
Lai Da brought Jia Qin out and waited for Jia Zheng to come back. It's only the women's road that has returned to the park.

Come on, they all like it very much. Want to go everywhere and get ready to go to the palace tomorrow. Unexpectedly, Lai Shi ordered to see the garden.

The mother-in-law and the young man kept watch, but they gave some food, but they were not allowed to walk away. Those girls can't figure it out, just

You have to sit until dawn. The maids everywhere in the garden knew that they would bring the nuns into the palace and call them, but they did.

You can't know the truth.

When he got up early tomorrow, Jia Zheng was about to leave work. He sent out two provincial and municipal works appraisal brochures to be checked immediately.

When he couldn't go home for a while, he sent someone back to tell Jia Lian, "When Laida comes back, you must check and understand. What should we do?

Just do what you want, don't wait for me." Jia Lian was ordered to like it for Celery first, and then he thought, "If you can do a little bit of it."

Not at all, but afraid of Jia Zhengsheng's suspicion, "It would be inconsistent with the master's mind to go back to Mrs. 2 of Ming Dynasty and ask for advice."

I don't have much to do either." When he made up his mind, he went in to see Mrs. Wang. Chen said, "Yesterday, my lord met with Jie Tiesheng.

Qi, Qi Dao and Nun Dao were called into the government to investigate. Today, the Master has no time to ask about this impolite thing, called

I'm coming back to my wife. What should I do? I have asked my wife since then, how can I handle this matter?

Mrs. Wang was surprised and said, "What do you mean? If celery gets up like this, it's still our family."

Are you right? But this post is also bad. Are these words muddled? Did you ask Celery for this?

Is it all right?" Jia Lian said, "I asked you just now. The wife thought, "Don't tell me if he did it or not, he just did it."

Would a person accept a jerk? But I don't think Celie dares to do it: knowing that all the girls are mothers.

What if something happens to the mother that she wants to shout for a moment? According to her nephew's opinion, it's not difficult to ask.

What can my wife do?" Mrs. Wang said, "Where are the girls now?" Jia Lian said, "They are all in the garden.

It's locked in. Mrs. Wang said, "Do the girls know about it?" Jia Lian said, "About all the girls know that.

If it's inside the Palace of Preparations, nothing else is mentioned outside. Mrs. Wang said, "Yes. These things are for a moment.

It can't stay. I was going to send them here and there. You said it was good to keep them, but now it's not an accident.

Did you ask Lai Da to take him to his family and ask him if there is anyone in his family? Find out the documents and spend tens of dollars.

Two silver, hired a boat, sent a proper person to the local area, and all the documents were returned, but nothing happened. If

For the sake of one or two bad things, each of them keeps them vulgar, which is too guilty. If you send it to the official media here, though

We don't want value. They sell money. Where do they care about people's life and death? Where is celery?

Except for the sacrifice and celebration, nothing told him not to come here. Look at it carefully, you can't eat it if you touch it in your old man's temper.

Walk in your pocket. It is also said that in the accounts room, this money and grain portfolio has been sold. He also sent a person to Shuiyue Temple to talk about old people.

In addition to burning paper in the grave, my lord's decree requires them to go there and not to receive them. If there is any more bad wind

Sound, even the old lady is banished out.

Jia Lian agreed one by one. Go out and tell Laida what Mrs. Wang said and say, "Madam's idea, call you this way."

Run. That's it. Tell me to go back to my wife. You must go ahead. Come back, sir, and you'll follow your wife's advice."

When Lai Da heard about it, he said, "Our wife is really a Buddhist heart. It's too good to send this stuff back.

Heart, have to choose a good person. The celery elder brother unexpectedly handed over to the second master to develop. That poster, the slave thought to find out

Come on, pack him up. Jia Lian nodded and said, "Yes." Immediately send Jia Qin down. Lai Da is also in a hurry.

Take out Nuni and so on, and do as you wish. When Jia Zheng came back in the evening, Jia Lianlai returned to Jia Zheng in Ming Dynasty. Jia Zheng was originally a province.

Those who listen to the matter also put aside their hands. Only those rascals heard the Jia family send out twenty-four girls.

The one who doesn't want to? It's impossible for those people to go home without knowing where they're going, and it's hard to imagine.

As Daiyu became better and better, Zicun had nothing to do in the garden. When she heard the nuns and other preparatory orders in the palace, she went to Jia without knowing what to do.

Mother asks about it. When the Mandarin Duck sat idle, sat down to gossip, and mentioned the matter of nuns, the mandarin duck was surprised.

"I didn't hear it," he said. Come back and ask Grandma-in-law. As I said, I saw only two women in Fu's family.

Come and invite Jiamu's Ann. The mandarin duck will accompany her. The two women talked to the mandarin ducks because Jia Mu was sleeping in the dusk.

Sound, go back. Zicuckoo asked, "Whose family sent this?" The mandarin duck said, "It's disgusting! There's one in the family.

Girls, who are much longer, are like offering treasures. They often boast about how good their girls are in front of the old lady.

How good is the heart,'Good manners, concise speech, skillful work, able to write and calculate, respectful.

The most respectful person who grows up is the one who stays down peacefully. Come and make up such a set, often to the old lady

Listen too much. I'm tired of listening. These ladies are really disgusting. Our old lady prefers to listen to them. Old lady

Besides, there are Baoyu, who are very tired of the old ladies who are prejudiced against their families, and who are not tired of the old ladies who are prejudiced against them.

Are you surprised? The former son also said, "How many families do their girls have now come to ask for relatives? Their Lord refuses to respond."

In my heart, I only want to be close to people like us. Once praised, once flattered, the old lady's heart is alive

That's it."

After listening for a while, Zicuckoo falsely said, "If the old lady likes it, why don't you order Baoyu?" Mandarin Duck

As the duck was about to say the reason, he heard the old lady wake up. The mandarin duck catches up and the azalea can only stand up.

Come on. Back in the garden, he walked and thought, "Is there only one precious jade in the world? You miss him, too, I want to."

He. The one in our family is more and more infatuated! Look at his look, it must be on Baoyu.

What's the reason for the repeated illness? The "gold" and "silver" in this family are still unclear.

It's even more amazing to add another Fu girl. I see Baoyu's heart is on our one, too. Listen.

In the words of the Mandarin duck, it is to see one loves another. Isn't that what our girl is worrying about? The azalea was thinking

Wearing Daiyu, looking down, even I couldn't make up my mind. I could not help but be crazy. If you want Daiyu, don't worry about it.

And I'm afraid he's upset; if you look at him like that, you'll find him miserable. Think left and right and get upset for a while.

He spat at himself and said, "What worries do you have for others? Even if Miss Lin really deserves precious jade, his temperament is difficult.

Waiter's. Although Baoyu has a good temperament, she is too greedy to chew. I would advise people not to worry blindly. I am blind myself.

Worry, from now on, I will do my best to wait on the girl, the rest of the matter regardless. Think of it like this, and you're in a bad mood.

Chueh-ching. Returning to the Xiaoxiang Museum, I saw Daiyu sitting alone on the Kang, Li Li had done poems and essays before. rise

When Zicuckoo came in, he asked, "Where have you been?" Zicuckoo said, "Look at the sisters today." Daiyu

"But do you want to go to the sister of the attacker?" Zicuckoo said, "What am I going to do with him?" Daiyu thought to herself, "What's wrong with that?"

How smoothly did you say that? Feeling embarrassed, he spat: "You can't find anything to do with me! Pour tea!"

Come on."

Zicuckoo also laughed in her heart and came out to pour tea. Just listen to a pile of noises in the garden, somehow. Pour tea on one side.

Ask someone to inquire. He came back and said, "The crabapples in Yihong Courtyard had withered a few trees, and nobody watered them. Yesterday

Ribaoyu went to see that there seemed to be some flowers on the branches. No one believed in him and ignored him. Suddenly it opens today.

Very good crabapple flowers, people were surprised, all rushed to see, even the old lady, wife were agitated to see the flowers.

So Grandma asked people to clean up the leaves in the garden, and these people were summoned there. Daiyu heard it, too. She knows how old she is.

When his wife came, she changed her clothes and asked the snow geese to inquire, "If the old lady comes, let me know." Snow geese go

After a long time, he ran and said, "The old lady and many ladies are here. Please ask the girl to go." Daiyu took a photo of herself

Looking in the mirror, I grazed my hair and took Zijuan to Yihong Courtyard. I saw the old lady sitting on Baoyu's bed.

Up. Daiyu said, "Please give an old lady an anniversary." After retreating, I met Mrs. Xing Wang and returned with Li Wan, Tan Chun,

Xichun and Xingxiuyan said hello to each other. Only Sister Feng will have a future because of illness; Shi Xiangyun will return to Beijing because of his uncle's transfer and take over his family.

To go; Xue Baoqin went to live with his sister's house; Aunt Li brought her to live outside because she saw many things happening in the garden.

Daiyu saw only a few people today.

Everyone laughed and talked about how weird the flower was. Jia Mu said, "This flower should open in March, such as

Although it is November, due to the late solar terms, it is still October, due to the weather in Xiaoyangchun, because of the warmth, there are also blossoms.

"Yes." Mrs. Wang said, "It's not surprising that the old lady sees so much." Mrs. Xing said, "I heard this.

Flowers have withered for a year. Why should they not open this time? There must be a reason." "Old lady," said Li Yi with a laugh.

I'm talking to my wife. According to my confused idea, Baoyu must have a happy event. This flower comes first to report the news. spring outing

Although he did not speak, he thought to himself, "It must not be a good omen. Every man who is prosperous in Shunshun dies in adversity; every plant knows its fortune, and every now and then it happens.

It must be evil." But it's hard to say. When Daiyu heard that it was a happy event, she was so touched that she said happily, "When

There was one Jingshu in the family of Chutian, and the three brothers separated, and the Jingshu withered. Later, he touched his brothers, but still

When the old one is together, the Jingshu will be honored. It can be seen that the grass and trees are also human. Now my second brother is studying hard, uncle is happy.

Huan, the tree will be sent out. Mrs. Jia Muwang liked it and said, "Miss Lin has a good analogy, very good.


Just then, Jia Hui, Jia Zheng, Jia Huan and Jia Lan all came in to see the flowers. Jia Amnesty then said, "According to my idea, take it as an example."

He cut it off. It must be a monster." Jia Zheng said, "It's no wonder that it's self-defeating. Don't cut him down, just let him go.

Yes." When she heard this, she said, "Who's talking about it here? It's not surprising that people have good news. if

Good things, you enjoy; if not, I should go alone. You mustn't mix it up!" Jia Zheng did not dare to listen.

Speech, chattering Comrade Jia Amnesty and so on came out.

Happy, the mother sent a message to the kitchen: "Quickly prepare the feast, everyone appreciate the flowers." Called Baoyu and Huan

Er, Lan Er: "Everyone makes a poem to express their joy. Miss Lin's illness is good. Don't bother him. If you are happy, give it to you.

Change it." "You all accompany me to drink," said Li Qi. Li Yi promised yes, and smiled at Tan Chun and said, "Du"

It was you who made a scene." Tanchun said, "If you don't ask us to do poems, why are we making trouble?" Li Yi said, "Haitang Society does not.

Did you start? Now the crabapple is coming to join the club too." Everyone laughed.

The old lady liked each other as she drank and served wine and vegetables. Everyone made some interesting remarks. Baoyu

When he poured the wine, he set up four lines of poetry, which he wrote and read to Jia Mu, saying:

What's wrong with crabapple? Flowers blossom at the bottom today?

Should be the Beitang Longevity Enhancement Examination, one Yang Xuanfu occupies the first plum.

Jia Huan also wrote and read:

Vegetation sprouts in spring, and crabapple does not have a deviation from the weather.

How many wonders on earth, winter blossoms alone.

Jia Lan copied the official script and presented it to Jia Mu. Jia Mu ordered Li Wannian to read:

Smoke fades before spring, frost blows after red snow.

Mo Dao's knowledge of this flower is shallow, and he is glad to have a cup of Acacia in advance.

After listening, Jia Mu said, "I don't understand poetry very well. It's better for Laner to listen to it than for Huan Er to do it well. Come up for dinner.

Come on." When Baoyu saw that Jia Mu liked it, she was even more thrilled because she remembered, "The year Qingwen died, Begonia died; today, Begonia died."

Begonia Furong, these people in our hospital are naturally good, but Qingwen can't be reborn like a flower. immediately sense

Turn joy into sorrow. Suddenly recalled that the day before yesterday, Sister Tifeng, Qiao's sister, wanted to fill in the five children. "Or this flower bloomed for him, it's not known."

But he turned sadness into joy, still laughing.

After sitting for half a day, Jiamu helped the Pearl back and Mrs. Wang waited to follow her. I saw Ping Er laughing and laughing.

Our grandmother knew that the old lady was here to enjoy flowers, and she could not come, so she asked the slaves to come and wait on the old lady.

Ladies and wives. There are also two red flowers for Bao Erye to wrap as a gift. The attacker came and took over, presented.

Look at it with Jia Mu. Jia Mu laughed and said, "It's the Phoenix girl who does something to make people look respectable, fresh and very nice.

Interesting." Xiren smiled and said to Pinger, "Go back and thank Second Master Bao for her second wife: Be happy, everyone is happy."

When she heard this, she laughed and said, "Ouch! I forgot. Although the Phoenix girl is ill, it's still what he wants, and it's also a coincidence.

As he spoke, the crowd went with him. "Grandma said,"This flower blossoms strangely and calls you hinged.

If you hang a piece of red silk, you should go on a happy occasion. There's no need to talk about it as a miracle in the future. The attacker nodded and answered

Should, send Pinger out without mentioning.

On that day, Baoyu was wearing a round leather jacket and resting at home. When he saw the flowers blooming, he just came out and looked at them once.

Appreciation, sigh and love once, countless joys and sorrows in my heart, have made this flower. Suddenly I heard

When Jia Mu wanted to come, she changed a fox armpit and arrow sleeve, covered with a black fox leg jacket, and came out to meet her. In a hurry,

No "Tongling Baoyu" was hung up. Later, when Jia Mu went, she still changed her clothes, and Xiren saw that Baoyu was not hanging around her neck.

Then he asked, "Where is the jade?" Baoyu said, "Just now I was busy changing clothes and took them off and put them on the Kang table. I didn't.

Take it." When the attacker looked back at the table, there was no jade, so he looked everywhere for it. There was no trace of it. He was frightened and sweaty.

Baoyu said, "Don't worry, don't be in the house. Ask them. Hidden as Musk Moon

To frighten him to play, he smiled at Musk Moon and said, "Little hoofs, there is a way to play in the end. Hide this thing.

Where is it? Don't really lose it, then everyone can't live!" Musk Moon and others all said, "This is where it is."

Talk? Play is play, laugh is laugh. This is not a joke. Don't talk nonsense. You've lost your mind. Think about it.

Think about putting it there? Now it's a mess again! " When the attacker saw that his situation was not like a joke, he was anxious to say:

"Emperor Heaven Bodhisattva! Little ancestor! Where on earth have you left it?" Baoyu said, "Ming Ming-er I remember is on the Kang table.

You're looking for it."

Sheyue and others dare not let people know that they are searching everywhere stealthily. For most of the day, it had no effect.

Even turning over the boxes and emptying the cages, there was nowhere to look for them, so I wondered who had checked them out before these people came in. The attacker said

"Come in, who doesn't know that this jade is a life-like thing? Who dares to check it! Don't say anything about it first, anyway."

Ask everywhere. If there are sisters to check and play with us, you kowtow to him and ask for it; if there is a little girl

The chiefs stole it, asked it out, and never looked back. Whatever they did to send him for it, they made it. That's not true.

It's a trivial matter. It's more advantageous to lose this than to lose the second master of Bao!! ___________ Musk Moon and Autumn Ribbon Just Going Out, Attacking People

He rushed out and told him, "Don't ask anyone who eats here in the head first. If you can't find it, you'll get some more ups and downs.

Not good." Musk Moon and others followed his words and asked questions everywhere. Everyone wondered. Both of them came back in a hurry.

Staring at each other, looking at each other. Baoyu was also frightened. All he needed was to cry. Seeking is nowhere, but daring not return.

Back, the people in Yihong Courtyard are scared like wooden sculptures and mud sculptures.

Everyone was in a daze, and all they knew was coming. Tanchun calls for closing the garden door and calling for a wife first.

Two girls went everywhere to look for them, and on the other hand they called to tell the crowd, "If anyone finds out, give him a heavy reward."

Everyone wanted to get rid of the relationship, and the second heard of reward, and went through it desperately, even in the toilet.

Who knows that piece of jade unexpectedly resembles embroidery needle general, looked for a day, total no influence. Li Wan was in a hurry and said, "This is not the case."

It's fun. I'm going to say something rude." The crowd said, "What is it?" Li Yi said, "Here's the thing.

I can't take care of it. Nowadays, besides Baoyu, all the gardens are women. Ask all sisters, sisters and girls to follow.

The girl who came took off her clothes and everybody searched. If not, ask the girls to search for the wives and rude girls.

Head, I don't know how to make it impossible? Everyone said, "That's also reasonable. Nowadays, people are confused with each other.

That's the way it is. They wash it, too. Tanchun alone does not speak. Those girls are also willing to wash themselves. before

It's Ping Er, Ping Er said, "Fight me and search first." So each of them relieved himself. Li Wan mixed up in a rage. explore

Chun said to Li Qi, "Sister-in-law, you've also learned to be immaterial! That man has stolen it and is willing to do it."

Hide it on your body? Besides, it's a treasure at home, but what you don't know outside is waste. What do you steal from him?

Someone must have been pushing him.

When they heard that Huan Er was not here again, they all suspected him of running around the house yesterday, but they did not.

Ken said it. Tan Chun said again, "The only thing that makes it narrow is the ring. You sent someone to call him quietly, behind the scenes

He was coaxed to take it out, and then he was frightened to tell him to shut up. Everybody nodded. Li Wan then went to the level.

"You have to figure it out before you know it," the son said. Pinger promised and rushed off. Not long, with Jia

Here comes the ring. Pretending to be okay, the people made tea and put it in the inner room. The crowd deliberately chatted away.

Kai, originally called Pinger to coax him. Pinger smiled and said to Jia Huan, "Did you see that your second brother's jade has been lost?"

Jia Huan raised his face in a hurry, stared at him and said, "Why did you ask me to question me when someone else lost something?"

Am I a criminal burglar? When Ping Er saw this, he dared not ask any more questions, and then he laughed again, "That's not what I said.

Fearing that Sanye would take it to frighten them, he asked if he had seen it in vain so that they could find it." Jia Huan said, "His

Jade on him, did not see the need to ask him, how to ask me? You all hold him, got what do not ask me,

Ask me if you have lost something!" Say, get up and go. It's hard for people to stop him. Here Baoyu was in a hurry and said:

"It's all this rash! I don't want him, neither do you. If you go around, you will have a noisy courtyard.

As you know, isn't this a riot? Attacker waited anxiously and cried again, "Look at this jade throw, little ancestor!"

It doesn't matter; if you know it, we people will be crushed to pieces." With that, he burst into tears.

Come on.

All the more anxious, knowing that the matter could not be covered up, they had to negotiate and come back to Jiamu.

Baoyu said, "You needn't even discuss it. Just say I broke it and it's over." Pinger said, "My lord, it's so light and handy.

Words! Why did they smash it? They were dead, too. What if you want to break the ballast?

What about that?" Baoyu said, "Otherwise, I lost it when I went out." The crowd thought, "This sentence is still mixed up in the past.

But I didn't go to school these two days, and I didn't go anywhere else. Baoyu said, "Why not? Daqian is still in Linanbo.

I went to the theatre in the mansion. That's the end of the day." Tanchun said, "That's not right either. It was lost before.

Why don't you come back and forth on that day? People were wandering to pretend to lie, only to hear Aunt Zhao's voice crying.

Coming up, he said, "You lost something, you don't look for it. How can you call people to interrogate the ring behind their backs? I'll take the ring with me."

Come on, if you have sex with each other, let's kill them and let's go with you! ______________ He pushed the ring and said:

"You're a thief. Come on!" The rings of gas also cried out.

Li Wan was trying to persuade her, and the girl said, "Here comes my wife." There is no room for attackers to wait. Baoyu waited in a hurry

Come out to meet you. Aunt Zhao dared not speak for a moment and followed. Mrs. Wang was shocked when she saw everyone and believed in it.

When I heard this, I said, "Did you really lose that piece of jade?" No one dared to speak. Mrs. Wang went into the room and sat down.

Next, they called the attackers, panic attackers quickly kneel down, tearful. Mrs. Wang said, "Get up and make people feel fine.

Find it carefully. It's not good to be in a hurry." It's hard to say. Baoyu was afraid of attacking people and told them directly.

"Madam, it's not related to the attack. I lost it on the way to Linanbo Palace the day before yesterday." Mrs. Wang said:

"Why didn't you look for it that day?" Baoyu said, "I'm afraid they know, but I didn't tell them. My name is Baked Ming Waiting

I've looked for it all over the place." Mrs. Wang said, "Nonsense, nowadays it's not attacking people to take off their clothes.

When Da Fan'er came back from the house, his handkerchief and purse were shorter. He had to understand that besides, the jade was missing. Don't you ask?

Are you? Baoyu was speechless. When Aunt Zhao heard this, she was so proud that she busily said, "If you lose something outside, you can depend on it."

Huan Er -"Not finished, Mrs. Wang drank:"Here say this, and you say those things that don't matter!"

Aunt Zhao dared not speak. It was Li Qi who told Mrs. Wang the truth. Mrs. Wang's eager eyes

With tears in her eyes, she had to go back to her mother and ask Mrs. Xing about these people coming from her side.

Fengjie also heard that Baoyu had lost her jade in her illness. Knowing that Mrs. Wang was coming, she could not hide, so she helped Feng Er to come to the garden.

Just as Mrs. Wang stood up to leave, Sister Feng said timidly, "Please be kind to Mrs. Wang." Baoyu waited to ask Sister Feng how she was doing.

Mrs. Wang said, "Did you hear that, too? Isn't that a miracle? Just now she lost her sight and couldn't find it anymore?

You go to think: hit the old lady's girl over there, until you are even, whose hand is unstable, whose heart is narrow, I want

Go back to the old lady and find out carefully. Otherwise, the life of Baoyu has been cut off! ____________ Sister Fengjie answered, "We

Families have many hands, since ancient times, said,'Know your face and know your heart', where to keep who is good? But only a quarrel?

Yelling, as we all know, the man who stole the jade wants his wife to find out that he knows there is no place to bury him. He is in a hurry.

On the contrary, to destroy the mouth of destruction, then what can we do? According to my confused idea, I only said that Bao Yuben did not love him and lost him.

It doesn't matter, as long as everyone is more strict, don't let the old lady and the old man know. That's what I said. Secretly.

Visit everywhere and trick them out. At that time, Jade can also be found and charges can be determined: I don't know what's going on in my wife's mind? king

The lady was half a day late before she said, "Although you have a reason for that, how can you hide it from the Master?" then

Call Huan Er to say, "Your second brother's jade has been lost. If you ask you a question in vain, why are you yelling? If you yell, you'll break it."

I don't think you're going to survive if they destroy that!" Jia Huan cried in horror, "I dare not shout any more." Zhao

My aunt listened, and dared to speak there. Mrs. Wang then ordered the crowd to say, "I think there is no place to find naturally.

Well-behaved at home, but also afraid that he can not fly there? Just don't make a noise. Search for me in three days

Come out. If you can't find it for three days, you can't hide it, so you don't have to live quietly! " Say, then

Ask Sister Feng to follow Mrs. Xing and discuss trampling.

Here, Li Wan and others talked about it one after another, so they summoned all the people who looked at the garden to lock the gate and quickly pass on Lin Zhixiao.

When he came home, he told him quietly and called him, "Command the front and back doors: within three days, men and women alike,

You can walk from inside, and you are not allowed to let it out when you want to go out. Just say you lost something inside, and wait for it to come.

Landing, and then let someone out." Lin Zhixiao's family promised "yes", because they said, "The former slaves'family has also lost their home.

An irrelevant thing, Lin Zhixiao must understand, go to the street to find a word. What's that man called Liu Tie?

Mouth, measured a word, said very clearly, come back and press to find, find it." Hearing the attack, Ben Yang and Lin

"Grandma Haolin, go out and ask Uncle Lin to ask for us." Nalin Zhixiao's family promised to go out

Now. Xingxiu Yandao said, "It is useless to say that it is useless to measure and type the hexagrams outside. I smelled Miaoyu in the south to help you.

Why don't you bother him to ask? Besides, I've heard that this piece of jade originally has a magic opportunity, and I want to ask it out. Everyone was surprised.

"We've never heard him say anything about it," he said. Sheyue asked Xiuyan, "Do you want to come and ask him for help?"

Ken, good girl, I kowtow to the girl and beg her to go! If I ask, I will never forget you in my life.

Well." Say, hurry to kowtow, headland smoke quickly stopped. Daiyu and others also encouraged Xiuyan to speed up to Quercus.

Go to the nunnery.

On the other hand, Lin Zhixiao's family came in and said, "Girls are very happy! Lin Zhixiao came back after measuring the words and said that the jade was lost or not."

Yes, somebody will send it back in the future. When they heard this, they were all half-convinced and half-doubtful. Only Sheyue who attacked people liked it.

Great. Tanchun asked, "What is the word tested?" The way of Lin Zhixiao's family: "He talks a lot, and the slaves can't learn it."

Come up. I remember that the word "appreciation" was used to appreciate people. Without asking, Liu Tiezui said,'No lost thing.

Yes?'" Li Yi said, "That's good." The Tao of Lin Zhixiao's family: "He also said:"The first one on the word "reward"

The word "small", the word "mouth" at the bottom, this thing, very easy to put in the mouth, must be a jewel.

When they heard this, they praised him and said, "What a god! What do you say next?" The way of Lin Zhixiao's family: "He said:'Underneath

When the word "Bei" is split, it will not be a word "see", but will it not be "missing"? Because the word "dang" has been removed from the top.

Let's go to the pawnshop and find it. The word "appreciation" plus the word "person" is not the word "Qi"? As long as you find a pawnshop, there will be.

Man, when he has someone, redeems him. Is it not repayment? The crowd said, "If you do this, go to the left and look for it first.

Several pawnshops have been searched horizontally and vertically. When we have something, it's easy to ask people again." Li Wan

"As long as you have something, even if you don't ask people to make it." When you went, Mrs. Lin told her second grandmother the words of the word test.

When I return to my wife, I also reassure her. Just ask Grandma Two to send someone to look it up quickly." The Lin family agreed and left.

The crowd slightly calmed down and waited for the headland cigarette to return. While I was waiting, I saw baked tea with Baoyu at the door.

Watch out and ask the little girl to come out quickly. The little girl went out in a hurry. Bake the tea and say, "Come in quickly.

Tell us about the great joy of Erye and Mrs. Inside, Grandma and Girls! ___________ The little girl said, "You're quick.

Come on, why is it so cumbersome? Baking Ming laughed and clapped his hands and said, "I told the girl that the girl went in and went back. Let's go in and get together."

Individuals have to be rewarded. What are you looking at? My second master Bao's piece of jade, I'm sure it's coming."
