
You’ve made it to the end of the second part of this series, so let’s summarize:

Arrays, sets, tuples, and dictionaries let you store a group of items under a single value. They each do this in different ways, so which you use depends on the behavior you want.


Arrays store items in the order you add them, and you access them using numerical positions.


Sets store items without any order, so you can’t access them using numerical positions.


Tuples are fixed in size, and you can attach names to each of their items. You can read items using numerical positions or using your names.


Dictionaries store items according to a key, and you can read items using those keys.


Enums are a way of grouping related values so you can use them without spelling mistakes.


You can attach raw values to enums so they can be created from integers or strings, or you can add associated values to store additional information about each case.

你可以给枚举值指定原始值raw value,这样系统就知道他们的 具体类型,方便创建和存储。你也可以给他们每个枚举值指定关联值,用来提供更多的细节。比如下雨天rainyday,给他指定关联值降雨量。
