





Hey everyone, good afternoon! Thanks for having us today. Let’s get this started!



Can you introduce yourself to the Threshold community?



Hello everyone I am one of the Co-founders of NuLink. In addition I have co-founded Up Strategy Lab, MuchSkills, and One Life Dreams. Previously I was Chief Commercial Officer of Appland, Chief Marketing Officer of Mentice and COO of Appgate (Former Cryptzone). My expertise is B2B sales, marketing and channel partner programs. In addition, I worked 10 years with encryption, privacy and data security . Super excited to be in this AMA

大家好 我是NuLink的联合创始人之一。此外,我还与他人共同建立了战略实验室、多技能实验室和一个人生梦想。以前我是Appland的首席商务官、Mentice的首席营销官和Appgate(前Cryptzone)的首席运营官。我的专长是B2B销售、营销和渠道合作伙伴计划。此外,我在加密、隐私和数据安全方面工作了10年。 非常高兴能在这里


Can you briefly tell us what “NuLink” is in 3-5 sentences?



Yes absolutely I can do that @MrsNuBooty For everyone that are not an engineer I would say: NuLink combines best of breed technologies in privacy and security to create an API that developers can use in their decentralized applications. With this powerful API the developers and app builders can add security and privacy. This can be any type of tech like a NFT trading platform, a health platform, system to store private information, system to handle credit card info and much more.

是的,绝对可以@MrsNuBooty 对于每一个不是工程师的人,我想说:NuLink结合了隐私和安全方面的最佳技术,创建了一个API,开发人员可以在其分散的应用程序中使用。有了这个强大的API,开发者和应用开发者可以增加安全性和隐私。这可以是任何类型的技术,比如NFT交易平台、健康平台、存储私人信息的系统、处理信用卡信息的系统等等。

For tech people I would say: NuLink network is a decentralized solution for privacy-preserving applications developers to implement best practices and best of breed security and privacy.

对于技术人员,我想说:NuLink network是一个分散的解决方案,用于保护隐私的应用程序开发人员实施最佳实践以及同类最佳的安全和隐私。

The NuLink platform provides endpoint encryption and cryptographic access control. Sensitive user data can be securely shared from any user platform to cloud or decentralized storage and access to that data is granted automatically by policy in Proxy Re-Encryption or Attribute-Based Encryption


For the data user on the other side, Zero-Knowledge Proof can help them verify the data source. In more advanced privacy-preserving use cases, NuLink uses Fully Homomorphic Encryption to customize enterprise-level data computation services.



That’s great! I’ve been watching y’all grow for the last few months. Can you tell me about the milestones you have achieved so far and about your upcoming plans?

太好了!过去几个月我一直看着你们长大。  你能告诉我到目前为止你已经实现的里程碑和你即将实施的计划吗?


This is our release plan. We have completed the Polkadot pallet recently and are currently working on the Polkadot watcher node.

这是我们的发布计划。我们最近完成了Polkadt托盘,目前正在Polkadt watcher节点上工作。

Once we finish this, all the users in Polkadot will find it easy to use our privacy preserving services in their applications. If any of you want follow more closely you can go to our blog https://www.nulink.org/blog and read our monthly reports.

一旦我们完成这项工作,Polkadot的所有用户都会发现在他们的应用程序中使用我们的隐私保护服务很容易。如果你们想更密切地关注我们的博客,可以访问我们的博客https://www.nulink.org/blog 阅读我们的月报。

We are on target and are developing in full speed.



That’s great Daniel! What problems does NuLink aim to solve and what are the solutions?



There are a lot of exciting things we are doing. Today, businesses across the spectrum understand that data is the key to maximize business value.


Almost all businesses are mining data to fuel innovation and growth. Meanwhile data can cause irreparable damage to businesses, reputations and people’s lives if sensitive information leaks in a data breach.


In many cases, even though the law requires companies to implement data protection (for example, Europe’s GDPR or General Data Protection Regulation that is known as the toughest privacy and security law in the world), businesses regardless of size – enterprise, small or medium businesses or startups – often find it difficult to protect their users’ data.


Finding a solution to these data privacy problems is the motivation behind NuLink.


By integrating best-in-class technologies we are building a strong technology foundation. The technical solutions provided by NuLink cover three main categories.



    1.To ensure the availability of data in ciphertext form. The crypto techniques used here mainly include Zero Knowledge Proof.

2.Privacy-preserving data sharing. The general method is to encrypt data and let the data owner control access to it. The technologies include decentralized encrypted storage, proxy re-encryption, identity-based encryption and attribute-based encryption, etc.


3.Privacy-preserving data computing, which involves the integration of certain privacy computing capabilities into smart contracts. The technologies used include multi-party secure computing, homomorphic encryption and so on.


These three kinds of technical solutions can provide privacy-preserving applications in many application fields.



Can you describe some applications of the NuLink technology?



There are soooooo many where we need security and privacy.


As I mentioned above, NuLink provides three kinds of technical solutions for many privacy-preserving scenes:


encrypted NFTs trading market, secure electronic health records sharing, decentralized digital rights management, secure data sharing collected by IOT devices, financial encrypted data prediction, privacy-preserving social network, etc.


One of the most exciting use scenarios for NuLink’s technology solution is in the encrypted non-fungible token (NFT) trading market.


The NFT market is booming – in the first half of 2021, NFTs saw $2.5 billion in sales. This means there is a great opportunity for new solutions that take NFTs to the next level.


At NuLink, our first objective will be to provide technology for NFT marketplaces to facilitate private auctions, encrypted and private collections, and entirely new exciting use cases for encrypted NFTs.


For instance, the NuLink solution makes it possible for artists to set up secure online private auctions where potential buyers can virtually view and bid for the art pieces on sale. 例如,NuLink解决方案使艺术家能够建立安全的在线私人拍卖,潜在买家可以在那里虚拟地观看和竞价出售的艺术品。

The artist could also create special viewing events for their most dedicated fans or special collectors. Similarly, NFT owners will be able to securely share access to a specific NFT or their private collection with whomever they desire and even charge a viewing fee.


I made a video where I in more detail describe why privacy matters for NFTs


I think what is so exciting with security for NFT is that we can take it to the next level and find new interesting use cases.



Does NuLink have a token and what is it used for?



Yes we do!


NuLink’s token symbol is NLK. The total supply of NLK is 1 billion and it will be generated in two stages:


pre-allocation and stake mining after the mainnet launch.The pre-allocation of NLK can be classified into four categories: Foundation (15%), BD & Community Incentivization (20%),


Core Team Incentivization (15%) and Pre-sale (20%). After the mainnet is launched, the remaining 30% of the total supply will be mined by Providers in the NuLink network within four years.


After four years, the new mining rules will be determined by the on-chain governance mechanism (DAO) maintained by the community.


In the NuLink network, NLK tokens have the following main functions. They will be:


    Used as the staking collateral for different kinds of Providers (Proxies, Watchers, Computing Providers, Storage Providers). Providers need to stake NLKs in the NuLink network to provide services and obtain benefits. Meanwhile, they will bear the risk of NLK slashing in the case of a penalty.


2. Used as the staking benefits for different kinds of Providers (Proxies, Watchers, Computing Providers, Storage Providers). If the Providers provide proper services in the NuLink network, they will be rewarded with NLKs.


3. Used as the NuLink network’s service fees. Users in NuLink who want to use the service (secure data storage, secure data sharing or secure data computing) need to pay fees to the corresponding providers.


4. Used in the election and voting of the on-chain governance mechanism (DAO). NLK is used to vote on proposals.


If you are new to Nulink you can check out our Whitepaper https://www.nulink.org/whitepaper



Can you briefly describe the architecture of NuLink?


The NuLink network integrates the Application Layer, the Cryptograph Layer, the Storage Layer, the Blockchain Layer and the Watcher Network: NuLink网络集成了应用层、加密层、存储层、区块链层和观察者网络:

    The Application Layer: The Application Layer is an abstract interface layer that directly interacts with the application. The Application Layer also needs to interact with the Cryptograph Layer to grant authorization of the application’s privacy data.


2. The Cryptograph Layer: The Cryptograph Layer is an entity that handles cryptographic operations on behalf of the Application Layer. The cryptographic operations include key generation, encryption, decryption, etc. The Cryptograph Layer also needs to connect to the Storage Layer and is responsible for uploading and downloading the encrypted privacy data.


3. The Storage Layer: The Storage Layer is a storage network that can be used to store encrypted privacy data. Currently, we support IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) as our decentralized storage network. Other storage networks such as Swarm and S3 will be available soon.


4.The Blockchain Layer: The Blockchain Layer is the blockchain system that can handle the proxy registration and re-encryption request management. Currently, proxies can register in Ethereum only. However, the user could send their requests to other blockchain systems such as Polkadot and Solana.


5. The Watcher Network: The Watcher Network is a relayer network that relays the information of proxy nodes from Ethereum to other blockchain systems. The Watcher Network will be maintained under an on-chain governance mechanism (DAO) to guarantee its decentralization and security.

5.观察者网络:观察者网络是一个中继网络,将代理节点的信息从以太坊中继到其他区块链系统。观察者网络将在链上治理机制(DAO)下维护,以确保其分散性和安全性。You have also more info here https://www.nulink.org/technology



Can you explain the relationship between NuLink and NuCypher? (soon, Threshold)



Well first of all we LOOOOOVE the Threshold community and I see us strong together


NuLink is an independent privacy project. It got official support from NuCypher when the project started. Our team cooperates with the NuCypher team both in Technology and Business Development.



Here I want to cite a comment from Maclane(The Co-founder of NuCypher) to explain the difference between NuCypher and NuLink.


"I'm excited to see NuLink bring NuCypher/Threshold's proxy re-encryption and other privacy-preserving technologies to smart contract platforms beyond Ethereum. Cross-chain interoperability is both one of the hardest technical problems and alluring siren calls in the blockchain space. “


The NuLink team is well-positioned to execute on making this dream a reality and I'm happy to support them in that quest." NuLink团队在实现这一梦想方面处于有利地位,我很高兴在这一任务中支持他们。"

To say it more simple you can say that NuCypher is more focused on building the tech for encryption keys.


What Nulink want to do is to combine it with other tech and make it easy for any developer to use strong security.


This is an AMAZING combo. Nulink will enable so NuCypher tech will be used in even more appllications. 这是一个惊人的组合。Nulink将启用,因此NuCypher技术将在更多应用程序中使用。


Do you have any community incentives or airdrops? How do people get involved?



ohhhhhhhh yes we dooooooo!!!!!!!


We have 20% tokens reserved for all kinds of community incentive activities, please feel free to join our community.



That is awesome!! 太棒了!!


We have a big naming chic and dont miss it!!!!!



I also saw a contest that y’all just did for finding a cool name for the community. Was the NuTangClan y’all’s inspiration?



Ha ha not sure where the inspiration come from because there was so much going on. But I am sure there was some from that.

哈哈,不知道灵感来自哪里,因为有太多的事情在进行。 但我相信这其中也有一些原因


Oh it says it right there on the flyer! Super cool. I might have put in a name!



Ha ha ha amazing

Dont miss everyone!!!!!!! We need an amazing name




I have a couple of more questions and then we will take community questions.



I saw that NuLink recently raised 4 Million US Dollars from investors; Congratulations! Was there a common theme as to what exactly they were most excited about?



For anyone who missed the news you can check it out here https://news.coincu.com/39563-nulink-4-million-protection-technology/


A common theme was that investors are very interested in encryption, security and privacy. I assume they have seen that we need to add this type of tech to really make some applications more useful and valuable.


I also think many of the investors really like our big vision and that we truly want to help decentralized apps to be more secure and valuable.


Then finally I think they saw that we have a good team that are engaged and very experienced. All of us in the team have done some interesting things in the past.



That’s all of the questions I have for you today Daniel. I really appreciate this AMA, it has been very insightful! Do you have time to answer a few more questions that people want to drop?



Yes absolutely 当然可以

Love to answer questions as good as I can .Please note I am not an engineers so I may not be able to answer deep technical questions.

我喜欢尽可能地回答问题 请注意,我不是工程师,因此我可能无法回答深入的技术问题。


That’s okay! Now is the time for everyone who had questions earlier in the AMA to give Daniel a shot at getting your question answered.


Community Questions:社区提问

Who is NuLink’s competition in the DeFi space, if any, and what are your primary advantages/differentiators over said competition? (Question from NoLongTalking)



We are not working on DeFi. But we are creating encrypted NFT, a niche market by implementing new features by our PRE scheme.


Could you tell us what is driven you founding this project?( Question from S Watson)



Yes absolutely. I worked with IT-security for over 10 years. The problems back then are the same as today. This is because security is complicated, expensive and time consuming. We want to change this with Nulink and make it easy to implement security


Hello Daniel I have a question. I saw NuLink's November official monthly report showing that you are working with SupraOracle. Compared with ChainLink, what are their advantages?( Question from joe_)

你好,丹尼尔,我有个问题。我看到NuLink 11月份的官方月报显示,您正在与甲骨文合作。与ChainLink相比,它们的优势是什么?


can you answer this one @David chuang


David chuang:

We can’t judge between other projects. We just would love to work with any parties need more data security in their network or ecosystem, but they do have own tactics in both their tech and marketing. We can help both of them. For Supra Oracles we can help them with off chain data verification and inter chain security .


But why not use chainlink as the oracle? Now that chainlink has integrated so many projects, and it is also considered to be an industry standard and a safe and reliable oracle.( Question from Eric Wang)


How did you learn about Nucypher's data encryption?(Question from Xkoyopa)



That is a funny story. We applied for a Web3 grant. NuCypher saw this and contacted us and said that we should work with their technology. We loved the suggestion and now we work together.


When IDO?( Question from大卫怕瓦落地)


Danielnilsson :

The date is not set yet. We are guessing sometime next year Q2 or Q3. We will make sure to choose the optimal time.


What type privacy measures do nulink provided to dapp?

(Question from:ZlePresident Of Smart Money 2.0)



We will do encryption and keys. You can read more here https://www.nulink.org/technology


hello Daniel, there are already a few privacy focused projects/network on the market, zen, oasis network, secret network , just name a few, how does nulink differentiate itself from other competitors?( Question from luckyrubyus)



This is a difficult question to answer because I will need to research all these projects.

What makes Nulink special and unique is that our team have the experience to build successful organisations.



Personally I built several companies including one in IT security with customer all over the world. In total I sold encryption to more than 850 customers.


in our team we have amazing engineers specialised in encryption, privacy and security with PHD and great knowledge. We also have digital product designers that worked with large companies all over the world including the biggest car brands.


maybe nulink is the nucypher implemented across chains, meaning nulink links the different blockchain with encrypting. haha,I guess

(Question from Daphnis)



Yes that is a good explination ha ha


like the project named as NuLink, any connection between two projects?  with Link i mean ( Question from FUZZY)

与名为NuLink的项目一样,两个项目之间是否存在任何连接? 我是说和Link在一起

DavidJiao :

We are independent project, but In the very beginning, we are trying to build PRE by using NuCypher’s active nodes. So we are actually building this T eco for other chains like polkadot. That’s the connection between us


我们是独立的项目,但在一开始,我们试图通过使用NuCypher的活动节点来构建PRE。因此,我们实际上是在为其他连锁店(如polkadot)建造T eco。这就是我们之间的联系。

How to join the community to share tokens?(Question from Chopper_won)


Danielnilsson :

Stay here in the Discord community and make sure to join all fin activities


How many people are on your technical team at the moment? Do they all have a strong background or achievements in cryptocurrency projects?(Question from qklzf)


Danielnilsson :

Yes they do ;-)!!!!!

But I personally dont have experience in cryptocurrency projects. I have experience in IT-security, Med-tech, value added services, marketing, sales and much more. I think we are a well balanced team with different specialities.


any early project adoption yet?( Question from FUZZY)


Danielnilsson :

We are having discussions with several projects but its to early still. 我们正在与几个项目进行讨论,但时间还早。

Can you tell us about some of your partners and who you plan to collaborate with in the near future ?( Question from Deloris)


Danielnilsson :

We are talking to several real world companies actually. We have one potential project where we will help a company save $10 000/month. We are also looking into car security and David wrote a super nice article about it



In general its really early since we are still developing all technology. When we are more ready we will work deeper on all collaborations.


What factors do you think are necessary for a blockchain project to succeed, and do Nulink have all these factors?( Question from MT)


Danielnilsson :

My personal opinion is that you need a really good team and a great concept. If you have these two the rest will work out by itself. The team will find solutions to the most complicated problems and find ways to bring value to the community and all users and customers.


Danielnilsson :

I am bias but I of course think we have a really cool team. I built a few companies successfully. @noel is a brilliant designer and worked for MIT Design lab in Boston. @DavidJiao has built up a company that provides autonomous wheelchairs. Chan our CTO is ultra smart ( way smarter than me) and his tech team are doing amazing deliveries


Will Nulink be combined with games to expand more application scenarios in the future?( Question from feng)


Danielnilsson :

One of the investors is a game studio and we will combine tech to provide some new interesting and cool concepts.


Hello, I would like to ask how can you use your API to implement personal and SME applications if you don’t have the relevant foundation? What I want to express is will you make a roadmap for learning to use NuLink technology? (Question from yuyang)


Danielnilsson :

Yes! This is very important for us but from start we will focus on developers and how they can use the APIs to add them to their own applications.


Will Nulink consider doing charity work in the future?( Question from 77)

Will Nulink将来考虑做慈善工作吗?

Danielnilsson :

We have not discussed this. Personally I like to do charity work. You can check out two previous projects I have done here https://www.onelifedreams.com/


What is your biggest challenge during the time that you build your project? How do you feel when you overcome this?( Question from Deloris)


Danielnilsson :

There are sooooooo many challenges. A big one will be to get all technologies working and ensure we provide amazing value. Me personally and I know the rest of the team would agree. We love to create amazing products and services used by many. Cant wait to see it being used

