
1.In recent years,the chinese government has made fuether efforts to increase its investment in the construction of gymnasiums to better meet people's fast-growing fitness needs.


“近一步加大”:has made further efforts to increase.

“体育馆建设投资”:investment in the construction of gymnasiums.

“满足某人的需求”:meet one's needs


“健身需求”:fitness needs

2.Besides building new gymnasiums,many cities have taken measures such as renovating old factories and commercial buildings to increase the number of local gymnasiums.



“采取措施”:take/adopt measures

“列举;例如”:such as


3.With the support of government grants,an increasing number of gymnasiums are open to the public free of charge pr for a low fee.


“在…的支持下”:with the support of/with  the help of.

“政府资金”:government grants/goverment funds.

“向…开放”:be open to.

“免费开放”:free of charge/for free.

“只收取少量费用”:for a low free.

4.Many gymnasiums have greatly improved their services through modern information technology,which enables people to book space and pay online at their convenience.


“通过运用现代信息技术”:through modern information technology.

“提高服务质量”:improve services.

“方便的”:conveniently/at one's convenience.

“在线预订场地和付费”:book space and pay online.


5.It can be predicted that with the continuous improvement of sports facilities,more and more people will take exercises in gymnasiums.

“可以预见…”:It can be predicted that….

“随着运动设施的不断完善”:with the continuous improvement of sports facilities.

“运动设施”:support facilities.

“不断改善”:continuous improvement.

“将会去体育馆健身”:will take exercises in gymnasiums./will go to the gymnasiums to work out.
