如何实现一个虚拟 DOM——virtual-dom 源码分析


本文通过对virtual-dom的源码进行阅读和分析,针对Virtual DOM的结构和相关的Diff算法进行讲解,让读者能够对整个数据结构以及相关的Diff算法有一定的了解。

Virtual DOM中Diff算法得到的结果如何映射到真实DOM中,我们将在下一篇博客揭晓。


  • Virtual DOM的结构
  • Virtual DOM的Diff算法

注:这个Virtual DOM的实现并不是React Virtual DOM的源码,而是基于virtual-dom)这个库。两者在原理上类似,并且这个库更加简单容易理解。相较于这个库,React对Virtual DOM做了进一步的优化和调整,我会在后续的博客中进行分析。

Virtual DOM的结构


作为Virtual DOM的元数据结构,VirtualNode位于vnode/vnode.js文件中。我们截取一部分声明代码来看下内部结构:

function VirtualNode(tagName, properties, children, key, namespace) {
    this.tagName = tagName
    this.properties = properties || noProperties //props对象,Object类型
    this.children = children || noChildren //子节点,Array类型
    this.key = key != null ? String(key) : undefined
    this.namespace = (typeof namespace === "string") ? namespace : null

    this.count = count + descendants
    this.hasWidgets = hasWidgets
    this.hasThunks = hasThunks
    this.hooks = hooks
    this.descendantHooks = descendantHooks

VirtualNode.prototype.version = version //VirtualNode版本号,isVnode()检测标志
VirtualNode.prototype.type = "VirtualNode" // VirtualNode类型,isVnode()检测标志




function VirtualText(text) {
    this.text = String(text)

VirtualText.prototype.version = version
VirtualText.prototype.type = "VirtualText"


VPatch是表示需要对Virtual DOM执行的操作记录的数据结构。它位于vnode/vpatch.js文件中。我们来看下里面的具体代码:

// 定义了操作的常量,如Props变化,增加节点等
VirtualPatch.NONE = 0
VirtualPatch.VTEXT = 1
VirtualPatch.VNODE = 2
VirtualPatch.WIDGET = 3
VirtualPatch.PROPS = 4
VirtualPatch.ORDER = 5
VirtualPatch.INSERT = 6
VirtualPatch.REMOVE = 7
VirtualPatch.THUNK = 8

module.exports = VirtualPatch

function VirtualPatch(type, vNode, patch) {
    this.type = Number(type) //操作类型
    this.vNode = vNode //需要操作的节点
    this.patch = patch //需要操作的内容

VirtualPatch.prototype.version = version
VirtualPatch.prototype.type = "VirtualPatch"


Virtual DOM的Diff算法

了解了虚拟DOM中的三个结构,那我们下面来看下Virtual DOM的Diff算法。

这个Diff算法是Virtual DOM中最核心的一个算法。通过输入初始状态A(VNode)和最终状态B(VNode),这个算法可以得到从A到B的变化步骤(VPatch),根据得到的这一连串步骤,我们就可以知道哪些节点需要新增,哪些节点需要删除,哪些节点的属性有了变化。在这个Diff算法中,又分成了三部分:

  • VNode的Diff算法
  • Props的Diff算法
  • Vnode children的Diff算法




function walk(a, b, patch, index) {
    if (a === b) {

    var apply = patch[index]
    var applyClear = false

    if (isThunk(a) || isThunk(b)) {
        thunks(a, b, patch, index)
    } else if (b == null) {

        // If a is a widget we will add a remove patch for it
        // Otherwise any child widgets/hooks must be destroyed.
        // This prevents adding two remove patches for a widget.
        if (!isWidget(a)) {
            clearState(a, patch, index)
            apply = patch[index]

        apply = appendPatch(apply, new VPatch(VPatch.REMOVE, a, b))
    } else if (isVNode(b)) {
        if (isVNode(a)) {
            if (a.tagName === b.tagName &&
                a.namespace === b.namespace &&
                a.key === b.key) {
                var propsPatch = diffProps(a.properties, b.properties)
                if (propsPatch) {
                    apply = appendPatch(apply,
                        new VPatch(VPatch.PROPS, a, propsPatch))
                apply = diffChildren(a, b, patch, apply, index)
            } else {
                apply = appendPatch(apply, new VPatch(VPatch.VNODE, a, b))
                applyClear = true
        } else {
            apply = appendPatch(apply, new VPatch(VPatch.VNODE, a, b))
            applyClear = true
    } else if (isVText(b)) {
        if (!isVText(a)) {
            apply = appendPatch(apply, new VPatch(VPatch.VTEXT, a, b))
            applyClear = true
        } else if (a.text !== b.text) {
            apply = appendPatch(apply, new VPatch(VPatch.VTEXT, a, b))
    } else if (isWidget(b)) {
        if (!isWidget(a)) {
            applyClear = true

        apply = appendPatch(apply, new VPatch(VPatch.WIDGET, a, b))

    if (apply) {
        patch[index] = apply

    if (applyClear) {
        clearState(a, patch, index)


  1. 如果ab这两个VNode全等,则认为没有修改,直接返回。
  2. 如果其中有一个是thunk,则使用thunk的比较方法thunks
  3. 如果a是widget且b为空,那么通过递归将a和它的子节点的remove操作添加到patch中。
  4. 如果b是VNode的话,

    1. 如果a也是VNode,那么比较tagNamenamespacekey,如果相同则比较两个VNode的Props(用下面提到的diffProps算法),同时比较两个VNode的children(用下面提到的diffChildren算法);如果不同则直接将b节点的insert操作添加到patch中,同时将标记位置为true。
    2. 如果a不是VNode,那么直接将b节点的insert操作添加到patch中,同时将标记位置为true。
  5. 如果b是VText的话,看a的类型是否为VText,如果不是,则将VText操作添加到patch中,并且将标志位设置为true;如果是且文本内容不同,则将VText操作添加到patch中。
  6. 如果b是Widget的话,看a的类型是否为widget,如果是,将标志位设置为true。不论a类型为什么,都将Widget操作添加到patch中。
  7. 检查标志位,如果标识为为true,那么通过递归将a和它的子节点的remove操作添加到patch中。





function diffProps(a, b) {
    var diff

    for (var aKey in a) {
        if (!(aKey in b)) {
            diff = diff || {}
            diff[aKey] = undefined

        var aValue = a[aKey]
        var bValue = b[aKey]

        if (aValue === bValue) {
        } else if (isObject(aValue) && isObject(bValue)) {
            if (getPrototype(bValue) !== getPrototype(aValue)) {
                diff = diff || {}
                diff[aKey] = bValue
            } else if (isHook(bValue)) {
                 diff = diff || {}
                 diff[aKey] = bValue
            } else {
                var objectDiff = diffProps(aValue, bValue)
                if (objectDiff) {
                    diff = diff || {}
                    diff[aKey] = objectDiff
        } else {
            diff = diff || {}
            diff[aKey] = bValue

    for (var bKey in b) {
        if (!(bKey in a)) {
            diff = diff || {}
            diff[bKey] = b[bKey]

    return diff


  1. 遍历a对象。

    1. 当key值不存在于b,则将此值存储下来,value赋值为undefined
    2. 当此key对应的两个属性都相同时,继续终止此次循环,进行下次循环。
    3. 当key值对应的value不同且key值对应的两个value都是对象时,判断Prototype值,如果不同则记录key对应的b对象的值;如果b对应的value是hook的话,记录b的值。
    4. 上面条件判断都不同且都是对象时,则继续比较key值对应的两个对象(递归)。
    5. 当有一个不是对象时,直接将b对应的value进行记录。
  2. 遍历b对象,将所有a对象中不存在的key值对应的对象都记录下来。


Vnode children的Diff算法




function reorder(aChildren, bChildren) {
    // O(M) time, O(M) memory
    var bChildIndex = keyIndex(bChildren)
    var bKeys = bChildIndex.keys  // have "key" prop,object
    var bFree = bChildIndex.free  //don't have "key" prop,array

    // all children of b don't have "key"
    if (bFree.length === bChildren.length) {
        return {
            children: bChildren,
            moves: null

    // O(N) time, O(N) memory
    var aChildIndex = keyIndex(aChildren)
    var aKeys = aChildIndex.keys
    var aFree = aChildIndex.free

    // all children of a don't have "key"
    if (aFree.length === aChildren.length) {
        return {
            children: bChildren,
            moves: null

    // O(MAX(N, M)) memory
    var newChildren = []

    var freeIndex = 0
    var freeCount = bFree.length
    var deletedItems = 0

    // Iterate through a and match a node in b
    // O(N) time,
    for (var i = 0 ; i < aChildren.length; i++) {
        var aItem = aChildren[i]
        var itemIndex

        if (aItem.key) {
            if (bKeys.hasOwnProperty(aItem.key)) {
                // Match up the old keys
                itemIndex = bKeys[aItem.key]

            } else {
                // Remove old keyed items
                itemIndex = i - deletedItems++
        } else {
            // Match the item in a with the next free item in b
            if (freeIndex < freeCount) {
                itemIndex = bFree[freeIndex++]
            } else {
                // There are no free items in b to match with
                // the free items in a, so the extra free nodes
                // are deleted.
                itemIndex = i - deletedItems++

    var lastFreeIndex = freeIndex >= bFree.length ?
        bChildren.length :

    // Iterate through b and append any new keys
    // O(M) time
    for (var j = 0; j < bChildren.length; j++) {
        var newItem = bChildren[j]

        if (newItem.key) {
            if (!aKeys.hasOwnProperty(newItem.key)) {
                // Add any new keyed items
                // We are adding new items to the end and then sorting them
                // in place. In future we should insert new items in place.
        } else if (j >= lastFreeIndex) {
            // Add any leftover non-keyed items

    var simulate = newChildren.slice()
    var simulateIndex = 0
    var removes = []
    var inserts = []
    var simulateItem

    for (var k = 0; k < bChildren.length;) {
        var wantedItem = bChildren[k]
        simulateItem = simulate[simulateIndex]

        // remove items
        while (simulateItem === null && simulate.length) {
            removes.push(remove(simulate, simulateIndex, null))
            simulateItem = simulate[simulateIndex]

        if (!simulateItem || simulateItem.key !== wantedItem.key) {
            // if we need a key in this position...
            if (wantedItem.key) {
                if (simulateItem && simulateItem.key) {
                    // if an insert doesn't put this key in place, it needs to move
                    if (bKeys[simulateItem.key] !== k + 1) {
                        removes.push(remove(simulate, simulateIndex, simulateItem.key))
                        simulateItem = simulate[simulateIndex]
                        // if the remove didn't put the wanted item in place, we need to insert it
                        if (!simulateItem || simulateItem.key !== wantedItem.key) {
                            inserts.push({key: wantedItem.key, to: k})
                        // items are matching, so skip ahead
                        else {
                    else {
                        inserts.push({key: wantedItem.key, to: k})
                else {
                    inserts.push({key: wantedItem.key, to: k})
            // a key in simulate has no matching wanted key, remove it
            else if (simulateItem && simulateItem.key) {
                removes.push(remove(simulate, simulateIndex, simulateItem.key))
        else {

    // remove all the remaining nodes from simulate
    while(simulateIndex < simulate.length) {
        simulateItem = simulate[simulateIndex]
        removes.push(remove(simulate, simulateIndex, simulateItem && simulateItem.key))

    // If the only moves we have are deletes then we can just
    // let the delete patch remove these items.
    if (removes.length === deletedItems && !inserts.length) {
        return {
            children: newChildren,
            moves: null

    return {
        children: newChildren,
        moves: {
            removes: removes,
            inserts: inserts


  1. 检查ab中的children是否拥有key字段,如果没有,直接返回b的children数组。
  2. 如果存在,初始化一个数组newChildren,遍历a的children元素。

    1. 如果aChildren存在key值,则去bChildren中找对应key值,如果bChildren存在则放入新数组中,不存在则放入一个null值。
    2. 如果aChildren不存在key值,则从bChildren中不存在key值的第一个元素开始取,放入新数组中。
  3. 遍历bChildren,将所有achildren中没有的key值对应的value或者没有key,并且没有放入新数组的子节点放入新数组中。
  4. 将bChildren和新数组逐个比较,得到从新数组转换到bChildren数组的move操作patch(即remove+insert)。
  5. 返回新数组和move操作列表。



function diffChildren(a, b, patch, apply, index) {
    var aChildren = a.children
    var orderedSet = reorder(aChildren, b.children)
    var bChildren = orderedSet.children

    var aLen = aChildren.length
    var bLen = bChildren.length
    var len = aLen > bLen ? aLen : bLen

    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        var leftNode = aChildren[i]
        var rightNode = bChildren[i]
        index += 1

        if (!leftNode) {
            if (rightNode) {
                // Excess nodes in b need to be added
                apply = appendPatch(apply,
                    new VPatch(VPatch.INSERT, null, rightNode))
        } else {
            walk(leftNode, rightNode, patch, index)

        if (isVNode(leftNode) && leftNode.count) {
            index += leftNode.count

    if (orderedSet.moves) {
        // Reorder nodes last
        apply = appendPatch(apply, new VPatch(

    return apply



整个Virtual DOM的diff算法设计的非常精巧,通过三个不同的分部算法来实现了VNode、Props和Children的diff算法,将整个Virtual DOM的的diff操作分成了三类。同时三个算法又互相递归调用,对两个Virtual DOM数做了一次(伪)深度优先的递归比较。


你可能感兴趣的:(如何实现一个虚拟 DOM——virtual-dom 源码分析)