2019-05-07 雅思7 法律和社会

雅思7 法律和社会

laws, rules, regulations, restriction, strict rules, lawless society

restrain, regulate, impose, embrace, thrive flourish

重点关注 strict restrict / restrain restriction

Laws refer to the rules imposed on human beings. Although  strict laws can restrict our freedom, but I believe that laws play an important role in regulating people's behavior.

Admittedly, sometimes strict rules and laws can restrain individuals' freedom and stifle creativity, which can prevent us from building a prosperous society.(even hamper the process of the society). When a country impose more restrictions on business world(commercial activities),  the economic / economical activities will not thrive(flourish). If  high income earners are subjected to high tax rates, they will be reluctant to make greater efforts to increase their income. On the contrary , if the official government  release restrictions , innovations contributing (which can contribute)to the social productivity will be greatly promoted.

However, if people obey rules, a country can operate orderly and embrace more opportunities for economic development. People obey traffic regulations; otherwise, traffic accidents will increase and traffic congestions will become a social problem. Those who sales fake products online should be punished, so consumers will visit online shops. In contrast, in a  lawless society, people do not have a sense of security when they do business, drive to work and buy consumer goods, which have negative impacts on the economy.(交代背景用介词,影响用主动)

In addition, people can  live in a close-knit relationship and peaceful life, where they follow social rules and behave in a socially accepted way. It is acknowledged that people are sometimes motivated by self-interest to develop bad behavior pattern. If they obey rules and social norms, they are more likely to know how to show good manners to others and live in harmony with them. For example, people who know business manners may keep their voice down when talking on the phone in the workplace, so their colleagues can concentrate on their work and the company can operate effectively. This can be applied to the whole society.

To sum, It is reasonable to assume that the society can not (operate well) run effectively without laws and rules. Though laws can regulate their incomes and injustice behaviors, the propose of laws is creating a harmony society.

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