博洋CFA春季培训 CFA考前百题突击4-6

  1. Jefferson Piedmont, CFA, a portfolio manager for Park Investments, plans to manage the portfolios of several family members in exchange for a percentage of each portfolio's profits. Because his family members have extensive portfolios requiring substantial attention, they have requested that Piedmont provide the services outside of his employment with Park. Piedmont notifies his employer in writing of his perspective outside employment. Two weeks later, Piedmont begins managing the family members' portfolios. By managing these portfolios, which of the following CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct has Piedmont violated?
    A. Conflicts of Interest
    B. Additional Compensation
    C. Both Additional Compensation and Conflicts of Interest

题眼是Two weeks later.
According to CFA Standard IV(B),Standard VI(A),CFA member应当披露任何潜在的利益冲突potential conflicts of interest。只有获得雇主书面同意才能为第三方服务。
Additional Compensation属于conflicts of interest的一部分也需要提前披露。
本题中先为家庭成员提供资产管理服务两周后才向雇主披露,违反Conflicts of Interest。a percentage of each portfolio's profits属于Additional Compensation。

  1. The null hypothesis is most likely to be rejected when the p-value of the test statistic:
    A. exceeds a specified level of significance.
    B. is negative.
    C. falls below a specified level of significance.

alpha 是 significance level. or Level of significance.
P-value>alpha, 接受Ho Null hypothesis.

6.Which of the following most accurately describes how to standardize a random variable X?
A. Subtract the mean of X from X, and then divide that result by the standard deviation of X.
B. Subtract the mean of X from X, and then divide that result by the standard deviation of the standard normal distribution.
C. Divide X by the difference between the standard deviation of X and the standard deviation of the standard normal distribution.

答案A Standardization 的过程就是Z公式。

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