

英文 中文
Where am I? 我在哪儿
Where the fuck am I? 这是什么鬼地方
Jesus. 老天
Logan? 洛根
Logan? 洛根
Logan, where are you? 洛根 你在哪儿
- Logan! - Oh, fuck. -洛根-我操
Where am I? 我在哪儿
It's OK. 没事的
We're in the new place. 我们在一个新地方
- I'm sorry. - It's OK. -对不起-没事
What's that, man? 你说啥 老兄
- We're here, Mr. Roy. - This is it. -我们到了 罗伊先生-就是今天
This is the day we make it happen, Fikret. 今天就是我们创造历史的日子 费克雷
You're the man, Mr. Roy. 您是天选之人 罗伊先生
You're the man. 祝您成功
We good? 可以了吗
Jesus Christ. 我的天
Hey, hey, hey, buddy. 伙计们
Good to see you. 真高兴见到你
So, are we ready to fuck or what? 咱们准备好大干一场了吗
Yeah... OK. 好... 好吧
Look, I-I'm really sorry, 我说 真的很遗憾
but it looks like there's an issue. 似乎出了点问题
Come on, I came all the way up here, dude. 拜托 我这么大老远都来了 哥们
Yeah, I'm sorry... 很遗憾...
Uh, dude. 哥们
OK. 好吧
Listen, you know I love what you do, right? 听着 你知道我喜欢你做的事 对吧
I'd love to keep you and your team in place, Lawrence. 我很想让你和你的团队继续做下去 劳伦斯
I think Vaulter is the shiz. 沃尔特烂得像屎
We're the shiz? 我们很烂吗
What's it gonna take? 还有什么条件
You want me to send a vintage Jaguar over to your house today? 就算要我今天往你家运一台古董捷豹
I'll do it. 我也会照做
Um, s-sure. Look, um... 我明白 但是...
I just think bottom line, 就底价而言
I can deliver a lot more value for our shareholders. 我要为自家股东们创造更大的价值
I hope we haven't inconvenienced you. 希望这不会对你造成困扰
I see you. I see this. 我算明白了
We appreciate your interest in our little outfit, 谢谢贵司对我们小团队的认可
but I think that's it. 但到此为止吧
Come on. That's it? 别这样 到此为止吗
That's not it. What the fuck happened? 不能这样结束 搞毛线呢
Yo, hang on. 等一下
Hold up, hold up. 慢着 慢着
- You get the message? - What? -你收到消息了吗-什么
I'm not letting you Neanderthals in to rape my company. 我不会让你们这些穴居人们掠夺我的公司
Ever. 永远不会
I'm sorry? 什么
You're a bunch of bloated dinosaurs 你们就是群傲慢的恐龙
who didn't even notice the monkeys swinging by till yesterday. 快饿死了才发现猴子就在眼皮底下跑
Well, fuck you, daddy's boy. 总之 去你妈的 小屁孩
Hey, come on. Don't blow this up. 别这样 这事儿不能吹
I got a track record from founding 我手里有一份销售记录
one of the most exciting new media brands in the world. 来自世界上最新潮的媒体品牌之一
And what do you got? 你有什么
Track marks from shooting junk? 射击废物留下的痕迹吗
Thanks for coming down. It was great to meet you. 谢谢你来 很高兴见到你
Sorry this isn't going to work out. 但这事儿谈不成的
No, it's gonna work out. 不 可以的
No, it isn't. 不 真的不行
Take care, dude. 保重 哥们
Fuck. What the fuck, Frank? 操 这他妈怎么回事 弗兰克
- I...- How can we salvage this? -我...-我们该怎么补救
You still want to pursue this? 你还想谈这单吗
Yeah, of course I wanna pursue. 废话 我当然想继续谈
I wanna announce. 还要开发布会
This is part of the whole thing. 这是计划的一部分
This is the secret sauce. 是秘密武器
Do we need to sweeten the offer? 我们要给个更诱人的出价吗
You wanna bump the offer another point? 你想把出价再提高一个点吗
Do you wanna call your dad? 要给你爸打电话吗
Do I wanna call my dad? 要给我爸打电话吗
No, I don't wanna call my dad. 不 我不想给我爸打电话
Do you wanna call your dad? 你要给你爸打一个吗
- No. - No? -不-不用吗
Do you wanna call your dad? 你要打吗
Does anybody wanna call their dad? 还有人要给老爸打电话的吗
OK, nobody wants to talk to their fucking dad. 行 没人想他妈跟自己老爸讲话
So, we've started, so let's buy this fucking company. 那么 既然开始了 就把那破公司买下来
I'm pushing the bid to 120. OK? 把报价提到1.2亿 行吗
OK. 可以
How's it going? 进行得如何
Yeah, I'm right in the middle, Dad. 挺好的 还在努力 爸
Did you close? 成功了吗
Yeah, it's OK. 还算顺利
We're not quite closed. 但离成功还差一点
I'm going to 120. 我打算提到1.2亿
So, that's good. 所以 还行
and are we still good for the announcement? 咱们还能办发布会吧
Uh-huh. 可以
Great, 'cause obviously I'm soft floating 那就好 因为显然我这边
to, you know like, Frank and Rava, 还要软处理弗兰克和拉瓦
and there's gossip getting soft floated. 而且有人在传播谣言
By who?
Uh, by the ether. 就 网民吧
I don't know. 我也不知道
Hey, hey, happy birthday, you old geezer. 对了 生日快乐 怪老头
Look, it's exciting. 你看 这事儿激动人心
This is gonna be great for you, Dad. 会对你有好处的 老爹
Mm-hmm. I'm excited. 我很激动
Waystar Royco is a family. 韦斯达·罗伊科是个大家庭
A family that spans four continents, 这个家庭横跨四大洲
50 countries, three divisions: 五十个国家 拥有三个部门:
Entertainment, News and Resorts. 娱乐部 新闻部和度假区部
Working together 协同合作
to provide a net that can hold the world, 共同编织成一张网络包罗世界
or catapult it forward 推动世界向前
to the next adventure! 致下一段征程
Joining Waystar Royco, you're joining 加入韦斯达·罗伊科
one of the most dynamic news and entertainment companies 就是加入世界上最具活力的
in the world. 新闻娱乐公司之一
Feel it! 用心感受
OK, how's everyone feeling? 好的 大家觉得怎么样
- Great! - Great! -好极了-很棒
Excellent! 很好
Hey. You in the room? 你在听吗
OK. Well, let's go out and give these kids 好 那这就出去给孩子们留下
the best day of their lives, huh? 最美好难忘的回忆吧
Feel it! 用心感受
- Feel it! - Feel it! -用心感受-用心感受
Hi! 你好
Hi, Doderick! 你好 道德里克
Hi! 你好啊
Good morning! 早上好
It's Doderick! 是道德里克
Whoo! It's me, Doderick! 是我呢 我就是道德里克
Hey, happy birthday! 生日快乐
Don't pull on my tail! 别拽我的尾巴
Don't hit Doderick! 别打道德里克
Quit it! 住手
Wait, OK. Please get off. 等一下 行吗 请下去
Can you fuck off? 能滚下去吗
Can you just get the fuck off? 给我滚下去
He's puking out of his eyes! 他的眼睛在呕吐
Protein spill. 蛋白质泄露而已
OK, this way, this way. Come on. 过来 过来 往这边来
Greg? 格雷格
Hi, Mom. 妈妈
How... Are you OK? How's it going? 你... 还好吗 工作怎么样了
Mom, sorry, but I sort of screwed up. 妈 对不起 我好像闯祸了
Well, not me, actually, but this kid. 其实不是我 而是那小孩
Greg. 格雷格
So, this kid smoked a joint in my car. 有个小孩在我车里抽了一根大麻
A kid. 小孩
Like this hitchhiker kid that I 就今早我接上的那个
picked up this morning, like earlier this morning. 搭便车的小孩 早些时候那会儿
'Cause it was raining and I didn't want... 因为那时在下雨 我不想...
I didn't want him to get sexually assaulted? 不想他被坏人性骚扰之类的
Greg. 格雷格
Before I could even say anything... 我还没说啥呢...
What the fuck? 你搞毛呢
Aggressively takes out... 他上车就点了一根...
Have you ever seen, like, so, a doobie? 就是你知不知道 那种 大麻烟
And the car smelled like skunk weed. 车里都是焦臭的大麻味儿
And then I guess I smelled like it. 我身上也是那味

