

英文 中文
♪More♪ ♪请赐予我♪
♪Give me more♪ ♪更多♪
♪Give me more♪ ♪更多♪
♪If I had a heart I could love you♪ ♪我若有心就会爱你♪
♪If I had a voice I would sing♪ ♪我若有声便会高歌♪
♪After the night when I wake up♪ ♪沉沉黑夜我将苏醒♪
♪I'll see what tomorrow brings♪ ♪敢问明日将奈我何♪
♪I... I... I...♪ ♪我...我...我...♪
♪If I had a voice I would sing♪ ♪我若有声就会歌唱♪
Erik. 埃里克
Ragnar Lothbrok, welcome to my house. 拉格纳·罗斯布洛克欢迎光临寒舍
You also, Rollo. 也欢迎你罗洛
I've done as you asked, Ragnar, 我已经照你的要求办了拉格纳
and sought out these young men to meet you. 挑选了这些男青年来见你
All of them have sworn upon their rings 他们都以臂环起誓
to keep this meeting a secret. 绝不泄露这次会面
You have done well, my friend, 你做得很好我的朋友
although I knew I could trust you. 虽然我早就知道我可以相信你
What are we here for? 我们来这是为什么

You are here, firstly, because you have nothing better to do. 你们之所以过来首先是因为没有更好的事情可做
See, all you lot live idle and wasted lives. 你们都活得非常清闲浪费人生
Listen to him! 听他说
We have built a new boat. 我们造了一艘新船
And with this boat, for the first time, 有了这首船有史以来第一次
we can go West. 我们可以去西方
Across the great sea, to a place called England, 穿过大海去一个叫英格兰的地方
where countless riches await us. 一个遍地黄金等着我们的地方
How would we steer across the open sea? 我们怎么驶过公海
We have discovered a way. 我们已经找到办法了
You want us to join you in the boat? 你们想要我们加入你的船队吗
Yes, we do. 对是的
And I have Ragnar's word that we will all be equal 而且拉格纳向我保证我们人人平等
and share equally the spoils of our raid. 平分我们掠夺来的战利品
If there are any. 前提是有战利品
What is your name? 你叫什么
Knut. 克努特
I promise you, Knut, 我向你保证克努特
I've heard witnesses. 我听亲眼目睹的人们说过
Just stories. 故事而已
Just stories... 故事而已...
Just stories. 故事而已
All things begin and end as stories. 所有的事都从故事开始以故事结束
We have to remember, though, 但是别忘了
that Earl Haraldson has ordered us to sail East. 哈拉德森伯爵命令我们去东方
The Earl knows nothing about our new boat. 伯爵完全不知道我们的新船
He knows nothing about the new way of navigating. 也完全不知道新的航线
This is why he refuses to let us go West. 这就是他为什么拒绝让我们向西行
He could kill us for disobeying his orders. 他可能会因为我们不服从命令而杀了我们
Yes, he could. 对有可能
We can offer you a chance to shine in battle 我们可以给你在战斗中发挥所长的机会
and impress the gods, 让诸神瞩目
and to bring back such plunder that you have never seen before. 还能带回你从没见过的诸多战利品
Have you got the balls to join us? 你们有胆加入吗
I'll go. 我去
- And I. - I will go. -还有我-我去
- I too! - I will too! -我去-我也去
- And I! - I will go! -还有我-我去
What about you, Knut? 你呢克努特
Are you coming? 你去吗

Yes, I want a good story to tell my children. 去我想以后给孩子们讲个好故事
Prepare to leave in the next few weeks, 准备好过不了几周就会出发
and tell no one that doesn't need to know. 不要告诉任何不相干的人
Good throw. 你扔的真好
Well played. 干得漂亮
Well? 什么事
My Lord, there was a meeting. 大人他们会面了
Where? 在哪
In the house of Erik Marteinn. 埃里克·马丁家
Was Ragnar Lothbrok there? 拉格纳·罗斯布洛克在吗
Yes, Lord. 在大人
Shall we show them the axe? 要处决他们吗
Nothing would please me more, but it's too soon. 我很乐意但现在还太早
We need to watch and wait. 我们需要先观望等待
Only good things come from watching... 观望和等待
and waiting. 不会有坏处
Were you looking at my wife? 你刚才是在看我的妻子吗
Have you slept with her? 你跟她上床了吗
No, Lord! 没有大人
I swear on all the gods. 我以诸神发誓
If she wants to sleep with you, 如果她想与你上床
then I give my permission. 我会允许的
It will be arranged. 我会安排好
So when do we sail? 我们什么时候出发
I already told you. 我说过了
I don't want you to come. 我不希望你去
Why not? 为什么
I need to leave the children and the farm 我必须把孩子们和土地
in the hands of someone I trust. 交给我信任的人
What if the Earl finds out we have gone without his permission? 如果伯爵发现我们未经批准擅自离开怎么办
He might try and claim our family home. 他可能会试图掠夺我们的家
This was going to be the most exciting voyage of our lives. 这会是我们这辈子最激动人心的航行
To go West! 西行
I have dreamed of it many times, 我做梦都梦过很多次
and in my dreams we are always together. 每个梦里我们一直都在一起
What if there is no West? 要是西方什么都没有呢
This is the most dangerous and stupid voyage ever. 这是有史以来最危险也最愚蠢的航行
What if we both die, hmm? 要是我们都死了呢
Then who would take care of the children... 谁来照顾孩子
Rollo?! 罗洛
You have no right to say that! 你没有权利这样说
All right, all right. You go. 好吧好吧你去
You go 你去
and I shall stay here and look after the children. 我留下来照顾孩子
Siggy? 西吉
Go away! 出去
It's so cold in here, 这里头真冷
but we'll be warm soon enough. 但咱很快就会热乎起来
What do you take me for? 你把我当什么了
Did you really suppose that 你还真以为
a worm like you could sleep with a woman like me? 我这样的女人会跟你这种贱人睡吗
I'm an Earl's wife! 我可是伯爵夫人
Now I know who to trust 我现在知道谁可以相信
and who not to trust. 而谁又不可以相信了
- Take him. - Yes, Lord. -抓住他-是大人
Get rid of him. 杀了他
Come. 过来
Outside. 去外面
Get up! 起来
My love! 亲爱的
Never mind that. Defend yourself. 别在乎那个你倒是自卫啊
How dare you? 你好大胆子
Am I not good enough for you? 对你来说我不够厉害吗
Am I not strong enough for you? 我不够强壮吗
Now listen... 听着
You listen. 你给我听着
Don't you remember? I saved your life. 你忘了吗我救了你的命
How could I forget? You keep reminding me. 我怎么可能忘记你一直在提醒我
I'm so angry with you! 我真的很生气
Stop! 停下
Are you mad? 你们疯了吗
You could have killed each other! 你们可能会杀了对方
Is that what you want? 你们想这样吗
We were just having an argument. 我们在吵架而已
Well, never argue like that again. 别再吵成那样了
Go on then! 接着睡吧
Back to bed! 回床上去
It's a fine thing 小猪给公猪
when the little pig teaches the boar a lesson. 一点教训 倒也不错
Olaf surprised me. 奥拉夫让我吃了一惊
I didn't think, out of all of them, he would behave like that. 我没想到这些人之中他会做出那种事
A man lives or dies by his honor. 人是靠着荣誉而生或死
That's true. 没错
that he really believed that I would give you to him. 还真以为我把你送给他呢
Honor is a rare commodity these days. 荣誉现在可是稀罕物
Yes. 是啊
Almost as rare as those in whom I can trust. 几乎跟我能信任的人一样稀罕
It's true, my love, 没错亲爱的
our enemies are everywhere. 我们的敌人无处不在
Everywhere? 无处不在吗
They cannot prevail. 他们不可能获胜的
They cannot prevail. 他们不可能获胜
Rollo. 罗洛
Go to board, Erik. 上船吧埃里克
Where is my anchor? 我的锚在哪
It was promised for today. 说好的今天会做好
Maybe your blacksmith is a liar. 你的铁匠可能是个骗子
I don't think so. 我不这样看
This hair is from his daughter's head. 这头发是从他女儿的头上剪下来的
I promised him 我跟他说了
that if he went to Earl Haraldson 如果他敢去找哈拉德森伯爵

