

1937年1月托洛茨基定居墨西哥城郊科亚坎。1938年9月,“第四国际”(全名“世界社会主义革命党”)在巴黎正式宣告成立,大会通过了主要由托洛茨基起草的《过渡纲领》(全名为《资本主义的垂死呻吟和第四国际的任务》)。”1939年6月,托洛茨基撰文纪念《反对派通报》创刊十周年。1940年2月,托洛茨基因患高血压立下遗嘱。5月,“第四国际”召开紧急大会,通过了《帝国主义战争和无产阶级世界革命的宣言》。1940年8月20日,托洛茨基在科亚坎住所被一个名叫莫尔纳尔的人行刺, 8月21日因伤重而死。

1936- 1937卷· 目录

Preface 13

Chronology 18

In "Socialist" Norway (December 1936) 21

On the Atlantic (December 28, 1936) 37

A Significant Episode (December 30, 1936) 42

Zinoviev and Kamenev (December 31, 1936) 48

Why They Confessed Crimes They Had Not Committed

(January 1, 1937) 56

"Thirst for Power" (January 3, 1937) 64

"Hatred of Stalin" (January 4, 1937) 67

Notes En Route (January 5, 1937) 72

On Sending Terrorists into the USSR

(January 6, 1937) 75

In Mexico (January 9, 1937) 79

*Statements in Tampico (January 9, 1937) 85

A Telegram to New York (January 11, 1937) 88

*To the Representatives of the Mexican Press

(January 12, 1937) 89

The Soviet Bureaucracy and the Spanish Revolution

(January 13, 1937) 93

An Interview for Americans (January 16, 1937) 94 *Letter to the Daily Herald (January 18, 1937) 100

*Interview with the Jewish Daily Forward

(January 18, 1937) 102

*Greetings to James P. Cannon (January 20, 1937) 108

*Seventeen New Victims of the GPU (January 20, 1937) 110

A New Moscow Amalgam (January 2 1, 1937) 115

*The New Trial (January 22, 1937) 128

*The Truth Behind the "Voluntary Confessions"

(January 23, 1937) 131

Why This Trial Seemed Necessary (January 23, 1937) 133

Whose Conspiracy? (January 23, 1937) 135

Not a Single Word Is True (January 24, 1937) 137

On Romm (January 24, 1937) 139

*The Depositions and First Testimony of the Defendants

(January 24, 1937) 140

*Rakovsky (January 25, 1937)

*During the Moscow Trial (January 25, 1937)

*The GPU at Work on the International Front

(January 25, 1937)

*The "Voluntary" Confessions of the Defendants

(January 26, 1937) 149

*Industrial Sabotage (January 26, 1937) 150

*The Conspiracy's Financial Resources

(January 26, 1937) 151

*Muralov (January 26, 1937) 153

Pyatakov's Phantom Flight to Oslo (January 27, 1937) 154

*A Fighter for Fundamental Justice (January 27, 1937) 157

*Tbe Arrest of Sergei Sedov (January 27, 1937) 158

Stalin's Version and Radek's (January 28, 1937) 160

*Appeal to the League of Nations (January 1937) 163

*Prosecutor Vyshinsky (January 29, 1937) 164

*Will the Defendants Be Executed? (January 29, 1937) 165

Pyatakov's Story Vague on Time, Place

(January 29, 1937) 166

Stalin in Partial Retreat (January 29, 1937) 168

*The Organization of the Trial (January 30, 1937) 171

The Last Words of the Accused (January 30, 1937) 175

*Anti-Semitic Devices (January 30, 1937) 177

*Speech for a Newsreel (January 30, 1937) 179

*Thirteen Are to Die (January 3 1, 1937) 181

*Those Who Have Been "Spared" (January 31, 1937) 182

*Kaganovich Anticipates My End (January 3 1, 1937) 184

*The "People" Call for Punishment (January 31, 1937) 185

Why Did the GPU Choose December and Norway?

(January 3 1, 1937) 186

The End? (February 1, 1937) 188

*For Justice in the Swiss Courts

(Published February 1937) 191

Two Statements on Hearst (Published February 3

and 19, 1937) 192

Against Pessimism (February 3, 1937) 193

*An Inconprehensible Polemical Sally by Mr. Troyanovsky

(February 4, 1937) 194

*No Participation in Mexican Politics

(February 4, 1937) 196

*An Interview with Madame Titayna (February 1 1, 1937) 197

A Telegram to Chicago (February 14, 1937) 201

Romm Frequented Dark Paris Alleys (February 15, 1937) 204

*For Depositions of the Facts (February 16, 1937) 207

*Contact with the Molinierists (February 18, 1937) 209

*For Depositions from American Visitors

(February 20, 1937) 210

*Max Eastman as Interpreter (February 23, 1937) 2 12

*Two Announcements (February 25, 1937) 213

Romm's Evidence (February 25, 1937) 214

*Statement on Senin and Well (February 27, 1937) 215

*On the Subject of Jacques Sadoul (March 5, 1937) 218

Fenner Brockway, Pritt No.2 (March 6, 1937) 221

A Press Statement on Andre Malraux (March 8, 1937) 224

*For a Move to New York (March 9, 1937) 226

*Dangerous Symptoms in New York (March 9, 1937) 228

*Deposition on the Theft of Archives (March 10, 1937) 230

*The Havas Interview on Spain (March 12, 1937) 233

Some Concrete Questions for Mr. Malraux

(March 13, 1937) 234

*For the Immediate Creation of the Committee of Inquiry

(March 15, 1937) 237

*The Sine Qua Non for Further Collaboration

(March 15, 1937) 239

"'The Attitude of Our Comrades in the Committee

(March 15, 1937) 240

*"The First Two Moscow Trials" (March 15, 1937) 241

*To the Socialist Lawyers' Front (March 15, 1937) 242

* American City: An Irreplaceable Book

(March 15, 1937) 244

A Mockery of Justice (March 16, 1937) 245

*On Defense Work in France (March 17, 1937) 250

*The Policy of Our Comrades in the Committee

(March 17, 1937) 252

Two Telegrams (March 19 and 22, 1937) 256

*More Evidence Needed to Refute Pyatakov's Lies

(March 26, 1937) 257

*On Defense of the USSR (March 26, 1937) 259

*More on Pyatakov's Flight (March 28, 1937) 261

The Preliminary Inquiry at Coyoacan (Spring 1937) 264

*Next Steps for the Committee of Inquiry

(April 20, 1937) 274

*The Agrarian Question in Bolivia (April 24, 1937) 276

*Answers to the Jewish Daily Forward

(April 27, 1937) 280

The Trial of the Danzig Trotskyists

(April 29, 1937) 284

Two Manifestations of the Same Tendency

(May 12, 1937) 290

Mr. Beals as a Witness (May 18, 1937) 291

To the Third Congress of the French JSR

(May 22, 1937) 298

*Answers to the Associated Press (May 22, 1937) 302

*A "Critical" Adaptation to Centrism (May 25, 1937) 306

*Molinier's Organization (May 26, 1937) 308

*The Questions That Separate Us (May 26, 1937) 310

*A Militant, Revolutionary, and Critical Marxist Review

Is Needed (May 29, 1937) 311

Stalin on His Own Frame-Ups (June 1937) 314

The Beginning of the End (June 12, 1937) 325

*For the Creation of a National Weekly

(June 12, 1937) 333

*The Situation in the SP and Our Next Tasks

(June 15, 1937) 334

The Decapitation of the Red Army (June 17, 1937) 336

*Telegram to the CEC of the USSR (June 17, 1937) 350

*The Time Factor in Politics (June 25, 1937) 351

Preface to Les Crimes de Staline (July 5, 1937) 353

The Questions of Wendelin Thomas (July 6, 1937) 358

* Answers to the Committee on Cultural Relations

with Latin America (July 27, 1937) 361

*Preface to the Spanish Edition of The Revolution

Betrayed (August 5, 1937) 377

On the Threshold of a New World War (August 9, 1937) 379

*About the Article on War (August 10, 1937) 397

*Wolf Weiss's Novel (August 13, 1937) 398

Interview by Mexico al Dia (August 16, 1937) 400

Interview by Sunday Sun of Sydney (August 17, 1937) 404

*Answers to the New York Herald-Tribune

(August 23, 1937) 407

* American Problems and the International

(August 26, 1937) 414

Stalinism and Bolshevism (August 29, 1937) 416

*To Discredit Stalinism in the Eyes of the Workers

(September 2, 1937) 432

London Bureau Aids Stalin Frame-Ups by Refusal to

Join Probe Commission (September 5, 1937) 433

*The Purpose of the Inquiry Commission

(September 5, 1937) 437

*More Pedagogical Patience Toward New Elements

(September 11, 1937) 439

*For a Regime of Genuine Democracy

(September 11, 1937) 441

Replies to United Press (September 13, 1937) 442

*For a Sense of Responsibility in the Party

Discussion (September 18, 1937) 443

Catastrophe Seen for Japan (September 20, 1937) 446

A Tragic Lesson (September 21, 1937) 448

Reply to Selden Rodman (September 22, 1937) 452

*The Arrest of Erwin Wolf (September 25, 1937) 453

*An Observer from Afar (September 27, 1937) 456

*Terrorist Occurrences in France (September 29, 1937) 457

A Letter to New York (September 30, 1937) 459

Concern About Mrs. Reiss (September 30, 1937) 461

Answers to Questions (October 1, 1937) 462

*Optimistic for the Future (October 2, 1937) 473

*More Thoughts on the Party Regime (October 3, 1937) 475

*Problems of Personnel (October 4, 1937) 479

*For a Public Meeting of the Dewey Commission

(October 6, 1937) 481

*Results of the Entry and Next Tasks

(October 6, 1937) 483

*The Social Composition of the Party

(October 10, 1937) 488

*A Letter to Elsa Reiss (October 13, 1937) 492

*The Future of the Trotsky Defense Committee

(October 14, 1937) 496

To the Editor of Modern Monthly (October 15, 1937) 498

Perspectives for the Future and the International

Conference (October 19, 1937) 500

Swiss Police Arrest Assassins (October 19, 1937) 504

Erwin Wolf: A Victim of the GPU (October 19, 1937) 508

*Dictatorship and Revolution (October 23, 1937) 513

Notes 515

Index 563

Other Writings of 1936·37 573

1937- 1938卷· 目录

Preface 11

Chronology 16

Ninety Years of the Communist Manifesto

(October 30, 1937) 18

It Is High Time to Launch a World Offensive

Against Stalinism (November 2, 1937) 28

Once Again: The USSR and Its Defense

(November 4, 1937) 34

* An "Attempt" on Stalin's Life (November 4, 1937) 45

*America's Sixty Families (November 8, 1937) 47

*Letter on American Problems (November 14, 1937) 49

*Letter to Comrade Wasserman (November 14, 1937) 51

Coming Trials to Reveal Secret Plans of GPU

(November 16, 1937) 52

How to Struggle Against War (November 17, 1937) 54

Bertram Wolfe on the Moscow Trials (November 25, 1937) 56

Not a Workers' and Not a Bourgeois State?

(November 25, 1937) 60

For a Revolutionary Publishing House

(November 29, 1937) 72

Moscow-Amsterdam "Unity" (November 29, 1937) 74

*An FBI Agent's Story (December 1, 1937) 76

*A Few Words on Lutte Ouvriere (December 2, 1937) 79

The Future of the Dutch Section (December 2, 1937) 81

A Letter to the New York Times (December 3, 1937) 84

*Defeatism vs. Defensism (December 6, 1937) 85

*A Suggestion on Burnham (December 6, 1937) 87

On Democratic Centralism (December 8, 1937) 89

*Two Defections in One Week (December 9, 1937) 92

Telegram to the Dewey Commission (December 9, 1937) 94

Statement to Journalists on the Dewey Verdict

(December 13, 1937) 95

Permission to Use Articles (December 14, 1937) 104

*How to Conduct a Political Discussion

(December 15, 1937) 105

*Letter to the New International (December 15, 1937) 107

*Greetings to Norway (December 19, 1937) 108

*Answers to Questions of Marianne (December 20, 1937) 109

*Intellectuals and the Party Milieu (December 21, 1937) 114

Letter to Australians (December 23, 1937) 116

*The Spanish Lesson for the Fourth International

(December 24, 1937) 118

*For a Permanent Defense Committee (December 30, 1937) 119

*On Modern Monthly (December 31, 1937) 121

Letter on Defeatism (January 2, 1938) 123

Does the Soviet Government Still Follow the Principles

Adopted Twenty Years Ago? (January 13, 1938) 126

Hue and Cry Over Kronstadt (January 15, 1938) 134

*Sneevliet's Role (January 21, 1938) 146

Open Letter to De Nieuwe Fakkel (January 21, 1938) 148

Conclusion of a Long Experience (January 21, 1938) 150

An Excellent Article on Defeatism (January 26, 1938) 153

*Factory Papers and a Theoretical Journal

 (January 27, 1938)155

*The Ludlow Amendment (February 1, 1938) 158

Letter to an American Youth (February 4, 1938) 160

*Optimistic over the Future (February 4, 1938) 161

*A New GPU Attempt (February 15, 1938) 162

The Possibility of Foul Play (February 18, 1938) 163

Leon Sedov-Son, Friend, Fighter (February 20, 1938) 166

*After Sedov's Death (February 22, 1938) 180

A Fresh Attack on Asylum (February 24, 1938) 182

The Trial of the Twenty-One (February 28, 1938) 186

Eight Ministers (March 1, 1938) 189

Trial Seen as Reply to Dewey Commission

(March 2, 1938) 191

To the Attention of Thinking People (March 3, 1938) 195

Behind the Moscow Trials (March 3, 1938) 197

Four Doctors Knew Too Much (March 3, 1938) 206

The Secret Alliance with Germany (March 3, 1938) 210

Corrections and Observations on the Testimony of

the Accused (March 4, 1938) 214

The "Million Dollars" (March 5, 1938) 216

Army Opposed to Stalin (March 6, 1938) 219

*Why So Many Centers? Why Do They All Submit to

Trotsky? (March 6, 1938) 224

The Role of Yagoda (March 7, 1938) 227

*Strange New Developments (March 7, 1938) 231

Anachronisms (March 8, 1938) 234

Moscow's Diplomatic Plans and the Trials

(March 8, 1938) 236

Stalin's Article on World Revolution (March 9, 1938) 241

Message to New York Protest Meeting (March 9, 1938) 246

A Key to the Russian Trials (March 10, 1938) 247

The Case of Professor Pletnev (March 10, 1938) 253

*Letter to Jeanne Martin (March 10, 1938) 257

The Defendants Zelensky and Ivanov (March 11, 1938) 259

*Again on the Reiss Case (March 12, 1938) 261

Hitler's Austria Coup Aided by Moscow Trial

(March 12, 1938) 262

On Hearst (March 13, 1938) 265

An Explanation for Freda Kirchwey (March 13, 1938) 266

Notes in the Margin of Pravda's Accounts (March 1938) 267

Cain-Dzhugashvili Goes the Whole Way (March 17, 1938) 270

A Reply to Ambassador Bilmanis (March 17, 1938) 272

New Defectors (March 17, 1938) 275

The Priests of Half-Truth (March 19, 1938) 277

*Discussions with Trotsky; I-The International

Conference (March 20, 1938) 283

*Discussions with Trotsky; II-Defense Organization

and Attitude Toward Intellectuals (March 24, 1938) 294

*Discussions with Trotsky; III-The Russian Question

(March 25, 1938) 301

*Roosevelt's Statement on Trotskyists in Russia

(March 29, 1938) 310

Letter to the League of Nations (March 31, 1938) 311

*For the Reorganization of the Mexican Section

(April 15, 1938) 314

*Toward a Genuine British Section (April 15, 1938) 315

*Letter to James P. Cannon (April 15, 1938) 317

*Thoughts on the French Section (April 19, 1938) 319

*More on European Problems (April 20, 1938) 322

The Mexican Oil Expropriations (April 23, 1938) 323

*Europe or San Francisco? (May 12, 1938) 326

*For an Immediate Trip to Europe (May 16, 1938) 328

*On C.L.R. James (May 17, 1938) 329

Learn to Think (May 22, 1938) 330

*Once More on Comrades Sneevliet and Vereecken

(May 24, 1938) 336

*No Obstacle to Common Vote (May 25, 1938) 343

"For" the Fourth International? No! the Fourth

International! (May 31, 1938) 345

Revolutionary Art and the Fourth International

(June 1, 1938) 349

Remarks on Czechoslovakia (June 2, 1938) 353

Mexico and British Imperialism (June 5, 1938) 358

*On the Edge of a Precipice (June 12, 1938) 362

No, It Is Not the Same (June 18, 1938) 364

*To the Congress of the Revolutionary Socialist Party

of Belgium (June 22, 1938) 367

*For an Open Polemic with the Liberals (June 29, 1938) 370

Stalin and Accomplices Condemned (July 5, 1938) 372

More on the Suppression of Kronstadt (July 7, 1938) 376

For Freedom in Education (July 10, 1938) 379

On the Anniversary of Reiss's Dpath (July 17, 1938) 381

*To the Conference of the Young People's Socialist League

(July 18, 1938) 383

The Disappearance of Rudolf Klement

(July 18, 1938) 385

Was Leon Sedov Murdered? (July 19, 1938) 386

My Conspiracy (July 19, 1938) 392

*Financing the Revolutionary Movement (July 23, 1938) 394

The Forthcoming Trial of the Diplomats

(July 25, 1938) 396

A "Letter" from Rudolf Klement (August 1, 1938) 399

On the Fate of Rudolf Klement (August 3, 1938) 401

*The Sino-Japanese Struggle (August 11, 1938) 410

The USSR and Japan (August 11, 1938) 412

Answers to the Questions of Lloyd Tupling

(August 12, 1938) 414

*Freedom of the Press and the Working Class

(August 21, 1938) 417

Further Evidence of GPU Guilt in Sedov Death

(August 24, 1938) 421

Trade Union Congress Staged by CP (August 27, 1938) 426

*The Congress Against War and Fascism (August 1938) 429

*Fascism and the Colonial World (August 1938) 433

A Great Achievement (August 30, 1938) 435

*Another Stalinist Ploy (September 4, 1938) 440

The Totalitarian Defeatist in the Kremlin

(September 12, 1938)

*Letter to Rose Karsner (September 13, 1938)

Yes or No? (September 14, 1938)

"Toward a Decision" (September 17, 1938)

Notes and Acknowledgments


Other Writings of 1937-38

Books and Pamphlets by Leon Trotsky

1938- 1939卷· 目录

Preface 9

Chronology 13

Phrases and Reality (September 19, 1938) 17

The Totalitarian "Right of Asylum"

(September 19, 1938) 22

* The Assassination of Rudolf Klement

(September 20, 1938) 24

Fight Imperialism to Fight Fascism

(September 21, 1938) 26

After the Collapse of Czechoslovakia, Stalin Will

Seek Accord with Hitler (September 22, 1938) 29

Anti-Imperialist Struggle Is Key to Liberation

(September 23, 1938) 31

* Problems of the American Party (October 5, 1938) 37

* What Is the Meaning of the Struggle Against

" Trotskyism"? (October 9, 1938) 40

A Fresh Lesson (October 1 0, 1938) 52

* To Our Friends and Readers (October 11, 1938) 79

* The Problem of a New International (October 11, 1938) 81

* Tasks of the Trade Union Movement in

Latin America (October 11, 1938) 82

The Founding of the Fourth International

(October 18,1 938) 85

To the Editors of Biulleten Oppozitsii, Lutte Ouvriere,

and Quatrieme Internationale (October 22, 1938) 88

A False View (October 22, 1938) 89

* Two Agents of "Democratic" Imperialism

(October 22, 1938) 91

*American Prospects (October 24, 1938) 92

*A Few Words on Andre Breton (October 27, 1938) 93

Letter to Andre Breton (October 27, 1938) 93

* " Peace in Our Time" ? (November 4, 1938) 94

Karl Kautsky (November 8, 1938) 98

Haya de la Torre and Democracy (November 9, 1938) 101

In Defense of Asylum (November 10, 1938) 104

* Terrorism and the Murders of Rasputin and

Nicholas II (November 14, 1938) 106

The Twenty-First Anniversary (November 14, 1938) 108

* A Contribution to Centrist Literature

(November 15, 1938) 112

* Toward a Revolutionary Youth Organization

(November 18, 1938) 119

The Individual in History (1938) 129

* Stalin vs. Stalin (November 19, 1938) 131

Reply to Father Coughlin's Charges

(November 28, 1938) 135

* For an Independent Youth Movement

(November 30, 1938) 136

On the Murder of Rudolf Klement (December 1, 1938) 137

* Open Letter to Senator Allen (December 2, 1938) 138

Victor Serge and the Fourth International

(December 2, 1938) 142

* Problems of the Mexican Section (December 5, 1938) 143

* A Revolutionary Name for a Revolutionary

Youth Group (December 10, 1938) 150

* For a Systematic Political Campaign

(December 12, 1938) 153

A Political Dialogue (December 20, 1938) 154

Answers to the Lies of the New York Daily News

(December 28, 1938) 159

Lenin and Imperialist War (December 30, 1938) 164

* To the Pillory! (December 31, 1938) 171

* One More Lesson on the Lima Conference

(December 31, 1938) 174

* To the Readers of Clave (January 1939) 175

* Clave and the Election Campaign (January 1939) 176

*A Proposed Biography (January 21, 1939) 177

* Jouhaux and Toledano (January 30, 1939) 178

* Stalin, Skoblin, and Company (January 30, 1939) 179

Ignorance Is Not a Revolutionary Instrument

(January 30, 1939) 182

For Grynszpan (February 1939) 191

Intellectual Ex-Radicals and World Reaction

(February 17, 1939) 194

Krupskaya's Death (March 4, 1939) 197

* The Betrayers of India (March 4, 1939) 199

What Lies Behind Stalin Bid for Agreement with

Hitler? (March 6, 1939) 200

Once Again on the " Crisis of Marxism" (March 7, 1939) 204

A Step Toward Social Patriotism (March 7, 1939) 207

"Learn to Work in the Stalin Manner" (March 7, 1939) 214

Stalin's Capitulation (March 11, 1939) 216

* On Mexico's Second Six Year Plan (March 14, 1939) 221

*A Proposal from Shanghai (March 18, 1939) 229

Only Revolution Can End War (March 18, 1939) 231

* Our Work in the Communist Party (March 20, 1939) 237

Two Statements on Family Matters

*Deposition to the Court (January 15, 1939) 247

*The " Kidnaping" of Trotsky's Grandson

(March 26, 1939) 248

Fighting Against the Stream (April 1939) 249

On the History of the Left Opposition (April 1939) 260

The Diego Rivera Affair

* Letter to James P. Cannon (October 30, 1938) 267

* Letter to Charles Curtiss (December 24, 1938) 269

*A Necessary Statement (January 4, 1939) 269

*The Source of the Problem (January 11, 1939) 274

* Letter to Frida Rivera (January 12, 1939) 275

* Clave's Statement on Rivera's Resignation

(January 17, 1939) 279

* Suggestions for a Reply from the Pan-American

Committee and the IS (January 1939) 279

* Letter to Charles Curtiss (January 18, 1939) 281

* Letter to Charles Curtiss (February 14, 1939) 281

* Letter to Charles Curtiss (February 15, 1939) 282

* Letter to the Pan-American Committee

(March 22, 1939) 283

* Letter to James P. Cannon (March 27, 1939) 290

* Statement of the Pan-American Committee

(AprilS, 1939) 295

*More on Our Work in the Communist Party

(April 10, 1939) 298

Greetings to Carlo Tresca (April 1 0, 1939) 300

The Ukrainian Question (April 22, 1939) 301

Letter to Emrys Hughes (April 22, 1939) 308

The Crisis in the French Section

* Letter to James P. Cannon (December 5, 1938) 309

* Letter to James P. Cannon (April 8, 1939) 311

* Letter to the Political Committee of the SWP

(April 18, 1939) 311

* Letter to the Political Committee of the SWP

(April 22, 1939) 313

* Letter to the International Secretariat

(July 27, 1939) 315

* On Laborde and Trotskyists in General

(April 28, 1939) 316

The Bonapartist Philosophy of the State (May 1, 1939) 318

Nationalized Industry and Workers' Management

(May 12, 1939) 326

A Graphic History of Bolshevism (June 7, 1939) 331

Ten Years (June 10, 1939) 340

Soviet Plutarchs (June 10, 1939) 345

Toward a Balance Sheet of the Purges (June 10, 1939) 346

1917-1939 (June 10, 1939) 348

* For a Courageous Reorientation (June 16,1939) 349

The Riddle of the USSR (June 21, 1939) 350

The Kremlin in World Politics (July 1,1939) 361

Notes and Acknowledgments 371

Index 421

Other Writings of 1938-39 430

Books and Pamphlets by Leon Trotsky 431

1939- 1940卷· 目录

Preface 11

Chronology 14

On the Eve of World War II (July 23, 1939) 17

India Faced with Imperialist War (July 25, 1939) 28

Our International Organization (July 26, 1939) 35

"Progressive Paralysis" (July 29,1939) 36

Independence of the Ukraine and Sectarian

Muddleheads (July 30, 1939) 44

Three Conceptions of the Russian Revolution

(August 1939) 55

Democratic Feudalists and the Independence of the

Ukraine (August 5, 1939) 74

Stalin- Hitler's Quartermaster (September 2, 1939) 76

The German-Soviet Alliance (September 4, 1939) 81

Who Is Guilty of Starting the Second World War?

(September 5, 1939) 84

The War and the Ukrainian Question

(September 6, 1939) 86

Moscow Is Mobilizing (September 11, 1939) 87

Closer Hitler-Stalin Ties Seen (September 14, 1939) 89

Stalin - Temporary Holder of the Ukraine

(September 18, 1939) 90

The Anniversary of the Murder of Ignace Reiss

(September 21, 1939) 93

The U. S. Will Participate in the War (October 1, 1939) 94

Will Not Write for British Paper (October 23, 1939) 98

On Workers' Self-Defense (October 25, 1939) 99

Letter to the New York Times (November 20, 1939) 106

Letter on India (November 24, 1939) 108

An Invitation from the Dies Committee

(November 28,1939) 110

The Twin-Stars: Hitler-Stalin (December 4, 1939) 113

Letter to the New York Times (December 6, 1939) 125

The Dies Committee (December 7, 1939) 130

Why I Consented to Appear Before the Dies Committee

(December 11, 1939) 132

On Dies Backing Down (December 12, 1939) 136

Not Behind Closed Doors (December 17, 1939) 137

More Slander Around the Dies Committee

(January 12, 1940) 138

The World Situation and Perspectives

(February 14, 1940) 139

Testament (February 27, 1940) 158

Stalin After the Finnish Experience (March 13, 1940) 160

Letter to the. Workers of the USSR (April 23, 1940) 165

On Japan's Plans for Expansion (May 1, 1940) 168

The Tanaka Memorial (May 1940) 169

On a "Socialist" Ally of Chamberlain

(May 14, 1940) 181

A Proposal to Professional Slanderers (May 14, 1940) 182

Manifesto of the Fourth International on the

Imperialist War and the Proletarian World

Revolution (May 1940) 183

Letter to the Mexican Attorney General

(May 27, 1940) 223

On the Manifesto of the Fourth International

(May 28, 1940) 228

Accusers or Accused? (May 28, 1940) 231

Representative Toledano Hurls a New Slander

(June 2, 1940) 232

Stalin Seeks My Death (June 8, 1940) 233

Discussions with Trotsky (June 12-15, 1940) 251

The Kremlin's Role in the European Catastrophe

(June 17, 1940) 290

The Reptile Breed of the Nation (June 18, 1940) 292

GP U Tried to Cover Murder with Slander

(June 25, 1940) 293

Telegram to Mr. Harte (June 25, 1940) 295

1/ We Do Not Change Our Course (June 30, 1940) 296

Avuncular Advice (July 1, 1940) 300

Pavon Flores. the GPU's Attorney (July 3, 1940) 301

Supplementary Deposition on the July 2 Hearing

(July 3, 1940) 303

Supplementary and Indispensable Explanations of My

July 2 Statements (July 5, 1940) 305

Questions About Mrs. Carmen Palma's Statement

(July 1940) 316

Letter on Conscription (July 9, 1940) 321

Appeal to the Press (July 27, 1940) 323

Letter to the New York Herald Tribune

(July 27, 1940) 324

Misfortune of an Intellectual (July 29, 1940) 326

Stalin Still Hitler's Satellite (August 2, 1940) 327

Nipping a New GP U Lie (August 2, 1940) 328

Two Letters to Generous Friends (August 3, 1940) 329

Assassins May Use "Trotskyist" Label

(August 6, 1940) 330

American Problems (August 7, 1940) 331

How to Defend Ourselves (August 12, 1940) 343

How to Really Defend Democracy (August 13, 1940) 344

Letter to C. Charles (August 16, 1940) 346

On Dewey's Philosophy (August 16, 1940) 347

The Comintern and the GP U (August 17, 1940) 348

Another Thought on Conscription

(August 17, 1940) 392

Welcome to Our Small Garrison (August 18, 1940) 393

Letter to Henry Schultz (August 20, 1940) 394

Two Letters to Class War Prisoners

(August 20, 1940) 395

Unfinished Writings and Fragments

Dialectics and the Immutability of the Syllogism 399

On Utilitarianism 405

On the Future of Hitler's Armies 406

China and the Russian Revolution 407

Bonapartism, Fascism, and War 410

Notes and Acknowledgments 419

Index 455

Other Writings of 1939-40 465

Books and Pamphlets by Leon Trotsky 466
