配置Docker Desktop容器的自动启动

默认情况下,Docker Desktop里容器默认是不会自动随Docker Desktop的启动而启动的,不过Docker提供了容器的重新启动策略。

docker update --restart=always 
图1. 命令运行示例


  • no:缺省的设定,就是容器不会自动启动
  • always:只要容器没有被人为关闭,只要它停了就自动启动它
  • unless-stopped:只要Docker的后台关闭之前容器不是停止状态那么自动启动该容器
  • on-failure:如果Docker的后台重启或者容器以非0代码退出那么重启该容器


Docker restart policies

There are following restart policies for Docker containers:

  • no: The default behavior is to not start containers automatically
  • always: Always restart a stopped container unless the container was stopped explicitly
  • unless-stopped: Restart the container unless the container was in stopped state before the Docker daemon was stopped (explained later)
  • on-failure: Restart the container if it exited with a non-zero exit code or if the docker daemon restarts
    As I mentioned, if you don't explicitly add a restart policy, it goes with "no", meaning containers won't be restarted automatically.

Beginner's Guide to Docker Restart Policy

常情情况下,我们需要让Docker Desktop也自动启动,打开Docker Desktop,点击右上角设置Setting齿轮图标,然后在常规General卡片勾选登录后启动Docker(Start Docker Desktop when you log in)然后点右下角应用并重启Apply & Restart按钮。

图2. 设置自动启动Docker Desktop

注意,如此设置后,Docker Desktop只有在用户登录后才会启动,如果需要做无人值守启动,需要将Windows也设成自动登录,这里就不探讨了。

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