
翻译The Comprehensive Guide to NFTs

When I buy an NFT, what exactly am I buying? When most people ask this question, they are again referring to an NFT that’s a work of digital art, so let’s start there. 


An art collector purchasing an NFT buys a unique and secure digital token—backed by blockchain—representing ownership of that digital work of art. Put plainly, you get one digital file. The file contains a copy of the artwork, and it’s also tied to the blockchain. 


Seems simple, right? But, as you might imagine, to reduce NFT art to these details sort of misses the point. There’s much more to it, which becomes apparent when you understand that upon purchasing the NFT, your doing so enters the blockchain and becomes a part of the NFT itself. 


To put it another way, when you buy an NFT, you buy the fact that you have bought the NFT. The fact of your doing so is secured on the history of that NFT for all time, and this fact becomes verifiable by anyone, anywhere, as part of the blockchain. You own the digital file. You own it forever (or at least until you sell it). And anyone on the blockchain will be able to verify that fact at any time. 


Another useful question is: What don’t you buy when you buy an NFT? 


Well, you don’t own the rights to the work, or to representations of it; that copyright still rests with the creator/artist. (If you bought the copyright in addition to the NFT, then you would also own these things. However, most purchasers of NFT art do not do this.) Buying an NFT is more like buying a digital work of art with a unique serial number. It is up to the artist or creator how many NFTs like yours exist. A good analogy might be a limited-edition baseball card, or wristwatch, or print reproduction of a painting. Yours may be “1 of 100” or “1 of 1.” The important thing is—just like baseball cards, or watches, or prints—it is unique and can still go up in value, still be sold, and still be traded. It also has the unique advantage of authenticity that is backed by the blockchain. Is this a new and different sort of art collecting? Absolutely. But so is everything important when it first comes on the scene. Remember: NFTs are not “better” or “worse” to own than traditional forms of art. They are a new way to own art entirely.


