【图像误差测量】测量 2 张图像之间的差异,并测量图像质量(Matlab代码实现)






1 概述

2 运行结果

3 参考文献

4 Matlab代码实现

1 概述

【图像误差测量】测量 2 张图像之间的差异,并测量图像质量




- 均方误差 (MSE):计算两幅图像的像素之间差值的平方的平均值。较大的MSE值表示较大的差异。

- 峰值信噪比 (PSNR):通过比较两幅图像的动态范围和均方误差来评估图像质量。PSNR值越高,表示图像质量越好。

- 结构相似性指数 (SSIM):通过比较图像的亮度、对比度和结构信息等方面的相似性来评估图像的质量。较高的SSIM值表示较高的相似性。

- 互信息 (MI):衡量两幅图像之间的信息重叠程度。较高的互信息值表示较高的相似性。

- 泊松噪声比 (PNR):通过估计图像中的噪声和估计信号之间的比值来评估图像质量。较高的PNR值表示较好的图像质量。

另外,随着深度学习和人工智能的发展,还涌现出一些基于神经网络的图像误差测量方法,如基于卷积神经网络 (CNN) 的结构相似度指数 (CNN-SSIM) 和感知损失 (Perceptual Loss) 等。



1. 均方误差 (MSE):计算两张图像像素之间差值的平方的平均值。这个指标越小,表示两张图像越相似。

2. 均方根误差 (RMSE):将均方误差的结果开方,以得到具有与原始像素单位一致的测量值。

3. 峰值信噪比 (PSNR):通过比较两张图像的动态范围和均方误差来衡量图像质量。这个指标的值越高,表示两张图像之间的差异越小,图像质量越高。

4. 平均绝对误差 (MAE):计算两张图像像素之间差值的绝对值的平均值。与均方误差不同,MAE更加关注图像中的小差异。

5. 信噪比 (SNR):通过比较图像中有用信号的强度与噪声的强度来评估图像的质量。一个较高的信噪比表示图像中有较少的噪声干扰。

6. 通用图像质量指数 (IQI):综合考虑了图像的亮度、对比度、锐度和颜色等方面的信息,以评估图像的整体质量。

7. 增强测量误差 (EME):通过将图像的增强后版本与原始版本进行比较,来衡量图像的质量提升程度。

8. 皮尔逊相关系数:衡量两张图像之间的线性相关性。当相关系数接近于1时,表示两张图像高度相关;当接近于0时,表示两张图像不相关。


2 运行结果

【图像误差测量】测量 2 张图像之间的差异,并测量图像质量(Matlab代码实现)_第1张图片

【图像误差测量】测量 2 张图像之间的差异,并测量图像质量(Matlab代码实现)_第2张图片


noiseTypeModes = {
    'gaussian',         % [1]
    'salt & pepper',    % [2]    
    'localvar',         % [3]
    'speckle',          % [4] (multiplicative noise)
    'poisson',          % [5]
    'motion blur',      % [6]
    'erosion',          % [7]
    'dilation',         % [8]
    % 'jpg compression blocking effect'   % [9]
    % [10] Interpolation/ resizing noise 

noiseChosen = 2;
noiseTypeChosen = char(noiseTypeModes(noiseChosen));

originalImage = uint8(IMG);

%% plot original
titleStr = 'Original';

imagePlot( originalImage, plotRowSize, plotColSize, ...
                    plotIndex, titleStr );
plotIndex = plotIndex + 1;

for i = 1:(plotRowSize*plotColSize)-1

IMG_aforeUpdated = double(IMG);    % backup the previous state just in case it gets updated.

% returns the noise param updates for further corruption    
% IMG may be updated as the noisy image for the next round
[IMG, noisyImage, titleStr, sigma, dilationFilterSize, erosionFilterSize] = ...
    noisyImageGeneration(IMG, mean, sigma, offset, dilationFilterSize, erosionFilterSize, noiseTypeChosen);

imageQualityIndex_Value = imageQualityIndex(double(originalImage), double(noisyImage));

titleStr = [titleStr ',' newline 'IQI: ' num2str(imageQualityIndex_Value)];

imagePlot( noisyImage, plotRowSize, plotColSize, ...
                    plotIndex, titleStr );
plotIndex = plotIndex + 1;


if (~strcmp(char(class(noisyImage)), 'uint8'))
    disp('noisyImage is NOT type: uint8');

psnr_Value = PSNR(originalImage, noisyImage);
    fprintf('PSNR = +%5.5f dB \n', psnr_Value);
[mse, rmse] = RMSE2(double(originalImage), double(noisyImage));
    fprintf('MSE = %5.5f \n', mse);
    fprintf('RMSE = %5.5f \n', rmse);
%% Universal Quality Index
imageQualityIndex_Value = imageQualityIndex(double(originalImage), double(noisyImage));
    fprintf('Universal Image Quality Index = %5.5f \n', imageQualityIndex_Value);
%% Enhancement : measure of enhance- ment, or measure of improvement
[M M] = size(originalImage);
L = 8;
EME_original = eme(double(originalImage),M,L);
EME_noisyImage = eme(double(noisyImage),M,L);
    fprintf('EME (original image) = %5.5f \n', EME_original);
    fprintf('EME (noisy image) = %5.5f \n', EME_noisyImage);
%% PearsonCorrelationCoefficient
pcc = compute_PearsonCorrelationCoefficient (double(originalImage), double(noisyImage));
    fprintf('PearsonCorrelationCoefficient (originalImage vs noisyImage) = %5.5f \n', pcc);
pcc = compute_PearsonCorrelationCoefficient (double(originalImage), double(originalImage));
    fprintf('PearsonCorrelationCoefficient (originalImage vs originalImage) = %5.5f \n', pcc);

%% Signal to signal noise ratio, SNR
noise = double(noisyImage) - double(originalImage); % assume additive noise

% check noise
noisyImageReconstructed = double(originalImage) + noise;
residue = noisyImageReconstructed - double(noisyImage);

if (sum(residue(:) ~= 0))
    disp('The noise is NOT relevant.');

snr_power = SNR(originalImage, noise);
    fprintf('SNR = %5.5f dB \n', snr_power);
%% Mean absolute error, MAE
mae = meanAbsoluteError(double(originalImage), double(noisyImage));
    fprintf('MAE = %5.5f \n', mae);

noiseTypeModes = {
    'gaussian',         % [1]
    'salt & pepper',    % [2]    
    'localvar',         % [3]
    'speckle',          % [4] (multiplicative noise)
    'poisson',          % [5]
    'motion blur',      % [6]
    'erosion',          % [7]
    'dilation',         % [8]
    % 'jpg compression blocking effect'   % [9]
    % [10] Interpolation/ resizing noise

noiseChosen = 2;
noiseTypeChosen = char(noiseTypeModes(noiseChosen));

originalImage = uint8(IMG);

%% plot original
titleStr = 'Original';

imagePlot( originalImage, plotRowSize, plotColSize, ...
                    plotIndex, titleStr );
plotIndex = plotIndex + 1;

for i = 1:(plotRowSize*plotColSize)-1

IMG_aforeUpdated = double(IMG);    % backup the previous state just in case it gets updated.

% returns the noise param updates for further corruption    
% IMG may be updated as the noisy image for the next round
[IMG, noisyImage, titleStr, sigma, dilationFilterSize, erosionFilterSize] = ...
    noisyImageGeneration(IMG, mean, sigma, offset, dilationFilterSize, erosionFilterSize, noiseTypeChosen);

imageQualityIndex_Value = imageQualityIndex(double(originalImage), double(noisyImage));

titleStr = [titleStr ',' newline 'IQI: ' num2str(imageQualityIndex_Value)];

imagePlot( noisyImage, plotRowSize, plotColSize, ...
                    plotIndex, titleStr );
plotIndex = plotIndex + 1;


if (~strcmp(char(class(noisyImage)), 'uint8'))
    disp('noisyImage is NOT type: uint8');

psnr_Value = PSNR(originalImage, noisyImage);
    fprintf('PSNR = +%5.5f dB \n', psnr_Value);
[mse, rmse] = RMSE2(double(originalImage), double(noisyImage));
    fprintf('MSE = %5.5f \n', mse);
    fprintf('RMSE = %5.5f \n', rmse);
%% Universal Quality Index
imageQualityIndex_Value = imageQualityIndex(double(originalImage), double(noisyImage));
    fprintf('Universal Image Quality Index = %5.5f \n', imageQualityIndex_Value);
%% Enhancement : measure of enhance- ment, or measure of improvement
[M M] = size(originalImage);
L = 8;
EME_original = eme(double(originalImage),M,L);
EME_noisyImage = eme(double(noisyImage),M,L);
    fprintf('EME (original image) = %5.5f \n', EME_original);
    fprintf('EME (noisy image) = %5.5f \n', EME_noisyImage);
%% PearsonCorrelationCoefficient
pcc = compute_PearsonCorrelationCoefficient (double(originalImage), double(noisyImage));
    fprintf('PearsonCorrelationCoefficient (originalImage vs noisyImage) = %5.5f \n', pcc);
pcc = compute_PearsonCorrelationCoefficient (double(originalImage), double(originalImage));
    fprintf('PearsonCorrelationCoefficient (originalImage vs originalImage) = %5.5f \n', pcc);

%% Signal to signal noise ratio, SNR
noise = double(noisyImage) - double(originalImage); % assume additive noise

% check noise
noisyImageReconstructed = double(originalImage) + noise;
residue = noisyImageReconstructed - double(noisyImage);

if (sum(residue(:) ~= 0))
    disp('The noise is NOT relevant.');

snr_power = SNR(originalImage, noise);
    fprintf('SNR = %5.5f dB \n', snr_power);
%% Mean absolute error, MAE
mae = meanAbsoluteError(double(originalImage), double(noisyImage));
    fprintf('MAE = %5.5f \n', mae);

3 参考文献



[2]康立丽,林意群,林木炎.MR信噪比一幅图像测量方法与两幅图像测量方法对照研究[J].北京生物医学工程, 2004, 23(1):4.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1002-3208.2004.01.002.

[3]吴晓波,安文斗.图像测量系统中的误差分析及提高测量精度的途径[J].光学精密工程, 1997, 5(1):12.DOI:CNKI:SUN:GXJM.0.1997-01-022.

[4]廖强华,钟江生.基于图像处理的光纤阵列误差测量[J].计算机工程, 2006, 32(10):3.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3428.2006.10.097.

4 Matlab代码实现
