iOS 14 以上系统导致WiFi名称获取不到的情况

1. 问题

在 iOS14 中如果不允许精确定位,那么就获取不到WiFi的名称了。


+ (NSString *)wifiName {
    NSArray *interfaces = CFBridgingRelease(CNCopySupportedInterfaces());
    id info = nil;
    for (NSString *interfaceName in interfaces) {
        info = (__bridge_transfer id)CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo((CFStringRef)interfaceName);
        if (info) {
    NSDictionary *infoDic = (NSDictionary *)info;
    NSString *ssid = [infoDic objectForKey:@"SSID"]; // WiFi的名称
    NSString *bssid = [infoDic objectForKey:@"BSSID"]; // WiFi的mac地址
    NSLog(@"WiFi SSID = %@, MAC = %@", ssid, bssid);
    return ssid;

2. 解决


2.1 申请权限需要调用- (void)requestTemporaryFullAccuracyAuthorizationWithPurposeKey:(NSString *)purposeKey 方法。

⚠️:该方法起作用的前提是用户已经允许了定位,即授权状态不是 kCLAuthorizationStatusNotDeterminedkCLAuthorizationStatusRestrictedkCLAuthorizationStatusDenied

2.2 在申请临时开启一次精确位置权限前,需要在Info.plist中进行配置。

2.2.1 Info.plist 中的配置
  • 添加项目:NSLocationTemporaryUsageDescriptionDictionary,即: Privacy - Location Temporary Usage Description Dictionary
    在以上项目中添加键值对:PurposeKey : 说明描述,针对不同的使用场景,可以添加多个键值对。例如:
WantsToGetWiFiSSID : Your precise location will be used to get the current Wi-Fi SSID.
WantsToNavigate    : Your precise location will be used to calculate a route and allow you to use turn-by-turn directions.
2.2.2 说明描述的国际化
  • 需要在InfoPlist.strings中添加PurposeKey对应的国际化内容,例如:
WantsToGetWiFiSSID = "Your precise location will be used to get the current Wi-Fi SSID.";
  • 如果未提供国际化内容,则使用Info.plist中的说明描述;

2.3 代码实现

1️⃣ 申请临时开启一次精确位置权限:
if (@available(iOS 14.0, *)) {
    BOOL isFullAccuracy = self.locationManager.accuracyAuthorization == CLAccuracyAuthorizationFullAccuracy;
    if (!isFullAccuracy) {
        // 向用户申请临时开启一次精确位置权限
        [self.locationManager requestTemporaryFullAccuracyAuthorizationWithPurposeKey:@"WantsToGetWiFiSSID"];
2️⃣ 在授权状态改变的代理方法中再次获取WiFi名称,更新WiFi名称的显示:
- (void)locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization:(CLLocationManager *)manager API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0)) {
    // 1. 定位权限状态
    CLAuthorizationStatus status = manager.authorizationStatus;
    // 2. 精确定位权限状态
    CLAccuracyAuthorization accuracyStatus = manager.accuracyAuthorization;
    if (accuracyStatus == CLAccuracyAuthorizationFullAccuracy) {
    } else {
    NSString *wifiName = [ViewController wifiName];
    self.nameLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"WiFi名称: %@", wifiName];

2.4 临时获取的精确位置权限说明

2.4.1 权限会自动过期,当用户在使用App时(如App在前台)不会过期。

  • 前台 --> 后台(大概10s内) --> 前台,不会过期;
  • 前台 --> 后台(超过大概10s) --> 前台,过期;

2.4.2 App开启了持续的后台定位,不会过期。

  • ️ 添加后台定位的配置
    在Xcode的 Capability 中配置 Background ModesLocation updates

With UIBackgroundModes set to include "location" in Info.plist, you must also set this property to YES at runtime whenever calling -startUpdatingLocation with the intent to continue in the background.

  • ️ 允许后台定位:self.locationManager.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = YES;

重要提示:Setting this property to YES when UIBackgroundModes does not include "location" is a fatal error.即:允许后台定位的前提是在Capability 中配置了 Background ModesLocation updates,否则会产生致命错误。

3. iOS14 CLLocationManager 类中弃用的方法

  • 类方法[CLLocationManager authorizationStatus]已弃用,需调用实例属性: self.locationManager.authorizationStatus
  • 授权状态改变的代理方法的弃用:locationManager:didChangeAuthorizationStatus: --> locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization:
 *  locationManager:didChangeAuthorizationStatus:
 *  Discussion:
 *    Invoked when the authorization status changes for this application.
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didChangeAuthorizationStatus:(CLAuthorizationStatus)status API_DEPRECATED_WITH_REPLACEMENT("-locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization:", ios(4.2, 14.0), macos(10.7, 11.0), watchos(1.0, 7.0), tvos(9.0, 14.0));

 *  locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization:
 *  Discussion:
 *    Invoked when either the authorizationStatus or
 *    accuracyAuthorization properties change
- (void)locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization:(CLLocationManager *)manager API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0), macos(11.0), watchos(7.0), tvos(14.0));

4. 定位权限说明

高德开放平台的文档定位权限说明 中详细描述了 iOS 8.0 - iOS 14.0 前台定位与后台定位的配置情况。


你可能感兴趣的:(iOS 14 以上系统导致WiFi名称获取不到的情况)