今天遇到一个问题:交叉编译jthread和jrtp,然后将生成的静态库文件copy到我们自己的工程里面,我们的工程调用jrtp.a里面的函数,从网络上获取rtp数据,但是在status = sess.Create(sessparams,&transparams);的时候程序崩溃了,原因是transparams变量对应的类
class JRTPLIB_IMPORTEXPORT RTPUDPv4TransmissionParams : public RTPTransmissionParams
/** Sets the IP address which is used to bind the sockets to \c ip. */
void SetBindIP(uint32_t ip) { bindIP = ip; }
/** Sets the multicast interface IP address. */
void SetMulticastInterfaceIP(uint32_t ip) { mcastifaceIP = ip; }
/** Sets the RTP portbase to \c pbase, which has to be an even number
* unless RTPUDPv4TransmissionParams::SetAllowOddPortbase was called;
* a port number of zero will cause a port to be chosen automatically. */
void SetPortbase(uint16_t pbase) { portbase = pbase; }
/** Sets the multicast TTL to be used to \c mcastTTL. */
void SetMulticastTTL(uint8_t mcastTTL) { multicastTTL = mcastTTL; }
/** Passes a list of IP addresses which will be used as the local IP addresses. */
void SetLocalIPList(std::list &iplist) { localIPs = iplist; }
/** Clears the list of local IP addresses.
* Clears the list of local IP addresses. An empty list will make the transmission
* component itself determine the local IP addresses.
void ClearLocalIPList() { localIPs.clear(); }
/** Returns the IP address which will be used to bind the sockets. */
uint32_t GetBindIP() const { return bindIP; }
/** Returns the multicast interface IP address. */
uint32_t GetMulticastInterfaceIP() const { return mcastifaceIP; }
/** Returns the RTP portbase which will be used (default is 5000). */
uint16_t GetPortbase() const { return portbase; }
/** Returns the multicast TTL which will be used (default is 1). */
uint8_t GetMulticastTTL() const { return multicastTTL; }
/** Returns the list of local IP addresses. */
const std::list &GetLocalIPList() const { return localIPs; }
/** Sets the RTP socket's send buffer size. */
void SetRTPSendBuffer(int s) { rtpsendbuf = s; }
/** Sets the RTP socket's receive buffer size. */
void SetRTPReceiveBuffer(int s) { rtprecvbuf = s; }
/** Sets the RTCP socket's send buffer size. */
void SetRTCPSendBuffer(int s) { rtcpsendbuf = s; }
/** Sets the RTCP socket's receive buffer size. */
void SetRTCPReceiveBuffer(int s) { rtcprecvbuf = s; }
/** Enables or disables multiplexing RTCP traffic over the RTP channel, so that only a single port is used. */
void SetRTCPMultiplexing(bool f) { rtcpmux = f; }
/** Can be used to allow the RTP port base to be any number, not just even numbers. */
void SetAllowOddPortbase(bool f) { allowoddportbase = f; }
/** Force the RTCP socket to use a specific port, not necessarily one more than
* the RTP port (set this to zero to disable). */
void SetForcedRTCPPort(uint16_t rtcpport) { forcedrtcpport = rtcpport; }
/** Use sockets that have already been created, no checks on port numbers
* will be done, and no buffer sizes will be set; you'll need to close
* the sockets yourself when done, it will **not** be done automatically. */
void SetUseExistingSockets(SocketType rtpsocket, SocketType rtcpsocket) { rtpsock = rtpsocket; rtcpsock = rtcpsocket; useexistingsockets = true; }
/** If non null, the specified abort descriptors will be used to cancel
* the function that's waiting for packets to arrive; set to null (the default
* to let the transmitter create its own instance. */
void SetCreatedAbortDescriptors(RTPAbortDescriptors *desc) { m_pAbortDesc = desc; }
/** Returns the RTP socket's send buffer size. */
int GetRTPSendBuffer() const { return rtpsendbuf; }
/** Returns the RTP socket's receive buffer size. */
int GetRTPReceiveBuffer() const { return rtprecvbuf; }
/** Returns the RTCP socket's send buffer size. */
int GetRTCPSendBuffer() const { return rtcpsendbuf; }
/** Returns the RTCP socket's receive buffer size. */
int GetRTCPReceiveBuffer() const { return rtcprecvbuf; }
/** Returns a flag indicating if RTCP traffic will be multiplexed over the RTP channel. */
bool GetRTCPMultiplexing() const { return rtcpmux; }
/** If true, any RTP portbase will be allowed, not just even numbers. */
bool GetAllowOddPortbase() const { return allowoddportbase; }
/** If non-zero, the specified port will be used to receive RTCP traffic. */
uint16_t GetForcedRTCPPort() const { return forcedrtcpport; }
/** Returns true and fills in sockets if existing sockets were set
* using RTPUDPv4TransmissionParams::SetUseExistingSockets. */
bool GetUseExistingSockets(SocketType &rtpsocket, SocketType &rtcpsocket) const { if (!useexistingsockets) return false; rtpsocket = rtpsock; rtcpsocket = rtcpsock; return true; }
/** If non-null, this RTPAbortDescriptors instance will be used internally,
* which can be useful when creating your own poll thread for multiple
* sessions. */
RTPAbortDescriptors *GetCreatedAbortDescriptors() const { return m_pAbortDesc; }
uint16_t portbase;
uint32_t bindIP, mcastifaceIP;
std::list localIPs;
uint8_t multicastTTL;
int rtpsendbuf, rtprecvbuf;
int rtcpsendbuf, rtcprecvbuf;
bool rtcpmux;
bool allowoddportbase;
uint16_t forcedrtcpport;
SocketType rtpsock, rtcpsock;
bool useexistingsockets;
RTPAbortDescriptors *m_pAbortDesc;
这里面有个函数RTPAbortDescriptors *GetCreatedAbortDescriptors(),在status = sess.Create(sessparams,&transparams);之前打印这个函数返回的指针为NULL,但是到了静态库中的函数打印这个函数返回的指针就不是NULL了,后来发现我们的makefile里面编译C++程序的时候加了参数-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0,去掉以后就正常了。具体原因偶也不知道啊,哪位大神指导可以告诉我一下,谢谢。