2018-04-24 开胃学习数学系列 - Risk Capital Allocation

Bank's trading book

The trading book hierarchy is well defined and stable over time 结构定义良好而稳定

Diversification benefits

w=∑iwi 是公司的全部投资组合

  • wi is the notional vector of the i-th business unit,第i个业务部门的名义本金向量
  • wi could represent a single trade in the ultimate granularity wi可以代表单个交易的最终间隔

c(⋅) is a cost function of a portfolio 投资组合的成本函数:

  • c(w)=c(∑iwi) is the cost of the whole company 整个公司的成本
  • c(wi) is the standalone cost of the i-th business unit of the company 公司第i个业务部门的独立成本
  • risk capital is the most important cost functions, such as VaR, IRC

For most risk capital metrics: c(∑iwi)<∑ic(wi)

  • because of the diversification/hedging benefits 多元化/对冲的好处
  • total diversification benefits is therefore ∑ic(wi)−c(∑iwi) 总体分散后收益是Σic(wi)-c(Σiwi)

Allocation problem

How to divide the firm's total c(w) to individual business in an additive manner?

  • allocated cost ξi: c(∑iwi)=∑iξi by definition.
  • The core of the allocation problem is the fair distribution of diversification benefits
  • c(wi)−ξi is the diversification benefit allocated to the i-th business unit 分配给第i个业务单元的分散化收益
  • In practice, allocation runs all the way down to individual trades

Importance of allocation

  • Business performance is measured by return on capital (ROC)
  • ROC is computed using allocated capital ξi, not the standalone capital c(wi)
  • certain business is only viable as part of a bank as ξi 某些项目只有在作为银行的一部分时,是可行的,因为ξi
  • Business incentive is a critical consideration.
  • allocated capital is actively managed by business heads分配资金由负责人主动管理
  • allocation method directly affects trading desks' behaviour分配方法直接影响trading desk的行为
  • allocation method should incentivize risk reduction 分配方法应该激励降低风险
  • a business unit's action to reduce the firm's overall risk should also reduce its own allocation

Replacement cost

We use replacement cost as an example to illustrate allocation methods:


  • v is the PV vector of all tradable instruments (per unit notional),所有可交易工具的PV矢量

  • wTv is the portfolio's total PV,投资组合的总PV

  • Replacement cost is the aggregated PV of the portfolio against a particular counterparty, floored at 0,重置成本是投资组合对特定交易对手的合计PV,0为底

  • part of the Basel 3 leveraged balance sheet capital

  • it is a measure of MtM loss if the counterparty defaults

A simple example

A bank has only three trade against a counterparty, their PVs are:

The bank's total replacement cost is therefore:

Diversification benefits:

Standalone allocation

The simplest allocation strategy, allocation proportional to the standalone cost:

  • commonly used in practice
  • not intrinsically additive, need the ad hoc scaling factor
  • gives wrong business incentives (more on this later)

A model for fairness

In cooperative game theory, fairness is modeled by the following axioms:

  • efficiency: allocations sum up to total 分配加总 至 总和
  • symmetry: if two units' contribution are identical to any arbitrary subsets of units, their allocations are the same
    对称性:如果两个单位的贡献与任意任意单位子集相同,他们的分配是相同的 (这句话不了解)
  • linearity: allocation of sums equals to the sum of allocations
  • null: if a unit has no contribution to any subsets, it has 0 allocation 如果一个单位对任何子集没有贡献,则它有0个分配

Shapley allocation is the only fair allocation method:

A unit's allocation equals to the average of its marginal contributions over all possible permutations 一个单位的分配等于所有可能排列的边际贡献的平均值
Developed in 1960s, Sir L. Shapley received the 2012 Nobel prize.

Shapley allocation example

  • RC就是,相加后和0比较
  • 第二列是累积RC,所以像第二行,算出来负数,第三个数要继续计算
  • 留意一开始permutation,第三行把位置复原了
  • 我不知道意义何在,但是就是这么计算了

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