Mysql 联合索引,最左前缀原则、失效问题



  • 全值匹配时,用到了索引,where子句几个搜索条件顺序调换时也会用到索引,因为Mysql中有查询优化器,会自动优化查询顺序
    select * from table_name where a ='' and b='' and c=''; //走索引查询
    select * from table_name where  b='' and a ='' and c=''; //搜索条件顺序调换,不影响索引查询
  • 部分值匹配时,只要条件中有最左索引项就会用到索引
    select * from table_name where a ='' and b=''; //走索引查询
    select * from table_name where a ='' and c=''; //走索引查询
  • 条件中没有最左索引,不会用到索引,全表扫描
    select * from table_name where b='' and c=''; //全表扫描
  • 匹配范围值,可以对最左边的列进行范围查询,范围查询指,<、>、between等
    select * from table_name where a<'' and c=''; //索引查询
    select * from table_name where a between '' and ''; //索引查询
    select * from table_name where a like 'A%'; //走索引查询
    select * from table_name where  a like '%A'//全表查询
    select * from table_name where  a like '%A%'//全表查询
  • 精确匹配最左列 and 范围匹配另外一列 ,会使用索引
    select * from table_name where a='' and c>''; //索引查询
  • order排序
    select * from table_name order by a,b,c; //索引查询

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