YAHFA 作者写了两篇文章,可以作为参考:
在Android N上对Java方法做hook遇到的坑
backupAndHookNative 是 YAHFA 执行 hook 操作的主入口:
private static native boolean backupAndHookNative(Object target, Method hook, Method backup);
// HookMain.c
jboolean Java_lab_galaxy_yahfa_HookMain_backupAndHookNative(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz,
jobject target, jobject hook,
jobject backup) {
if (!doBackupAndHook(
getArtMethod(env, target),
getArtMethod(env, hook),
getArtMethod(env, backup)
)) {
(*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, hook); // keep a global ref so that the hook method would not be GCed
if(backup) (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, backup);
return JNI_TRUE;
} else {
return JNI_FALSE;
- getArtMethod 通过 method 对象,拿到对应的 ArtMethod。
- doBackupAndHook 执行入口点的替换:
- 调用 target 的时候,直接执行的是 hook
- 调用 backup 的时候实际执行的是 target
doBackupAndHook 方法执行后,就完成了对 target 方法的 hook。getArtMethod 和 doBackupAndHook 下文再分别叙述。
// HookMain.c
static void *getArtMethod(JNIEnv *env, jobject jmethod) {
void *artMethod = NULL;
if(jmethod == NULL) {
return artMethod;
if(SDKVersion == __ANDROID_API_R__) {
artMethod = (void *) (*env)->GetLongField(env, jmethod, fieldArtMethod);
else {
artMethod = (void *) (*env)->FromReflectedMethod(env, jmethod);
LOGI("ArtMethod: %p", artMethod);
return artMethod;
- Android 11 以下,
就是 ArtMethod 的地址,所以直接 FromReflectedMethod 就可以得到 ArtMethod - Android 11 引入了 index id,FromReflectedMethod 返回的可能是一个 index。这里转为拿 Executable(Java) 的 artMethod 字段的值:
public abstract class Executable extends AccessibleObject
implements Member, GenericDeclaration {
// ...
* The ArtMethod associated with this Executable, required for dispatching due to entrypoints
* Classloader is held live by the declaring class.
@SuppressWarnings("unused") // set by runtime
private long artMethod;
public final class Method extends Executable { ... }
static int doBackupAndHook(void *targetMethod, void *hookMethod, void *backupMethod) {
LOGI("target method is at %p, hook method is at %p, backup method is at %p",
targetMethod, hookMethod, backupMethod);
int res = 0;
// set kAccCompileDontBother for a method we do not want the compiler to compile
// so that we don't need to worry about hotness_count_
if (SDKVersion >= __ANDROID_API_N__) {
// setNonCompilable(hookMethod);
if(backupMethod) setNonCompilable(backupMethod);
if (backupMethod) {// do method backup
// we use the same way as hooking target method
// hook backup method and redirect back to the original target method
// the only difference is that the entry point is now hardcoded
// instead of reading from ArtMethod struct since it's overwritten
res += replaceMethod(backupMethod, targetMethod, 1);
res += replaceMethod(targetMethod, hookMethod, 0);
LOGI("hook and backup done");
return res;
- setNonCompilable 用于给 ArtMethod 的 access_flag 设置
标志。这样可以禁止 ART 对 target method 进行 JIT 编译,不然 JIT 的时候会发现我们把方法替换了。 - replaceMethod 把第一个参数对应的方法“替换”成第二个参数。(第三个参数是 isBackup)。参考下文
replaceMethod 把 from 的入口点,替换成 to
static int replaceMethod(void *fromMethod, void *toMethod, int isBackup) {
LOGI("replace method from %p to %p", fromMethod, toMethod);
// replace entry point
void *newEntrypoint = NULL;
if(isBackup) {
void *originEntrypoint = readAddr((char *) toMethod + OFFSET_entry_point_from_quick_compiled_code_in_ArtMethod);
// entry point hardcoded
newEntrypoint = genTrampoline(toMethod, originEntrypoint);
else {
// entry point from ArtMethod struct
newEntrypoint = genTrampoline(toMethod, NULL);
LOGI("replace entry point from %p to %p",
readAddr((char *) fromMethod + OFFSET_entry_point_from_quick_compiled_code_in_ArtMethod),
if (newEntrypoint) {
writeAddr((char *) fromMethod + OFFSET_entry_point_from_quick_compiled_code_in_ArtMethod,
} else {
LOGE("failed to allocate space for trampoline of target method");
return 1;
if (OFFSET_entry_point_from_interpreter_in_ArtMethod != 0) {
void *interpEntrypoint = readAddr((char *) toMethod + OFFSET_entry_point_from_interpreter_in_ArtMethod);
writeAddr((char *) fromMethod + OFFSET_entry_point_from_interpreter_in_ArtMethod,
// set the target method to native so that Android O wouldn't invoke it with interpreter
if(SDKVersion >= __ANDROID_API_O__) {
uint32_t access_flags = getFlags(fromMethod);
uint32_t old_flags = access_flags;
if (SDKVersion >= __ANDROID_API_Q__) {
// On API 29 whether to use the fast path or not is cached in the ART method structure
access_flags &= ~kAccFastInterpreterToInterpreterInvoke;
// MakeInitializedClassesVisiblyInitialized is called explicitly
// entry of jni methods would not be set to jni trampoline after hooked
// if (SDKVersion <= __ANDROID_API_Q__) {
// We don't set kAccNative on R+ because they will try to load from real native method pointer instead of entry_point_from_quick_compiled_code_.
// Ref: https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-11.0.0_r3:art/runtime/art_method.h;l=844;bpv=1;bpt=1
access_flags |= kAccNative;
// }
setFlags(fromMethod, access_flags);
LOGI("change access flags from 0x%x to 0x%x", old_flags, access_flags);
return 0;
生成一段跳板代码作为入口点- 如果是 backup 方法,入口点硬编码为 target 的入口点
- 如果是 hook 的话,入口点将在运行时从 hook 的 ArtMethod 结构中获取
- 详情参考下文
- 替换 from 的
- 替换 from 的
(小于等于 Android 6.0)
由于我们会把 target method 的 entry point 替换成了 trampoline,这里先将 target method 的 entry point 硬编码到 backup method 对应的 trampoline,就相当于保存了 target 的 entry point。
另一方面,hook method 的 entry point 不会被替换,所以为调用 hook method 生成的 trampoline 可以动态地从它的 ArtMethod 读取 entry point。
void *genTrampoline(void *toMethod, void *entrypoint) {
size_t trampolineSize = entrypoint != NULL ? sizeof(trampolineForBackup) : sizeof(trampoline);
// check available space for new trampoline
if(currentTrampolineOff+trampolineSize > trampolineSpaceEnd) {
currentTrampolineOff = allocTrampolineSpace();
if (currentTrampolineOff == NULL) {
return NULL;
} else {
trampolineSpaceEnd = currentTrampolineOff + TRAMPOLINE_SPACE_SIZE;
unsigned char *targetAddr = currentTrampolineOff;
if(entrypoint != NULL) {
memcpy(targetAddr, trampolineForBackup, sizeof(trampolineForBackup));
else {
memcpy(targetAddr, trampoline,
sizeof(trampoline)); // do not use trampolineSize since it's a rounded size
// replace with the actual ArtMethod addr
#if defined(__i386__)
if(entrypoint) {
memcpy(targetAddr + 1, &toMethod, pointer_size);
memcpy(targetAddr + 6, &entrypoint, pointer_size);
else {
memcpy(targetAddr + 5, &toMethod, pointer_size);
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
if(entrypoint) {
memcpy(targetAddr + 2, &entrypoint, pointer_size);
memcpy(targetAddr + 13, &toMethod, pointer_size);
else {
memcpy(targetAddr + 6, &toMethod, pointer_size);
#elif defined(__arm__)
if(entrypoint) {
memcpy(targetAddr + 20, &entrypoint, pointer_size);
memcpy(targetAddr + 16, &toMethod, pointer_size);
else {
memcpy(targetAddr + 12, &toMethod, pointer_size);
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
if(entrypoint) {
memcpy(targetAddr + 20, &entrypoint, pointer_size);
memcpy(targetAddr + 12, &toMethod, pointer_size);
else {
memcpy(targetAddr + 16, &toMethod, pointer_size);
#error Unsupported architecture
// skip 4 bytes of code_size_
if(entrypoint == NULL) {
targetAddr += 4;
// keep each trampoline aligned
currentTrampolineOff += roundUpToPtrSize(trampolineSize);
return targetAddr;
对于 aarch64,trampolineForBackup 如下:
// 60 00 00 58 ; ldr x0, 12
// 90 00 00 58 ; ldr x16, 16
// 00 02 1f d6 ; br x16
// 78 56 34 12
// 89 67 45 23 ; 0x2345678912345678 (addr of the hook method)
// 78 56 34 12
// 89 67 45 23 ; 0x2345678912345678 (original entry point of the target method)
unsigned char trampolineForBackup[] = {
0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x58,
0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0x58,
0x00, 0x02, 0x1f, 0xd6,
0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12,
0x89, 0x67, 0x45, 0x23,
0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12,
0x89, 0x67, 0x45, 0x23
对于 backup,执行完下面两行代码后,0x2345678912345678 分别变成了 toMethod 和 entrypoint
memcpy(targetAddr + 20, &entrypoint, pointer_size);
memcpy(targetAddr + 12, &toMethod, pointer_size);
ldr 在这里使用的是 PC-relative 寻址,第一个指令加载 &toMethod 到 x0,第二个加载 &entrypoint 到 x16,然后跳转到 x16 的
当我们调用 backup 的时候,虚拟机准备好方法的执行环境,然后跳转到 backup 的 entry point,也就是这一段 trampoline:
- 调用一个方法时,x0 寄存器存放 callee 的 ArtMethod。
ldr x0, 12
把 x0 替换回 target method -
ldr x16, 16
把 target method 的 entry point 加载到 x16,跟着跳转到该地址去执行
这样一来,就相当于直接调用 target method。
// 60 00 00 58 ; ldr x0, 12
// 10 00 40 F8 ; ldr x16, [x0, #0x00]
// 00 02 1f d6 ; br x16
// 78 56 34 12
// 89 67 45 23 ; 0x2345678912345678 (addr of the hook method)
unsigned char trampoline[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // code_size_ in OatQuickMethodHeader
0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x58,
0x10, 0x00, 0x40, 0xf8,
0x00, 0x02, 0x1f, 0xd6,
0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12,
0x89, 0x67, 0x45, 0x23
对于 hook method,随后 trampoline 后面的 0x2345678912345678 会变成 toMethod 的地址:
memcpy(targetAddr + 16, &toMethod, pointer_size);
替换 entry point 后,调用 target method 会执行到这一段 trampoline:
ldr x0, 12
加载 &toMethod 到 x0,也就是把 x0 从 target 换成 hook method -
ldr x16, [x0, #0x00]
加载 toMethod 的 entry point 到 x16,跟着跳转到这个地址。
慢着,这里加载 ArtMethod 的第一个 double word 作为目的地址,但 ArtMethod 的第一个字段是 declaring_class_
。按道理,这里应该加载 hook method 的 entry point 才对。也就是说,这里的 offset 不应该是 0。
再看看代码,可以发现在初始化的时候我们调用了 setupTrampoline。offset 即是在这里设置的:
void Java_lab_galaxy_yahfa_HookMain_init(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint sdkVersion) {
// ...
void setupTrampoline(uint8_t offset) {
#if defined(__i386__)
trampoline[11] = offset;
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
trampoline[16] = offset;
#elif defined(__arm__)
trampoline[8] = offset;
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
trampoline[9] |= offset << 4;
trampoline[10] |= offset >> 4;
#error Unsupported architecture