辅导案例-COMP5216-Assignment 1

COMP5216 Mobile Computing 2020S2

School of Computer Science Page 1 of 2

Assignment 1 – Extending ToDoList app

Total: 5 marks

Due date: 7pm 14th September 2020 (Week 04)


1. Submit all project files as one zipped file.

2. Video of the screen capture demonstrating the actions/features

that are required to be developed.

In this assignment, you need to design and extend a ToDoList app which

contains at least two views.

1. The Main view should contain [0.5 mark]:

• A ListView which displays all the saved ToDoItems, each ToDoItem consists of

ToDoItem title and the creation / last edited datetime. Clicking a ToDoItem will

switch to the “Edit/Add Item” view.

• An “ADD NEW” button. Once this button is clicked, the app will switch to the

“Edit/Add Item” view.

2. The “Edit/Add Item” view should contain [1 mark]:

• A Text field which allows user to type or edit the title of a ToDoItem to add or

update the ListView.

• A “Save” button used for adding new, or updating the title and datetime of

ToDoItem in the ListView:

o If adding a new item, capture both the item and creation datetime of the

ToDoItem. The creation datetime is the current system datetime.

o If updating an existing item, display both the item and creation/last edited

datetime of the ToDoItem. Upon saving, update the item and datetime with

the current system datetime.

• A “Cancel” button next to the “Save” button, used to close the Activity without

updating the ToDoItem. When this button is clicked, the app will pop up a dialog

that asks user: ”Are you sure to cancel this edit? Your unsaved edit will be

discarded if you click YES”.

Hint: You should customise the ListView and the adapter. Read the following tutorial, and

replace the current ArrayAdapter with your own defined Adapter class. Also replace the list

item layout “android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1” with your own layout.


COMP5216 Mobile

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