无关紧要。

See, when you acknowledge it and say: "Hey, it's me, I'm the one that determines the outcome."看,当你承认这一点并说:“嘿,是我,我是决定结果的人。”

"I've got to do this, I have some obstacles in front of me."


"I know it's not gonna be easy, but ultimately these obstacles are not gonna slow me down."“我知道这不容易,但最终这些障碍不会拖慢我的脚步。”

Just when you feel like you've done your last hour of studying or read the last passage in the textbook and your brain is telling you "you can't study anymore."当你感觉你已经完成了最后一个小时的学习,或者读完了课本上的最后一段,你的大脑告诉你“你不能再学习了。”

You say: "Yeah? I've got to do just a little bit more."你说:“是吗?我还得再做一点。”

Make this year the year that you commit to yourself that you're going to make progress.让今年成为你向自己承诺要取得进步的一年。

It just takes discipline and outright dedication.这只需要纪律和赤裸裸的奉献。

If you can commit to winning every single day for the entire year, in 365 days your life will be drastically different.如果你能承诺在一整年中赢得每一天的胜利,365天后你的生活将会截然不同。

I don't care who you are, or which country you're from or how old you are.不管你是谁,也不管你来自哪里,也不管你多大。

It's the same for everyone.对每个人来说都是一样的。

If you're going to have the energy and the passion to drive through the day, working at 100 percent effort, you've got to wake up every single day and start with that vision.如果你想要有精力和激情驾车度过一天,百分之百地努力工作,你就必须每天醒来,从这个愿景开始。

Because right now, while you're quitting, the next person will be studying.因为现在,当你辞职的时候,下一个人会在学习。

While you're quitting and giving up, while you're saying "alright that's enough, it's time to rest," the next person is just getting started.当你放弃和放弃的时候,当你说“好了,够了,该休息了”时,下一个人才刚刚开始。

Somebody's gonna win, you or him, it's very simple.有人会赢,你或他,很简单。

The person who wins, is the person who wants it the most.获胜的人,是最想要它的人。
