人工智能应用研究快讯 2021-08-10

Artificial Intelligence Applications in Supply Chain Management

M Pournader, H Ghaderi, A Hassanzadegan...
International Journal of..., 2021
ABSTACT:This paper presents a systematic review of studies related to artificial intelligence (AI)
applications in supply chain management (SCM). Our systematic search of the
related literature identifies 150 journal articles published between 1998 and 2020. A...

[HTML] How Artificial Intelligence affords digital innovation: A cross-case analysis of Scandinavian companies

C Trocin, IV Hovland, P Mikalef, C Dremel
Technological Forecasting and Social..., 2021
ABSTACT:Artificial Intelligence (AI) is fuelling a new breed of digital innovation in Human
Resource Management by creating new opportunities for complying with General
Data Protection Regulation during data collection and analysis, decreasing biases...

[HTML] Compliance with medical recommendations depending on the use of artificial intelligence as a diagnostic method

M Soellner, J Koenigstorfer
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2021
ABSTACT:Advanced analytics, such as artificial intelligence (AI), increasingly gain relevance in
medicine. However, patients' responses to the involvement of AI in the care process
remains largely unclear. The study aims to explore whether individuals were more...

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Revolutionizing Digital Marketing

P van Esch, J Stewart Black
Australasian Marketing Journal, 2021
ABSTACT:Artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled digital marketing is revolutionizing the way
organizations create content for campaigns, generate leads, reduce customer
acquisition costs, manage customer experiences, market themselves to prospective...

Understanding artificial intelligence in the context of usage: Contributions and smartness of algorithmic capabilities in work systems

S Alter
International Journal of Information Management, 2021
ABSTACT:This paper presents an approach for describing and characterizing algorithms that
are discussed as though they embody artificial intelligence. After identifying
observations and assumptions related to algorithms and summarizing the work...

[PDF] Influence of Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering toward Sustainable Development——A Systematic Literature Review

B Manzoor, I Othman, S Durdyev, S Ismail, MH Wahab
Applied System Innovation, 2021
ABSTACT:The widespread use of artificial intelligence (AI) in civil engineering has provided
civil engineers with various benefits and opportunities, including a rich data
collection, sustainable assessment, and productivity. The trend of construction is...

[PDF] Roadmap of Designing Cognitive Metrics for Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)

JH Hsiao, HHT Ngai, L Qiu, Y Yang, CC Cao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.01737, 2021
ABSTACT:More recently, Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) research has shifted to focus
on a more pragmatic or naturalistic account of understanding, that is, whether the
stakeholders understand the explanation. This point is especially important for...

[PDF] Ignorance and the regulation of artificial intelligence

JM White, R Lidskog
Journal of Risk Research, 2021
ABSTACT:Much has been written about the risks posed by artificial intelligence (AI). This article
is interested not only in what is known about these risks, but what remains unknown
and how that unknowing is and should be approached. By reviewing and expanding...

Alleviating corporate environmental pollution threats toward public health and safety: The role of smart city and artificial intelligence

W Liu, Y Xu, D Fan, Y Li, XF Shao, J Zheng
Safety Science, 2021
ABSTACT:How does smart city via e-government construction affect firms' perceived
environmental regulatory pressure to prevent their environmental pollution behavior?
Building on the information mechanism, this study addresses this research question...

[HTML] Real-world artificial intelligence-based opportunistic screening for diabetic retinopathy in endocrinology and indigenous healthcare settings in Australia

J Scheetz, D Koca, M McGuinness, E Holloway, Z Tan...
Scientific Reports, 2021
ABSTACT:This study investigated the diagnostic performance, feasibility, and end-user
experiences of an artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted diabetic retinopathy (DR)
screening model in real-world Australian healthcare settings. The study consisted of...

Artificial intelligence and machine learning methods in predicting anti-cancer drug combination effects

K Fan, L Cheng, L Li
Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021
ABSTACT:Drug combinations have exhibited promising therapeutic effects in treating cancer
patients with less toxicity and adverse side effects. However, it is infeasible to
experimentally screen the enormous search space of all possible drug combinations...

Determination of the shear failure areas of rock joints using a laser scanning technique and artificial intelligence algorithms

Y Ge, Z Xie, H Tang, B Du, B Cao
Engineering Geology, 2021
ABSTACT:Two artificial intelligence models-backpropagation neural network (BPNN) and
support vector machines (SVM)-were created to investigate the effects of
mesostructure characteristics on the shear mechanical behaviors of rock joints. This...

[HTML] Trust and Trust-Engineering in Artificial Intelligence Research: Theory and Praxis

M Chen
Philosophy & Technology, 2021
ABSTACT:In this paper, I will identify two problems of trust in an AI-relevant context: a
theoretical problem and a practical one. I will identify and address a number of
skeptical challenges to an AI-relevant theory of trust. In addition, I will identify what I...

Artificial intelligence in orthopedic implant model classification: a systematic review

M Ren, PH Yi
Skeletal Radiology, 2021
ABSTACT:Although artificial intelligence models have demonstrated high accuracy in
identifying specific orthopedic implant models from imaging, which is an important
and time-consuming task, the scope of prior works and performance of prior models...

Improving Ischemic Stroke Care With MRI and Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence

Y Yu, JJ Heit, G Zaharchuk
Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2021
ABSTACT:Advanced magnetic resonance imaging has been used as selection criteria for both
acute ischemic stroke treatment and secondary prevention. The use of artificial
intelligence, and in particular, deep learning, to synthesize large amounts of data...

[PDF] Artificial Intelligence Service Robot Market Trend

EC Hwang
Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer..., 2021
ABSTACT:로봇은 인공지능 (AI) 기술을 비롯해 빅데이터, 센서기술, 클라우드 등 다양한 신 분야의
축적된 기술력과 노하우를 필요로 한다. 코로나 19 여파로 비대면 서비스에 대한 수요가
증가하고 정보통신기술이 발전되고 있는 가운데 청소용, 잔디 깎기, 가사용, 동반자 …

Deep learning in knee imaging: a systematic review utilizing a Checklist for Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging (CLAIM)

L Si, J Zhong, J Huo, K Xuan, Z Zhuang, Y Hu, Q Wang...
European Radiology, 2021
ABSTACT:Purpose Our purposes were (1) to explore the methodologic quality of the studies on
the deep learning in knee imaging with CLAIM criterion and (2) to offer our vision for
the development of CLAIM to assure high-quality reports about the application of AI...

[PDF] Classification of Explainable Artificial Intelligence Methods through Their Output Formats

G Vilone, L Longo
Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 2021
ABSTACT:Abstract Machine and deep learning have proven their utility to generate data-driven
models with high accuracy and precision. However, their non-linear, complex
structures are often difficult to interpret. Consequently, many scholars have...

The new frontiers in valvular heart disease: from artificial intelligence to new pharmacological targets in aortic stenosis

F Crea - 2021
ABSTACT:This Focus Issue on valvular heart disease contains the Clinical Research article
'Electrocardiogram screening for aortic valve stenosis using artificial intelligence',
authored by Michal Cohen-Shelly from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota...

Artificial Intelligence in Chest Radiography Reporting Accuracy: Added Clinical Value in the Emergency Unit Setting Without 24/7 Radiology Coverage

J Rudolph, C Huemmer, FC Ghesu, A Mansoor...
Investigative Radiology, 2021
ABSTACT:Objectives Chest radiographs (CXRs) are commonly performed in emergency units
(EUs), but the interpretation requires radiology experience. We developed an
artificial intelligence (AI) system (precommercial) that aims to mimic board-certified...

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