

The Lancet: Helicobacter pylori is the leading cause of gastric cancer in China. Remember 3 tips to eradicate it completely


39健康网 39 health network

2021-12-14 12:46 The 2021-12-14 31



Her name is Xiao Meng (not her real name) and in the operating room is her fiance, whose wedding is planned for later this year. The day before two people are still imagining a beautiful married life, this moment fiance is dying...

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At the beginning of 2020, xiao Meng, who is over 30, reluctantly attended a matchmaker's blind date, urged by her parents to get married. Strangely, it was this blind date that Xiao Meng met his true love.


The blind date is not the legendary Mediterranean, greasy uncle, but a young and promising handsome guy. Two people disposition accords with, three views are similar, affection heats up rapidly, prepare to marry at the end of the year.


Boyfriend all aspects of the conditions are pretty good, but he has a small problem let small dream very distressed. Xiao Meng is not willing to talk to her boyfriend closely, because her boyfriend's bad breath makes her unbearable. Little dreamed of letting her boyfriend go to the hospital for an examination. However, such an embarrassing problem, she does not know how to open, more afraid of speaking out will affect the feelings of two people.


Tangled under, small dream or hard to explain their own ideas with her boyfriend. To his surprise, the boyfriend was not upset, but immediately went to the hospital for a check-up. Tests showed that her boyfriend was positive for Helicobacter pylori.

男友的妈妈知道后,向一位“大师”求得一个药到病除的“偏方”。 偏方说大蒜杀菌效果强,还能抑制幽门螺杆菌的生长。

After the boyfriend's mother knows, to a "master" get a medicine to get rid of the "folk prescription". Folk prescription says garlic sterilization effect is strong, but also can inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori.


In order to quickly solve the problem of bad breath, he would not eat without garlic. After eating like this for about three months, he suddenly felt a dull pain in his abdomen and didn't pay much attention to it. Who knows, the next day abdominal pain, difficult to get out of bed.


Small dream immediately dial 120, sent to the doctor after examination, the doctor helplessly shook his head said: "late, is stomach cancer."


It turns out that instead of suppressing the growth of helicobacter pylori, garlic in the day and night can actually harm the stomach. Before the examination of helicobacter pylori infection, but no timely treatment, now the deterioration of the condition, has been transformed into gastric cancer, a tragedy from this.


Helicobacter pylori is a microbe that lives in the stomach. In 1994, the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer classified Helicobacter pylori as a class 1 carcinogen. Infection with helicobacter pylori, which can be spread by mouth, hands, water and feces, may increase the risk of stomach cancer.

一、幽门螺杆菌为何偏爱中国人? 1. Why helicobacter pylori prefers Chinese people?


Data from the Fifth Consensus report on the Treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection released by the Chinese Medical Association show that the infection rate of Helicobacter pylori in China is about 50%.


According to a study published in the Lancet in late November, about 340,000 new cases of stomach cancer in China are linked to helicobacter pylori infection, a bacterium that has emerged as the leading cause of the disease.


Why is the infection rate of Helicobacter pylori so high in China? The reason is Chinese people's eating habits.


As is known to all, Chinese people like reunion, and it is common for family members to eat and live together. The whole family does not eat separately, sharing bowls, chopsticks, tableware, and even some old people will chew the food and then feed it to the children. It is these humble habits that increase the risk of helicobacter pylori infection, leading to helicobacter pylori infection rate in China is much higher than other developed countries.

二、出现这4类症状,小心幽门螺杆菌找上门 Two, appear these 4 kinds of symptoms, be careful helicobacter pylori come to the door


After helicobacter pylori infection, patients may have stomach pain, stomach distension, nausea, acid reflux, indigestion and other discomfort. There are four types of symptoms, beware of Helicobacter pylori door:


1. Pain: Patients have stomach colic, burning pain, or heartburn, acid reflux and other symptoms. Some patients have food irritation and pain after eating.


2. Abdominal distension: Patients often feel abdominal discomfort, even if the particles have not entered, there will be abdominal distension.


3. Hiccups: Patients frequently belch and belch, which is also a manifestation of insufficient gastric motility.


4. Anorexia: Loss of appetite, often accompanied by indigestion.


If the above symptoms occur, we must seek medical treatment in time to detect whether helicobacter pylori infection. Early detection, early treatment is the key to treatment, do not delay, leading to the deterioration of Helicobacter pylori to gastric cancer.

三、哪些人需要根治幽门螺旋杆菌? Three, which people need to cure helicobacter pylori?


If unfortunately infected with HELICobacter pylori do not need to be too alarmed, not all infected people need to be treated, some people with strong resistance can peacefully coexist with helicobacter pylori.


So, who needs eradication? Li Bo, director of the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine at The Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, reminds four groups of people to get eradication treatment:


1. Patients with peptic ulcer (gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer);


2. Postoperative patients with early gastric cancer;


3. Patients with gastric MALT lymphoma;


4. Patients with chronic gastritis (with mucosal atrophy or erosion).

四、3个办法彻底根除幽门螺杆菌 Four, three ways to completely eradicate Helicobacter pylori


Du Yiqi, deputy director of the Department of gastroenterology at Changhai Hospital of Naval Military Medical University, said, "Stomach cancer is among the top five cancers worldwide in terms of morbidity and mortality, and ranks second in the number of new cancer cases in China each year. Prevention of stomach cancer is urgent."


The prevention of gastric cancer starts with the eradication of Helicobacter pylori. At present, there are three main clinical measures to eradicate Helicobacter pylori:

1、四联疗法 1. Quadruple therapy


Helicobacter pylori infection is mainly treated by quadruple therapy. That is, a drug to inhibit gastric acid + a protective agent for gastric mucosa + more than two antibiotics. During the treatment, there are many kinds of drugs, patients must strictly follow the doctor's advice, take on time and in accordance with the amount, if stomach discomfort, need to immediately report to the doctor.

2、及时复查 2, timely review


After drug withdrawal, patients should be reexamined in time within the review time prescribed by the doctor to understand the treatment dynamics and confirm the treatment effect. Don't judge your own condition subjectively.

3、预防再次感染 3. Prevent re-infection


Extra care should be taken after eradication to prevent re-infection.


In life, wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet; Avoid contact with contaminated water sources; Try to eat separately and use chopsticks when serving food to others. Refuse street stalls with poor hygiene and quality.


If a family member has been diagnosed with HELICobacter pylori infection, then must use special personal tableware, do not mix with family, in case tableware cross use, mutual infection.


Helicobacter pylori. One person, whole family. To protect yourself and your family, start from paying attention to food hygiene and personal hygiene, actively prevent stomach cancer, and avoid "bacteria entering from the mouth".

[1]我国约50%的人感染幽门螺杆菌,出现这四类症状或是感染.健康时报. 2020-07-13

[1] About 50% of the people in China infected with Helicobacter pylori, these four types of symptoms or infection. Health Times. 2020-07-13


[2] Zhang B H. Who needs radical treatment for Helicobacter pylori [J]. Family Medicine: second half of 2019:56-56. (in Chinese)

[3] 一半国人感染幽门螺杆菌. 健康时报. 2020-07-10

[3] Half of the country is infected with Helicobacter pylori. Health Times. 2020-07-10


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