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Teaching Reform of Office Advanced Application Course Based on "Topic Specific Lecture"

SHI Qin-qin1, ZHANG Jian-ping2, XU Qiang1

(1.Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai 201918, China; 2. Sino Parking Tech Co. Ltd.,Shanghai 201927, China)

Abstract:Aiming at the problem that the current advanced office application curriculum is not suitable for the cultivation of practical personnel in teaching content and teaching methods, this paper puts forward the teaching reform idea Based on " Topic Specific Tecture " teaching mode, changing the exam-oriented education in the past teaching, and emphasizes the teaching deployment guided by the cultivation of innovative application ability. The content of the classroom is arranged according to the students' daily needs and the requirements of the enterprise, and the thoughts of solving the problem is set as the clue for knowledge points explanation. Practice contents are set by corresponding subjects, and the learning resources under the students' class are provided too. At the same time, through the reform of the examination mode to strengthen the application ability training guidance. The effective implementation of this reform idea will significantly improve the students' operating level and application ability on common office software.


针对目前Office高级应用课程教学中存在教学内容、教学方法以及考核形式对时代需要应用型人才培养要求存在脱节问题,已有多种思路与改革方案被提出,如文献[2]根据“课证结合”教学基本要求, 结合全国计算机等级考试 (NCRE) 二级MS Office高级应用考试大纲,设计课程教学内容,将思维能力融入到课堂教学中,将考点与综合案例融合到教学内容中,培养学生计算思维能力;文献[3]中提出项目化课堂教学方法,将教学内容以项目形式逐步展现,并以竞赛与考证带动教学,并通过搭建网络课堂与制作微课引导学生自主学习;文献[3]中提出采用任务驱动教学法对课程知识体系结构与教学内容重新规划,让学生充分发挥学习主动性,提高解决问题综合能力。本
